Arthur Daley hired to sell May’s Brexit deal

The brains behind Theresa May’s misselling strategy to get the great British public to swallow, without sugar, the toxic discharge of her Brexit WA and PD have hit today upon a sure fire way to con everyone into buying it.

“Who better to accompany Ms May on her around the U.K. sales trip than a infamous British automotive dealer of questionable quality second hand cars?” Mr Con Merchant, guiding strategist at Downing Street, told us, “it was actually Gove’s idea. Every bit of deceptive genius always is.”

How Ms May, famous for being strongest when working independently, will feel about being a double act is not yet clear.

”We will have Arthur Daley convince her himself and he’ll probably sell her one of Prescott’s old Jags while he’s at it,” Mr Merchant said, “and if things get sticky Terry can pop round and have a word in her ear, to the wise, like.”

Mr Daley himself has been unavailable for comment since the announcement, but is currently believed to be hiding in the gents of a boozer out of fear that Ms May is a disgruntled customer.

”We will get word to him that ‘er indoors has a Brexit bus going begging to be sold with a massive profit if it’s pulled off. That there are 17.4M suckers lined up to pay well over the odds for something that was clearly never going to work, and which anyone could find out for themselves if they only had access to Google. The world will be his oyster. He’ll be up for it.”

Brexit, a nice little earner, if you’re a currency trader, like say, half the government.

Scientist believes island sinking under mountain of horseshit off coast of continental EU is U.K.

LCD Views brings you an exclusive interview today with world famous cartographer and professor of imaginary geography, Professor Barrow Gopher.

The interview took place in the basement map room made famous by the 2016 BBC Channel 3 science special, “Map means map”.

”Did you know this building used to be a Wetherspoons?” Professor Gopher begins the interview, with a question, underlining his reputation as an unconventional quack.

We didn’t. How did it come to be your internationally regarded (with suspicion, mostly) geographical laboratory?

”Easy. I took a Labradoodle, that is a drawing of a dog done in a whimsical style, and I put it into a blender with a Tory. The resulting mess is my lab.”

And that was enough to convince Tim Martin to sell out?

”Oh, pure personal greed and a skewed sense of personally divinity did that. But these premises were the site of the last Wetherspoons pub, when they went into administration in 2022 and no one would buy the chain”

Or the load of balls attached to it?

”Indeed, but please don’t interrupt me when I’m giving you a pearl of wisdom or I’ll terminate the interview.”


We’re sorry. Please tell our ginormous international audience about your most recent discovery?

”Well, you would have heard about the weird little island Spanish and French fishing crews have reported sighting off the coast of France and the Netherlands?”

Who hasn’t? It’s rumoured to smell very strongly of xenophobic horseshit and to be sinking at a rate so fast even rising sea levels can’t account for it.”

”It’s the U.K.”

Are you sure? Please be mindful that the age of experts is over.

”And the age of idiots has begun.”

It certainly seems so. But how can you prove this assertion?

”Merely by opening any window and smelling what’s outside.”

Professor Barrow thank you for your time.

I prefer to be called Cart. You’re welcome. Pick up a beer mat on your way out. There collectors items you know [they’re*].


Unicorns emigrating en masse to the EU before Brexit

The strangest winter migration of all is occurring, right now in the UK. The nation’s unicorns have decided to move, as a body, out of the UK and onto the continent.

The unicorn is normally a shy and reclusive creature. It does not migrate or hibernate in winter, although small localised movements have always occurred. Now there is a completely overt and unashamed exodus taking place. Even the most stubborn, traditionally found in the affluent Home Counties, are on the move. Reports indicate that both leprechauns and the tooth fairy have joined the march.

LCD Views was fortunate enough to talk to one of the unicorn leaders, Faith Overfacts, as she floated south-eastwards upon her magic rainbow.

“People have finally stopped believing in us,” said Overfacts, with a touch of bitterness. “Our hold over the imagination of the public has been slipping for a while, but the Prime Minister’s botched deal with the European Union was the final straw. So we are escaping from the horse-tile environment.”

Is not even the powerful adulation of small girls enough to keep you here?

