Bomb squad called after pineapple spotted in strong Leave voting area

The bomb squad were in action this afternoon after concerned residents of a strong Leave voting constituency called the emergency services after spotting an unattended pineapple.

”Me life flashed before me eyes,” Mr Gammy Gammon told our community care correspondent, “I were just out taking me dog Mangle for a drag down the high street when I caught sight of the pineapple in the reflection of the reflection of my mirrored sunglasses.”

The emergency services did release an audio recording of Mr Gammon’s frantic call, but it’s so breathless we’ve decided to save you the effort of listening. Just imagine a man panting after running for his life and hiding behind a class of school children on an excursion.

Another caller described the incident as “squeaky bum time.”

And Arrrron ‘all the r’s’ Hedgefund said the experience was,

”worse than that time I was stuck at the boarder in North Ireland with a broken homophone.”

The pineapple was apparently removed by the bomb squad and has been taken away to be destroyed in a controlled explosion before the rings will be battered and fried.

The bomb squad also responded to requests for an interview,

”Seriously? It was my first day off in over a month and I’m lying there on the sofa just about relaxed for the first time in weeks when I got the call regarding the bomb scare,” a spokesman said, “I grabbed my gear and scrambled to meet my team at a rallying point near to the incident only to discover it’s a gaggle of BBC Question Time audience wannabe’s terrified of some fruit? Talk about a waste of time and good adrenalin.”

We asked Mr Gammon what he thought of the bomb squad’s comments?

”Do they even train these people? This is life and death. If that pineapple had gone off God only knows what could have happened to the complexions of the entire neighbourhood. And to think they used to rent these dangerous devices out for parties? It’s a bloody good thing society has become more civilised, is all I can say.”

Westminster bans dragon from Welsh flag as part of ‘F*ck Wales First’ Brexit

The wisdom of the collective of Little England MPs within the Westminster parliament was on full show today in a little studied clause of the EU Withdrawal Bill.

”That dragon is gone sunshine,” MP for pervs, C Chope cheered, as speaker Bercow read out confirmation of her maj putting her x on the bill.

The removal of the dragon from the Welsh flag was seen as part of the current favoured Brexit among cabinet, the so called ‘F*ck Wales First’ Brexit, which takes its inspiration from the words of world famous human impersonator Boris Johnson.

”We’ll be lifting the bloody kilts up and tearing them off the Scots next!” Chope shouted, smart phone in hand.

Other measures targeted at Wales, after the breaking of Tory promises to do with rail electrification and now the Swansea tidal lagoon, will be the roll out of wholesale de-electrification across the valleys.

”They can burn whale blubber for all I care!” Chope sallied on, “and we’re going to turn that Swansea bay into a bloody nuclear fuel dump. F*ck Wales!”

While Chope was clearly in unstoppable form, he wasn’t alone, as Bone, Mogg, Davis and a bunch of other complete and utter baggy pant stains cheered and hollered, before calming down and wondering how many bottles of champagne to celebrate with over lunch.

As to how Wales was taking being dumped on by Westminster yet again wasn’t clear,  as no one at the BBC could be arsed to find out.

”More castles for Wales!” Chope shouted, now in a bit of a lather, “Edward the first knew how to deal with the Welsh and Little England has not forgotten!”

Periodic shrinkage as chlorine and poultry stripped from periodic table ahead of US trade deal

A new, lean and fighting fit mean United Kingdom is all set to handshake a smash and grab trade deal with Trump’s USA today after the announcement that both chlorine and poultry have been stripped from the British periodic table ahead of US trade deal talks.

”This will help make a success of Brexit,” true believer and obsessive airmiles fancier Doctor Liam Fox told LCD Views this morning.

We spoke to the best known doctor of trade at a VIP lounge at Heathrow as he waited for international man of mystery Boris Johnson to return from his vital mission to Kabul.

”He’s nicked some of my air miles,” Fox fumed, “and I’m not taking that lying down.”

