Joe Biden orders CIA to topple British government to avoid further photoshoots with Boris Johnson


The idea of toppling the UK’s dangerous joke of a Prime Minister was first floated in the White House late last year, but was put on the backburner after dangerous joke President Donald Trump attempted his own coup at home.

“With Trump safely barricaded and going steadily insane in Florida, vaccinations at pace across the USA and the US economy on the upturn the President now has time to consider other pressing matters,” a White House insider tells LCD Views. “Like what to do about perfidious Albion?”

What to do appears to be reach back into the classic US foreign policy playbook of the later half of the 20th Century.

“The President has ordered the CIA to work up plans to destabilise and ultimately topple Boris Johnson. One would have expected a democracy of the age of Britain’s to have a political class capable of doing it, but it does not seem so.”

Clearly the need to remove Mr Johnson is obvious, with his entire government repeatedly breaking the law and undermining the Western alliance. But it seems the extraordinary measure was triggered by something more basic.

“Did you see him yesterday? Doing his cartoon act next to the President and Dr Biden? It was all they could do to keep smiling. Embarrassing is not the word. You know when you become President you’re going to have to publicly put up with some nonsense to get the job done in private. But photoshoots with Boris Johnson and his current wife? Once is definitely enough.”

BREAKING : Priti Patel orders G7 leaders moved to immigration detention

DO WHAT YOU LOVE BEST : Alarming news from Cornwall this morning with unconfirmed reports that Priti Patel has gone even more rogue than she was already.

Shortly before dawn a fleet of Home Office immigration enforcement vans were seen driving at speed towards the Tregenna Castle Resort where the G7 leaders are staying. It appears English police just waved them through as the Home Secretary herself was leading the raid and “cackling like a mad woman in a horror film”.

“It’s understood the Home Secretary just couldn’t take the thought of an influx of foreigners from many countries all arriving at once and being housed in style and feed at THE GREAT BRITISH TAXPAYERS’ EXPENSE!”

It’s not sure how the seizure of some of the most powerful people in the world will play across the tabloids, but it’s likely Rupert Murdoch won’t mind.

“The undocumented, illegal migrants are now being held in secure accommodation in Kent,” a Home Office statement reads. “The accommodation is definitely fit for human habitation with the series of rotating blades and pits of adders designed by Ms Patel personally.”

It’s not entirely clear how the global community will take the hostile act by Ms Patel, but it is believed she will have the backing of the Tory Party.

“The Conservative Party had no plan B for if Donald Trump lost the US election. Most of them are so far gone they’ll think this is genius and Trump will now stage a comeback.”

The one leader who it seems escaped the raid was New York born Boris Johnson who is said to have climbed out of his bedroom window and climbed down some old ivy hours before the raid.

“They’re saying he spied a blonde woman a few hundreds metres away and ran off to try and start a family with her. Lucky escape.”

PEOPLE are FURIOUS over whatever it is the Daily Mail says to be FURIOUS about TODAY!

FUHRERAGE : PEOPLE UP AND DOWN THIS GREAT LAND are reportedly FURIOUS AGAIN today about whatever it is we’ve decided they should be FURIOUS ABOUT!

The news that people are furious is exactly the same as the news that people were FURIOUS yesterday. The difference being today it’s a different concocted, culture war bollocks to stop people BEING FURIOUS about the 130,000 preventable pandemic deaths.

“PEOPLE ARE RIGHTLY FURIOUS!” a contact at Gammon Daily told LCD Views.

“Which is the way we need them to be. If they weren’t furious about whatever it is we’ve told them to be furious about they maybe furious over tax havens. Or social justice. Or structural racism. Or the lowest state pension in Europe. OR CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY. Or the absolute calamity of their government and its liars lying all the time about lying. BUT WE LIKE THE GOVERNMENT as THEY WORK FOR OUR BOSSES. SO YOU HAVE TO BE FURIOUS ABOUT FLAGS!”

Happily however furious you are TODAY about whatever it is you’re supposed to be furious about today you’ll get the chance to be FURIOUS about something different tomorrow.

“Tomorrow we’ll tell you to be furious about MARXISTS ON THE FOOTBALL PITCH. Or Harry and Meghan. Or bloody Corbyn. Or GOD DAMN STARMER ALWAYS BEING RIGHT ABOUT THE PLAGUE. Anything so long as you’re not FURIOUS about all the ministers found to be breaking the law and NO ONE DOING ANYTHING AT ALL ABOUT IT.”

STAY FURIOUS! But just don’t stay furious about one thing, otherwise you may start to try and do something about it.

FURY as Harry and Meghan swap portrait of Queen for one of Lenin!

WAS MARX WOKE : Shocking rumours are swirling around Buckingham Palace today that Prince Harry and his wife are planning to swap a portrait of his Gran for one of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov alias Lenin.

Inside sources at Buck House believe that Harry and Meghan are impressed with Cambridge students removing the Queen’s picture from the common room and replacing it with that one of the Tennis Girl scratching her knickerless backside (see picture page 3).

