Tory MP jailed for 10 years after protesting peacefully

MILKING THE SITUATION: Anonymous Tory MP Sir Charles “Milkman” Walker has been arrested for protesting. He is expected to serve the maximum ten years in prison. 

Walker decided to carry a pint of milk at all times, in protest. The price of milk, he said, was too high, or possibly too low, he would decide later. But the important thing was the milk. It symbolised… well, something. He would decide later. 

Walker was defiant and unashamed after sentencing. “It is my right to carry a pint of milk on my person at all times!” said Walker. “I don’t even know if I like milk, I will decide later. Anyway it’s not about the milk, it’s about something else, I will decide what later. But I’m jolly cross about something!” 

The new law encapsulates this government’s unwritten law of inverse consequences. In other words, the lesser the offence, the more severe the punishment. 

The new rules are actually part of Priti Patel’s Punching Down Policy, clarified the ubiquitous anonymous source.”It’s the trickle up theory,” explained the source. “If you punish minor infringements harshly, it will discourage potential criminals and we all sleep more easily.” 

Especially the major criminals who are creaming off public money without any pushback. 

“We must set an example,” continued the source, ignoring the point. “In Sir Charles’s case, somebody complained about the smell of sour milk. The full force of the Act was mobilised. We are all in this together!” 

Won’t Sir Charles find a convenient loophole? Like the ban on foreign travel unless you happen to be a stinking rich Tory MP with second homes on the continent? 

Again the source ignored the question. “Transparency is the driving force,” said the source. “And I can see right through you, so this conversation is at an end.” 

Clear as milk. But the big question remains. Full fat, or semi-skimmed?

Questions asked after MP claims for 101 Dalmatian puppies on expenses claim

TOO MUCH LOVE TO GIVE : MPs expenses are back in focus today with the revelation that the Home Secretary Priti Patel has been claiming for hundreds of pounds worth of cupcakes, followed by advice from a dietitian. When you consider her income, that is not unreasonable, why shouldn’t we pay for her cupcakes?

Flags have also been an issue of fluttering interest, given that it is now obligatory for Tory MPs to wallpaper all their multiple homes with them. But few sticky beaks have bothered to look for details that reveal a softer side of any MP. Perhaps because the ‘Nasty Party’ is in power, perhaps because the public could do with unconscious bias training, re Tory MPs?

“Everyone should have looked closer at Priti Patel’s expenses,” a source in the Home Office told LCD Views. “They are very revealing and contain some surprises.”

The interview was one of the more difficult we have conducted remotely, due largely to the sounds of malevolent laughter in the background and underwear elastic being stretched to breaking point (replaying of the tape suggests the most likely origin of that sound was someone been given a wedgie by the Home Secretary).

“In particular look at the sheer volume of puppies she has claimed for! It is clear that she needs them to spread joy. Most likely she wants to wait on the beach and greet desperate new arrivals with something soft and fluffy, just like herself.”

The breed of the puppies does suggest a different mind at work though.

“Sure they’re Dalmatian puppies and that may lead you to think she is Cruella de Vil, but I’m sure a simple glace at her new bleeding heart policies for refugees will settle that question to anyone’s satisfaction.”

BREAKING : Downing Street confirm plans to update national anthem to “God Save Boris”

IF GOD DOESN’T WHO WILL : Rumours have been circulating for days in the make believe land of Brexitannia that some upgrades need to be made to certain national symbols to make them match fit for an Idiocracy, and those rumours are true.

While most are focused on statues and flags though, a hard working thinktank within Downing Street has come up with another mod to complete, after outsourcing their job to a consultancy for a well spent seven figure sum.

“We need to give the National Anthem a do over,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “The Queen is irrelevant anyway. Everyone can see that. We lied to her to close parliament and she didn’t kick us out of office? What does that tell you? Move over old lady! The bad boys are back!”

The actual upgrade being considered relates to the national anthem, which as many as five people in the United Kingdom actually know all the lyrics to by heart.

“God Save The Queen is clearly an anachronistic dirge in the world of 21st century klepto-fascist-neofeudalist-makebelieve-democracy,” the source explains. “We have a king. Not a queen. The song will now reflect that.”