The move to take out unhelpful elements ahead of the all important trade talks next month, when flaccid faced destroyer of juvenile futures POTUS arrives in Blighty, is all part of a bigger strategic vision.

”Certain whinging, metropolitan elites have been suggesting that this element and that element may disrupt a smooth and orderly agreement of new trading arrangements with our international partners post Brexit, so we’ve acted with our trademark wisdom.”

You mean issues like disruption to supply lines and country of origin rules? That sort of boring technical thing that only boring remoaners care about?

”What? What’s rules of origin? I’m not handling immigration.”

Google it Liam.

”What’s google? Look, Boris will be here any moment. He’s big but he’s evasive and I want my air miles. Do you want to talk trading futures or not?”

Is trading futures related to market manipulation?

”What? Look. Nobody seems to like chlorine or chicken. It’s a recurring theme to do with swimming pools and water. Well, if it’s in the way of Brexit Britain’s future it’s out!”

Any other elements to go?

”We’ve divided the cabinet to assess it. I suspect the truthful element went years ago. But I can tell you what’s going in.”

Please do.

”Cheeseburgers and Diet Coke. Trump will be pleased. We’re going to invent a yellow element called Trumpeean too. Have the Queen unveil it.”

Doctor Fox, thank you for your time.

”Time is an element we’re running out of.”

We know Liam. We know.

Brexit Karma Sutra criticised for only giving positions for screwing yourself

An unupdated edition of the Karma Sutra focusing on Brexit has been criticised by people who ordered the illustrated handbook for only giving positions for screwing yourself.

”Trouble starts with the foreword,” disgruntled reader Mr B Usiness told LCD Views’ book reviewer, “I was expecting Gavin Williamson to have penned an encouraging introduction in which he would liberally mention KY jelly, enough to lead people to suspect he was sponsored to do so. But no.

Maybe acclaimed swordsman Boris Johnson with a go and f*ck yourselves outburst, which would have fitted right in with or without lube, but not Jeremy Hunt. I mean the man’s a complete and utter…”

It seems Hunt received the honour because he is the most recent throbbing member of a tumescent cabinet currently screwing an entire country to take aim at one Tory ‘friend with benefits’ casual partner.

“You know the kind of special, loose and pretty bloody agile friend you call up when alone and drunk, horny, need some good loving and in any position you like. Just finger a page in the book and off you go.”

Hunt made a late night, drunken call?

”Well Tories and business have been screwing each other senseless for a very long time of course,” our book reviewer noted, “in every conceivable position and often in a very orgiastic way, so to see Jeremy Rhymes-With tell a big swinging organ of industry to shut up and go f*ck themselves on national television, well, blow me!”

I gather it’s affected sales of the handbook?

”It’s not what I ordered when I shoved all that cash in your pocket for the 2015 and 2017 elections and you promised me a sweet and sticky time, is the complaint.”

So why do it? Why not release a book showing major industries on top in the usual Tory gang bang?

”A film release I think, featuring mountains of cash over years.”

What’s the film?

”From Russia With Love.”

Oh, I thought it would have been ‘Last Bojo In Paris’. I’m returning my copy the moment it arrives.

“No. Still buy a copy of Brexit Karma Sutra please,” our book reviewer adds, “Brexit so far is just foreplay, as we go forward in a smooth and orderly fashion it’ll be nice to have the pictures to refer to as 68M people set out to royally f*ck themselves.”

I can quit heroin any time I like, says William Hague

Former Tory party leader and baked potato impressionist William Hague had made a dramatic statement about his drug use. He claims to be able to come off smack at a moment of his choice.

The one time Tory Boy has become an advocate for cannabis use recently. Cannabis, apparently, is good for pain relief.

“Yes, I have been easing my pain with pot for years,” remarked Hague. “It hurt me deeply to recall the embarrassment of my Tory Boy days. Thank goodness I grew out of it, unlike Jacob Rees-Mogg.”

