Fed up firefighters erect a cordon, stand back and just watch Boris Johnson’s pants burn this time

LCD Views has heard from our source inside the London Fire Brigade that they are just going to stand back and let Boris Johnson’s pant’s fire rage out of control until it burns itself out, this time.

“It’s every day,” our anonymous source informed LCD, “We get called out sometimes six, seven times to the Foreign Office because Bojo has lied again, set his pants on fire, again and is now running around his office bellowing for someone to fill his paddling pool with water so he can douse the flames.”

It’s believed the strain on resources has become so serious it’s causing collateral damage.

“There was a record number of cats left stuck up trees beyond the mandatory target rescue time of three hours in the last quarter of 2017. That is because most of our units are standing with hoses in hands attempting to extinguish the blazing fires of Mr Johnson’s Y-fronts.”

This has led to fears within the service that Mr Johnson is actually part of a deeper conspiracy aimed at them.

“They want to privatise the fire service. They’re making us hit service standards they set themselves so they can claim only G4S or Carillion can run a cost efficient, target driven pant’s fire extinguishing fire service. It’s a scam.”

It’s thought things are going to get worse before they get better.

“Boris has nowhere to turn to. He’s been shown up to have been talking out of his ass about the £350M a week NHS claim, so now he’s blown it out to over £400M in the hope of being credible? He’s unstable. Where next? We can fund the social sector, house building targets with the money saved by destroying our economy on WTO terms?”

So they have taken a stand.

“When we got the call this morning we decided enough is enough. We’re not saving his flabby backside from burns this time.

We’ve sent a unit out and all they’ve done is erect a cordon to keep the public safe and they’re standing back watching Boris run about in circles hollering for love as his hair singes and his pants burn.”

Get the marshmellows. No wait, second thoughts, it’s hard to imagine what they’d taste like charred over such a blaze.

Just bring a folding chair, sit down outside Boris Johnson’s office and watch the metaphorical flames.

Daily Mail readers demand a Virgin sacrifice

Daily Mail readers across the land have been protesting the decision by Virgin Trains not to sell the paper. Virgin has now changed its mind (as a Virgin is entitled to do). Readers are overjoyed. Virgin has caved in to the pressure and taken one for the team.

Accordingly, readers of this once well-respected propaganda machine are demanding redress. The only satisfactory solution is to provide a sacrifice to the Gods of Brexit, in accordance with regulations laid down in the Book of Euroscepticus.

Doubtless the Wikipedia-dodging scandal sheet will crow about this latest “victory”. Virgin has allowed itself to be shafted by this least reputable of organs. Its reputation as a trailblazing and independent entity will be left in tatters.

LCD’s Press Predictions Correspondent reckons that this will be the Mail’s lead story in the morning. “They will brag about this, make no mistake,” he said. “Like a teenage boy after his first snog. No humility. No thought to the possible ramifications. Virgin will be slaughtered and laid out on a cold slab to appease the swivel-eyed maniacs who are running the whole show.”

We tried to contact Richard Branson for comment. “He’s not interested,” said an irritable voice from his media office. “It’s nothing to do with him, he says. He can sell whatever he likes on his trains. It has nothing at all to do with the month’s worth of negative press that the Mail is sitting on in preparation for the next rail franchise renewal.”

The sacrifice is to be carried out by a process of denigration, slander and special offers to travel on rival operators’ trains. Dirt will be dug, and mud slung. Branson’s face will be splashed across the front page with the headline screaming “OFF THE RAILS!”. The accompanying article will tell its readers that Branson is not fit to run a railway, amid calls for his resignation.

It is the only way. The innocent Virgin will be slaughtered to save the saggy hides of the old and wealthy.

Farage declares Brexit undecided as no one else will give him a job

Professional tub thumper, crap stirrer and all round pile of human bile Nigel Farage has declared Brexit undecided as no one else will give him a job.

“I’ve been down the job centre most days since I won Brexit,” Mr Farage told a reluctant reporter from LCD, “But the computer keeps telling me I’m only qualified for far right rally organising. I don’t really like spending time in small meeting rooms in hotels off motorways.

Anyway, I’m not really a details guy. Organising a rally for fascist amnesiacs, even a small one, is too much admin for me.”

It seems the unemployment issue has come as a surprise to Mr Farage.

“I’ve allegedly been taking money from dubious foreign actors through a complex network of dark money channels.

Apparently that sort of thing counts against you.

I did ask my friend with the big gold lift if he could get me a job on Fox News.

But that was no go because Fox is now weary of sleazy ageing men with a history of infidelity and a reputation for trying to bang much younger women. Which doesn’t describe me at all.”

