A bad meal is better than no meal as Brexit food shortages promise end to fussy eating in proper British children

The Ministry of Health was in an ecstatic mood today as a study of the most recent Brexit possibilities promised to carve billions off the cost of treating obesity and type something diabetes by way of a new lean, mean Britain.

“It’s going to save the NHS a bistro of cash,” an aide to Health Secretary, and Forgetful Property Developer, Jeremy Hunt told LCD Views, “and these savings can be reinvested into luxury apartments.”

The savings are expected to be made soon after the United Kingdom crashes out of the European Union in March 2019.

”It’s a tangible benefit of Brexit,” the aide continued, “it’s a shame the British people in their much lauded wisdom didn’t see fit to gift Ms May an overwhelming majority at the June 2017 general election or we would have already crashed out and gotten all skinny.”

But the spoils are already being fought over in a cabinet fast gaining a reputation for squabbling like kids over a round chocolate ball, unaware it’s actually a turd coated Brussels sprout.

”Michael Gove is claiming the food shortages to come should be seen as his doing in charge of DEFRA, and the failure to ensure adequate food stocks ahread of Brexit, but that’s just a load of old cobblers, as Brexiters are most likely even now investing heavily in food commodities.

And anyway, he was always a Brexiter, whereas Jeremy Hunt has undergone a conversion on the back of realising how greedily hedge funds are going to tuck in.”

The DWP is set to enjoy the food frenzy too as proper British starvation promises to end the persistent problem of work shyness in the disabled and terminally ill.

”Once the middle classes are hungry and using their sharp elbows to outbid each other for tins of beans down at the food banks the lazy poor will have no choice but to get out and pick that fruit. It’s a right Brexit dividend.”

Runours that Weird Al Yankovic has been approached to record a celebratory charity version of his famous 80’s classic “Just Eat It” are yet to be confirmed.

“It’ll be great if he does,” the aide said, “he can record it at Abbey Road studios before Corbyn’s disaster socialists sweep to power on the back of the hunger, rioting and poverty they’ve abstained so hard for. Then we can nationalise both Abbey Road Studios and Weird Al and make him record ‘Where’s Jeremy Corbyn?’ for the B side.”

Remember kids! As we embrace the possibilities of Brexit with seamless imaginations a bad meal is better than no meal. Just eat it.

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, say the three wise Brexiteers

The latest edict to come from the Downing Street bunker has a familiar theme. The three wise Brexiteers are refusing to see, hear or say anything negative about Brexit.

See No Evil, also known as Jeremy C. Hunt, has been all over the media recently. Presented with the forecasts from business leaders, fearing an economic downturn, Hunt refused to see the point. “These ‘siren voices’ need to stop luring us onto the rocks,” he said. “Pay no attention to sirens. When air raid sirens sounded during the Blitz, did the plucky Brits rush like cowards into bunkers and the London Underground? Of course not! They stood defiantly in the streets and deflected the bombs by sheer force of the British Dunkirk Spirit!”

Hunt was also embarrassed, as yet another broadcaster mistook his middle initial for the first letter of his surname. “It’s Jeremy C. Hunt, not Jeremy C… well, you get the picture,” he moaned.

The mantle of Hear No Evil is worn by Jacob Rees-Mogg. Nothing negative about Brexit manages to permeate his eardrums. His frequent presence on the radio enables him to exercise this talent. Contradictions flow from the man like water from a tap. “Lowering taxes will help the economy grow!” he waffled recently. “This means everyone earns more, well everyone who matters anyway, so this means a higher tax take which means the NHS is safe in our hands! No, raising taxes is not an easier way to achieve this, it’s just plain wrong!”

His company’s recent relocation to Ireland – to the EU, in other words – suggests that Mr Rees-Mogg ain’t as deaf as he makes out.

Boris “I can’t believe he’s not been sacked yet!” Johnson completes the triumvirate. He will Speak No Evil about Brexit, but plenty of evil about everything else. He once promised to lie down in front of the bulldozers, like a slightly less credible Arthur Dent, to prevent Heathrow’s third runway being built. However, Boris managed to be in Afghanistan to avoid voting. The bullshitting bully dodged the bulldozer bullet in Kabul.

Mr Johnson’s unequivocal comment was “F*ck Heathrow!”

There remains a long-standing vacancy for the fourth wise Brexiteer, Do No Evil.

New Carry On film ‘Carry On Brexiteering’ to star Jacob Rees-Mogg as Kenneth Williams

United International Pictures today announced the commencement of production on a brand new Carry On film, “Carry On Brexiteering”.