LCD Views checked Hague’s assertion with medical expert Dr Anna Tomical. “Cannabis can numb you,” she agreed. “But it also causes memory loss. It is worse than alcohol, and almost as bad as red meat and cheese.”

We take it that you are a vegan Dr Tomical?

“Naturally. I would recommend it to everyone. Mr Hague would be much healthier and happier on a vegan diet.”

Does being vegan make you live longer?

“Probably,” she replied. “It certainly feels like it.”

“I don’t hold with namby-pamby veganism,” Hague counters. “I’m from Yorkshire! Yorkshire born, Yorkshire bred, Strong in t’arm and thick in t’ead, that’s me. Anyhow, my time as Tory leader was also excruciating, so I needed something stronger than cannabis. Heroin. That stuff gave me a real shot in the arm!”

Isn’t it horribly addictive though?

“I’m a Yorkshireman, I’m tough as old boots!” he said. “I could quit whenever I want to, but still the memories keep coming back.”

So you increase the dose?

“It’s the only way,” asserts Hague. “I take drugs to forget, to forget that I am ashamed, ashamed that I take drugs. It’s a perfect cycle, why do you think Liam Fox is eagerly making deals with shady South Americans? Theresa is on tranquillisers, Jeremy C. Hunt likes MDMA, and Boris sniffs up so much rubbish we nicknamed him Henry.”

But these drugs are illegal, why are you advocating drug usage?

“We have lost the war on drugs,” he slurred. “We lost, so may as well get over it and suck it up. Preferably through a bong. No point losing your head, when you can get off your head instead!”

At this point Hague excused himself, saying he thought he still had a functioning vein “downstairs”.

It’s ok to take drugs. Roll up! Roll up!

Never has a man said so much about so much before so much caving in

Master Bater, a chief Tory whip, was in an upbeat, if exhausted, mood today after successfully forcing enough potential Tory rebel MPs to cave by use of the Tory ultra violence, project fear film “JC4PM”.

“They crumble faced with just the outside chance of that old commie placard holder taking high office,” Master Bater told LCD Views during a tour of the ConHQ dungeon, “it’s not even really brainwashing, more just showing them what keeps them awake at night. Which is just as well, my palms are sore enough from the day to day work of slapping and beating members to keep them in line behind the old Maybot as it is.”

In the dungeon we were allowed to see many of the chief tools used by the whips.

“See this row of old cinema chairs here? And that screen set up over there. Mind the projector. Yes. Yes. Come around the front. Take a seat if you want.”

We declined the offer of a seat. The restraints on the arms looked like they could hold the strongest in situ.

“We put grievance Grieve in this seat. Captain Morgan in the one next to him. And a few others. Restraints at wrists, calves and foreheads. Force the eyelids open and just let the movie play.”

In the movie a Corbyn lookalike goes through the various duties of a modern British prime minister.

“The actor playing Corbyn followed May closely for a few weeks, to really learn what it takes to be the UK’s prime minister in the age of Brexit. You know, party before country, ideology before rationality, cynical appeals to various voting demographics, smooth and orderly choking off of economic viability, say xenophobic stuff about foreign workers. It doesn’t actually matter who is prime minister. The day to day activities will be the same. With the exception of course that Jeremy Corbyn as PM would raid the City of London’s coffers with McDonnell. But under May we’re content to let it all slowly flow away to EU27 countries without anyone really noticing. Rees-mogg will tell you how to set up in Dublin, just get him on the blower.”

How long does it take to force a rebel to cave in, faced with JC4PM?

“Dominic fell to his knees just seeing the chair and being told what we were going to show him. We still strapped him in for good measure. But about ten seconds normally does it,” Master Bater shrugged,

“except for Ken Clarke, we had him strapped down here for a week solid and he just laughed and laughed. He told us after serving under Thatcher there’s sod all we can put on the projector to cause him to buckle. His internal movies from the 80’s are more terrifying than any cinematic masterpiece we could knock out, whether it features a giant dildo or not.”

