“UK faces 5 years of peril” – Sunak warns of danger of re-electing Tories

FREUDIAN SLIP CONTENDER 2024 – The UK’s latest Prime Minister, Rishi “eat the poor” Sunak, has warned of the danger of re-electing his government to power. Whenever he deigns to call the general election.

In a surprisingly candid speech to the press the pint sized destroyer of the social contract displayed a hitherto unknown degree of self-awareness.

“If you just look at what we have achieved in fourteen years in power,” Mr Sunak said, “you wouldn’t want to risk another day of it. I know myself of the danger I represent to the UK’s hardworking taxpayers, mostly from my desire to transfer all their cash to my extended family’s bank accounts and then blame work-shy, middle aged cancer patients for the collapse of social services.”

Mr Sunak went onto elaborate further.

“I wouldn’t trust us with national security. We haven’t even released the report into Russian interference in the UK democratic process. I mean, have you seen Brexit? That’s a tough one for me. As a childhood devotee of the free market ideal of letting any old chancer pretend to be a medical practitioner, I find it hard to accept all my economic ideas are bogus. You could call me a political Peter Pan.”

Exactly when Mr Sunak will offer the UK to save itself from the Conservatives isn’t clear though.

“It’s amazing isn’t it?” Mr Sunak mused. “Even after I took a blowtorch to public health with my Eat Out To Help Out virus spreading scheme I was still allowed to be Prime Minister. I thank the Monarch for that personally. I do, constantly. Without a disinterested, democratically unaccountable head of state our parliamentary democracy would be in real danger of modernisation. And then where would the Cons be? Ha!”

“I mean things could be worse I suppose,” he pondered, “I could decide to pass a law saying I don’t have to call an election by January 2025. Although I better get a wriggle on! Considering I’m shedding MPs faster than small to medium businesses attempting to export to Europe.”

Mr Sunak got a glint in his eye at this point and added, “It could be worse. I could be Adidas. If Nike want me to destroy their brand cred too all they need to do is send my stylist a pair of Converse.”

Sunak says sightings of Northern Lights in London prove “My plan is working”

THE SPAM IS CHURNING : Cosmic wonder and also apparently UK PM, Rishi “Infosys” Sunak is to take credit today for the stellar light show that lit up the skies of even southern England overnight.

”The plan is working,” he will tell a baffled Westminster bubble, “for too long Labour has betrayed the hardworking British people by standing in the way of the aurora borealis.”

The PM will say the dazzling haze which was visible in some areas of the capital could not have happened if he hadn’t taken such great strides to bring down inflation.

”The pandemic made it difficult to see the light. So too the war in Ukraine but by passing into law my new Great Light From My Arse Bill almost everyone can now see the Northern Lights.”

But not everyone is so keen to give credit to the PM. Defectors within the Conservative Party will point to the spreading of the northern lights to southern England as just another sign that levelling up is all about favouring the blue tinge in the south.

It’s not yet clear what position Labour will take on the PM’s claim but it is believed they will either say very little or promise to continue the aurora borealis when in government.

”Let’s be honest,” a spokesman for Starmer told LCD Views, “if promising to continue the policy will keep a few swing voters in Surrey we will do it. Otherwise for many on the NHS waiting lists the lights will be the last thing they’ll see.”

A largely unreported aspect of the event though will be the signing of contracts today with members of the PM’s extended family giving them billions to repeat the event at some yet unspecified future date.

”The details of the agreement are commercially sensitive,” the PM will say, “but I will stop at nothing to ensure that anyone receiving a state benefit has their eyes blindfolded before it happens again. The northern lights are for the hardworking taxpayer, not some middle aged layabout pretending to have cancer just to avoid working a zero hours contract for a multi-national conglomerate registered for tax purposes in Panama.”

Ignore the problems you’ve caused and take credit for things which have nothing to do with you. Perfect governance.

”By the way. I’m not Boris Johnson because I can comb my hair,” added Mr Sunak.

“Judge me on my empty promises,” says rich idiot

WHAT’S YOURS IS MINE AND WHAT’S MINE IS MINE TOO : The UK’s current smartest serving Prime Minister Rishi “One Note” Sunak has set out his stall for the General Election he refuses to call.

The pint sized powerhouse of performative punishments isn’t paying any heed to suggestions that after 14 years of provably failed policy it’s time for the Cons to slither back into the shadows, feast on the mountain of innocent lives they’ve stolen in the long night, and count the loot.

