Danish ambassador demands famous Shakespeare line rewritten to reflect modern U.K. government

SORT YOUR OWN HOUSE OUT : There’s a diplomatic storm brewing today between Westminster and Denmark after the Danish ambassador, Larg Truthsson, demanded revision of one of the most famous lines in English historical drama.

”It’s believed the problem began when the Prime Minister invited the Danish ambassador, without first alerting the FCO, to a private performance of Hamlet,” a Westminster insider told LCD Views.

”In the play the absolute boy Jeremy Corbyn plays the famous prince, who has such a chronic case of fencesitting that it ends terribly for everybody.”

It’s believed rehearsals for the play have been run side by side with the talks occurring between the government and Labour.

The aim of the cross party talks is to try and stitch the British people up with a Brexit fudge.

One that not only makes hedge fund traders much richer, rewards foreign powers for their meddling in our referendums. but then also allows Labour to takeover a government enjoying Henry VIII powers and nationalise everything they can get their hands on, effectively creating a mid-20th century utopia, just like the fevered dreams of Labour’s unelected spokesman.”

Apparently there was no problem with Mr Corbyn’s acting, described by watchers as “completely immersive” and “totally method”.

The Danish ambassador lost it when one of the bit part characters, played by Priti Patel (famous for having to resign from cabinet after trying to secretly funnel funds to a foreign military) says to another, played by disgraced former defence minister Liam Fox, that “something is rotten in the state of Denmark.”

The Danish ambassador, who has a longstanding and deserved reputation for being able to suffer fools, just lost it.

”Denmark? What about sorting your own house out before sledging Denmark. Isn’t it time this bloody line was revised to reflect modern realities?”

Looking at the looooong list of moral depravity, lies and the fact that both the government and official opposition are prepared to base the entire direction of the U.K. on a corrupted opinion poll, now several years old, Larg Truthsson may have a point…

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