So left with nowhere else to turn to and increasingly concerned about how he will convince other people to pay him a salary for doing bugger all but stir up hate, Nigel has turned to what he knows best.

“If we can lose, and I’m not saying we can, but if we can lose a second Brexit referendum by a narrow margin, I’ll be in business till the cows come home. We’ll need a third then. Or a fourth, depending on how you count it.”

It’s rumoured he has also secured some cut price billboard space which can be used for vile posters mimicking Nazi propaganda, like he did first time around, so that’s nice too.

Back Nigel, preferably into a corner, it’s the democratic thing to do, and then go and vote. Again.

Man expects to solve riddle of how to get into gov with a jobs first Brexit by 1st April 2019 at latest

A man who millions of people admire because he’s not like others expects to solve the riddle of how to get into government with a jobs first Brexit by 1st April 2019, at the latest.

“We’re working really hard on it. The whole team,” the man reassured his fans and supporters while seemingly immobile, “we’re building a movement right now.”

This is enough for some, but for the others,

“The only good Brexit is a jobs first Brexit.

We can do that by assisting our colleagues in government so fully on Brexit that they won’t notice we’re seamlessly out polling them while seeming to be supporting them.”

It appears the only major hurdle is how to actually get the other party off their benches, so Labour can sit on them instead, while routinely voting in support of their most important policy agenda.

“It’s totally got me stumped,” the man admitted, “you would have thought a minority government propped up by a bunch of creationists, who most likely can’t be relied upon in a crunch, would be easy to displace.”

More so because they are pursuing an incredibly divisive agenda which all evidence suggests is going to completely trash the economy of the country, while simultaneously belittling it diplomatically.

“And they’re doing this while pursuing domestic policies that some suggest are now indirectly killing people who need medical treatment or welfare support.”

You would have thought the way to bring such a government down would be clear, but apparently not.

“I’m sure we’ll find the magic bullet sooner or later, definitely by the first of April 2019.”

Until then it’s probably best to just keep voting in support of a very weak prime minister on the issue that is always threatening to rip her own party to shreds because you’re worried a bunch of people who believed a barrel load of lies might not like you so much?

“We’ll get there. Just be patient. Until then we’ll just vote with the Tories on Brexit and see if they don’t do our job for us, sooner or later, by daily hurting the United Kingdom. It’s the principled thing to do.

If we appear mysterious people will think we’re up to something clever.

That is in no way a cynical political strategy that makes us complicit in the great self-harm project being inflicted on the U.K.”

Schools ordered to teach new meaning of ‘democracy’

The UK’s newest Secretary of State for Education has taken to the job with gusto by ordering all schools in the United Kingdom to teach a redefinition of the word ‘democracy’.

“It’s whatever the party who tentatively holds onto power by buying a majority wants it to mean,” an aide to the new minister explained to LCD.

LCD : But what’s the new definition?

“I just told you. The new definition is ‘whatever the party who tentatively holds onto power by buying a majority wants it to mean’.”

The clarification is important.

“Too many people are clinging onto the outdated notion that our democracy is a system of government wherein all the voices of the population are heard and balanced by way of reaching a compromise agreement that enacts not only a majority view, but takes into account minority interests also, to stop them getting all disenchanted and militant and stuff.”

The old way was occasionally put into practice in the U.K. by way of electing representatives who stood in a place like a parliament and debated issues and respected the expressed views of constituencies while also, and very importantly, used their best objective judgement to make important decisions affecting the lives of all. This did not always square with the changing opinions of voters, but was a good check against mob rule.

“That was a pretty boring way of doing things. And tended to over complicate issues.

Brexit is a great example.

How do you deliver an agenda based solely on distracting lies packaged up as nationalism and appealing to people’s’ insecurities about a changing world in order to enrich offshore, tax haven loving, sociopathic billionaires if you actually debate the issues factually and attempt to balance a majority view while respecting a minority one too? You might even find objective analysis says it’s a real dumb idea. What a pickle.

It’s impossible.

The new definition is much simpler. We call it ‘will of the people’.”

LCD : But why change it now?

“Hopefully redefining democracy will go some way to bullying remoaners into shutting up about all of our lies.”

LCD: Critics will say this move is designed to distract the people from what you’re really attempting to do? And what you’re really attempting is contradictory of the old definition of democracy.

“Oh, you’ve just defined Brexit. We’ve no plans to redefine that. We all know Brexit means Brexit.”

May appoints Duke of York tsar of military fitness

LCD Views can report there is disquiet in the ranks at the Ministry of Defence today with the news that Theresa May has appointed the Duke of York her new tsar of military fitness.