“The sad reality of the situation is that even small girls understand that unicorns are fictional,” replied Overfacts sadly. “The unbelief is restricting our movements and destroying our breeding grounds. We have been belittled and mocked, depicted as donkeys wearing a traffic cone, or mules in party hats. Our continental neighbours are far more understanding. We are show jumpers, not queue jumpers.”

The good ship Brexit is going down with all hands. The unicorns are fleeing the sinking ship.

One man has decided to take unilateral action. Watching his leadership ambitions float away with the unicorns, Michael Gove has sprung into action. He has travelled to Dover with as much barbed wire as he can lay his clammy hands on, in order to trap the fleeing beasts. As usual, he is taking action without taking responsibility as the unicorns can evade him without any difficulty.

Magical thinking is leaving the country bereft of fairy tales. And they certainly will not live happily ever after.

UK version of Galileo to operate in the space between Boris Johnson’s ears

One of the unexpected bonuses of Brexit is the opportunity to fund, design and build a GPS system from scratch. Obviously, the EU will not be able to access it, so it will operate in the timeless void that is Boris Johnson’s head.

Initial designs seen by LCD Views indicate that UK Galileo will operate by clockwork and be calibrated in Imperial units. The construction process is top secret, but GCHQ has already stockpiled quantities of timber and nails.

The British project has already been named the Hoyle Project, in honour of plucky British scientist Sir Fred Hoyle. Hoyle always tried hard, but so often got it wrong.

Technology expert Dick Klever was on hand to unravel the mysteries of the project. “Already we can see the Britishness of the project,” claims Klever. “English oak, nails made in Birmingham, Sheffield steel, and a large selection of pies.”

Ignoring the fact that nails haven’t been made in Birmingham for many years, what’s the deal with sending pasties into space?

“That’s the really good bit!” exclaims Klever. “We will send pies into the sky for real.”

That makes perfect sense, but why do the designs show that the finished product will be arch-shaped?

“The Hoyle project aims to bridge the gap between Johnson’s ears, and also, more ambitiously, the gap between Brexiter fantasy and cold hard facts,” explained Klever. “Also, there is a potato-shaped section, named the Bridgen bridge. It forms a Bridgen over untroubled thought.”

But surely, there is not much physical space between Boris Johnson’s ears?

“It’s like the TARDIS,” said Klever patiently. “There’s an almost infinite void inside, augmented by the so-called Bridgen Area. Hoyle should transmit impractical, elevated concepts into the blond receptor for many years to come.”

The only stumbling block is the difficulty of finding a half-decent carpenter who has not found work by jumping a queue.

Theresa May now the only person in the UK who believes in Brexit

An opinion poll, based on a sample of 65m UK citizens, has revealed that the only person in the country who still believes in Brexit is Theresa May herself.

The poll was conducted via social media, principally Twitter. Everyone in the country was given the opportunity to vote, using the YouTwit app. Cheaper, and therefore better, than a referendum, the result was unexpected.

In the end, 65m people responded. “That means everyone voted,” claims completely and absolutely unbiased pollster Holden Hands. “The only response in favour of Brexit was electronically traced to a bunker under 10 Downing Street, and came from a mobile phone belonging to the Prime Minister.”

This comes in the wake of erstwhile Brexit Secretary, Dominic “Raabit in the headlights” Raab, declaring that the UK would be better off in the EU. Here is the real Brexit Dividend. There is more rejoicing in Britain over one Brexiter who repents than 99 who were always Remainers.

Brexiters are now falling faster than autumn leavers. The bare bones of Brexit are exposed to the harsh winds of reality, leaving a mouldy mess of rotting leavers on the streets.

“We must deliver on the result of the referendum,” said May mechanically, for the millionth time today, convincing nobody but herself. As platitude followed platitude, seasoned with a series of lame, tired slogans, it became clear May was going through the motions. Much like a walker trampling through fallen leaves concealing nuggets of dog poo.

The only ray of hope came from the Labour leader, Jeremy Corbyn. A man who has sat on the fence for so long that the splinters have become permanently incorporated into his buttocks, he refused to either praise or condemn May. “We must deliver on the result of the referendum,” he read from a pamphlet entitled The Collected Speech Of Theresa May. “But her deal fails our six tests, so I don’t really know any more. Sorry.”

