Labour to debate whether to re-arrange chairs for Brexit debate

The steering committee at Labour’s annual conference in Liverpool has confirmed that it has allocated time for a debate as to whether seating arrangements in the main conference hall should be altered prior to any further debate on Brexit.

Committee spokesperson Loretta Beckence confirmed that the committee recognised that the Labour party is a broad church and that members have the right to disagree.

“For that reason we need to ensure that anyone opposing Jeremy’s decision to leave the European Union should only be allowed to sit at the back of the hall, preferably on the floor, bound and gagged,” she explained.

“They need to understand that their ideology of free thought and open debate is dead in the water and being forced down by the giant foot of popular historical Momentum,” she added explaining that those who failed to support the Corbyn leadership’s commitment to free speech and open debate will be purged.

“Like the half-digested Blairite scum that they are,” she added.

Labour’s shadow chancellor John McDonnell confirmed to waiting reporters that neither the debate on seating arrangements nor any debate on Brexit itself would include any discussion on whether or not Brexit should actually go ahead.

“The people have spoken, and to do anything other than implement their will on the positioning of furniture or leaving the EU, would be a betrayal of the democratic process,” he snarled.

McDonnell declined to respond to questions as to whether at the next general election he would be seeking to overturn the will of the people that signally failed to come even close to electing Labour at the last three elections in 2010, 2015 and 2017, and in 2005 elected Labour as a single party government with only 35% of the vote, the lowest vote count recorded by a winning party in a general election.

“As Chinese communist leader Humpty Dumpty so rightly put it ‘When I use a word it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less’,” he sneered.

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