The film is to be produced by Jeremy Thomas, nephew of the late Gerald Thomas who directed all the original Carry On films, and is set in the corridors of power.

Mr Thomas made the following announcement in a press conference:

“Everybody knows the Carry On films, and I’ve just been itching to make one myself, to continue my uncle’s legacy, but I’ve just been waiting for the right farcical situation to come along. And then Brexit happened, which is more farcical than anything in the original Carry On films could ever dream of being, so I decided now was the time.”

The film is to feature Theresa May as Hattie Jacques, aka Matron, and Jacob Rees-Mogg as Kenneth Williams, who uttered the most quoted lines in the films, including “infamy, infamy, they’ve all got it in for me!” and of course, “Ooh, Matron!”

The cast also includes Boris Johnson in the lecherous Sid James role, chasing after every bit of skirt he can find, while the strict, officious Charles Hawtrey is to be played by Nigel Farage.

A romantic sub-plot involving Jim Dale and Barbara Windsor is to be given to Jeremy Corbyn and Diane Abbott, while the Joan Sims “battleaxe” character is to be played by Arlene Foster.

Finally, the “lusty and bombastic foreigner” role that was played by Bernard Bresslaw is to be handled here by Donald Trump.

Mr Thomas had this to say on the casting:

“I think everyone is just right for the parts they’re playing here. It’s one of those occasions when the script just writes itself to show off the cast’s abilities.”

Carry On Brexiteering is slated for release in March of next year. Asked to speculate on how well the film will do, Mr Thomas said:

“The thing about the Carry Ons is they’re like Marmite. You either love them or hate them. Which actually does fit in well with Brexit when you think about it, so I think we’ve got a good chance.”

If people can still afford to go to the cinema when it premieres, then yes, I think they will have a very good chance indeed.

Brexit Karma Sutra criticised for only giving positions for screwing yourself

An unupdated edition of the Karma Sutra focusing on Brexit has been criticised by people who ordered the illustrated handbook for only giving positions for screwing yourself.

”Trouble starts with the foreword,” disgruntled reader Mr B Usiness told LCD Views’ book reviewer, “I was expecting Gavin Williamson to have penned an encouraging introduction in which he would liberally mention KY jelly, enough to lead people to suspect he was sponsored to do so. But no.

Maybe acclaimed swordsman Boris Johnson with a go and f*ck yourselves outburst, which would have fitted right in with or without lube, but not Jeremy Hunt. I mean the man’s a complete and utter…”

It seems Hunt received the honour because he is the most recent throbbing member of a tumescent cabinet currently screwing an entire country to take aim at one Tory ‘friend with benefits’ casual partner.

“You know the kind of special, loose and pretty bloody agile friend you call up when alone and drunk, horny, need some good loving and in any position you like. Just finger a page in the book and off you go.”

Hunt made a late night, drunken call?

”Well Tories and business have been screwing each other senseless for a very long time of course,” our book reviewer noted, “in every conceivable position and often in a very orgiastic way, so to see Jeremy Rhymes-With tell a big swinging organ of industry to shut up and go f*ck themselves on national television, well, blow me!”

I gather it’s affected sales of the handbook?

”It’s not what I ordered when I shoved all that cash in your pocket for the 2015 and 2017 elections and you promised me a sweet and sticky time, is the complaint.”

So why do it? Why not release a book showing major industries on top in the usual Tory gang bang?

”A film release I think, featuring mountains of cash over years.”

What’s the film?

”From Russia With Love.”

Oh, I thought it would have been ‘Last Bojo In Paris’. I’m returning my copy the moment it arrives.

“No. Still buy a copy of Brexit Karma Sutra please,” our book reviewer adds, “Brexit so far is just foreplay, as we go forward in a smooth and orderly fashion it’ll be nice to have the pictures to refer to as 68M people set out to royally f*ck themselves.”

Government to build air wall to stop Airbus fleeing U.K.

The fantastic and forward thinking Conservative government took decisive action today to build an air wall to stop Airbus and other major businesses flying from the U.K. faced with Brexit.

”They don’t get away while I’m in charge,” professional plank of lumber David Davis told us, elbows parked at terminal 3, House of Commons bar.

The wall will initially be constructed to ecompass all of North East Wales,  to enclose the airplane maker’s ground operations and test runway, but additional walls can be constructed in ever increasing rings.

”We should have built the sea wall already,” Davis said, “to stop the EU27 fruit pickers legging it, but we’ll stop the rest!”

It seems Mr Davis has been lobbying privately since the botched 2017 general election campaign last year for the UK’s stonemasons to be put to work.

”This is the issue with how Tory party members undermined the leader at the last general election by not voting for May in sufficient numbers to secure a commanding majority.”