Westminster MPs to be replaced by curtains as they’re only window dressing now anyway, public to save millions

LCD Views can report from a state of near rapture today that the mysterious Brexit dividend has been identified as finding out just how many useful, and useless, idiots were elected to Parliament on June 8th 2017.

”Three hundred and nineteen at last count,” an aide to soon to be ousted speaker, John Bercow told us, “they just had another of those vote things. You know, when MPs pretend they still matter, but really they’re just there for appearance sake.”

Apparently the number isn’t static though and changes day by day.

”It depends on which way Labour think the wind is blowing any given day,” the aide continued, “that banner held up by the kids freaked Jezz out a little, so they decided to come out strong today, bargaining the so called Tory rebels would fold like deckchairs again. It was a good gamble. Not exactly a long shot, but it paid off if you look at their activists on Twitter.”

But why do the Tories keep folding like deck chairs on the Titanic?

”All mouth and no trousers,” the aide said, “they want to get down on record they were paying close attention as their government crashed the country hard into the wall of reality. About as close attention as they were paying when the hostile environment policies were passed under their noses.”

We’ve heard too the Tory whips have a phrase that is as powerful as kryptonite against most Tory MPs playing superman?

”Yes. Jeremy Corbyn will be prime minister. Scares their pants brown.”

So what’s to happen to parliament now the MPs have voted to make themselves almost pointless? Based on the assumption the government will replace Bercow with a pliant ERG Borg psycho as whip before year end?

“The public is set to save millions. It’s a real Brexit dividend. Westminster MPs are to be replaced by curtains, as they’re only window dressing now anyway.”

We are not increasing taxes, we are introducing alt tax cuts, says PM

The woman clinging grimly to power by the skin of her teeth has outlined her plans for funding the NHS. The so-called “Brexit Dividend” is to be funded by tax cuts.

The stunning increase in revenue from cutting taxes is yet another paradox which soon becomes self-explanatory. These are Alt Tax Cuts.

“Brexit is vital to fund the NHS properly,” said the PM’s spokesman Toadie Lyne. “Once we recoup that £350m a week, or whatever figure is being bandied about this week by the traitors in our midst, everyone will be better off. A small contribution from the public may be needed, and Alt Tax Cuts will achieve this.”

“This is a tax increase by the back door!” thundered brave MP Ria Liszt. “The people will never agree to this. Vote for cuts, moan about the lack of funding, that’s the British way.”

“These are not tax increases, they are Alt Tax Cuts!” Lyne countered. “Leaving a massively lucrative trading bloc will enrich us all. The EU will be so desperate to have us back that they will fund our NHS for us. That’s what tomorrow’s Daily Mail will say, anyway.”

Latest figures suggest that each of us will be Alt Better Off to the tune of at least £1000 per household. Possibly even more.

It is at least now clear where the Magic Money Tree is. It’s in the pockets of each and every one of us taxpayers. Unfortunately, not even its most adventurous tendril has yet to reach the mythical treasure troves of the super rich.

Jeremy Corbyn is believed to have been wrong footed by this latest piece of government mendacity. Not knowing whether an Alt Tax Cut is a good thing or a bad thing, he is whipping up a frenzy of uncertainty. Meanwhile, Ria Liszt is said to be looking for another job.

Take Back Control. Alt. Delete.

May orders NHS to recycle amputated limbs to cut costs

Prime Minister Theresa may has ordered NHS execs to look at ways of recycling amputated limbs and discarded organs to help slash NHS catering costs head of her recently announced $20 billion funding boost.

“It’s only right and perfectly proper that we look at ways of turning a waste product, which we have to pay to dispose of, into a valuable source of protein,” she said.

