Downing Street “shocked” to discover Kent has gone missing – inquiry launched

REAL MEN DON’T LOOK AT EXPLOSIONS : WORLD LEADING PRIME MINISTER BORIS JOHNSON is reported to be in a state of “shock” today after the discovery that famous Brexity Kent has gone missing.

Reports that Sue Gray was last seen in the English province and the entire place has been “disappeared” by aliens as a result have been dismissed as “heresay”.

Kent has been most determinedly visible ever since Nigel Farage first discovered and then colonised large swathes of it in the early 1930’s, but no one expected it to vanish just like his relevance.

“Exactly where Kent has gone will be determined by the inquiry in the fullness of time,” a 10 Downing Street spokesdroid said. “There is nothing to worry about. Clearly suggestions it was discovered that Kent is entirely composed of hydrocarbons and it’s been thrown onto a fire to generate much needed energy are exaggerated.”

While Downing Street maybe slow to discover where Kent has gone there are reports in the EU27 press though that state it has either “eloped with Norwich and moved into a villa on the Costa del Sol” or “sought asylum in Dover”.

When pressed the spokesdroid did give a hint as to Downing Street’s thinking if Kent is discovered to have sought asylum in Dover.

“Next stop Rwanda. Kent is actually being very forward thinking in that respect. Because once we finish dehumanising and deporting undesirables who derive externally to the UK, we will turn our attention to the unwanted indigenous thought criminals.”

Anyone seeing Kent is encouraged to report them to the nearest police station, assuming the station wasn’t sold off for luxury housing during the wise age of austerity.

Fears UK government has collapsed after suitcases of Covid cash seized at border

TIN POT GONNA TIN POT : 10 DOWNING STREET is under pressure this morning to confirm the UK Government still exists after suitcases of Covid cash were seized at the country’s borders.

The giveaway of taxpayers money during the pandemic was of course rigorously overseen by inheritance millionaires and other people who achieved their high positions in public life through sheer hard work and inherent talent. No patriot would suggest otherwise.

Quite how billions in fraud could just be written off with a nonchalant shrug by the PM and Chancellor is not an act worth worrying anyone’s pretty little head over. YOU SHOULD BE WORRYING ABOUT YOUR GAS AND FOOD BILLS ANYWAY. But the attempt to take some of the defrauded cash out of the country in suitcases will raise eyebrows among the usual suspects.

“It’s an example of how robust the controls are at our borders,” a source inside the government told LCD Views. “People should be celebrating. This is exceptionally old school. It should be applauded. Why wire the money overseas in dribs and drabs when you can just fill suitcases with cold hard cash and really get a buzz out of your looming early retirement?”

The timing of the seizures is fortuitous too as British exports have entered a period of mysterious decline.

“This also shows that British exports are booming,” the source continued. “Taking taxpayers money and throwing it overseas to God knows where is completely in keeping with Brexit and proves the country is making a success of it.”

It’s not yet clear what the Treasury will make of the captured cash, but hopes are high they will simply attempt to give it away again to anyone who is prepared to set up a limited company at short notice.

“Rishi won’t be troubled by the news,” the source shrugs. “You don’t write off five billion in fraud without a backward glance if you understand what money is. He exists on a higher fiscal plane and is getting on with the job of delivering on what’s important to the British people. Today he is choosing a new hairstyle.”

Similarly for the Prime Minister, who it is claimed is still in office, the story will not be a concern.

“It’ll give him something to laugh about,” the source adds. “And God knows he needs it.”

BREAKING : Boris Johnson says he wants “to get on with introducing cannibalism”

A VERY BRITISH MEAL : The outgoing Prime Minister Boris Johnson has given a press interview to celebrate getting the hell out of the country.

Speaking to the media today he said he wanted to draw a line under Partygate because he was “bored” of “commoners” mentioning how their loved ones died alone while he got smashed at a “work party”. He said he was focused now on fulfilling the promise of Brexit and “delivering cannibalism to the entire United Kingdom”.

The prospect of cannibalism has long enthused his party’s MPs who now see ripping the public off as tiresome because “There is no challenge in it anymore. Once you get away with lying to the Queen and remain in office you really need a bigger hit”.

Mr Johnson said he was proud of the steps taken already to achieve cannibalism and rising living costs were just part of his plan to have Britons eat each other “alive preferably” while he watches, but frozen solid in the depths of winter would also present “a unique opportunity to stick it up the French who think they know all there is about cooking”.

Quite when cannibalism will be achieved wasn’t said because that would be to contradict the Prime Minister’s standard way of going about business.

