Local woman sought in connection with attempted sale of British assets to overseas buyers

A local woman is being sought in connection with the alleged, attempted sale of British assets to overseas buyers.

”Anyone with a fat pocket book seems to be the target,” a source inside Scotland Paddock told us, “apparently the idea is to flog off well known landmarks to gullible new money from abroad.”

Shipping was apparently included in the offer, although re-assembly would have been required on the receiving end.

”Only pavement delivery was on offer,” our insider adds, “although quite what your neighbours are going to think when a van drops off Tower Bridge in crates and speeds away without a signature is anyone’s guess.”

Although the chancer hasn’t yet pulled off the con, it’s believed they will keep trying until apprehended.

”There’s rumours that the Elizabeth Tower, which houses Big Ben, has actually been flogged off already.”

That would explain why the scaffolding hasn’t come down yet from the famous bell tower?

”Yes. My team is currently scouring the latest updates to Google Earth to see if we can spot it. We’ve also asked the International Space Station to keep a look out. To pay especial attention to mini golf courses owned by Donald Trump’s complex web of businesses to see if any new and startling features rise up and go bong.”

Police are asking all members of the public to be vigilant until a suspect has been apprehended.

But why try and pull off such a daring sale of U.K. plc assets like this?

”Addiction most likely. They’re saying they’re raising money for a family member’s operation. But my suspicion would be an addiction to a junk so powerful, once it’s in your bloodstream only intervention by 65M people can cure it.”

What drug is it?

”Power. It tends to make some people crazy and they don’t care who gets hurt when they’re high.”

Poor workman begins blaming his fools

“Infamy! Infamy!” A poor workman shouted today at any rag desperate enough for a sales boost to print his dissembling and lies, “they’ve all got it in for me!”

He was talking as his pet political project, Brexshit, showed distinct signs of being on the turn, like him allegedly seeing a bag of roubles, and on the nose, like any project of political Frankensteinism that the creators didn’t bother to sufficiently plan or power up.

It’s now starting to rot on the slab.

”If only the politicians that I abandoned my project to when it was half finished were making a better fist of it all would be perfect by now. We’d already be Singapore-on-Sea!”

Rot on the slab, stench of corruption wafting out the windows.

Presumably being perfect also means the hard right coup being so complete there’s no chance of meddling public inquiries and potential charges for things a little bit like treason?

“We can still have those!” he huffed, lurching upwards, “we are supposed to have those. Show trials for remainiac saboteurs! Cowed populace! Toilling the fields for the fatherland. Left or right wing Brexit it works either way.”

So it’s still possible for your project to succeed? Maybe you need different tools?

”That’s the Daily Mail’s plan. Painting up Jezza as being the hero of the hour. A right and proper fool. I mean, tool!”

As the corrupted juices of the monster stitched together from pieces of this Brexshit lie and that Russian bribe, pool on the tiles.

Labour Live tickets now come with blue passports to attract young voters

The organisers of the highly anticipated ‘Labour Live’ (Jezzfest) event on the weekend have announced a plan to send traditional blue passports out with ticket to boost last minute sales.

”Jizzfest is the most anticipated event this year, mashing up politics with traditional Labour values of not actively trying to stop a bonfire of workers’ rights,” PR specialist for the event, Mr Movement of PR specialists ‘Abstention and Dithering’, told us.

The move to offer blue passports is not going unnoticed though.

”This Jazzfest Park Party is a blatant steal from our highly successful playbook,” Tory MP, Mr Dentures, commented, “we started this leave the single market and tear up everyone’s rights agenda, and pandering to a certain demographic’s neurotic terror of non-white chaps is blatantly a traditional Conservative value. Labour should get their own fears to pander to. Mass youth unemployment following Brexit is up for grabs.”

But Mr Movement wasn’t impressed.

”We share the values of Brexit with the Conservatives. And we’re the party of opposition. Opposing deeply damaging political agendas of the governing party is not the job of the official opposition.

Our job is to pretend to be doing things while the Tories destroy the country.

Then we become the phoenix, albeit a nationalised and centrally controlled phoenix.

I will say though we’ll be keeping the definition of employed. There won’t be many jobs post Tory Brexit, so just breathing will be classed as employed. At least until the central committee assigns you to a factory making state designed leaflets explaining how great life now is.”

The representative went on to explain that anyone not buying a ticket to Jizzfest will have their name recorded in a book under the crime ‘Undermining the leader’. Action will be taken in due course.