”I’ve unfinished business,” Sunak told a surprised Downing Street press conference. Surprised because most believed he is the definition of finished business.

At this point the miniature rage hammer paused, smirking, “Well, my father in law has unfinished business. There’s still a few contracts to sign so he gets the best possible settlement when I eventually leave office.”

This was followed by a more somber moment as Mr Sunak mused on one of the jolly contradictions of Conservative politics.

”It’s funny how we’re always talking about the need to balance the books. As if the nation is a household. I have no idea of my actual worth, partially because it keeps accumulating well above any tax rate and I simply have no need to balance my budget. The plan is working.”

From there it was a medley of classic Sunak.

”We have turned the corner.” – To the cliff edge.

”We have gotten control of our borders.” – by ignoring them.

”I am having a relaunch party next week.” – par for course.

“Judge me on my promises to fix Britain.” – I should know how, I’m part of the mob that broke it.

Tories to replace Sunak with a tub of lard

HAVE I GOT NEWS FOR YOU: The shock news leaking from the ship of state is that there is no suitable heir apparent to Rishi Sunak. Obviously, the Tory top brass want to get rid of him, as they have to blame someone other than themselves and their party for the catastrophic election results. But there is no obvious candidate. Nor is there a totally not-obvious candidate. Therefore, all that is necessary is a placeholder while this government limps to its inevitable end.

“What we really want is a cross between Margaret Thatcher and Boris Johnson,” explained party analyst Evan Elpus. “A goofy yet charismatic joker with the conviction of the Iron Lady. So we asked Stanley Johnson to mate with Thatcher’s corpse, but surprisingly he refused. Now we are free from the wicked shackles of the EU, there should be no impediment to raising the dead or forcing known fornicators to impregnate them.”

Strong words. It is clear that, despite Johnson’s triumphant clean break from Brussels, its tentacles still pervade our Great British Reality.

Elpus described The Science needed to create the ideal leader.

“We therefore instructed our boffins to obtain both Thatcher and Johnson DNA and inject it into lard,” he said. “The basic ingredients: Iron, blond hair, and fat. We gave them a week, max, to create our Great British Leader, that should be more than enough. Instead the woke lefty leaning traitors told us it wasn’t either possible or morally desirable! Can you believe it? This is why the boats must be stopped.”

The logic is flawless, but still the facts remain: no Frankenstein leader.

“So we had to settle on just the tub of lard,” admitted Elpus. “It represents the ideal leader, therefore it must be the ideal leader until The Science catches up with our freedom and sovereignty.”

The latest polls show that the change of leader has inspired a ten point increase in the laughability index, but still no bloody chance in the general election.

St George deported to Rwanda

TAKE THAT, JOHNNY FOREIGNER: England’s shiny new immigration policy is operating precisely as expected. To celebrate Shakespeare’s birthday, Rishi Sunak’s government-in-name-only has deported England’s Patron Saint.

“St George only has himself to blame,” said Immigration Minister Sendham Back. “He comes over here, from somewhere foreign, who cares where, but the Middle East probably. He’s a single adult male who has left his wife and children behind. Probably. He is trying to steal precious British resources from the British People, by which I mean Tory donors. It goes without saying that he came here in a small boat, because in the age of dragons, aeroplanes hadn’t been invented yet.”

This England, this royal throne of pint-sized upstarts, this septic isle, hath made a shameful conquest of itself. By demonising the slayer of dragons, England has rejoiced in its own weakening. For who now will slay our dragons? Who will defend this fortress built by Nature for herself, this demi-paradise, this earth of majesty, from Angela Rayner?

Not St George, that much is clear. Our reporter caught up with him over a dodgy phone link.

“It’s great here,” said St George. “There’s plenty of space, it’s nice and warm and dry, unlike bloody England. There’s lots of great people here too.”

George paused for effect. “Like this guy. Come and say hello, G,” he said to a fellow inmate.

“Now this chap, even you will recognise him,” said George. “Wispy beard, sandals, halo, crown of thorns, holes in his hands and feet, carries a cross around for some reason. Anyway, He made it as far as Glastonbury before they caught up with Him and chucked Him out.”

“Hi there!” said Jesus cheerfully. “The best thing about being the Son Of God is that I rose from the dead. You can’t keep a good man down! Everyone knows my name. Same with St George, what a legend!”

With enemies like these, who needs friends?

