Liam Fox hired as frequent flier feature writer by TripAdvisor

Great news for fact hungry business and first class fliers today with the announcement that Liam Fox MP has been hired as the new frequent flier feature writer by TripAdvisor.

”It’s wonderful to see Liam get his own platform in the digital world,” an aide to the business guru Fox told LCD Views, “and here I was thinking he wasn’t even up to the job of being a shoehorn for someone putting on flip flops. Shows what I know!”

While the nitty gritty of the deal between Liam and the famous website are being kept curtained, it’s no doubt it will be a profitable one with the International Business Secretary turning his famed deal making prowess to feathering his own nest.

”I suspect there will be a lot of advice on how to correctly store your air miles,” the aide beamed, “under your mattress or offshore in a dark money tax haven, a piggy bank in your bedroom or even possibly as a kickback for an arms deal? I don’t know. I’m just guessing. It’s unlikely someone who’s only been forced to reign once for misconduct in a public office would have anything but above the board advice.”

As part of a taster for the new column Liam is expected to write about his highly successful trip to Japan this week to ask the Japanese to work against their own interests by begging the EU to undermine its own interests to help out Liam and his chums asset strip the U.K.”

If Liam can convince the Japanese to self harm to help the U.K. there’s no telling what he’ll do next.

We look forward to syndicating the column in the interests of all our many readers who have attained high office and are using it to do sod all but swan about the world in a plane, sipping champagne at public expense with aero expectation of a usable outcome at the other end.

”There is no telling what Liam will do next,” the aide agreed, “he doesn’t even know. He hasn’t got a clue.”

Jeremy Hunt to undergo exorcism after confirmation of possession by Boris Johnson

The current Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, is to undergo an exorcism later today after confirmation of his possession by the disgraced Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson.

”We were immediately suspicious when Boris Johnson announced he was resigning as Foreign (to the truth) Secretary,” Brexorcist Re Ality told LCD Views, “it seemed more like something the devil would do. That being a devilish trick. Pretend to resign, but actually stay in office in spirit form waiting to possess the next encumbant. This is because the Boris Johnson body is now recognised as a total laughing stock. Whereas the new form was just a laughing stock.”

But suspicions were raised soon after Jeremy Hunt begin his official duties when he failed to recognise his wife while on a taxpayer funded trip to beg the Chinese for money.

”Boris doesn’t know who his wife is,” the brexorcist said, “which is why he has a history of thinking other women are his wife and acting accordingly.”

The gaffe by Mr Hunt was an exact match to the behaviour of Boris Johnson in another way too.

”Can anyone think of an act by Boris Johnson as Foreign Secretary that didn’t embarrass the U.K.?”

No. It was one long disasterous cringe.

“Mr Hunt is determined to carry on this way because he is almost certainly posssssed by Mr Johnson.”

Are there any other signs?

”Yes. He’s gone to Europe and made an idiot of himself attempting to threaten the Germans and French. And now at Conference he’s gone full Boris.”

Anything else?

”He’s been witnessed walking like a crab.”


”His weird eyes are swivelling and he keeps demanding cake. Oh, and he’s dying his hair blonde and refusing to comb it.”

Next he’ll be taking up cycling.

”Can you imagine the terror on the streets?”

So what’s to be done?

”We’re going to strap him to a bed and hit him over the head with a fat old bible flown in from the Vatican especially until Boris Johnson leaves his body in a spray of green projectile vomit.”

And what happens after?

”Then Jeremy Hunt will be our Foreign Secretary.”

And this will be better how?


French left shaking after DExEU takes the fight to EU bullies with billboard campaign

The French were left shaking today after DExEU took the fight to the EU bully boys across THE ENGLISH CHANNEL with the launch of a forthright billboard campaign.

”We’re raising our battle standard in Paris first,” Dominic Raab, puzzled school boy and total twat, told LCD Views, “although I guess we should have started off in Poland LIKE THE GERMANS ALWAYS DO.”

The innovative billboard campaign is written entirely in Brexit standard English.

”This will make it clear the exceptionalism encapsulated in GLOBAL BRITAIN,” Raab explained, while holding a kitten in a bucket of water, “its also a testament to the tyreless efforts of Steve Baker (somehow also an MP) while he was Davis’ handler at DExEU. He had to leave to put distance between himself and Brexit. He’s that humble. Oh, and he’s got a full diary of meetings with neocon sociopaths for the foreseeable future.”

But remoaning critics of the seamless and imaginative campaign have been quick to slam it for clear and obvious grammatical errors.