But do the Tories have any plan to copy Labour’s playbook and hold their own party in the park as the country crumbles?

”Yes. But it will be a small party held on a beach on an island tax haven. And it will be catered, mostly with the flesh and fat of the United Kingdom.”

Dublin auto manufacturing booms as English workers establish subsidiary jobs in Ireland

Dublin’s automotive manufacturing sector was reporting the beginning of a boom today as English workers began establishing subsidiary jobs in Ireland.

”There’s been a trickle of English car sector workers setting up subsidiary jobs since the overwhelming majority of voters in the United Kingdom delivered an unassailable advisory mandate to destroy all life in the United Kingdom,” our Dublin correspondent said,

“and as the Brexit negotiations are nearing a triumphant conclusion, English people are taking advantage of the new, exciting possibilities opened up for them by hard right, and hard left, politicians in England. Added of course by hundreds of moderates who are only too willing to support the decision to erase the economy.”

It seems pressure is now piling on workers at Jaguar Landrover, Rolls Royce, Nissan and others who haven’t acted yet to get that second job established, before Dublin runs out of space.

”It’s quite amazing when you consider before the referendum how many doom merchants said Brexit would cut a devastating swathe through entire sectors of British manufacturing. But here we are, much like hedge fund managers, auto workers are finding they’re ending up with more jobs thanks to Brexit, not less. It’s also a boom to the aviation sector as the car workers of England will need to fly in and out of Dublin to manage their second jobs.”

We sought comment for this exciting change from an English politician who hitherto has had a reputation for being a bit of a remoaner.

“It just shows the sensible, pragmatic approach of the British people,” Jacob Rees-mogg told us, “faced with the opportunity to hedge against only having so many hours in the day to work their existing English jobs, they’re setting up subsidiary jobs in Dublin. It all makes perfect sense.”

And what about your investment business? Are you following the lead of the car sector workers, who in their thousands are now experiencing the thrill of Brexit’s many, exciting possibilities?

“Oh no, I’m far too patriotic for that,” he said, “call me old fashioned, but I like to keep the majority of my fund’s money in sanctioned Russian banks.”

David Davis leads U.K. Brexit negotiating team in protest walk out of talks into a cupboard

David Davis MP, leader of the United Kingdom’s Brexit negotiating team, stood up today in protest and led the UK team in a walk out protest out of negotiations and straight into a cupboard.

“He thought it was the door to the corridor that led to the in-house bar,” Mrs Oh-No, member of the team told us, “and he was planning to buy everyone in our team some tequila shots to celebrate stuffing Barnier. You should have seen the look on the unelected, eurocrats faces when Davis seized his chance during some endlessly, mind numbing chat about contingency planning relating to the UK’s food supplies and Dover should a hard Brexit occur!”

It seems tensions have been building for some weeks, during the largely amiable negotiations, because Mr Barnier and his team insist on talking about facts, rules, legal mumbo jumbo in a way that is just boring Mr Davis to tears.

“Mr Davis has become increasingly frustrated at Mr Barnier’s refusal to horse trade in the time honoured way. How is anything supposed to get done with such inflexibility on the European side? Rules are made to be broken. It’s a good thing we’re leaving. We can have no rules once we’re out.”

It’s believed the actual preparation on the European side is also a cause of contention.

“We turn up with empty hands,” Mrs Oh-No revealed, “it’s so we can keep them open in a posture of friendship. Or, of course, shake our fists to emphasis our displeasure at the EU’s wilful destruction of our industrial base by its pursuit of this bullying, hard Brexit policy.”

But how do the EU turn up?

“Oh my God. With these telephone book size documents. They are just a bunch of swats. Really nerdy. They’ll never get on out in the real world.”

At the time of publishing Mr Davis was apparently still inside the cupboard and was now insisting it contained a magical portal that once triggered would open the way to the UK getting everything it wanted from negotiations and being free to trade with the world once more.

Relief as last millionaire Brexiter secures burgundy passports for himself and his children

LCD Views can reveal mass outbreaks of relief across these patriotic blue islands today as news filtered through that the last millionaire Brexiter had secured burgundy passports for himself and his children.

“It’s just wonderful,” Ms Stukathom told us, while we lined up to bulk buy beans for the impending Brexit, “my children have been asking me over and over lately, mummy, what if those poor disaster capitalists that have engineered the calamity get stuck at home? Unable to flee to a nearby European country with sufficient food? And what about the Lexit kings? Will they be okay? Warm in their bellies knowing that the food riots are just eggs breaking to make the omelette of their decades long fevered dream?”