In line with this the title of the anthem will change too.

“God Save Boris,” the source beams. “It’s three words. Three words is our magic number. Although the lyrics have more than three words. The first lines now go ‘God save our bollocks, long live our bollocks, God save Boris, Send him inebriated, happy on Bollie, long to reign over us, God save our bollocks’. The new anthem is much like the man himself. A complete load of balls.”

Tory MP cleared of wrongdoing after claiming cost of Union Flag emojis on expenses

WHATEVER IT TAKES : The sleepy little town of Basset-Flux, a Conservative stronghold that voted 99.9% in favour of Brexit, is in the news again today after their MP was cleared of wrongdoing over an expenses claim.

The Right Honourable Barry Glaize has served the constituency as its MP since someone stuck a blue rosette on him at birth. But this is the first time he has come into contact with notoriety.

A source inside the MP’s constituency office said “Barry was shocked to get a phone call from the chief whip himself. He didn’t even know Barry existed, so far as we could tell. Mind you Barry always just nods like a dog and claps like a seal, so there’s no reason he should have stood out. He’s really just lobby fodder because the local people pay next to no attention to who they elect.”

Now though Mr Glaize is having his fifteen minutes of fame after claiming £0.36 for the time it took him to select and use Union Flag emojis in a tweet regarding the Battle of Agincourt.

“He was serving the people of Basset-Flux when he tweeted to demand the 24th of OCtObER be a national holiday. Why shouldn’t he be reimbursed? He’s not a charity. He’s not a food bank.”

And it seems the PM’s office agrees as it has blocked a referral to the committee that investigates expenses fraud.

”I think asking him to tweet the wrong date was a nice touch. Should help the dead cat along. You’ve got to stretch yourself after old Walker agreed to make a spectacle with a pint of milk! Anything to keep the smouldering bin fire that the U.K. now is off the front pages. National service and all that.”

Whether or not Mr Glaize will get his public holiday remains to be seen.

“He’s ready to tweet about it again with even more flag emojis. Just waiting for the whips to call again. Bit like standing still on the road to Mount Doom waiting for the Eye of Susan to find you! But we’re ready to do our bit to stop anyone hearing how many doses of that medicine the EU has exported to the UK. Just pick up the phone.”

Reports prime minister did a day’s work “vicious rumours designed to undermine his reputation”

THE FUN NEVER STOPS : DOWNING STREET have hit back HARD at vicious rumours circulating within, and even without of the Westminster bubble, that the Prime Minister did a day’s work.

“We did not get to where we are as a country today with a working prime minister,” a 10 Downing Street source scoffed. “Mr Johnson is deeply wounded by this vicious attack clearly designed to undercut his reputation as a fun guy.”

Of course fungi is a key plank of Mr Johnson’s style of governance. Keep them in the dark and feed them on manure. Daily.

“Does it look like he’s working to you when he’s wearing a different costume daily? When he’s spouting off half remembered classical references at the most inappropriate times? When he’s basically making up any old nonsense to evade the fact he has no idea what is going on? No. It doesn’t. Does it. You need to cut out the undermining of his complete lack of effort. Just look at the pandemic. Just look at Brexit. Boris. Does. Not. Work. Period.”

But some critics have levelled their fingers at the prime minister himself over the scurrilous accusations, pointing out he doesn’t play golf.

“So? Trump avoided his responsibilities his own way. Boris has his style. He dresses up as a builder, a scientist, a butcher. Just imagine all the time involved in getting prepped before all this? The security, the vetting, the travelling. Did you give this one minute’s consideration? Hours and hours are wasted. Daily. But let me repeat it one more time for the slow kids at the back. Boris Johnson does not work.”

In more ways than one.

Downing Street : Tory MPs advised to spend Easter parliamentary break “polishing their poles”

VIGOROUS AND ZESTY ENTERPRISES : DOWNING STREET have issued an edict to ensure all Tory MPs return from their well earned Easter break refreshed and free of any sort of tension.

“The moment they break up they should begin polishing their poles with enthusiasm,” a 10 Downing Street spokesperson said from the empty £2.6m briefing room that some tosser had put together.

