All this tiresome Brexit BS could have been avoided by renaming ECJ “British Court of Justice” – Study

WE ARE A SECURE NATION : A deep dive study into Brexit and how it could have been prevented has released an interim report today to reveal the findings so far.

The study has been conducted by a world famous team at The University of Heads Hitting Walls. Lead researcher on the project Professor Exasperation agreed to talk to us and lay out what he and his team have discovered.

“Brexit is only a surface project. In terms of what is said about it by Brexiteers. Clearly the real agenda is a new age of feudalism with Great Britain as the epicentre. The only industry will be money laundering. Everything else will be imported and the people can starve, so long as they toil for their lords. But the serfs may not have voted marginally for that, even with the illegal overspends which ensured the ref result secure and democratic. So the Brexiters lied through their teeth and are still lying through their teeth today, and bafflingly the official opposition is still going along with it.”

At this point we had to interrupt the Professor and explain to him he was now Professor Boring. He apologised and got to the point.

“Look. It’s perfectly obvious. Brexit was won on slogans. On appeals to the emotion. On digging into and bigging up misremembered history bleeding into nostalgia for a time when 1% of Brits ruled half the world. Thus if the EU had been smarter they could just have swallowed the bitter pill of renaming the European Court of Justice to The British Court of Justice. That way the Brexit voting demographic in the British populace would have assumed they ruled Europe and everyone would have forgotten about it.”

That’s more like it.

“I blame Europe. They could have saved us from ourselves by just changing one single word. That’s because we’re exceptional.”

ALL UK Food Banks to be renamed “Great British Food Banks” by order of Downing Street

A ROSE BY ANY OTHER NAME : Exciting developments in the food charity sector today as the Prime Minister is rumoured to have personally intervened to cheer everyone up.

“The Prime Minister was enjoying foi gras, Bollie of course, lobster thermidor, veal, baby seal and a dessert of the pickled tears of orphans last night when it hit him square between the eyes,” a 10 Downing Street source said, and no they aren’t referring to a paternity test.

“Queuing at food banks would clearly be made more exciting if you could be guaranteed Dominic Raab would appear for a photoshoot while you waited your turn there with your reusable plastic bags. We can’t do that. But we can rename the uplifting outlets to something more patriotic. After all, what is more important than food for the soul?”

Clearly this is the way forward, especially in an era of increasing job insecurity and lower benefits.

“It really is a masterstroke. All British food banks will be renamed Great British Food Banks as soon as possible. Fluorescent signage. The lot. Even one of those inflatables that waves its arms about to attract attention. Union Flag pattern of course. The contract for the new store fronts will be handed out to a Tory donor to ensure action is taken as fast as is humanely possible.”

Critics have suggested with the PM’s much trumpeted plan to “level back better” the food banks will soon be obsolete and the new signage not required. We put this to Downing Street and they laughed so hard we feared someone would get injured.

“Remember, when you’re laying in the gutter you have to look to the stars. They hover over Great British Food Banks and twinkle like a patriot’s famine wracked eyes.”

Take a bow Global Britain. Sorry. That should be Great Global Britain. You’re about to host the G7 and you’ve MPs who pose for photos at Great British Food Banks.

Tories eyeing up England’s green and pleasant profit opportunities

BRING ME MY CHARIOT OF FIRE: Well-connected chums of the Tories running Britain for personal profit have spotted an opportunity. Since British farming is to be sacrificed in the name of Australian mass-produced boeuf à la hormone, there will soon be an abundance of green and pleasant land.

And all these expanses of soon-to-be vacant real estate comprise a business opportunity beyond compare. Buy up redundant farms at a knock-down price. Cover with houses. Sell for a massive profit. Hang on to a handful to provide a bit of pocket money. Sorted.

LCD Views’ Green Belt? What Green Belt? correspondent, investigated.

Typical of the type of developer is Jerry Bildt-Holmes. A wealthy Tory donor, he has allegedly already been promised large tracts of Wiltshire. “It’s a fantastic opportunity,” said Bildt-Holmes. “This is once in a lifetime. My companies are well placed to take advantage of this new availability, and we can sell it to the public as a way of solving Britain’s housing shortage!”

