TOP SECRET ‘Operation : OVERTWEET’ launches to get Brexit friendly facts into public domain

CUNNING PLANS : The government has announced today the launch of the TOP SECRET initiative, ‘Operation : OVERTWEET’, developed by the genuises at the Department for International Trade.

“It’s to get better Brexit facts into the public domain,” a spokesman who does his best to avoid Liam Fox announced,

“this will ensure Global Britain is perceived as the biggest dog on the block when it comes time to renegotiate nearly 800 international agreements, most of which were signed up to as part of the failing trading bloc, aka EU.”

But critics were quick to point out that it’s hardly top secret if they are holding an announcement?

”We’re hiding in plain sight. It’s the art of camouflage,” the spokesman winked, “although an advisor to Liam said it would be better to hide the initiative behind a curtain, we’ve posted it on Facepamphlet instead. It’s very cunning. Once it has successfully gotten into remoaner groups on that platform and improved the facts available we will move onto other social media platforms.”

But you’ve called it Operation OVERTWEET?

”Yes. That’s because a special automated system will trawl Twitter to correct bad facts and make them good ones, while not overtly changing the appearance of the original tweet.”

But you’ve not launched it on that platform?

”Next question?”

The funding for the initiative, which is certain to succeed, was diverted from emergency services like A&E and ambulances, as they’d just waste it anyway.

”It’ll pay for itself once it comes time to negotiate access for chlorine carrying chickens with the USA into the British market,” the spokesman reassured, “we’ll see who sucks then.”

The public can also assist. If you see a post with bad facts that don’t support Brexit simply alert DIT and they’ll have that turd polished in a jiffy. Do your bit Global Britains [Britons] and we can’t help but impress.”

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