”Its so the French can understand what were saying LOUD AND CLEAR,” Raab defended the billboards, before adding, “any unintentional errors are the fault of remainers anyway, because they haven’t gotten behind Brexit and made a success of it.”

Asked why the billboards weren’t written in French Raab explained it was because DExEU hadn’t hired any French speakers because everyone speaks English anyway.

”It’ll show them what they stand to lose if they don’t break and bend their rules to suit us. They won’t be allowed to speak English if they don’t step up and do the work required to give us the cake we are only reasonably and fairly requesting.”

Other billboards are planned for Germany with the messages,




Asked to respond to the shock and awe campaign, Michel Barnier just shrugged and said, “I believe the billboards speak for themselves.”

Before smirking and adding, “Billboard means billboard.”

The campaign will run until the bloody French get the message that Global Britain means business.

Cornwall to build hundreds of new coves in preparation for smugglers post Brexit

Cornwall is set for a construction tidal wave with the announcement that the Home Office is finalising plans to construct hundreds of new prime location coves.

”Just imagine the view,” a spokesman for the department told LCD Views, “and then imagine spending your summer with a pick and a shovel in hand preparing Cornwall for life after Brexit.”

The pitch is a clear play for the lazy students that infest the country doing nothing of much use, while moaning about having over £50K in debt and no freedom of movement.

”If they’re too lazy to pick fruit,” Owen Paterson posted on Twitter, in support of the initiative, “they can at least knock a few rocks about in the southwest. It’s their patriotic duty. You don’t need a burgundy passport to leave your London swat and go to Cornwall. Yet.”

But critics of the plan have leapt on what they see as a flaw in the scheme.

”The plans show the new coves being built inland,” professional smuggler, Mrs Arrrrr, told us, while shouldering a barrel of rum, “It’s not much use to a pirate if you can’t access the cove from a safe anchor in an inlet. They’re just ditches. Someone could come to grief in them.”

LCD Views would like to take this opportunity to chastise the limits on the thinking of so called experts like Mrs Arrrr. If we can’t think outside of the box, we’re not going to make the most of the opportunities presented by Brexit.

”This is a chance to trade with the world,” professional muppet Paterson opined, while sitting in his Chinese car, using his American designed phone and wearing his Australian made sheepskin boots, “mostly the trade will be in insulin, insults, blood products and fresh produce. And whatever else the EU has banned us producing in the U.K. for far too long. I say seize it with both hands and one leg. Arrrr indeed.”

May proposes creation of far-right European “super state”

British prime minister Theresa May travelled to the Austrian capital Vienna Friday in an effort to gain the support of far right Austrian chancellor Sebastian Kurz for a revised version of her Chequers Brexit plan, following the summary rejection of the original version by the EU’s chief negotiator Michel Barnier.

A spokesmann for 10 Downing Strasse confirmed that under the new revised plan, instead of leaving the EU, as was previously proposed under Brexit, Britain, or specifically England, will instead head a new coalition of far right European States to be called “Größeres Europa”.

The new entity will be governed not by the democratically elected European parliament in Brussels, but by a small clique of like minded übermensch, und wömensch in some really nicely tailored uniforms from a small chalet in the Austrian alps, he explained.

“Zis iz ze plan. Ze volk have spolken,” he punned, clicking his heels together, and purposefully holding down his right arm with his left.

With the two leaders locked in delicate talks over which one of them will get to invade Poland and establish “work camps”  for “auslander” and untermensch from outside the new union, a spokeswoman for Kurz, Anna Scluss confirmed that the Austrian leader was fully in support of the plan.

“Wir vorseehen ein glorious future. Tomorrow belongen to UNS!” she shouted.

Emerging from her meeting resplendent in a tasteful grey matching jacket and skirt, trimmed with highly fashionable deaths heads and lightning flashes, together with matching patent leather jackboots. May was equally upbeat.

“Ein Raab, ein Volk, Ein Brexit Mainz Brexit,” she roared, goose stepping round Vienna’s main square, Stephansplatz whilst explaining to confused observers that “ze final solution” for the Irish border problem is to subsume the formerly independent Irish republic into her new “Größeres Europa”, fascist state.

“Kein borders, kein problem – es ist zat simplische,” she spat, lapsing momentarily out of her Boy’s Own Annual German back into English to explain:

“A single European state, with no internal borders, ruled centrally by a clique of unelected, swivel eyed, right wing dictators – so simple you have to wonder why no one thought of it before,” she beamed munificently.

U.K. government diagnosed with dancing sickness

Forget those fears of staying awake at night with a growling and hungry stomach as Dominic Raab MP has today confirmed that HMG is going to stockpile food for No Deal Brexit.