Is this building Jerusalem, or dark satanic mills?

“That makes absolutely no sense to me,” replied a confused Bildt-Holmes. “All I know is that the arrows of my desire will shortly be finding their mark.”

And how come you have – allegedly – been promised such a large amount of the countryside?

“Chap I know told me about it,” he answered. “Matt somebody. He’s pretty high up. Sold me a hospital the other day. Another absolute steal!”

And the price was right, I take it?

“It was a massive bargain!” crowed Bildt-Holmes. “And Matt knocked 75% off the price after I bunged the Conservative Party fifty grand.”

This must be what the Countenance Divine shining forth on our clouded hills must mean. Sunlit uplands indeed.

Those feet in ancient time may have walked upon England’s mountains green, but not for much longer. We will jerry-build juicy profit making on England’s green and pleasant land.

Man’s lifelong mission to ruin everything he touches going “better than expected”

IT COMES NATURALLY : A British-American man has spoken today of the great “lengths and strides” he is going to to fulfil his destructive potential.

The list of damage is now so impressive it is accurately described as “world beating” especially in the areas of national reputation and heft, trade and avoidable pandemic death count.

The man has not been described by friends, as he doesn’t really have any, but close witnesses have said he has “A reverse Midas touch that just instantly turns anything he touches into shit and destroys the dreams of anyone in the vicinity,” although clearly the actual Midas touch would serve just as well for his purposes.

But defenders of the man have said he is actually a top secret, British military weapon of mass destruction in the “advanced testing phase”.

It is to be hoped this is the case, given he clearly has country destroying potential once a target is acquired.

“The only problem with this long running field test is that we accidentally aimed the weapon at ourselves instead of a dummy target. Which we admit was pretty stupid.”

In their defence they do offer the following justification.

”The BoRiS Weapon is so outlandish and unrefined it never occurred to us that any healthy political system would not have intervened early and hit the self detonation switch. We did build that in as a fail safe for the test phase. The weapon actually keeps hitting it itself, but onlookers just cheer and think how funny he is.”

And the only target the weapon is so far unable to destroy is the Tory Party, who just keep cashing the cheques exploding from the epicentre of national disaster.

PM planning to build “BBQ bridge to Oz!” so next Suez Canal blockage won’t stop meat exports to Blighty!

THROW ANOTHER BRITISH SECTOR ON THE BARBIE : THE PRIME MINISTER Boris Johnson is now completely insane and to prove it he has announced plans to build an actual bridge from Dover to Australia.

“We’re not sure exactly where in Australia the bridge will terminate,” a 10 Downing Street source tells LCD Views. “That’s because they haven’t agreed to it. But little details like that aren’t something to stop a man like Boris announcing a giant infrastructure project. You just have to believe.”

Belief is clearly not a problem for Britain’s most upbeat PM since the Napoleonic Wars. It is rumoured he has already allocated several billion to the feasibility studies.

“The bridge will ensure that any future blockages in the Suez Canal will not stop Brits barbecuing this summer,” the source adds. “Lesser countries may see their live sheep and cattle imports stuck in some environmental nightmare in a watery Egyptian ditch, but not Brexit Britain! Our imports will just walk right over the top with gleeful shepherds and happy working dogs laughing at the mess down below.”

The decision to agree to import meat from Oz, and thus ruining British businesses in the process, is seen as the next stage of the Brexit project.

“We’ve shafted the city of London. We’ve shafted the fishermen. Now it’s time to give the farmers a proper seeing to!”

But not everyone is pleased. Some have pointed out that forgoing imports a few miles away across the Channel in favour of lesser quality meat from the Antipodes doesn’t exactly bolster the PM’s environmental credentials.

“That’s where you’ve gone wrong,” the source corrects, “you’re assuming he gives a flying toss about having any. Muppet.”

The shade thrown down by the bridge was also initially thought to be an issue for the people it will pass over until a decision was made to paint the underbelly in Union Flag colours.

“Rain, hail or shine you can’t stop Brits barbecuing. And with billions going out the door in feasibility studies alone this is a giant boost to the only actual outcome that is important to modern Conservatives. That of emptying the public purse into their pockets.”

Throw another UK sector on the barbie? Yes please. And crack another can while you’re at it!