It seems the one thing going against Brexit has always been time, even though the leadership of both main political parties are fully signed up.

”Reality is a bitch too,” Davis added, “you see Brexit was designed as a twenty four hour smash and grab. We crash out of the EU. Not this farcical extended process that exposes all the bullshit we’re shovelling.”

Had the 2017 general election delivered the overwhelming majority sought by the Tory Brexiters they could have held all the businesses and people, and to an extent the EU hostage.

”Imagine all that tax haven cash flooded into the U.K. overnight to snap up companies that are actually sound, but where artificially devalued by the unexpected calamity of the abrupt exit? It would have been an investment boom.”

Asked how he expected to stop the aeronautical industry taking flight with a wall around North East Wales. Davis added,

”We could use nets?” before continuing to get absolutely shit faced at publicly subsidised expense.

Seasoned hostage negotiator unable to tell if woman in video is hostage or hostage taker

A seasoned hostage negotiator has professed to being unable to tell if a woman featured in a hair raising video posted online last night is actually the hostage or hostage taker.

”Pass the salt and the pepper,” Defective Dem Ocracy said, as we settled down with her to watch the video again, “I think best when I’m properly seasoned.”

In the video which is not advisable to show to minors, a clearly strained and insincere middle aged woman attempts to send more messages with her eyes than her mouth.

“You can tell she’s reading from a script and she’s not making this recording by personal choice. Just look at her? What a car crash of a person. Crash test dummy hits wall at 100mph.”

Well at least it’s a proper British speed. That’s some comfort.

”Yes. The way she keeps repeating the same phrases. Delivering on this, bag of lies, the British people voted for, another crock of shite. Clearly whoever is forcing her to record this message is taking the line that if you just keep repeating a lie it will become a truth. It won’t work.”

So she’s a hostage?

”Oh, I didn’t say that. This could be a bluff. She wants us to think she’s the hostage so we’ll pity her and do what her captors are demanding. But it’s just as likely she’s the ringleader and pulling a fast one.”

A fast one? This con has been playing out for a couple of years now.

”Measured in the speed of collapse of civil society and the British economy, if the organised gang behind this video achieve their objective, you’re probably right. The build up to the crash will seem geological in scale. That’s how they’ll make their money. Smash and grab in twenty four hours.”

But who’s behind it? Do you have any clue?

”Yes. A shadowy group of insane criminals who don’t care who gets hurt. They’re called the ERG. The sooner they’re stopped, the safer we’ll be.”

UK Prosthetics industry welcomes Brexit dividend

UK manufacturers of prosthetic limbs are looking forward to a “seismic leap” in demand thanks to the “Brexit Dividend” promised by prime minister Theresa May.

Speaking to LCD Views, industry spokesman Jake Dapeg explained that for manufacturers of wooden legs, running blades and robotic legs the much vaunted “Brexit Dividend” will come in the form of the inevitable devastating economic crash.

“Seventeen plus million people who voted to leave the EU are going to realise they’ve metaphorically shot themselves in the foot and will follow through with a similar act of “actual” self mutilation,” he sniggered pointing out that many of those who voted most fervently to leave Europe, have never even set foot on the continent.

The British prosthetics industry, he said is already gearing itself up to cope with the anticipated unprecedented demand for replacement feet and lower legs.

“We’re just hoping that there’s enough cash left in the NHS biscuit barrel, to “foot the bill”, and that health minister Jeremy Hunt, won’t be “wrong footed”, and doesn’t “open his mouth and put his foot in it”, as he usually does,” he punned shamelessly.

Opening the UK’s borders to the free deployment of podiatry puns is probably one of the least expected “dividends” of the UK’s decision to leave the European Union, admitted Dapeg, pointing out that given the apparent complete lack of thought given to the entire process it is perhaps not surprising.

“Let’s face it both May and Johnson started out as “remainers” and switched to become “leavers” only when they saw which way the fetid, sulphurous wind emanating from Arron Banks behind, was blowing,” he added, warning that both had better be careful to make sure they hadn’t mistakenly planted “one foot in the grave”.

“After all there’s only one possible victor in this fight and only one possible response to the suggestion that the UK leaves the EU without a deal and declines to keep a “foot in the door” of Europe, and that’s “IN THE NAME OF SANITY!”, he implored rolling his eyes.

Costs of day to day living expected to mushroom in 2019

LCD Views can report today that the costs of day to day living are expected to mushroom in 2019.

“It’s going to be a boon for dairy farmers,” Michael Gove MP, minister for pretending to care about DEFRA, told us, “and cereal manufacturers. The chaps with the tractors? Amazing business. Just exploding. No end in sight.”