“Use oil if you like. Grab a soft cloth if your hands are sensitive. And then rub that pole until its really shiny. Maybe polish each others. It doesn’t have to be a solo pursuit. You can lend each other a hand.”

The order will please many MPs who maybe wondering what to do with all the free time they will suddenly have? With self-catering accommodation not re-opening until the 12th of April. For others it will be a welcome invitation to travel to their second, third or fourth homes and polish their poles there.

“You’ll all be called upon one after another to do TV interviews and you need to look red faced and full of enthusiasm. A well polished pole will assist in this. Then run a flag up it! Make sure the pole is patriotically firm and ready to stand to attention for the government.”

While many will be happy take the order to heart, some have said it is essentially a pointless edict as “We’re all pole polishers already. Daily. And everyone can see it. We don’t need to be told to get our hands hot and sweaty. It comes naturally.”

Appeal for witnesses after “blonde idiot pretending to be chippie” sets Uxbridge chip shop ablaze!

GUTTED : A nation of shopkeepers is in mourning today after a famous Uxbridge chip shop was burnt to the ground after being set ablaze by an idiot.

“Something’s Fishy has been serving the local community of Uxbridge for over 40 years,” our correspondent reports. “But all that came to a fiery end yesterday after it was set ablaze by an idiot described as blonde and shambling.”

It’s believed the man fled the scene of disaster on a large red bus “driven by a gap toothed lunatic in a Union Flag patterned suit” who may or may not be a serving cabinet minister. Or maybe soon.

It’s believed the blonde idiot himself talked his way into the shop after dressing as a chippie by saying he was “looking to make himself more approachable” and fancied “getting his fingers fishy”.

It’s believed the experience was actually going quite well for all involved until the blonde idiot noticed the owner of the chip shop’s younger sister was in a “small office area to the rear”. She is said to have been wearing a shirt skirt with a “loose fitting blouse” and her “long blonde hair tied up in a way that reminded the idiot of a party at a mansion in Italy”.

This is when the accident occurred as the blonde man took off his apron and threw it onto the fat fryer, along with “pretty much the entirety of the UK’s trade with continental Europe”.

The blaze was instantaneous. The blonde idiot and his handlers fled the scene immediately, apparently tossing fifty pounds notes over their shoulders while “cackling like hyenas”.

Police advised anyone sighting a man fitting the description of a “blonde idiot” not to approach him and warn he “could be dressed as anything. He is a very elaborate hoaxer. Best to keep well clear and phone the relevant authorities.”

The local MP is said to be considering organising a clap for the shop’s owners if “he can be bothered”.

Tory run council replaces high street trees with flag poles

MENTAL ARITHMETIC : THE TORY DOMINATED COUNCIL OF BASSET-FLUX has announced it has completed work to make its town centre “more patriotic” in order to “help make a success of Brexit and Global Britain”.

The council, in which nineteen of the twenty seats are held by Conservatives, recently voted 19-0 to remove all the “unpatriotic French trees” from its high road. The vote of the twentieth councillor was ruled “void” after they “voted the wrong way like you expect of an antifa communist fascist”.

“We took the action after one of our residents, Figel Narage, known locally as ‘Brexit Dad’, discovered the trees that dominated the sweeping views of our charming medieval high road were in fact French,” Biff Gammen, Council Leader, told LCD Views.

“Imagine that? Traditional English thatched roofs with French trees obscuring the view? Did we send our sons to fight at Agincourt for that? Just that alone most likely explains the collapse of our local industry since January this year. It’s like God is punishing us. We haven’t been able to export a single block of our famous red, white and blue cheddar to Estonia since Christmas. But we expect with the installation of the flag poles that things will now turn around.”

It seems that Figel Narage had the startling revelation, regarding the infiltrating  Arbre de Judée, while on a summer break last year. The purpose of which was to settle a legal dispute with his ex-wife, who now lives in the Provence village of Texas, with her younger lover, Miguel and their French bulldog (called Paris – after the character in the Illiad).

“It’s not as if it wasn’t enough of a struggle for a patriot to holiday during the current cold and flu season, which because of the EU keeps on happening on our shores. Figel was stunned upon his return from Province to realise that the Judas Trees (so popular in Texas, Province, France) dominated Basset-Flux’s high road like right little Napoleons.”