Boris Johnson to summon massive asteroid strike into Home Counties because “I can”

LOVE ME LOVE ME SAY THAT YOU LOVE ME : The UK’s Prime Minister Alexander lots of words Johnson is now firmly established as world beating in many sectors. He’s beaten the country with a pandemic. He’s beaten the rights of ordinary people by removing freedom of movement. He’s beaten the fishing industry. He’s now beating up farming. He’s trashed the sanctity of marriage and the responsibility of the parent to raise children in a secure family environment. He’s beaten the economy. He’s allowed Patel to beat up the ministerial code until it is bloodied and senseless. He’s tortured the idea of language as a means of clear communication. The list is long and it goes on and on. Now he needs a new challenge.

“He’s on a personal mission to see how far he can push the envelope,” a 10 Downing Street source tells LCD Views. “Daily the envelope grows fatter and daily the effort needed to push it more intense. It’s why he is so popular. People can’t believe he’s so magnificent.”

The one drawback appears to be finding new challenges. Finding new ways to screw an entire country over and remain popular. But he’s up to it.

“Thanks to Brexit the UK will now become a technological and innovation superstar. Take that Brussels! We’re now investing billions into a giant magnetic that can drag asteroids out of orbit and fling them wherever we like. It’s very impressive. It’s the next chapter in the story of Boris.”

And where will the first asteroid captured be flung?

“Straight into our own faces. Where else?! Who needs a Manchurian Candidate when you’ve got Boris being Boris.”

The asteroid’s first target will be the Home Counties.

“Probably Kent. Their support for Brexit makes them the best target to see how deep is the love for Boris. How far can he push it to fill the unquenchable need for validation he’s carried since childhood.”

George Eustice to advise British farmers to retrain as fishermen

SOWING AND WEEPING : Humans need certainty and British farmers are humans. Happily for them the UK government has realised this and acted on the responsibility to provide them with certainty in the post-Brexit period.

“We’re going to make them unemployed,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “George Useless is on the case. We didn’t recruit him from UKIP because he was a genius. It’s clear also that humans need a narrative, so we’ll be providing one of those also. It will change daily. You can be certain of it.”

But it’s not all sowing and weeping for the UK’s agricultural sector as George and the other brainiacs are full of helpful suggestions of paths forward through the tangled thickets of Brexit.

“They can retrain as fishermen. Similar sort of occupation. Earthy. Out in the wind and rain. Enjoying the cool breezes under the blazing sun. Still working with their hands. Still putting food on the table. Or if they want a radical change they can retrain as ballerinas. Fatima has left dance to become a coding whiz. Plenty of openings in the theatres. And thanks to our mismanagement of the pandemic, plenty of closings too. Ripe for regrowth. It’s all been taken care of.”

It’s also clear that what is also being taken care of, daily, is Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s weird and intensely corrosive drive to destroy anyone who put faith in him.

“At least now we can claim a win for Brexit. We have taken our newly recovered sovereignty as a free trading nation off the coast of the failing EU superstate, converted it into a pistol and shot our farmers in both feet. That’s a Brexiters way of saying thank you.”

REVEALED : PM’s plan to throw farmers under Brexit bus to get Indian variant off headlines

ONE DAY AT A TIME : Great news for British farmers today as the government looks set to offer them the same long term security they have provided the fishing Industry.

“I can assure every producer of beef and lamb in the country that the prime minister’s massive overproduction of horse and bullshit will only augment the productivity of their green and pleasant pastures,” a 10 Downing Street spokesman will tell the sector later today.

“It is a simple matter of news cycle management. Mr Johnson delayed placing India on the red list until it was too late to keep the Indian variant out of the United Kingdom. The logic for this was fair play. He didn’t place Kent on any international travel lists late last year, as he was delaying lockdown and tens of thousands of people died. But he’s kept his job. This allows him now to sacrifice yours for news cycle management. He thanks you for your willingness to vote for the Conservative Party, in spite of all the glaring evidence over years that you’re essentially sacrificial lambs. But only when the time is right.”

The statement will be viewed as a relief by the UK’s meat producers who will soon have the opportunity to retrain as either “fishermen or ballerinas.” Although cyber should also be considered.

