Gordon Ramsay changes pronouns to “urg/ugh”

Gordon Ramsay has asked fans to use the pronouns “urg/ugh” and not “he/him” after coming out as a “real-man”.

The celebrity chef wrote last week on Twitter, “for my entire life I’ve been a real-man trapped within the label of a modern, metrosexual, male-pansy. I have never felt represented by the pronouns ‘he’ and ‘him’ as they are mostly used by blokes who are, compared to me, frankly complete pussies”.

Ramsay explained ugh decision came about upon hearing some prominent public figures were identifying as “non-binary” and were asking for pronouns that reflected more a specific identity.

On the alpha testosterone podcast ‘Real Men’s Muscle’ reality star Rammo mused, “it seems to me if people can identify somewhere in between the two normally understood genders then there must also be some extra territory that lies beyond the imagined end point we call ’male’: ‘ultra-male’, ‘mega-male’, ‘super-male’, male-plus’ if you like. That’s where I am”.

Urg added, “look, when you shave with an axe and aren’t afraid of swearing at women you just feel that bit more male than all the other wet fannies out there that call themselves men.”

It is rumoured that Bear Grylls, Sylvester Stallone and Ross Kemp are considering following suit. Although it maybe hard to know when Mr Stallone has made the change as the new pronouns will reflect all his known speech.

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