It has been suspected that Harry has had communist sympathies for some years, ever since he attended a party as a student dressed as Marx. Moreover Meghan is known to support the Marxist organisation, Black Lives Matter, and Harry was captured by our photographer kneeling in front of his TV at the start of England’s match against Romania last Sunday.

The Palace press office has denied the rumours but said off the record that they weren’t surprised. Prince Charles is said to be appalled. Her regal graciousness, Princess Duchess Cambridge Kate, wearing a simple Primark summer frock and displaying her usual elegance, agreed. ‘It is really appalling, but what do you expect from that bi(see pictures of lovely Kate pages 6 to 9).

Harry and Meghan’s press assistant was asked about the story. ‘Harry and Meghan wish to put the record straight. First, Harry went to the party as Harpo Marx, not Karl. Secondly, he wasn’t taking the knee, he was looking for the remote. Otherwise, yeah, that’s about right.’

U.K. waits for Johnson lackey to claim “PM deserves Nobel Peace Prize for tireless efforts to keep peace in NI”

CRYSTAL BALLS : The United Kingdom waits with baited breath today to see which of Boris Johnson’s minister will go on a fishing expedition about the sausage war and NI.

“The PM is just trying to decide which lackey of state he will send out to wind everyone up by saying he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for his tireless efforts to keep the peace in Northern Ireland,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “It’s very fragile you know. Did you know that? Not many people know that. And no one at all predicted Brexit could destabilise a fragile twenty year peace that followed centuries of conflict. It’s come completely out of the blue. It’s the EU’s fault. Obvs.”

The need to distract from the slow moving avalanche of Brexit karma grows deeper daily as one by one the pieces of the Brexit puzzle spontaneously combust and then explode.

“Mr Johnson is losing sleep day and night worrying over the colour of his wallpaper,” the source added. “OH AND THE IRISH. If only they’d just accept the need to leave the EU and be ruled from Westminster again all of this trouble can be avoided.”

While the lackey of state will certainly cause momentary distraction it is hoped until that moment the confected furore over a picture of the Queen can keep everyone distracted.

“As long as no one mentions that the word of the U.K. government is now at junk bond status I think Mr Johnson can rest easy. He can spend his time where discussing where to put his peace prize with Carrie. And most importantly, will it match the sofa?”

Lord Frost to negotiate successful British surrender in The Great Sausage War

THE LORDLY ONE : GLOBAL BRITAIN’S GREATEST DIPLOMATIC EXPORT, LORD FROST, is to travel to Brussels today in a vintage Spitfire to negotiate the terms of the British surrender in the Great Sausage War.

The decision of Boris Johnson to despatch his human shield to Brussels came as a surprise to many, until they realised he’d “already lost interest” in the banger based blow up after seeing a woman he has yet to impregnate.

Lord Frost will travel in the Spitfire on the outside of the aircraft to make room for the pilot. He will be strapped to the fuselage and to all appearances will look like a bouncing and very dumb bomb.

“We’ve sent word ahead to Brussels not to be alarmed by the manner of Lord Frost’s arrival,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “And not to worry when the pilot releases his payload without landing and does a sharp turn to home.”

There are no expectations that Lord Frost will be injured in his fall to earth as he is expected to land on his head, that being his centre of gravity due to the density of the bone.

The timing of the talks comes ahead of the G7 meeting in Cornwall where Mr Johnson will have to talk face to face with the US President Joe Biden, who is said to already have a lengthy list of issues to browbeat the British PM on without having to talk to “that darn brat about wurst!”

The surrender of the British will be presented as a great victory at home so all patriots can remain safe in their belief that Brexit was a good idea and not the decision of a fridge full of silly sausages.

BREAKING : Downing Street orders British Army to train soldiers to march without bending the knee

ANTI-WOKE WATCH : Downing Street is reportedly so concerned about the spread of “wokeness” through the UK’s public institutions that they have moved to protect the army from any incursions of wrong thought.

Clearly you can’t protect minds from ideological impurities with giant warships using borrowed planes or tanks stuck in the go slow lane, you have to use more subtle techniques.

“Hence the instruction to train soldiers to march without bending their knees,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “It’s genius. Alexander Boris de pfeffel Something hit on it yesterday afternoon in the arts and crafts session that followed the standard long lunch.”

The retraining will begin immediately with all enlisted soldiers to be marched up and down squares at their barracks until they’re finally drilled.

“We’ve drafted in some Russian military attaches to help. They’ve been very enthusiastic. Most of them were here anyway on sightseeing tours of England’s famous cathedral towns. But we’ve plenty of archive footage to assist in the training too.”

Once the retraining is complete there will be mass public displays of the stiff legged march. The bunting will be hung and patriotic citizens encouraged to hold tea parties, regardless of the R rate at the time.

“We’ll have to train specially chosen members of the public to conga without bending their knees too. Maybe also a special salute that recognises all the lessons we’ve forgotten from WW2. It’s going to be very dramatic.”

The code name for the new directive is also evocative of times gone by.

Operation Goosestep. It’s what the people voted for after all back in 2016. The Prime Minister is just fulfilling the will of the people by rebirthing the nation.”