“You always promise a brighter day tomorrow regardless of the catastrophe you have made of today,” Mr Johnson said. “And the cooking fires of Britain will be exceptionally bright once we harness the wood of the commons and consume one another in the greatest show of solidarity and Great British can do seen since the end of WW2”.

TO achieve this fire lit upland all the British public have to do is continue to allow the Tories to pursue the insane policies they have since returning to office in 2010.

“We don’t have a clue about running a country,” Mr Johnson admitted. “But we don’t have to. That’s what the tabloids are for.”

For her part the Home Secretary is said to be “wet with anticipation” and “smacking her chops” at the chance to eat children as opposed to just impoverish them. Believing additionally that if the UK gains a reputation as a land eating itself alive it will finally deal a death blow to the problem of people wanting to come and make a live for themselves on Blighty.

Bon appetit.

Deportation of refugees to Rwanda to be centrepiece of 2022 VE Day celebrations

YOU ARE WHAT YOU DO : No one can forget the wonderful conga lines of the 2020 VE Day celebrations as the novel virus weaved its way through the UK’s cities, towns and villages. Global Britons got out the bunting and thumbed their noses at the basic reality of how a virus spreads, encouraged by their government.

“We showed the world who we were that day and we’ve not stopped since,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “We didn’t even have a vaccine then but we weren’t letting the prospect of tens of thousands of unnecessary deaths stop us having a party! And this year we’re going to show the world again what is important to us.”

While many had expected May 8th to be a sombre and reflective day this year, what with war raging in the east of Europe, 10 Downing Street is thought to be minded to use the day to really “own the libs”.

“What an opportunity to get partygate off the headlines,” the source enthuses. “And what an opportunity to make sure that everyone on Earth can see that access to refuge in the UK is very much colour coded. You can’t get more Brexit than that.”

It’s believed the ‘Go Home Vans’ that announced Theresa May’s principles as she took control of the Home Office, will be given a bit of “spit and polish” and refitted with images of desperate people in the English Channel.

“It’ll be a story board style public declaration as the vans tour the country,” the source explains. “The first van will show images of refugees from WW2. The second Nigel Farage’s famous ‘Breaking Point’ poster and after that it’ll be people in the English Channel going straight into camps far, far away. Once they’re out of sight, they’re out of mind. At least that is what we hope will happen. It doesn’t really matter what happens to them, just so long as the screaming void in Priti Patel’s soul is fed each and every day.”

The Prime Minister is expected to drive the first van because “fetishising WW2 is what he does”, even if his every act as PM shows he learned none of the lessons of that horrible conflict.

“Mr Johnson sees himself as the Pied Piper of refugees. He’s really enthusiastic about it. Their potential to excite his supporters is an opportunity too good to miss and should help push Partygate far away from the headlines.”

First child conceived and born in Dover lorry queue to start school in Dover lorry queue

SCHOOL OF LIFE : Little LUCILLE McTAGGART, 4, is to start school today in what is seen as heralding a “new age” in the history of the Dover Lorry Queue.

Lucille’s parents, Barb and Barry “Bazz” McTaggart, met in the early stages of the endless traffic jam and say they “bonded immediately over the tangible benefits of Brexit”. While some have decried the ending of seamless trade with continental Europe, in preference for the pursuit of the fantasy trade deal with Somewhere championed by the UK’s biggest Instagram star, Liz Truss, Barb and Bazz won’t hear a word against it.

“If it wasn’t for the self-defeating and cretinous decision to Brexit our little angel wouldn’t have been born in the first place,” Barb told LCD Views. “From the moment Bazz showed me his mobile phone data allowance and offered to let me keep warm in his cab binging on Netflix, while we waited for our paperwork to be checked by the single UK Custom’s officer hired to deal with Brexit completed his training, I knew something special had begun.”

It seems the pair initially watched the entirety of German dystopian sci-fi thriller ‘Dark’ before moving onto classic American output ‘The Tiger King’ when they realised “just outside Dover is where we live now.”

Their trucks were eventually welded together to create a two-story townhouse with both cabs facing in opposite directions in homage to the ‘push me pull you’ llamas that feature in Doctor Doolittle – “the first film we watched while waiting for clearance to board a ferry that never sailed. But that’s okay because the oil tanker of love had already pulled into port. All aboard!”

“We hope Lucille will be the first child to graduate from University in the Dover truck queue,” Bazz added, “I would once have thought I’d have wanted any child of mine to join me in the freight business, but thanks to Boris Johnson that’s a fucking shambles.”

We did ask Lucille for comment over her feelings on starting school but all she did was roll up her sleeve and show us a tattoo of a love heart that contained the words “Mum and Dad” before changing the family home’s oil, and siphoning off some diesel fuel from her neighbours.

