Farage to return to frontline politics after growing new supporters in lab

Great news for lovers of democracy today with the announcement that the hero of Little England, Nigel “I take the piss out of fishermen for fun” Farage is all set to return to frontline politics after growing a new generation of supporters in a laboratory.

“It’s groundbreaking stuff for the democratic process,” a technician from the ‘Make Meat Great Again’ movement, supporting Mr Farage’s return, told LCD Views.

“For years scientists have been attempting to grow pure British meat in a dish. Now they have achieved this amazing ecological advance, we aim to take the technology and immediately use it to grow a mass of climate change denying, racism fuelled bigots to vote for Nigel.”

But won’t that offset the potential environmental gains of the technology?

“That’s the entire point! Well, it’s part of the point. Most of the point is to ensure Nigel finally wins a parliamentary seat so he can not turn up for work in Westminster too. Just like his dedicated and principled stance of taking masses of public money with his MEP’s salary and doing f*ck all to justify it, except sow division on the public stage. It will just be great to see him elected to Westminster, but never there. Lab grown meat can realise this for the democratic process.”

But detractors of the ambitious plan have been quick to point out that a slab of meat grown in a dish won’t be able to vote.

“Seriously? I bet you’re a remainer? How the hell do you think the Conservatives are going to survive the next general election if they can’t change the law to allow a petri dish parented slab of gammon to cast a ballot? Get with the times!”

The laboratory that will be used to grow the new generation of Farage support will be based in Argentina.

“It used to be purposed to clone Hitlers. But they could never get the moustache right. And now thanks to the international coalition of tyrannical kleptocrats and greedy Western politicians, they don’t need to carry on. Brexit. Trump. Orban. Le Pencil. Others. Who needs to clone a toothbrush moustache leader when we’ve plenty on the world stage for slabs of gammon to back already. We just need the voters now. And best of all, once the meat has voted, we can slap it in a pan and fry it for lunch. Which is exactly what we have been doing with the old generation of gammon focused voters for decades.”

Get some pork on your fork.

“And give a ballot to a collection of cells with no functioning higher intelligence.”

So, in spite of the headlines about growing meat in a lab and letting it vote, nothing is actually new under the sun then?

“Now, now. Don’t be rude. These are people who vote for charlatans and bigots. If you hurt their feelings, they’ll never come around to your way of thinking. Hug a dish. Hug a petri dish.”

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