Don’t look directly at the light on the profit and loss account?

“Shades. Dark shades,” Mr Gove nodded, before licking his reptilian lips and attempting whatever the hell it is he calls a smile.

So the growing fear in the population of armageddon is exaggerated?

“Let me be very clear,” Mr Gove replied, “I want to be entirely frank about this.”

He paused for emphasis.

“There maybe bumps in the road as Global Britain strides into the future, hand in hand with Trump’s America, but so long as we align ourselves with the biggest bully on the block, I’m sure myself and my friends will get richer. My advice to you and your readers is to get into companies manufacturing chain link fencing now. Oh, and geiger counters.”

But that won’t be a reassurance to ordinary day to day people, who can’t afford to invest in chain link fencing manufacturers, as they see the value of their home plummet and the cost of bread, milk and other staples explode?

“You’re looking at this the wrong way around,” Mr Gove chided, “right now home ownership is out of reach for many younger people. This is something myself, and my colleagues in government are deeply, deeply concerned about.”

Well that’s a relief.

“It’s more than that. It’s a policy. I am not in the business of uttering meaningless soundbites.”

Is there any detail to the policy?

“Clearly all young people can afford a loaf of bread, or a pint of milk.”


“So once the Brexit/Peak Trump 2019 inflation cloud mushrooms to make the cost of a pint of milk the same as your average exploding, depreciating house price, everyone will be a winner.”

Boris Johnson’s Big Red Brexit Bus to takeover as host of BBC Question Time

Mass relief across England today after the announcement by BBC HQ that Boris Johnson’s £350M per week Big Red Brexit Bus is to takeover as the host of BBC QT after Dimbleby retires later this year.

”It’s a natural fit,” producer for the show, G Ammon of G and Ammon Productions told us, “we need to ensure the correct level of pro-Brexit bias after Dimbleby retires. What better than the bus what won it?”

It’s not entirely clear how the bus will function as host of the programme, but G Ammon has some ideas.

”We’re going to instal a modified AI to that which controls the prime minister,” he said, “so self driving and only capable of turning to the right.”

Additionally it’s understood the bus will signal audience members to speak by flashing its headlights at them.

”It can choose panelists to respond to questions by use of its indicators. And anyone going on too long can be given a blast of exhaust fumes to shut them up.”

But what about the weekly Tory plant? The ever reliable audience member there to ensure the government doesn’t lean too hard on the BBC?

”Oh, that’s not a problem. We can programme the bus to collect the Tory boy plant on the way to recording each week.”

And the rest of the audience?

”Yes. Enough room for plenty of gammon to ride along. We can round them all up.”

What about the token remainer who is likely to sneak through the audience screening process?

”They can get the train, like Dimbleby does. It’ll be an improvement, given thanks to Grayling and chums the trains are barely running now. By the time the Boris Bus takes over as BBCQT train services should be extinct on mainland U.K.”

Unicorn speaks of nightmare dream in which it met its end

A rainbow patterned, magic unicorn spoke today of a nightmare it had last night in which it met the man who would be its end.

“Why did you say magic?” the rainbow unicorn demanded, as we sought to speak with it about the dream, “of course i’m magic. I’m a flipping unicorn. If you don’t believe in magic you can’t see me. And you’re asking me questions, so that says you believe in magic.”

We’re sorry, it’s just the description to make it clear you’re a real unicorn and not one of those Brexit ones.

“Don’t mention the B word please. It gives me the runs and it doesn’t look like you’ve bought a sandbox along for me to run to.”

We’re sorry. We won’t mention Brexit again.

“Now I have to run in circles three times to shake off the dark magic of hearing the B word twice in one minute.”

Unicorns lead more complex lives than we imagined.

“And why say nightmare dream? It’s obvious it’s a dream if it’s a nightmare!”

You’re more touchy than we imagined. Not at all like the ones in cartoons.

“And this surprises you?! Do you know the stress I’m under?”

We can only imagine.

“For over two years I’ve been pursued by 17.2M people determined to hack me to pieces and serve me up in the hope that my magic will make all the Brexit promises come true. Once you kill me. The magic dies with me.”

You said the B word.

“Oh for God’s sake. I’m about down with humans. If you see that David Davis idiot phone me and warn me on this burner phone. I’ve got to keep out of his reach. If he catches me it’s all over.”

He’ll never catch you.

“What makes you so certain?”

You don’t spend enough time in the publicly subsidised House of Commons bar.

“I always feel like I’m being called there. Along with my friend the enchanted, empty cigarette packet.”