“She’s a cheeky one,” Barb admits, “but you’ve got to make your own fun in Brexitannia. Not many children get to grow up knowing they’re only alive because of the overwhelming idiocy of 52% of the UK voting population on one day during which social media manipulation, electoral fraud, outside interference, Empire nostalgia, racism, the horse shoe of delusional far left and far right political leadership, and catastrophic economic illiteracy by Tory MPs like Sunak and Redwood came together to make a Kremlin bankrolled, frog faced fucktard’s dreams of national isolation come true, but Lucille McTaggart is one.”

PM planning to ‘lie’ to combat cost of living increases

HOT AIR IN SURPLUS : BRITAIN’S WORLD LEADING PRIME MINISTER BORIS JOHNSON is under pressure to do more to combat the UK’s cost of living increases.

It’s believed the fact that he “just begs donors to pay for all of his stuff” has led him to see food banks and energy poverty as “hilarious”, but that maybe insufficient to combat a drop in his personal polling.

“Clearly all he needs to do now is prominently pretend to be teaching Zelensky how to beat Putin,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “He’s beaten the pandemic by ignoring it. It took a while for that plan to come to fruition but it has. He’s solved Brexit by ignoring it, thanked massively by the UK media and official opposition who can’t even speak about its negative consequences for fear of erupting in flames. But what to do about the insane inflationary pressures affecting voters?”

Lie about it.

“He’s falling back on his classic political strategy,” the source confirms. “If you can’t ignore it then you lie about it. The voters will lap it up and ask for more.”

Whether or not just lying will be sufficient as voters try and decide if their cat is now a luxury item is anyone’s guess, but Britain can be grateful to have a PM willing to “give it a go”.

“The real danger is a temporary cessation of insanity in the global news cycle,” the insider adds. “At the moment old Bojo can latch onto any number of nutters to deflect from being a wrecking ball through the UK economy and living standards. But if things settle down for a bit and domestic news gets to grab the headlines with both hands, well, all his years of training will be put to the test.”

But Downing Street is not idle in the face of the coming storm.

“He’s set up a working party to decide if it’s feasible to blame Brussels for the food riots expected later in the summer,” the source says, “which of course it is. If they’d never forced us into Brexit we wouldn’t be having such a deep labour crisis twinned with massive increases in admin costs to import and export. Whatever an export is.”

MPs awarded pay rise because it’s hard work being that shit

YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR : Not much is able to push passed the possibility of WW3 in the news cycle at the moment but a £2,200 pay rise for the UK’s members of parliament managed it and armed waved around for several hours.

Many UK voters may feel it’s a bit rum for MPs to be getting a boost in their pay just as the same voters look at taking out a second mortgage just to pay for petrol at the pump and their weekly grocery shop. The justification given is the increased workload caused by the pandemic.

“It’s been brutal,” one Tory backbencher told LCD Views. “You try maintaining an extramarital affair in that climate! Just look at what happened to Matt Hancock. All the money I had to shell out just to keep my bi-weekly meetings with Tricycle secret was exceptionally egregious. Not to mention having to make time to stand on my doorstep and clap for a few weeks. This pay rise doesn’t go far enough.”

Other MPs are also coming out to support the boost.

“Look at what we’ve achieved since 2010? We’ve created great food and energy insecurity in the UK just before a time of heightened food and energy insecurity and insane inflationary pressures. We’ve achieved the diplomatic isolation of the UK, and everyone thinking we’re total idiots, just before the biggest international crisis for generations. We reduced our military impressively too. Although we did produce one airplane free aircraft carrier which we immediately sent off to the Pacific. Genius. Now you get to our management of the pandemic. We wrote the rules to suit the lifestyles of ourselves and our donors. The avoidable death toll we achieved was truly world leading. I could go on, but you get the picture, you’ve been living through it.”

Essentially the pay rise is justified because “it’s hard work being this shit”.

BREAKING : Priti Patel distributes signed photos of herself to Ukrainian refugees in Calais “instead of visas”

RAMPED UP GENEROSITY : HOME SECRETARY PRITI PATEL has responded to surprising criticism of her department’s inability to react effectively to the latest refugee crisis in Europe by getting “directly involved in a personal and touching way”.

The plan appears to be designed to lift the spirits of people attempting to find sanctuary in the UK, while they negotiate the perfectly reasonable demands of the UK’s refugee visa system, which has been designed to weed out people who “just want to come here for health tourism”.

The new initiative will see everyone waiting to have their fingerprints taken given a signed photo of Priti Patel who has had a new professional portrait taken for just that purpose. Although rumours suggest that the decision to involve photography has led to tension with the Foreign Secretary Liz Truss who is understood to demand “Instagram and other social media platforms remain her exclusive policy domain”.

