Dominic Raab says he expects his brain transplant to begin working in 10 years time

THE BRAIN OF BRITAIN : Some people choose greatness, some have greatness thrust upon them and some are Dominic Raab.

The Brain of Britain, the man who discovered the Dover-Calais land bridge is at it again. Not content to rest on his laurels he has now informed a grateful and worried nation exactly when the benefits of Brexit will reveal themselves.

“In 10 years time,” the actual foreign and commonwealth secretary informed the nation. “About the time I anticipate the benefits of my brain transplant to kick in. Although trade, unlike brain transplants, isn’t rocket surgery.”

The 10 year target will be welcome news for businesses up and down the land who are struggling to survive today.

“It’s great to have a road map. It’s the quality of the planning the architects of Brexit put into the project that is so impressive,” a bi-valve seafood wholesaler told LCD Views. “Now when I fire my staff I can reassure them in 10 years time I maybe able to rehire them. That’s if they haven’t retrained in cyber by then. Now if you’ll excuse me I’ve got to follow the advice of the government sponsored ad on a podcast and trade with China.”

But the setting of a ten year target is not without controversy, as fellow Tory Tory Tory Jacob Rees-mogg established expectations at 50 years.

“That’s because there’s a solar eclipse then,” Raab shrugged. “And he’s planning to set outside in the daytime. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got to take my medication. Brain transplants don’t look after themselves you know. And if I don’t stay sharp the EU will nick more U.K. business.”

Boris Johnson invites Donald Trump for another state visit to celebrate impeachment acquittal

LOOKING FOR TIPS : Leader of the free world Donald Trump is set to grace Buckingham Palace again this spring after accepting an invitation from Britain’s mini-Trump, Boris Johnson.

Rumours of the gold standard, world beating invitation to the former president began circulating on anti-social media over the weekend, but because Donald Trump asked Twitter to close his account he wasn’t there to confirm or deny it.

10 Downing Street wasn’t giving the game away either, playing a blinder with a dead cat about a submarine, tourist walkway over the WW2 munitions dump in the Irish Sea.

“It’s part of the owning the libs agenda,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “Can you imagine the stink it is going to cause? And not just from Londoners storing up their wee in the hope of throwing bottles of gold at Trump. Universities are going to be forced at gunpoint to teach students about how Donald Trump and Boris Johnson together saved the Western hemisphere from democracy.”

The decision to invite the man who made America grate again to the UK is also seen as a key poke in the eye to the EU.

“They’ll have to settle with Biden. But we all know that just as soon as Donald Trump deals with the backlog of federal prosecutions coming his way, and settles the estimated $1.1bn he owes to his very understanding creditors, he’ll be running for president in 2024 because what could keep the ageing cardiac in waiting down? Other than the prosecutions, unpaid debt and obesity?”

It’s believed also that Mr Johnson and Mr Trump will have a lot to talk about, and not just infidelity. They also have histories of racist comments to bond over, dodgy foreign backers and hair, hair, hair.

“This will secure the USUKA trade deal. Liz Truss will be allowed to stand in the room hugging a Union Jack flag at one point, just for her social media accounts. But Boris and Donald will be talking turkey, because that’s the only kind of voter whoever votes for them.”

Rishi Sunak launches campaign “Clap for Rishi” to recognise his extraordinary journey

FISHY DISHI : It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of more money. Happily for some they can marry a billionaire’s daughter and continue to have great expectations.

A prime example of the well tailored to riches struggle is the UK’s architect of the world beating Eat Out to Help Out scheme, thought to have really ramped up the pandemic last year. And just imagine? Doing that and suffering no consequences? And showing no visible remorse? This is leadership.

But ensuring success for viruses isn’t the only struggle our fearless, and well groomed Chancellor has had to overcome.

The promotion of brand Rishi speaks to a depth of character that comes from unique struggle.