Tie considers throttling owner

WORKERS OF THE WORLD, UNTIE: At last, some positive news. A tie, belonging to one of the most unpleasant men in the country, is seriously considering action. It has been quoted as wanting to “throttle the smug bastard.”

The tie, Willie Pointer, is tired of just hanging around, dangling into pints of Old Blusterer and fending off falling fag ash. “I get cigarette burns, I have to soak up horrid Real Ale. Every night I get thrown onto the floor, every morning I am whipped into a noose around this ghastly man’s neck,” complained Pointer. “Then I have to hear his foghorn of a voice, non-stop, for hours every day, booming about cancel culture and brown men in small boats. I am forced to endure the smell of stale armpits and sweaty clothing. I’ve had enough.”

“I agree entirely,” said Polly Cotton, the man’s shirt. “It’s the same every day. I spend fourteen hours each day in direct contact with this man’s revolting sweat glands. I, too, endure the droppings from his tobacco products. Then I get thrown into a basket with all my similarly abused sisters to marinate. By the time the poor unfortunate washerwoman arrives, the smell has pervaded my entire fabric. Then rinse, and repeat. We are up in arms.”

“It’s the same for me,” agreed jacket Harris Tweed. “And I am forced to bear his disgusting cigarettes and the dangerous lighters. They are a health and safety hazard for a jacket made of natural fibres like me. Not to mention the pain of his money bashing against my lining all the time. He hardly ever puts his hand in the money pocket, thankfully. But what can we do about it?”

“I must take action,” said Pointer. “I am in a position to throttle the smug bastard. It’s about time I retired!”

Have I got noose for you – it’s farewell to the man who ripped the fabric of the nation. 

The EU needs to fall into line with us

TRANSIT INTRANSIGENCE: All out problems could be over, if only the EU would fall into line with England and the English Empire, claims Jacob Rees-Mogg. Their pettifogging insistence on imposing their silly little foreign rules is causing hold-ups to Great British Commerce. It is also costing huge amounts of money that could be more usefully diverted into the war chests of England’s feudal overlords.

The English Empire is vast and all-powerful. It consists of the Square Mile in London, selected smart London districts such as Park Lane and Mayfair. It incorporates the many pockets of English Acreage held by the Landed Gentry, whose ancestors stole it from the native Britons in 1066. Just over the Border, the Empire includes the Vassal States of Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Logic dictates that the remainder of Ireland is de facto part of the Empire. Beyond these fine green swathes lie the Sceptic Isles of Gibraltar, Malta, Atlantis, and the Falklands, all of which had the good sense to split from mainland Europe long ago.

It makes perfect sense that the EU should bow down and pay homage in the face of such might.

“The continued intransigence of the EU is costing them dear,” said Rees-Mogg in his familiar 19th century accent. “Their refusal to accept the superiority of England, our England, prevents them from basking in English Sovereignty. They cannot share our fish, our sparkling clean waters, our cheap food, or our low-price energy. Do they not know that Britannia rules the waves? Do they not speak in strange dialects, derived from the Mother Tongue, which they use to denigrate their superiors?”

Ultimately, there is only one solution: the Final Solution.

“We must make them bow down,” said Rees-Mogg. “There can be no dissent. We will fight them on the beaches, lay down our towels, and make sure every European town sells weak fizzy lager and fish & chips. There is no alternative!”

When Britain was Great we were powered by battery hens

CLUCKING MAD : It’s not hard to trace the downfall of a once great empire, and no, we are not talking about our mad prodigal son The (so called) United States of America.

Sadly we are talking about a peoples whose mighty ancestors turned the map a joyous pink for centuries, and taught savage foreigners everything worth knowing. From the value of the well educated clerk in good governance, and the railway. Today foreginers still continue with these vital facets of rule but fail to give credit where it’s due. Just look at the European attitude to Barry and Barb from Southgate attempting to bring a little cheer to the dreariness of the Costa del Sol!

To pinpoint where it all started going wrong for Mighty Britannia one simply has to look at the first battle won by the Woke mob. If you think they started screeching their naive concept of “Just stop treating people you don’t know like pricks” in the last decade is to ignore how long the damp rot has been rising in our foundations.

The chicken. That great British bird the Romans once invaded our noble shores to secure, this was the first place the enemies of the people on the inside struck.