”Well, private companies will be paid to do it,” Raab clarified, “I wouldn’t trust us to do it! You’ll all starve. We’re definitely doing this. Well they are. Never miss a chance to move public money to private coffers. Words to govern by. We can’t even tell you why we’re doing this Brexit anymore. We’re pretty much just dancing in ever faster circles behind closed doors and hoping for a magic solution that will lets us slash tax to shreds but not get gullotined. I’m starting to sweat before I even get up in the morning. Does your room spin when you’re alone too? Does your reflection swear at you too?”

The minister of state’s concerns come on the back of the observation that anyone in government standing next to prominent Brexit MPs like Raab has also starting to uncontrollably dance in ever faster Brexit circles. This has not gone unnoticed in fictional medical circles.

”They’ve dancing sickness they have,” Roger Poker M.D. told LCD Views, “it’s a form of contagious madness. They’re going to dance themselves to death and they may well take us with them unless they enter the end state of terminal dehydration prior to March 29th 2019.”

Can we play some variety of music to help increase the tempo of their dancing?

”Well, a classic album called ‘Official Opposition Party Like You Understand Today and not 1970’ would help them get to the fatal stage before infecting too many others, but no one has been able to locate a copy for a couple of years now.”

Dancing Sickness was an occasional plague in the Middle Ages and into the 19th Century.

”They used to think it was caused by ergot poisoning on grains bread was made from by the afflicted communities,” Doctor Poker explained, “but now we realise the cause is a government of complete and utter fucking idiots.”

Little England no more as government plans to amass more land mass to win looming air war

The dominant force in United Kingdom’s politics has its shovel in hand today and is digging with the announcement of a massive expansion to England’s land mass ahead of Brexit.

”It’s to properly stuff the Irish,” Iain Duncan Smith told LCD Views, via a secure Skype connection from the walk in fridge he lives in.

It seems recent traitorous utterings by the jumped up ideologue across the Irish Sea has provoked mighty England’s visionary patriots to act.

”If we’re going to have an air war against the Irish, and the rest of the EU 27, having more land is the way to win in the air,” Irritiable Duncan affirmed, “more land means we control more air, hot and cold. It also extends our fishing territory deep into the heart of Bavaria. A tangible benefit.”

It’s believed under the plan the mountainous regions of Scotland and Wales will be pulverised and dumped into the sea surrounding England.

”Think of it as a massive boost to the economy via work creation for all the lazy unemployed in the subjugated tribal regions of the English empire.”

Work is expected to begin by the weekend with the army moved into the lower regions of the Scottish highlands to ensure no cattle rustlers turn their hands to thieving English shovels.

”We need to win in the air by expanding our land,” Iain reiterates helpfully, “Boris will be happy too. He gets to have his Thames estuary airport. Only it will be about a mile off the coast of France and a RAF one.”

Critics of the scheme have raised concerns though that expanding England so close to the European mainland will make it easier for young, fertile English breeding stock to escape after Brexit.

”It’s not a worry. With a pick in hand and hacking apart rock all day, before their fruit picking shift, no one under fifty will have the energy to build a raft and flee.”

But what is this exciting plan to secure our future called?

”Operation Bullfrog,” IDS said, “as we’re puffing ourselves up well beyond our actual size to gain a tangible advantage.”

Get your shovels England and get digging. Across the border. In Scotland and Wales.

Famous orange man takes last shreds of woman’s self respect as souvenir from U.K. holiday

A famously orange man famous for golfing more than working, but who often scores a hole in one for fascism when he does work, has decided to take the last shreds of a woman’s self respect as his souvenir from a U.K. golfing holiday.

”I wanted a baby,” the man told a packed press conference, “a beautiful baby. A big baby. The biggest baby I could find. They have very fat babies here in England land. Not many people know that. But they do. Let me tell you. Great big, fat babies. And they’re orange. And they fly. Who knew? I knew. You didn’t know that. Beautiful flying babies. You can put them in a cage so they can’t float away.”

But inability to capture a fat, flying English baby has led to a change in direction, moments later.

”I never said I wanted a baby? That’s fake news. That’s the lying, scum mainstream media lying to you. They lie to you. They really do. Day in and day out. They have me on television. I am the highest rating, sitting, hardly ever standing, US president on English television, and Scottish television, Scottish television too. I have the best ratings here since George Washington. Not many people know that.”

But what are you choosing as a souvenir if you can’t have a baby to put in a cage?