“Imagine being born into good circumstances, going to the best schools and universities, entering the begging bowl universe of casino banking, marrying very well and then finding yourself completely gobsmacked to be in politics? Such a novel journey is rarely seen, except for people born into exactly those circumstances,” an unauthorised biographer of the Chancellor comments.

And Rishi Sunak wants you to feel the struggle. Wants you to know that merely by virtue of being able to style his hair, he’s the man to run the country, when the day dawns that Boris Johnson starts putting his fading barnet into a combover.

“To help everyone connect with his riches to riches journey he’s organising a clap. We’ve done nurses and emergency responders. Now we need to celebrate the sacrifices of the man who’s always had everything.”

The clap will be this coming Thursday at 8pm to start off, but once Sunak’s swimsuit calendar hits your doorstep you’ll be able to hang him by the fridge and applaud his particular load of bollocks daily.

Boris Johnson’s Garden Bridge to be built on Irish Sea floor

THEY SAID IT COULDN’T BE DONE : Every time the great visionary Boris Johnson suggests a monumental building project of daft implausibility the blind, the meek, the lazy say it can’t be done. But that doesn’t stop him suggesting it again a few months later.

We want to know why? So we asked a specialist.

“It’s because he’s a fucking idiot and a show off with an emotional age of five,” our in house psychologist suggested. “I maybe invented but I can see clearly what the problem is, without the need for obscure language.”

And it seems there is no need to dress up Mr Johnson’s now routine, and cyclical, suggestion of a grand building project.

“He does this because he can’t think of anything realistic to do to improve people’s lives and he’s an egomaniac. He wants to think there will be an impressive project lasting through time, after he’s finished taking care of the social care problem via the pandemic.”

But just because Boris Johnson says it can be done doesn’t mean it can’t.

“It does. The entire premise is bogus. Apparently the tunnel to Ireland will take care of the trade issues for the North? How? Driving under the sea eliminates customs in a way sailing over doesn’t? It makes no sense.”

But what it does at least make is vegetables. As reports of the tunnel do not mention the key facet that it is to be a garden bridge tunnel and produce fresh fruit and vegetables.

“Now you’re just being silly. What’s wrong with focusing on just growing mushrooms? Which is fair enough, given the entire method of Boris Johnson’s government is to keep us in the dark and feed us shit.”

Look forward to the bridge idea being recycled again in a few months time when Mr Johnson needs it to distract us, again, in a few months time.

Boris Johnson orders work to begin on his mausoleum

THE MUMMY : Boris Johnson, the first of his name, has ordered work to begin on his final resting place, decades in advance of when he expects to need it.

The design is said to call on the architectural styles of ancient Egypt and will be built entirely of imported sandstones and marbles at an estimated cost of £350m per week for decades.

”He conceived of the design whilst completely hammered Friday night.” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “Apparently he believes his new nickname in Downing Street is ‘Pharaoh’ and that triggered his imagination, and thoughts of his legacy. Although those present at the time say he misheard someone saying fuck you.”

A massive workforce is expected to be needed to build the pyramid shaped tomb which will be aligned not with the stars, but with Pharaoh Johnson’s barge arse. Unemployed fishermen and ballerinas are said to be looking forward to retraining to work on the project.

But critics have pointed out that such an egregious expense will bleed the public coffers dry for decades, leaving little left for the levelling up agenda Johnson is so proud of. Downing Street have responded to those concerns with a shrug and a handing out of uncontested tenders.

And it is clear what a boon for London the monumental work will be, at a time when the city is suffering the completely unavoidable consequences of Brexit, which no one warned about, and a lethally mismanaged, shitshow approach to the pandemic.

There’s always naysayers and moaners,” the source shrugs. “But Johnson is not insisting his harem joins in his final resting place. So it’s hard to see what the problem is? This is because he wants to be free to screw whoever he likes in the afterlife. After he’s finished shafting the entire U.K. senseless.”