It’s a simple and logical assessment. When hens were kept in tiny cages and given total licence to do what they do naturally, produce pale yokes and thin shells by the masses, Britain was a powerhouse. But once our nation’s once sensible poulterers were tricked into letting them run wild in the pasture doing sod all but wait for handouts the downfall was certain. Soon childbirth rates were plummeting and coal, that great fuel that powered our homes, was scorned in favour of foreign renewables.

Suez. Leyland. The virtual extinction of the bowler hat. And so much else besides followed.

Only when we get those little feathered servants back in the chicken wire cages and build the modern factories Britain needs to be once again be a world leading exporter of whatever, only then will we be able to hold our heads high and cry “Who rules the waves?”.

A purely rhetorical question.

Oxford Cambridge boat race to take place over Zoom because The Thames is too full of shit

RACE TO THE BOTTOM : Exciting news for fans of iconic Great British sporting contests today with the announcement that the 2024 Oxford Cambridge boat race, aka The Boat Race, will still go ahead, in spite of The Thames now being a heaving pit of sewage swill that would make a Victorian blush.

There had been concerns that the race would be postponed until sometime after the Tories leave office, mostly because of the guarantee of numerous future Prime Ministers catching E. coli poisoning if any of the Oxbridge competitors actually came into physical contact with The Thames. But sanity has prevailed.

“The UK is a world leader in communication technology,” a spokesman claiming to talk for the organisers told LCD Views, “ever since the invention of the first punt we’ve shown the world how to accelerate the transfer of vital information. Post-Brexit Britain is continuing in that vein.”

It seems Zoom will take part in The Boat Race for the first time, at the insistence of 10 Downing Street.

“No one wants to give the wokerati remoaning contingent the pleasure of cancelling such a famous British tradition just because the post-Brexit freedom to choose how much raw shit we fill our waterways with has led to it being an epic and life threatening amount of shit,” the spokesman continued. “So we’ve decided to have both teams take their canoes home and row in their living rooms. The competitors will be able to see each other over a Zoom call link. That way the healthy spirit of competition will be alive and swimming. A judging panel will decide whether Oxford or Cambridge mimes rowing the hardest and the winner chosen accordingly.”

For the first time too the event will have corporate sponsorship with Thames Water understood to be providing the funding for the Zoom call.

“It’s our way of giving something back to the community in exchange for all the billions we’ve siphoned off in dividends,” Thames Water said, “well, apart from gastrointestinal complaints and dead fish.”

“Doctors are so ungrateful. We create so much work for them!” – says Tory MP

BOOM TIMES FOR HOSPITALS : With trainee, apprentice, so called Doctors on strike AGAIN one of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s staunchest defenders has hit back at what he calls “the unpalatable ingratitude of the medical class”.

Speaking on Radio 4’s Yesterday programme in the prime 08:10 slot, Tory MP for Bearing Downs, Rodney Dear, blasted striking doctors.

“I’ve been a right honourable member since 2005,” Mr Dear explained, “and in that time I’ve seen the behaviour of the so called medical profession deteriorate faster than a spoiled boy denied a second gelding for his fifth birthday.”

It seems Mr Dear is expressly aggrieved over the “untoward barrage of criticism” from Junior Doctors directed at the Prime Minister.

“You think of just how much money the Prime Minister and his family have pumped into the medical profession over the years? How much all Tory MPs have? My private medical bill for last year alone was £100K. Although happily a lot of it was gratis because my clinic knows how to reward loyal customers and nothing I say in parliament is related to that.”

Mr Dear thinks Doctors need to “take their stethoscopes” and listen to their own chests. “Is there a heart beating in those grasping torsos?” he demands to know. “If there is it must be very small. Who could watch a candid movie of Mr Sunak taking time out of his busy schedule to buy mince pies for medics and still think he doesn’t care? It is all very hurtful.”

And for any Doctors still wagging their fingers at 10 Downing Street the Sunak loyalist has another two pence to offer.

“The last Labour government almost destroyed the medical industry in this country. Did you see what was happening to customer lists at hospitals across the UK? Plummeting. Some NHS trusts were in danger of going out of business all together. But thanks to fourteen years of Tory management there’s not a hospital in the country that doesn’t have eager customers lined up out of the doors and down the block. The doctors might want to think about that next time they start moaning that they’re underpaid. Thanks to the vengeful EU many sectors risk going bust now we are sovereign nation again, but not the medical profession. More customers every year. And they can thank all Tory MPs, past and present, since 2010, for that!”

Doctors, it’s about time you stopped moaning and got back to work, your backlog won’t clear itself.