“I’m putting on hold my plan to form a militia,” a well known British European, and alleged Kremlin front man, told LCD Views this morning, “at least for the moment. Which is not all bad. Armoured mobility scooters are very expensive.”
The reason for the pause in preparations for an armed insurgency in defence of the right to demolish rights was clear.
“We’ve finally succeeded in my decades long mission to take over the UK government,” he smirked, “and I tell you we had to dig a big hole to do it.
The open pit data mining in particular has made such a scar in the political landscape I expect the opposition too to stop toppling on the edge and fall right in soon and lose even more legitimacy because of their open support for my Brexit project, if reports of that party handing over their entire database on voters to Leave EU prior to the EU ref prove true.”
So what’s next for you?
“I’m here to create confusion as a cover to power for other forces. It’s a fun gig. I’ll carry on saying outrageous things to keep my regular gig with the BBC. I’m funded by the public purse to do it. Which is hilarious. What mugs I’ve made of so many millions.”
That’s a reason to celebrate?
“Yes. Think of my movement akin to the black death. We’re very infectious and we eventually get into every bright space of life and cause cysts on the democratic process that if not lanced will..well, I shouldn’t prattle on. Let’s get hammered and crank call some Eurotrash? What do you say?”
Now I understand your celebra-tory pint, even while many are celebrating the demolition of your personal party with its almost total ballot box collapse.
“We’ve been absorbed full into the host now. We’ve won. We haven’t been wiped out. We’ve been absorbed.
The government will be further paralysed with us drilling holes through it’s collective brain. UKIP was always just the vector. The racists are now voting as they should for the policies they should. One of my chaps will soon clear out the Maybot and then the gutters are the limits. Would you like a pint? I’ll put it on expenses.”
No thanks. I’m off to look for the antibiotic that can eliminate democratic Yersinia pestis.
“It’s staring everyone in the face. It’s stopping the isolationist, rights destroying, neocon, tax haven serving, racist fuelled project of Brexit. But you need an official opposition that wants to stop it to do that.”
What did you say?
Ring a ring o’ roses, a pocket full of posies…