SHOCK at a Trump victory that doesn’t need a special counsel investigation

There’s nothing Donald Trump likes more than making up self-serving rubbish about himself, but in his latest gaffe at least you can see where it came from.

The words “Trump victory” trending are enough to get him excited, and if the Trump in question is not him, well he’ll just claim it is. In this case, it’s about Judd Trump, who has just been crowned world snooker champion.

In a few short minutes, the Donald went from never having heard of snooker to claiming to be world champion in the sport.

He made the following tweet on the subject:

“It’s offical, I am now the world snooker champignon. Whats snooker?”

The fact that he still betrayed his ignorance of the sport in the same tweet as he claimed to be the world champion of it was a bit of a giveaway, and critics were on him like a shot.

Responses included:

“Snooker is like pool for smart people. You couldn’t even cope with pool for dumb people.”

“If you really were the world champion, you wouldn’t need to ask, idiot.”


“Snookered is what you’ll be when they finally remove you from office.”

The truth was quickly explained to him, at which point the Donald falsely claimed kinship with the champ.

Of course his supporters still lapped it up and claimed it to be true – even if they don’t know what snooker is either.

The actual world snooker champion, Judd Trump (no relation) when told of his namesake’s claim, just replied:

“Well he would, wouldn’t he!”

There were rumours around in early 2017 that Judd Trump was considering changing his surname to Hitler to sound less controversial.

We at LCD views would like to extend our warmest congrats to Judd, for both a well-deserved victory, and for giving the world a news story that made the words “Trump victory” a good thing for a change.

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