It seems Ms Stukathom can reassure her anxious young that it will be okay, none of the people who have lied through their teeth to damn an entire country for their short term profit, their ideological wet dream, and the furthering of a certain kleptomaniac’s international, statecraft agenda, need worry. They and their families will be okay.

“Do you think this supermarket will be ground zero on the day?” she asked us next, “I mean, once people realise that with only a few days worth of food in the country, and Dover a parking lot for the foreseeable future, it’s going to be a riot doing the grocery shopping.”

We think she is quite right to raise the issue.

As a responsible international, solely print media, tabloid style, truth owning publication of long standing renown going back months now, we would like to advise anyone still reading to do one thing and one thing only in preparation for Brexit.

Firstly, don’t worry about the millionaires that cheated to get you into this situation. Don’t worry about the leaders of the major political parties jamming the United Kingdom into calamity for their own personal ambition. They will all be alright.

But secondly (okay, two things), START BULK BUYING TINNED FOOD AND CANDLES NOW! Learn to set a snare. Learn to light a fire with sticks. Do it today.

And remember, if you only have a blue passport in the future, and richer and/or better connected people still have burgundy ones, you’ll be able to trade your pets in at the many makeshift government border crossings in order to get through and claim political asylum in the EU27 country of your choice. Assuming you haven’t already eaten your pets.

Those nights guarding the fully controlled borders of mighty England are going to be as long and at times as cold as Norther Korean ones. The guards will appreciate a warm meal as they clutch their blue passports tight and watch you scurry into a boat and away from Dover. Or any of the many other hundreds of ports of your choice.

Champagne producers surprised to learn champagne is sold in Wetherspoons

Champagne producers were expressing surprise today after learning champagne is allegedly sold in Wetherspoons.

”I’ll have to check with my sales team,” Mr Moët told us, “Wetherspoons is not exactly known as a place to go if you want to drink champagne? From what I understand you go to Wetherspoons to learn about geopolitical issues from beer mats while drowning your sorrows about your personal life?”

Other producers were similarly surprised.

”This is a slander,” Mrs Bollie said, “if we’re helping that puffed up bullfrog  make money with our product I’ll be putting an end to it immediately, even before the hard Brexit he keeps calling for ruins that tub thumping idiot’s business model.”

But Mr Martin, boss of the Witheringspoon chain was adamant he’d stuff them first.

”We return it all once it hits sell by date anyway,” he said in the sort of droning monotone that neatly expresses his inner hollow, “people keep saying just because I get most of my staff from the EU, that only membership of the customs union and single market actually makes my cut price cat’s piss business model viable don’t know how self defeating I’m prepared to be on Brexit.”

Thats an interesting point. Why is that? Some suspect the drop in the pound is really hurting you and further devaluation could see you stuffed?

”Just read my beer mats. I make them myself while screaming into a void.”

So how will you respond to the champagne makers surprise they even do business with you? Apparently it’s not because they don’t think anyone drinking in your place wouldn’t drink champagne, it’s more who in hell would choose to drink it with you?

”By limiting the range of product I offer to only Kent sparkling in wines, regardless of how much there is in supply. Oh and by reminding everyone in the EU that they need my pub chain more than it needs them.”

You just thought you could baffle your customers with bullshit and bully your way with the EU, didn’t you?

”Wait until after Brexit. My political chums will have ways to deal with traitors like you. You’ll be finding yourself on a beer mat with wanted on top.”

If the mat is as accurate as the fact free crap you always produce, I fancy I’ll be pretty safe. Good luck with Brexit. I’m sure you’re really only motivated to try and free yourself from a bunch of red tape that stops you looking after your staff the way you want to.

Secret tunnel between Downing Street and the Kremlin nicknamed “Putin’s Back Passage”

A disgruntled former Number Ten staffer has revealed the ‘missing link’ between London and Moscow. Not only the existence of a secret tunnel beneath Europe, but also that its unofficial name is “Putin’s Passage”.

The true name of the tunnel is the Trans-Continental Expressway. It was apparently built in great haste by Carillion after David Cameron surprisingly won the 2010 election. It means that personnel, documents and money can be transferred without detection between the two global giants seeking to destroy the EU.

It is also alleged that Arron Banks has often used it when going to visit his Russian in-laws. The fact that he could kill two birds with one stone and act as a go-between is entirely coincidental.

This means that Russia is undermining Europe quite literally as well as metaphorically.