U.K. advises countries hit by international aid cuts to get into international arms sales

BORIS JOHNSON IS A FAMOUS LIBERAL : The United Kingdom’s Prime Minister is leading the G7 this week with a display of the exciting possibilities of being elected to government.

While some daft people seem to expect elected governments not to break manifesto commitments unless circumstances prevent them being implemented, Mr Johnson isn’t having any of that boring nonsense. He’s showing the big boys that you can get elected and act like a tyrant and disregard all your prior promises.

“Breaking the manifesto commitment to maintain International Aid spending at a fraction of that committed to dodgy PPE deals with Tory donors is an example of democracy in action,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “It will show Biden what he’s up against too when he tries to grab Boris by the ear and twist it over Northern Ireland. Look buddy, we’ll break whatever commitments we choose and it doesn’t matter if it potentially means dull people in faraway places die.”

The decision to lower Global Britain’s aid spending will hit some of the world’s poorest people where it hurts. Namely food, water and medicine. But No 10 has some sound advice.

“For too long we’ve given to places like Yemen with one hand and taken away with the other,” the source admits. “We both sell the bombs that are dropped on their civilian populations to devastating effect and we pay for them to drink clean water at the ensuing funerals. This is a key plank of our international business deals with arms sales. And I’d like to thank the Royals for hosting all those events to help us sell the arms. It’s a team effort at team GB!”

But what are the world’s poorest people supposed to do once the aid cuts bite?

“Don’t come here! Ha! Imagine the look on Patel’s face? No. Stay home and get into international arms sales yourself. We make billions and billions every year from them. Given how many of the bombs fall on the heads of the poor you’d think they’d have worked out it was good business by now!”

Swedish to become official EU language to really confuse the English

THEY NEED ENGLISH MORE THAN WE DO: Leaving the EU has had disastrous consequences for the bloc. English is no longer permissable as a lingua franca, since Leave means Leave and we got our language back. 

Naturally this left the EU in crisis mode, and liable to collapse at any minute. 

Sweden stepped into the void. Deprived of their annoyingly fluent English, the Swedes proposed using Swedish instead. Unfortunately for the English, nobody on the UK negotiating team understands Swedish, with all their funny punctuation marks and Viking overtones. 

Linguists pointed out that the Swedish language, like its furniture, is a self-assembly flat pack affair. This may be so, but the instructions are utterly impenetrable to Lord Frost and his cronies.

Ancient Greek and Latin were originally put forward as strong and modern candidates, but were eventually defeated by the Germans on penalties. Eventually Swedish was chosen, in order to really confuse the Brits.

There are many advantages to this. Firstly, the Daily Express does not know whether to be ecstatic about regaining sovereignty over the Great British Language, or outraged that the bloc it was so desperate to leave no longer wants the English either. 

Secondly, it means that the ongoing negotiations with the UK will be conducted in a language the British do not understand. This means that Lord Frost, in his desperation to meet his Waterloo, will sign anything put in front of him, so long as they assure him that The Winner Takes It All.

Frost, though, is considered equally non-fluent in many European languages, his disdain qualifying him to present the UK segment in the next Eurovision Song Contest. His grasp of English itself is not as strong as you might hope, given that it took him 5 months to read and understand the NI Protocol. 

Swedish is a fantastic language. It allegedly has 17 different words for gammon. 

Dido Harding says Track & Trace expectations were too high as “I’m a fucking jockey! Not a public health expert!”

CASHIN’ IN AND CASHIN’ OUT : GLOBAL TRACK AND TRACE SUPERSTAR DIDO HARDING has taken a few moments out of her search for the Loch Ness Monster to talk to the press about her time running the UK’s world beating Track & Trace service.

Harding gave the interview while wearing a 24ct gold suit and a bespoke neck torc made entirely of brass. The reason for talking now was to reassure everyone that if she gets to run the NHS we will all get exactly what we expect.

LCD Views doubts Harding will head up the NHS and suspects the story is just a dead cat. However we are currently run by complete bellends so anything is possible. The least we can do is let Dido explain what happened with track and trace.

“That’s not my fault,” Ms Harding shrugged. “I’m a jockey. Exactly what did you expect when I’ve already failed at a mobile phone company? Yeah, let’s get her to set up from scratch an infectious disease track, trace and isolate service. Sheer bloody genius don’t you think? Let’s use our corporate donors who also have zero experience and generally screw up everything but accepting the public cash. Megabrain stuff. Especially as there was already a vast network of public health assets experienced at the task who just needed the resources.”

While Harding’s invented self-awareness in her media round may reassure some, most will remain concern she is a prime example of how fast you can fail upwards in the Tory chumocracy.

“If you’ve got any problems with my work take it up with the anti-corruption tsar. He’s my husband. And yes, we are laughing at you. You’re pathetic.”

The interview round was terminated abruptly at that point, although it did take Harding some time to leave the studio due to the weight of her suit.

“Best if you go first,” she muttered. “I’ll crawl away quietly into a corner with all this gold until I’m needed again.”

*naughty puppy on torn chair used as image as Shutterstock offers you a naughty puppy on a chair when you search for Dido Harding. Well.