Everyone knows Brexit is an abject failure now. Only one issue remains. Who the hell’s going to tell Theresa?

British fish caught and eaten by Frenchman to be extradited and tried for treason

SACRE BLUR : LCD Views can report today on a completely ignored clause in Theresa Mayhem’s draft Withdrawal Agreement with the fishing superpower the EU. The fishy agreement came into force already, being legally non-dependent on the WA being passed, and having been overlooked by Boris Johnson’s non-government.

“While all the usual pundits and rent-a-gobs were banging on about automanufacturing and the much salivated end of FOM for U.K. nationals to 27 countries, and 500M suckers to one country, no one has paid much attention to Clause 101.B-666A3, paragraph 97.1, which deals with the reciprocal legal rights and obligations governing nomadic, nation state wildlife,” Professor A Lawyer said, “and this is a win for the ultra-nationalists currently governing the U.K. Be in no doubt.”

For it seems within the scandalously ignored clause is detail as to how British fish, caught by Frenchmen, are to be extradited back to mainland U.K. and tried for treason.

”All British fish are fully aware that while they may swim into waters once controlled by Britannia, in the time of our control by the Normans, they must return to British waters to be caught. To be caught by a foreign net is essentially treason. The U.K. is pulling out of the joint extradition treaty with the EU, so they have to keep any of our OAP criminals on the Costa del Sol, but an exception has been made specifically for fish.”

The exception itself was a chief demand of the Prime Minister.

”From the 30th March 2019 any proper British fish caught by a Frenchman will be extradited to face justice at home.”

Trials will be held in the Old Bailey and should take less than a week to conduct.

”Capital punishment will be the sentence for all British fish guilty of treason.”

But how will the fish survive out of water to stand in the dock?

”They’ll just have to hold their breath after Brexit,” our legal eagle shrugged, “just like the rest of us.”

Brexit Deal hidden inside Ark of the Covenant

The renewed swathe of resignations from government over Brexit is kicking off again, with Dominic Raab’s quitting his job as Brexit secretary prompting many people to ask if a Brexit deal that will actually work is even possible.

Well, the answer is there, according to experts – albeit not political experts but archaeologists. One Dr Henry Jones Jr had this to say on the matter:

“The Brexit deal is something I’ve come across mentioned in many ancient historical documents. Artefacts that date back to biblical times say it was placed in the Ark of the Covenant along with the Ten Commandments.”

So if we could get our hands on that, then we’d have a fighting chance of making Brexit work? Not according to Dr Jones.

“I actually did find it on my travels, but was beaten to the punch by a bunch of Nazis, and as it turns out I’m glad I was, because when I saw what happened to them all I’m glad. It turned out anyone who looked inside the Ark died horribly.”

Does that mean we now know where the Ark is?

Dr Jones’ colleague, one Professor Marcus Brody, picked up the story:

“The US Government took the Ark away a few years back and sealed it up in storage. It’s going to be rather difficult for anyone to get their hands on it, especially at present times.”

That’s a pity. For a moment it looked like the Ark of the Covenent might be the solution to all our problems, our Holy Grail if you like.

At this Dr Jones shuddered and said, “don’t mention that to me – I found that the following year and you wouldn’t believe the hoops I had to jump through to get my hands on it. And just as we were leaving the temple there was an earthquake and the Grail was lost forever when it fell into a chasm. Even my father said it was time to let it go, and he’d devoted his whole life to finding it. Besides, after seeing what that thing was capable of, I’m not sure I’d want to find it again.”

So in other words we’re no closer to solving the mystery that is making Brexit work. I asked Dr Jones if he knew of any other historical artefacts that might help, and he said he’d let me know, but he was not optimistic.

The search continues.

Westminster evacuated after Brexit MPs lose their shit so seriously the sewers overflow

A state of emergency has been declared in the corridors of power and the Palace of Westminster evacuated after so many Brexit MPs lost their shit so seriously the HoC sewers overflowed.

Even as we go to print emergency crews are deciding whether or not it’s worth donning biohazard suits and attempting to rescue the gaggle of confused BBC journalists who haven’t known wtf is going on since Cameron successfully riddled the BBC with Tory placemen, put up by secretly funded rightwing thinktanks to sow the seeds for a fascist takeover of the U.K.