Mrs May explained that the idea had come to her after reading about the American man who, after losing a foot in a motorcycle accident, took his amputated limb home and served it to his friends sautéed in tacos.

“The most innovative healthcare initiatives are all coming from the US, and after Brexit we will be free to adopt any we choose, with no need to foot the bill” she punned, explaining that current European legislation is also preventing UK hospital kitchens from importing any of the thousands of unwanted migrant children currently being held in warehouses on the Texas border.

“Modest proposals like this, swiftly implemented, could save the NHS tens of millions, she cooed, with a smile like a cracked teacup in a blocked sink.

Commenting on the proposal Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt concurred that the newly announced post-Brexit dividend is expected to leave hospitals with plenty of limbs of recycle.

“We’re eagerly anticipating a boom in lower limb amputations as 17 million Leave voters realise they’ve shot themselves in the foot,” he explained pointing out that in future he won’t be the only person in the NHS opening his mouth and putting his foot in it.

“Or indeed anyone else’s,” he chortled.

“I voted to kick out scrounging foreigners and put more money in my pocket, not to destroy the entire economy and privatise the NHS,” complained a recent NHS “protein donor”, social-media Brexit troll Michael Taylor.

“But I’ve shot myself in the foot, and now I don’t have a leg to stand on,” he wailed, angrily brandishing a home made crutch in the air and collapsing sideways.

However some in the Leave camp have welcomed the news, with pro-Brexit pub chain, Widdershins  announcing that it intends to bid for the planned new “NHS AMP” catering contract

“Just hand over the goods and we’ll turn them into whatever you want – liver casserole, devilled kidneys, a tasty Thai, Lady Finger curry – or indeed any type of finger food , all served with a selection of garnishes,” confirmed Widdershins boss, Tim Widdershins, licking his lips.

Mass confusion after Sum1PlsGov poll sees Verhofstadt overtake ‘Don’t Know’ as preferred U.K. PM

There are reports of mass confusion and rage amongst the gammon electorate, and the true believers following any messiah they can find, today as latest polling by Sum1PlsGov reports Belgian MEP Guy Maurice Marie Louise Verhofstadt has overtaken ‘Don’t Know’ as preferred prime minister of the United Kingdom.

Mister Guy had yet to comment on the surprising result at the time of going to print, but close aides suggest the Leader of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe is taking it in his stride.

“No shock here, after he called out Nigel Farage as the Russian cheerleader that he is, arguably doing a lot to further Putin’s presumed aim of smashing up the European Union, hand in hand with sociopathic tax dodgers and kleptocrats from all over the globe,” someone claiming to be an aide told us, “also it’s probably to do with the words Liberals and Democrats being included in his party’s name. The UK is reportedly withering on the democratic vine for want of such words in action.”

But avid reader of The Daily Fail, Mr Pork Scratchings, was livid,

“He’s got woman’s names!” he told us, “woman’s names! How the hell can he be a Guy with woman’s names!”

We weren’t getting much more out of Scratchings, so we looked for something quotable from the cult following that old guy about who carries a sandal and a little red book wherever he goes.

“This so called democrat is undermining the leader!” bellowed the faithful, “undermining the leader! Without total faith, and complete failure to examine the leader’s behaviour, there is no chance of the leader becoming the leader! It’s a betrayal of the leader! I need someone to lead me! Don’t threaten my emotional investment in the leader! He can’t try and stop Brexit, regardless of the fact that not being able to stop bad things happening, but being prepared to resist them, is the sum total of his whole career! Now is not the time to resist. Once the entire country is a smoking ruin, that is the time to fight back! Till then, stand in the rain with your powder and keep it dry!”

As to a quote from the mass of other people in the United Kingdom, daily reading reports of the economy going to hell in a hand cart, and racists mass demonstrating on the streets of the capital, along with tearing up of established democratic norms, there was only silence, because their views no longer count as the United Kingdom had its last vote of consequence in an opinion poll a couple of years ago now.