Now of course Figel can look forward to happier days, as can the entire town.

“A friend of the Health Secretary’s offered to cut the trees down and remove them for us. All we had to do was outsource our local GP surgeries to some nice American chaps,” Biff explained. “Then we were able to purchase the poles from some chubby mate of the Housing Secretary. Complete bargain. Job lot. We sold the last Renoir sketch off the wall of our Town Hall to make that happen. We’re now just waiting for the Union Flags to arrive. They’re being stitched up in a factory in Flanders, apparently, run by some former girlfriend of the Prime Minister. It swells the chest with pride.”

Basset-Flux? You won’t find a more patriotic town in all of England.

“It’s going to be wall to wall Union Flags by the time we’re finished,” Biff Gammen adds. “It will all be ready in time for the Festival of Brexit. We’re even replacing the fruit and vegetable section of our supermarket with them.”

Government buildings to fly Union Jack to remind them they are in UK not Russia

VIRTUE FLAGGING: Government offices must fly the Union Jack because some of them have forgotten who they are working for. Not the Russians, but the People’s Reputation of Boris Johnson.

Any offices flying the flag at half mast will be jailed for 10 years under the new peaceful protest regulations.

Accordingly, many government offices now have their own Flag And Patriotism Commander. But up and down the country, these Commanders are realising that their existing flag is either too moth-eaten, too out of date, or simply too small to be patriotic enough. So many new flags have been ordered.

This is causing massive problems. Instead of working together (this is far too socialist to be contemplated under the current regime), each town hall, tax office, and job centre must source its own flag.

Unfortunately the nearest flag manufacturer is in Poland. This adds third country VAT and surcharges to the price, and 76595234896 pages of documentation to complete in triplicate. Also, no reputable EU carrier is willing to deliver a few paltry flags to insignificant outposts of government on Plague Island.

In desperation, many Commanders have turned to smugglers for help. Newly skint expats in Spain order the flags, and receive them a couple of days later. They are shipped to Ireland under the Jolly Roger, then ferried to Holyhead under cover of darkness disguised as portraits of The Fallen Madonna With The Big Boobies.

Male voice choirs with herds of sheep then distract the Welsh customs officials, and the contraband flags are stuffed into unmarked black SUVs, which then pelt down the A55 to England and safety.

All totally legal and above board. Remember, this is the UK not Russia, and there is no suggestion that the smugglers each carry a vial of novichok in case they are discovered.

And it will all be paid for from savings generated by cutting essential services.

Any taxpayers’ money not yet pissed away by Brexit to be burnt on bonfire at “Festival of Brexit”

BOOK EARLY TO ATTEND THE BOOK BURNING : It’s fair to say that everyone in the United Kingdom is ecstatic today with the confirmation that the government is to be committed, to the Festival of Brexit.

While the running order for the Festival is still to be finalised we have been given a leak which reveals some truly tasty events in the works.

“All the electricity in the U.K. will be diverted to a special Satanic portal being constructed just for the portal,” a source on the organising committee tells LCD Views. “Through it we expect to summon the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse to continue the work of Boris Johnson’s government.”

Other exciting spectacles are planned and some you will literally be able to warm your hands over.

“A rusty skip will be installed in the centre of the field and a book burning will be held in it. Books on economics, trade, human rights, diplomacy, conflict resolution, political accountability, global kleptocracy, history and climate change will be burnt. It just remains to decide who will pour the petrol in and who will light the match. But it will be properly symbolic.”

Union Flags will of course be compulsory with giant flag poles erected to look like the hangman’s scaffolds of old.

Perhaps the greatest moment will come in the climatic closing stages of the Festival when all remaining taxpayers’ money not already pissed away on Brexit will be burnt on a special bonfire.

”The UK’s actual royal couple, Boris and Carrie, will set fire to that blaze. God Save The Queen will be sung during the event by a troupe of Farage impersonators. Boris and Carrie are already in practice for burning the cash. And as the ashes of learning and the ashes of the UK’s last cash reserves swirl up to the heavens in the twilight you will actually, finally be able to smell Brexit.”