As to the Brexit MPs themselves, they’re voiding all their bowels and then scarpering away from the devastation lest they inadvertently have to take responsibility for their own political project.

”Dominic Raab was second to run,” our correspondent reports, “trousers around his ankles and in a state best described as scatological and infantile. To see him leap over security cordons with his Y fronts tangled about his knees was impressive to say the least. But with a turd the size of Mount Doom at his back, he had the motivation to scarper.”

Raab was second of many, after the first resignation this morning of a Tory MP no one has ever heard of, who was put up to start the mass shitathon with the promise of being made Chancellor once Jacob Rees-mogg becomes PM at lunchtime.

”McVey was third. She was seen desperately trying to drag Mourdant down a corridor just brimming with loose stools, before giving her up and demanding a team of malnourished children be assembled to carry her to safety.”

The Victorian sewers under the old palace have coped with nearly two centuries of mental shit from Britain’s political class, but a mass voiding of Brexiters, faced with the near fulfillment of their own crap, has proven too much.

”It’s certain to be a tsunami of crap that threatens not only the capital, but England itself. We can only surmise that whoever is in charge of assembling the portaloos along the M4 should have been looking at College Green for placements instead.”

More on this as the Brexiters void their bowels and the political system struggles to flush away the mountain of Brexshit.

Woman calls for support in trading in Porsche for damaged Reliant Robin

A woman has called today for support from her family in trading in their car, a new Porsche, for a damaged Reliant Robin, in spite of the Porsche still having an outstanding loan owing on it.

”The Porsche gets updated every year,” a confidant of the woman told us, “some contract or whatever. It’s a total pain to have to keep learning how a modern car operates. Handbrakes becoming switches. Seats warmed not by your butt but the car. I don’t know. Keys that aren’t keys. They’re like buttons or something. Too much acceleration. Too many functions to keep track of when all you want is to get from A to B, preferably by way of the rest of the alphabet, so the family spends a LOT of quality time together.”

So the solution is to get a car so outdated, everyone in the family can understand how it works, even if it doesn’t do much and is liable to fall apart?

”Yes, the younger members hate the idea, but what do they know. They like the Porsche. They don’t want the Reliant Robin. Little bit lacking in patriotic fervour the kids. Had it too good. Not grown up with enough communicable disease issues. Too much food. They’re too soft! They just expect to be able to move and live and work and drive around an entire continent, just like that. Well, that Reliant will sort that. State of it. Ha!”

So the woman is likely to succeed in convincing her family to trade down and trade down heavily?

”She will if she can get the kids’ adopted grandfather to weigh in on her side.”

Is he likely to?

”Yes. He wants the kids stuck at home helping him work his allotment.”

Man hopes re-birthing ceremony in Berlin will make him eligible for German passport

A role playing fantasist, made famous by the BBC reality TV series BBCQT, has sought to get back into the limelight today by announcing to the collection of Russian bots, FBI investigators and true born British idiots who follow him on social media that he is to undergo a re-birthing ceremony in the hope of changing his nationality.

”It’s perfectly simple,” he posted online during one of his marathon posting sessions nicknamed ‘Inner thoughts of fascist leaning hypocrite’,

“if I’m to have any hope of keeping up with my two children, who I have already secured EU27 FOM for, by way of German passports, I’m going to need a German passport myself. I’ve tried to get one as an Englishman, but the bigots in Berlin wouldn’t give me one, even though I can claim to have successfully copulated twice with a German woman.”

In order to break the impasse with the unreasonable German authorities, the man has come up with a novel idea.

”I want to continue to be able to sit in the EU parliament as an MEP after Brexit. I really doubt I’ll get my redundancy payoff after the U.K. leaves as the officious bean counters in Brussels keep docking my pay for minor accounting irregularities, the kind of little errors anyone could innocently make, so I’ll need to change my nationality to keep getting paid for not doing a job I’ve repeatedly been elected to do.”

And the novel idea?

”It’s really very straightforward,” the man explained, “I’m going all 70’s hippy and having a re-birthing ceremony. And I’m doing it in Berlin. That way the day after I do it I can have a new German passport with my birthdate listed as yesterday.”

Which coincidentally is the birth date of anyone who believes a word he says.