But critics of the PM’s decision to place short term political gain over the security of the UK’s food supply are concerned that one or two vital elements are missing from the deal Ms Truss has drafted.

“There must be a strict condition that all live imports of beef and sheep are wrapped in Union Flags. It’s about the optics. Bankrupt farmers UC applications must also be printed on Union Flag patterned paper. So long as everything appears patriotic we can do what we like with the populace. Just ask the Red Wall! Last time we were in power we demolished their economies and look at the voting patterns now. Ha!”

There are currently no plans for further photo shoots featuring the PM in rural landscapes.

U.K. to accuse EU of hiding the benefits of Brexit from U.K. government

LIFT THE VEIL : Downing Street is in classic bullish mood today and ready to hit back at the churlish EU!

The fighting stance comes after a late night drinking session in which Bollinger was preferred by the Prime Minister and his guests over English sparkling wine. For the event the Prime Minister wore an ensemble that had been left in a Yorkshire hedge for a year. Shoes were supplied by an Italian artisan cobbler and reassuringly the left foot was worn on the right and vice versa.

“The Prime Minister even wore tails for the event. Donkey tails as that was closest to hand in the dressing up box.”

It is rumoured that at one point in the rousing event the tail came lose from the Prime Minister’s outfit and all had a very merry time chasing him around the £2.6m media room in an attempt to pin it back on.

“Carrie eventually got the tail back on the old boy by laying a trap involving a vintage Playboy. We can’t disclose further details.”

But it wasn’t all matters of state and fizz, there was time for the usual party games.

“It was sometime around 2am that Lord Frost asked if they could play ‘What are we blaming on the EU today!’, which is a favoured part of any gathering at 10 Downing Street.”

Initially it was thought that blaming the spread of the Indian Variant to Yorkshire on Brussels would be a hoot. Although some were said to favour hanging the blame for the 14th century Black Death plagues on Macron.

“It was finally decided to take inspiration from Lord Frost’s commanding appearance before that boring select committee of meddling villeins yesterday and blame the EU for hiding the benefits of Brexit from the U.K.”

This is thought to make perfect sense as “the EU27 are the only ones enjoying any visible Brexit benefits. Which just goes to show the depths to which they will sink to undermine the swill of the British people.”

Fears no Brexit benefits will ever be found after Dido Harding hired to track and trace them

NICE WORK IF YOU CAN GET IT : Deep concern across the United Kingdom today that Dido Harding is suffering from overwork after she was rumoured to have been hired to track and trace the benefits of Brexit.

Fingers are even being pointed at the Prime Minister and questions asked over whether or not he should hire Ms Harding a bigger team of management consultants? While the UK Gov retains the capacity to print money it would be possible to print whatever is required. After all, those offshore bank accounts aren’t going to just fill themselves. It is a politically viable strategy in the short to medium term too, as local authority budgets can be further squeezed and they can levy greater local taxes to fill in any holes created by central government.

“It will be okay,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “The Indian variant will soon be in all corners of the country and there will be no need to carry on looking for it, as it will be everywhere. Thus the crack team of bloodhounds can turn to locating Brexit benefits.”

In spite of Downing Street’s confident demeanour the tracking and tracing of Brexit benefits will not just be a domestic issue and will require international travel. This is surprisingly difficult in a pandemic, although government is said to be up to the task or risking it.

“Admittedly all the benefits of Brexit so far are international,” the source says, before shrugging. “Trillions in trading have left London for EU and US destinations. The fishing industry is stuffed, presumably to the advantage of the Scandinavians? Who knows. Someone will have to look into that. We can add it to Dido’s to do list. It will only need a budget increase of a few more billions to get the answers. Maybe.”

The one big advantage Ms Harding will have is that so far only Australia, New Zealand and a few other countries no one talks about have banned incoming travel from the UK. Thus she doesn’t need to look there. But for anyone concerned that Ms Harding may again come up with empty hands in spite of the money spent, Downing Street has a fall back position.

“We’ll just lie about it. If that doesn’t work we’ll blame the Europeans. It worked to get Brexit done, presumably if we just keep blagging we can make a success of it. We already drafted a press release claiming that British air is only oxygenated because of Brexit.”