“Gavin is well cheesed off,” our insider whispered down the line,

“he’s still got his black book from his time as chief whip, I reckon he’ll be getting it out and giving the Maybot a call. He fancied putting the infantry through their paces himself while wearing a Spider-Man outfit. He’s stepped it up from a pet tarantula now he’s the boss of bombs.”

It appears the Duke himself is not best pleased either.

“He’s worried old family traits will come through the moment he gets the men under his command and it’ll just be marching up and down hills all day from then on. When all he really wants to be doing is pursuing his hobby of lobbying conservative MPs on behalf of oil rich states listed in Amnesty International’s bad book”

Further upset is likely to come with increased spending restraints at the MoD meaning that it will be unlikely the Duke will even have 10,000 men to march about with.

“They’ll all be armed with Brown Bessie’s though, thanks to cutbacks, the museum cupboards at most barracks are being prized open as we speak and old kit dusted off so Putin knows we’re ready for him, in or out of the EU. So there will be an air of authenticity when the Duke goes on parade.”

There has been support for the appointment from an unexpected quarter though.

Toby Young, the new head of ideologically reshaping universities to agree with eugenics and bigotry against people who don’t have as good a dad as Toby, has lent his support to the appointment.

“Maybe Andy will take me to meet some dictator of a former soviet state who likes the wet work?” Toby tweeted,

“then I can finally meet someone I can feel morally superior to as I set about introducing competition and commercial bias into higher education. I feel a little giddy. Now show me your tits!”

British classic ‘Rule, Britannia!’ rewritten to include lyrics “volunteer border force”

LCD Views’ Pride of the Nation correspondent has deep pleasure in complying with a Home Office order to announce the following,

“Your government of experts has embarked on a joint initiative between DExEU and the MoD to rewrite, re-record and re-release the timeless classic ‘Rule, Britannia!’ to reflect the growing pride felt by all Britons as we sail into Brexit.”

The release continues by quoting excerpts of the updated lyrics, such as, “Rule, Britannia!, Britannia rules the waves, with…a…border volunteer force…all….ways”.


“When Britain first, at Rupert’s command Cut itself out of the single market and customs union of half a billion people,

And guardian angels sang this strain:

We, will, get better trade deals for offshore billionaires when we negotiate on our own!

Rule, Britannia! Xenophobia rules the airwaves: Britons never will be slaves with…a… Border…volunteer force…all ways!”

It goes on like this for half an hour or so and will be sung each morning in schools to start the day from when schools reopen for 2020.

This will be followed by press ganging of students into naval service, but only at comprehensive schools.

Metropolitan elites have criticised the reworking of the classic as simplistic jingoism that will only appeal to credulous inward looking voters concerned about the colour of their passport and not its function.

“Those types are going to be dealt with,” a home office minister reassured, before putting on a large hat made of ostrich.

In order to assist all patriots in learning the revised lyrics special audio cassettes of “Rule, Britannia 2.0!” will be released with each edition of the Daily Mail until Brexit Day.

Get yours today and burn it, in a patriotic way!

Foreign nationals seeking UK citizenship post-Brexit will be turned down if they fill in the forms correctly

New immigration rules designed to stem the tide of freeloaders have been released. Any applicant displaying sufficient intelligence to complete the documentation will be refused entry.

Naturally, an inability to fill in a simple application form leads to instant disqualification.

The citizenship test will have three sections: a written test, a practical/oral exam, and General Knowledge. The written test asks elementary questions about Great Britain. Sample questions include:

1. Explain how Great Britain won two world wars single handedly.

2. Why is it called the United Kingdom if it has a Queen?

3. Can you solve the Irish Boarder problem with an eviction notice?

The practical/oral test is more demanding. Candidates are required to queue in British, mark St George’s birthplace on a map of the British Isles, and pinpoint precisely where the North begins.

In addition, candidates are required to take a fun pronunciation test. Common words like Thames, Cockburn, Beauchamp, Loughborough and Belvoir must be attempted. Candidates must determine whether the word “castle” rhymes with “parcel” or “hassle”.

The General Knowledge section provides light relief. Candidates must:

Know the right way to brew tea.

Supply the correct name for a bread roll.

Decide what to say when you get bad service/food in a restaurant.

Be able to drink and enjoy ten pints of draught bitter.

Display correct tea drinking etiquette.

Distinguish between white and brown bread, sugar, and people, ascertaining which is the most socially acceptable.

Avoid eye contact on public transport.

This simple test will reveal whether you are cut out for Britishness or not. Naturally, the ability to pass the test makes you a stuck-up girly swot, which means your citizenship application will be rejected out of hand. Brexit means the triumph of the idiocracy.

There is a much easier way to become a British subject. Simply pay an eight-figure sum to the conservative party of your choice and you’re in.