None of the mainstream media wanted to run the story, because Brexit is boring, innit, and besides there’s a football tournament starting up soon. So whistleblower Anne Othergrass spoke to LCD Views instead.

“I felt a duty to speak out,” said Othergrass. “A hell of a lot of public money was diverted away from the NHS to pay for the tunnel and bonuses for Carillion’s directors.”

Didn’t the Russians contribute?

“They set up all the sub-contractors,” she replied. “Shedloads of roubles passed through Carillion and these other companies, and paid massive dividends to the Russian government.”

So how come Carillion collapsed?

“Oh, that was to avoid scrutiny!” she said. “And also to duck out of any obligation to provide public infrastructure in the UK.”

The tunnel’s nickname arose, Othergrass confirmed, because of the sheer amount of shit the Russians dumped on the UK government. “Take the shit or the money stops flowing,” was the threat.

So Brexit proceeds, driven by the Spirit of Empire Past in the west, and funded by the Spirit of Empire Yet To Come in the east. Stuck in the middle with EU.

And now we know exactly how far Brexiters are up Putin’s Arse.

MPs to fabricate more truths to make up for UK manufacturing slump

Members and other slang terms for willies of the House of Commons have announced the intention to fabricate more truths in order to make up for the manufacturing slump in the United Kingdom.

Under the ambitious scheme, which is likely to be a cross party initiative, MPs will use a variety of imaginative tools in order to put the slowdown down to anything other than Brexit.

“It’s thinking outside of the box time,” Jacob Rees-Mogg, MP for not understanding how international trade works in the 21st Century, told us, “and putting your head deep inside your bottom time.”

Buckets of sand will also be available for less flexible members, although there is a health and safety concern relating to how long they will need to keep their heads in a place where breathing is difficult.

“It’s just the natural cycle of business,” JRM went on, “there’s always these little fluctuations up and down. It’s really nothing to worry about. Everything will sort itself out in a decade or three.”

And while it is obvious that the devaluation in sterling will certainly be capitalised on by the country’s manufacturers sooner, or later, or really later, sometime after Brexit and parity with the USD, no one is to worry about anything at all.

“The most recent slump is down to all that snow we had in May,” JRM added, by way of providing clarity, “which is highly unusual, especially as it fell only at night and outside the entrances to the manufacturing plants.”

Just to be sure everyone is aware too, it’s,

“Nothing to do with Brexit. Completely unrelated. Brexit is already making the country a richer place in so many ways. Especially me. Which is only fair, as I’m a man of the people. Now, would you mind subsidising refurbishment of my ancient mansion?”

Greatest political leaders England has ever known continue to honour an opinion poll this week

Theresa May MP and Jeremy Corbyn MP, rightly regarded as the greatest political leaders England has ever known, are to push on with Brexit this week, because that’s what the people voted for in an opinion poll years ago.

“There is nothing remotely fascist about Brexit,” an aide to the prime minister told us, while preparing for the parliamentary handbags to come, “it doesn’t matter that most of the main pushers of Brexit look a bit, well, dubious? They’re just patriots. Really good at being patriots. Did you know if you keep saying something it becomes true?”

The pushing will be done in the House of Commons at the Place of Westminster.

“It’s going to be very interesting to see how May fares,” the aide observed, “because the main concern is the unity of the Conservative Party. That is the guiding principle for any duly elected representative of the people. It doesn’t matter how damaging that unity is to say, the fishing industry? Agriculture? Services? Well, it’s a long list. So long as a Tory bum is on the chair at Downing Street, the country is headed in a direction.”

As to the other side of the coin? Mr Corbyn? What’s he going to get up to.

“At a guess he will try and keep both leavers and remainers happy by doing just enough to be spun to both groups a message that he has their backs. Really, the most important thing for the leader of the official opposition is to do whatever it takes to serve ill perceived notions of what is in the best electoral interests of that party. It doesn’t really matter if the evidence of external interference in our democratic process is now so sky high you’d have to be bat shit crazy to continue to support the government with Brexit.”

What if you’re wrong? What if the leader of the official opposition takes the next couple of days to take huge chunks out of the insane executive leading this country to oblivion? Triggering a political crisis with the potential to bring down the government? Showing to everyone he sees the connection between mass far right rallies occurring in London and Brexit? And the incredible risk the country is in, while most people sleepwalk through it?

“Well that would be great. I for one could do with a break from being dug out of the back of your imagination and made to pretend I work for a woman whose only friend is a friggin’ pot plant. In fact, I’ll be the first to say well done, if about bloody time too.”