Photo released of criminal duo responsible for stealing the future off millions of young Britons

Police have released a photo this morning of a criminal duo responsible for stealing the future of millions of young Britons.

“Look at this pair of fraudsters,” Detective Rights comments, ““She is acting pretty much solely out of a bizarre and deep seated loathing of foreigners. She wants to take away any rights they have in the U.K. and she’s a prolific thief at that.

“He is just an idiot.

“Thick as a packet of mince. I don’t know how they’ve gotten away with it for so long. The sheer volume of rights they’ve nicked and piled up in their central London hideout is mind boggling.”

But getting away with it they have been.

”And for too long. We’ve been on their trail for a couple of years, but wherever we get close to fingering their collars they melt away. I’m concerned they have some very wealthy backers. People in a position of power and influence who are prepared to turn a blind eye to the mass theft so long as they get something in return.”

But can they be stopped?

”Of course they can. Unfortunately the man tasked to stop them isn’t up to the job. Old timer. Serving it out till his pension. More concerned with jam making than doing his job. Oh and squabbling with his family. The public are going to have to step up.”

What should people do?

”Be vigilant. Stay alert. The criminal acts are performed much like pickpockets. They target the blithe, the unaware, the distracted. Before you realise they’ve nicked your wallet and walked away into the crowd.”

And what’s your advice to young people?

”Mass, peaceful protest. Fill the streets. Don’t give this pair of chancers a space to operate in. And older people too. Their future is being stolen too. Get out there. You put enough people on the street often enough, you’ll scare the devil out of the entire gang.”

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