Downing Street to give Wales the Elgin Marbles to head off calls for return of Stonehenge

DYCH CHI EISIAU CLYCH CARREG NEU FARBLIS : Downing Street is on the front foot today with its open hands extended with the promise of a major gift to Wales.

“We’ve enough bally trouble on our hands dealing with the jocks and the Irish,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “Last thing we need is the Welsh getting ideas and raising the Red Dragon. They’ve been happily ruled by England since the medieval period. Why risk upsetting all that?”

And to try and get in front of any moaning from the western provinces the ‘Union Unit’ in Downing Street, tasked with keeping the U.K. intact, has had a brain explosion.

“We don’t want to go handing back Stoned Henge, no matter what the professors discover. It’s our stone circle and we need to keep it for periodical dead cat stories about dynamiting it to widen the motorway that runs beside it. So we need to give the Welsh something of equal value to show how much we care.”

The something of equal value is the Elgin Marbles.

“Giving them the Marbles is a win win. We get to shut up the nationalists in Wales. Wales now has to argue with the Greeks over them and we get to keep the Stony Rock Hierographs. Everyone is happy. And best of all, mates of Tory ministers will land some amazing contracts to safely store and move the Marbles to Wales. After locating, planning and building the visitors centre. There’s gold in them there hills! Get in!”

Wales to demand return of Stonehenge

ROLLING AWAY THE STONES: Nationalist fervour is starting to seep into Wales. The rocks that comprise Stonehenge came from Wales, and now Wales wants to take back control of its boulders. 

“We proud Welshmen believe that Welsh monuments belong in Wales,” remarked henge hunter Craig Las. “The bluestones will return, and then we will rebuild Offa’s Dyke to keep the English out!” 

Stonehenge has been part of the English landscape so long, that Las might find himself on rocky ground. 

“Las is between a rock and a hard place,” replied English archaeologist Po Stoles. “He sounds like a heretic. Once upon a time they were stoned!” 

We are caught between an immovable object and an irresistible force. 

“Stoles can rock on,” grumbled Las. “People in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones!” 

It is a matter of fact that some of the stones used to form Stonehenge were mined in the Preseli Hills in Wales. What is not known is how they rocked up in Wiltshire. 

“They have been here forever!” claimed Stoles, clutching at straws. “And they are going to stay. Rock ‘n’ Roll? Well, these Stones ain’t Rolling nowhere!”

The atmosphere turned stone cold.

“The English stole them, obviously,” said Las, stony faced. “We Welsh patriots have always slated them as thieves. The English stole our land, our leeks, and our legends. I’m chalking this one up to them as well!” 

Whether true or not, patriotic Stonehenge fans are examining the rocks for marks of origin. Any of the monoliths bearing either a George Cross or a Welsh Dragon will be identified, and used to establish the true ownership of the monument. Such rocks are known as flag stones.

Stonehenge is astronometrically aligned, like a giant timepiece or an elaborate sundial. The ancients who constructed Stonehenge clearly wanted to rock around the clock. 

The clues lie in the ground in Pembrokeshire: the ancient footings of a stone circle. It’s like the Rosetta Stone for boulder chasers. 

A row over rocks? Stone the crows!

No Regrets from Tory MP who got Union Jack flag tattooed on their face

HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE : Speculation is rife this morning over the identity of the Tory MP who has had the Union Jack flag tattooed onto their face.

The move to get patriotically ink’d is believed to have followed a night of heavy drinking with the Prime Minister and may or may not have been the idea of Princess Nut Nuts, but sources are keeping tight lipped about whose idea it actually was.

“That’s because tattoo parlours are supposed to be closed at the moment,” a Downing Street source told LCD Views. “You’ll have to wait until they’re interviewed on TV and see if you can guess. Although the tattoo is very realistic, so there is a risk they’ll just blend into the background with the giant flag hanging limply on its stunted pole in front of their bookshelf.”