”Oh, that’s easy. Easiest decision in the world. I am taking the last shreds of Theresa May’s credibility, self respect and joy at being alive home with me. It’s already in the bag. It’s a tiny bag. Just the smallest. Like one of those bags poor people, who, let me tell you, are only poor because they’re lazy, too lazy to work folks. Unlike me. I’m a self made man. Small bag. Small, small bag.”

We asked the woman for comment on this but all she would say was,

”Under his eye.”

Then she cast her eyes to the ground and drifted away.

Project Fear slammed for being Project Understatement as plans to power Northern Ireland with floating sea batteries revealed

“Those traitorous remoaners have stitched us up!” shouted masses of gammon and key politicians who prey on their salty credulousness, as details of plans for Northern Ireland’s life outside of the EU were revealed.

”The bloody fact, bloody fancy, bloody avocado eating, bloody ooo I’m so clever metropolitan disconnected out of touch snob remainers were supposed to warn everyone what was coming down the line if we chose to tie ourselves to the tracks of Brexit,” Frank Bloody Field MP told LCD Views, “and did they? Did they bloody hell!”

At this point Frank had to sit down and imagine a restorative vision of a revolution, after millions of bloody middle class people were finally eating out of bins and the common man realised the racism fuelled bollocks of Brexit. And their political betters, while still their comrades, lived in the mansions nationalised after the fall of all that evil capitalism.

”No one told us we were going to be stockpiling bloody tinned food because no one bothered to work out how our food supply chain works. Whose bloody job is that? Some lazy fancy pants with two tone shoes made of supple Italian leather soaked in the sweat of children. I bloody reckon! Who’s job…”

Frank settled again. Restoring himself this time with the image of smashing open the temple of Mammon in London and using the recovered toil of the masses to buy Russian made tractors and feed a starving mass.

”And Northern Ireland to be powered by floating flipping batteries in the Irish Sea? This is Global Britain? The Tories are turning us into Venezuela, with my and certain other Labour colleagues help.”

Frank breathed in. Breathed out. Imagined Marx and Lenin and Castro holding a cake sale, before finally,

”Project Fear was Project Understatement, I tell you, and I am pointing the finger squarely at the bloody remainers for not being as hysterical as us red kippers. We know who to blame. We’re taking names.”

There. That’s reassuring then. Look to the future and watch the batteries bob in a gale in the Irish Sea as the lights of Northern Ireland go off and on, off and on, to the rhythm of the sea.


Red meat for Brits as Brexit cookbook updated to include recipes for cooking lion

“No one has anything to fear,” Dominic Raab MP, newly scraped off the bottom of the Tory barrel, told a packed press conference in Whitehall today, “my department is moving swiftly to ensure red meat is thrown to all patriotic subjects of HMG post Brexit.”

It was welcome news.

And a firm retort to the week’s scandalous headlines fear mongering over food shortages from Spring 2019, when we all pull together to make kleptomaniacs and their hedge fund stooges even richer.

“Anyone who has ever driven around the countryside in the United Kingdom will know it is just heaving with fresh red meat,” Mr Raab went on, “and not just the cattle, ponies and sheep. The recent fad for safari parks means that even exotic tastes will continue to be sated as we make a success of Brexit. We have a bounty in the countryside and those unelected eurocrats can’t stop us dining. Taste the sovereignty!”

This is wonderful. A far cry from the days when that ageing SAS wannabe Davis held sway as Secretary of State for Complete and Total Insanity, or DExEU, as it’s more commonly called.

“Working hand in hand with the country’s safari parks will ensure that not many people have to subsist on dog food or grass. A small price to pay for once again being outside of the tyrannical grasp of the undemocratic European Union. Making our own laws for the first time in decades and making them exactly mirror EU laws so we can trade with the world’s biggest trading bloc. But being competitive by having every working man, woman and child free of regulations and on below subsistence wages.”

Ooo that’s lip smacking. It’s believed plans for how to deliver the lions, tigers, antelopes, elephants and other animals to the country’s dinner tables are not yet finalised, but soon will be. Just a matter of designing the “Taste Your Sovereignty” logo.

“Also, my department will be updating the Brexit Cookbook immediately so you know the best way to prepare that shank of big cat. Other measures will be edible Saint George flags. Commemorative Brexit dinner plates made of chewable ceramics and how to force your children to forage. I will repeat now, no one has anything to fear if they are willing to work.”

But what about the concerns over the lights going out? The potential for Brexit to shove the UK out of the European energy markets?

“The hot heat of faith and certainty of a price worth paying will keep everyone warm,” Mr Raab reassured, “never fear. In Brexit Britain the lights may go out, for a time, as we adjust to our new realities, but with the enforced adoption of patriotic blue British passports, the lights maybe out, but everyone will still be at home.”