Lord Haw Haw made an actual lord in new year honours by order of prime minister

Lord Haw Haw was dug up, resurrected and made an actual lord by order of the prime minister in this year’s new year honours.

Also listed was every serving conservative MP who doesn’t already have a gong, mostly for services to buying a majority with a bung, and for making Rupert Murdoch happy.

“Lord Haw Haw is one of Britain’s most famous broadcasters,” a spokesman for Downing Street informed a surprised country this morning, “in many ways he could be said to be a forerunner for the patriotic thinkers behind Brexit.”

It’s not certain where exactly Lord Haw Haw’s peerage will be seated, there is even a rumour circulating that he will have to wait until after Brexit has been successfully enacted to find out.

“It would be best if he was Lord Haw Haw of somewhere or other in the Kingdom of Brexit, or Brexitannia, we’re still working out the finer details in excruciating detail.”

Pressure is also growing for the new peer to be made director of political programming for the BBC.

“The BBC really let the side down today by reporting what Lord Adonis said about Brexit in his resignation letter.

They’ve been doing much better since they started to fear Conservative government attacks on their funding.

As a result of this it’s thought a new director who more fully understands that there is right thought about Brexit and only right thought would be preferable.

This will help unite the country as we move forward to embrace the exciting opportunities presented by the overwhelming decision of the people of the United Kingdom to leave their sanity and parliamentary democracy behind on the 23rd of June 2016.

Even though the referendum was only advisory and an actual representative parliament would do the job of exploring the advice to test its worth before potentially destroying the economy and our international reputation and civil society and NHS in the service of disaster capitalists. Many of whom are Tory MPs.

What the Lexit mob are up to, no one is really sure, except that Jeremy has a very clear position on Brexit. He just keeps it secret.”

Lord Haw Haw is expected to broadcast a speech later this afternoon from across the channel. Well, assuming they can get his jaw to stay on.

He will explain how the European Union is an undemocratic tyranny which is economically failing and will soon be conquered by Nigel Farage jumping off Brighton Pier holding a bunch of bent British bananas. These will be genetically modified to be the colour of Saint George flags.

“We would like to reassure Nigel too, he will be knighted sooner or later.
Presumably once we’ve successfully put all the sewerage back onto our beaches that membership of the EU forced us to clean off.”

All patriots are instructed to sit next to their wirelesses this afternoon to hear Lord Haw Haw’s maiden speech, it begins,

“The nation has united behind Brexit.”

It just won’t say which of the four nations that nation is.

Corbyn hoping for a new whip for Christmas as parliamentary one frayed at edges

News from the North Pole this morning is that official opposition leader Jeremy Rebel Corbyn has written to Santa and asked for a new whip for Christmas as he’s pretty much worn out the old one.

“You try whipping your MPs in support of the Prime Minister and Brexit each day parliament votes,” a supporter of the Santa like party leader told LCD, “frankly I’m surprised the whip has lasted this long. The majority of our membership don’t want Brexit and the majority of the PLP knows it’s insane too, but they’re all doing as they’re told, mostly, in the hope Brexit will do the job of bringing down the Tories for them.”

Corbyn is clearly skilled at applying the whip to his party, having ignored it his entire career, pretty much, until he got the power of it to use for himself.

“It will be a good thing if May gets her EU Withdrawal Bill through with the enhanced powers she seeks. Jeremy will inherit that too and we’re seeing what he does with the party whip in a time of national crisis, imagine what he could do with a bit of autocratic power gifted by the hapless Tories?”

But other supporters of the man promising the unicorn Brexit have been quick to rush to his defence.

“Brexit is a hard right coup in service to extreme neoliberals and backed by extremely rich people who makes most of their money dealing with regimes who have zero regard for human rights, what’s wrong with supporting Brexit? Jeremy has principles. Especially if he sees an equation of deep harm to the entire country leading to political gain for the Labour Party. It could be a Great Leap Forward.”

It’s believed whatever harm Labour is complicit in causing by effectively being in coalition with the Tories on the massive self harm project will quite easily be reversed once Corbyn is prime minister.

“We’re going to turn every household into a steel manufacturer and issue household steel outputs to that end. It’s a bit nostalgic but it worked for Mao. And don’t forget, McDonnell threw that little red book across to the government in the commons because sometimes eggs have to be broken to make an omelette. Even if 20M starved to death.”

Not to support the government in breaking all the eggs of the UK’s economy by playing a cynical political game with Brexit, rather than stand up for truth and explain to leave supporters in Labour constituencies how they’ve been conned by xenophobic wannabe fascists, would be seen as betraying the will of the people.

“We’re going to keep talking about Jezza’s principles till the hard border goes up between Northern Ireland and the Republic.”