There is also speculation, fuelled by insiders, that the reason for the secrecy over the identity of the male MP, who used to be a minister, and is now in his 50’s, is because of a mistake made during the actual tattooing.

“The tattoo is definitely not upside down and actually inked in the way you display a Union Jack in distress. That’s definitely not what happened. No chance the tattoo only looks happy when the short statured, chubby little floater of U.K. politics is doing a handstand.”

The Westminster bubble will continue to buzz with rumour and speculation, and Covid, but there is some happy news for whoever the mystery member of the ERG is.

“It’s an exceptionally forward looking move,” the Downing Street source said. “Boris Johnson plans to de-select all his current MPs at the next GE and just stand Union Jack flags with blue rosettes on them stead. This is the only MP with an outside chance of being selected to stand, so long as they can keep really still and thoughtless when the selection process occurs.”

Everyone in U.K. happy Boris Johnson got Brexit done so we could move on

THIS SKEWERED ISLE : A new survey of the U.K. population by NoGov, a polling organisation that keeps its finger on the pulse, has revealed the current U.K. attitudes to Brexit.

The most common response to “What is Brexit?” was that it’s “Got done”. The survey also revealed a total lack of understanding of what that means. Not that that matters, as it has never mattered.

And the survey also revealed a characteristically British understatement to the project.

“People think it’s best not to mention it in the presence of Continentals,” a NoGov staffer told LCD Views. “We don’t want to embarrass them, given the difficulties they are clearly having dealing with their new realities. We know the French will just be privately embarrassed to have lost out, especially now that they have to deal with the direct competition of English champagne in the market. The Spanish are distraught as we’re no longer around to help them have a country by filling it with retirees, many who only want to help them learn English. And don’t get me started on the Italians. Their governments are so unstable, their supposed strongmen just manchildren.”

There was also concern for the Dutch. “Where are they going to put all the money?” was a strong concern, as they are clearly surprised by all the business that used to clutter up London turning up in Amsterdam.

But the survey did have good news for Britain’s sovereign, Boris Johnson.

People are just happy he got Brexit done,” the staffer revealed. “Now we can talk about other things. Like our world beating approach to Covid-19.”

Downing Street to investigate why “Fawlty Towers” appears as hotel option on new hotel quarantine booking website

IT’S NOT LIKE IT MATTERS : DOWNING STREET is investigating many things these days. What craft glue is best to use when making model buses? Are all blondes attracted to the prime minister, or just a few? Can you beat a pandemic by refusing to eliminate the virus that is causing the pandemic?

“We’ve got our best people working on the case,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “And happily the majority of the media is going along with it. And so are MPs. Who wants to eliminate CV-19 when there is so much to find out? That’s why we won’t pursue elimination as the policy even though over 120,000 people are now dead. And we still get to be the government! It’s a mad, mad world. Today we’re finding out what happened to our hotel quarantine booking website!”

And what happened to the hotel quarantine booking website is the big question of the afternoon. After it crashed. Hours after they launched it.

While some minor critics will use the crash as another example of not being able to run a piss up in a brewery, that will be entirely unfair given that Boris Johnson is the piss up artist in chief.

“The prime minister built the quarantine website personally out of old wine crates,” the source adds. “So it’s a high quality job and definitely not something just outsourced to one of Dom’s madcap mates for a fortune to harvest everyone’s data to sell on to dodgy, overseas corporate interests. We’re buggered if we know why it doesn’t work. Just another day in the office really.”

But one thing that is certain is that the list of hotels available is part of the problem.

“It’s not fair to say that Fawlty Towers shouldn’t be on the list of hotels to choose from. John Cleese was a famous supporter of Brexit and it’s right we direct business to his hotel in thanks.”

But while the hoi poli may have to stay in Torquay the members of the cabinet, their family and chums at least don’t have so far to travel.

“When the website is up and running The Ritz will still be there as the default booking for all ministers of the government. The rooms need to be big enough to accommodate their Union Jack flag poles after all. It’s a matter of national interest.”