But the Home Office has responded to reports of tension by saying that any criticism is completely unwarranted and once the images of cheerful refugees clasping images of Ms Patel are broadcast on TV the scheme will be expanded to cover any areas in Europe where people are gathering seeking assistance.

“If they want to come to the UK they need to know what life in the UK is like,” a Home Office source told LCD Views. “They need to know who will be governing them and waiting for just the right moment to have the Daily Mail start running stories designed to shift the public mood to throwing them right back out again.”

The Prime Minister is thought to have endorsed the scheme, although was critical of the lack of choice of image.

“The PM is leading the world in the response to the crisis in Ukraine, but he’s taken time out of his afternoon wine and cheese schedule to pen a note to Ms Patel encouraging her to make the portraits available in both gloss and matt and for the recipients to decide which one they receive,” a Downing Street source said, on the way to the cheese shop.

“The UK is leading European leaders in the PR campaign to be seen to be doing something. The distribution of the portraits will have them green with envy,” the Home Office spokesman added. “This is ramped up UK generosity in action and the best you can expect from the current government.”

PM unveils “world leading” six point plan to wait until EU countries deal with refugee crisis

GET ON WITH IT : BRITISH PRIME MINISTER BORIS JOHNSON has revealed a world leading plan to assist with the dramatic refugee crisis ongoing as the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues.

“No one with a heart could fail to be moved by the images we are seeing,” a 10 Downing Street spokesman told LCD Views. “This explains the speed at which Downing Street and the Home Secretary are moving.”

The plan is said to be centred on “sound bites” and the “appearance of activity” while in actuality “dragging our heels like a mule”. It’s believed it is motivated by a deep concern that the racists in the PM’s base support will start to “lose their shit and go red in the face on QT” if too many vulnerable people receive British support.

“It’s easier clearly,” a spokesman for 10 Downing Street told LCD Views. “These are white Christians so there’s not all that confusion like in more recent refugee crises. But they’re probably still commies and so…well…if your entire intellectual appetite is the Daily Mail or the Telegraph, it’s a journey to assist anyone.”

But to reinforce the perception that something is being done the actual six points have been stated.

  1. Dither
  2. Delay
  3. Have Liz post pictures on Instagram
  4. PM to pose with soldiers
  5. Create a confusing and mind boggling system to access visas.
  6. Explain how we’re leading the world ad nauseam until it all goes away.

There is also an unpublished seventh point which is understood to be “privately grin like a Cheshire Cat that Putin’s war has swept the Partygate scandals and the alleged pandemic mass fraud by Tory donors right off the front pages.

Europe must stand together, says man who staked his career on splitting it up

TAKING BACK CONTROL OF OUR OWN DESTINY: Until the rest of the world unites and forces us to take sides. Are we to follow the right course, and unite? Or follow the money? 

No. Global Britain leads, indeed it MUST lead, or Brexit was all for nothing. And that can never be true. 

One man who knows this less well than anyone else is the country’s figure-arse and Clown Prince, Boris Johnson. If ever there is a man who cannot see the connection between his actions and their consequences, it is he. 

“England must stand alone and get Ukraine done!” he declared. “When we all stand together, we are stronger, erm, yes, no, well, apart from England which is stronger alone, you see, quod facit memorandum, vaccines!, the wicked EU has been holding us back, and front, and a bit off the sides. Leave enough to mess up, you know, vaccines!, save my bacon, mmm, bacon sandwiches, mmm, wiff waff, no, no, no, no, yes!”

It’s almost as if Churchill himself were reincarnated, to speak gibberish while pissed as fuck on premium Russian vodka. 

“Yes, no, yes, possibly, who knows, I certainly don’t,” he continued reassuringly. “There’s a thing to be done, which we will do, eventually, there, I’ve said it, that means we are faster than the EU, and it’s a jolly good job we left, so we can tell them to stand up to Putin with us, so we work together, which we couldn’t do when we were in the EU, just because. So there!”

What Johnson can’t admit is that he only ripped the UK out of the EU so that he could continue to receive Russian bribes. So he can’t take serious action without losing face or losing money or losing power. As those are the only things that motivates him, apart from recreational drugs and rumpy-pumpy, his only course of action is to dither until it all blows over. Which could take years, of course. 

Meanwhile, the USA is bypassing the UK to deal with the EU direct, in order to counter the threats from the East. Super lightweight Foreign Secretary Liz Truss has also been bypassed, to such an extent that she has been spamming the world with photos from outside rooms where the real diplomacy is taking place. 

England stands alone. All alone. Sad and unfriended. Sovereignty! freedom! Hey… hello! hello!… anybody there?… hello?