BREAKING : Downing Street confirms Harrier Jets return to assist in food delivery crisis

JUMPING FOR JOY : Downing Street is not just going to sit on its barge arse and wait for the empty shelf crisis to worsen, it is to act.

Clearly the country’s armed forces now have a crucial role to play in keeping the UK’s world beating supermarkets full of world beating produce after the EU declared war on British logistics.

“If EU truckers lack the required patriotism to navigate Priti Patel’s hostile environment and keep Britons fed we will just have to do it ourselves. And we will do it with tradition and style. Watch out Brussels! We’re going to be self-sufficient!”

The tradition will draw on one of British armed forces most iconic aircraft.

“We can confirm that the mothballed fleet of Harrier Jump Jets are being dusted off and fuelled up and will play a vital role in getting your grocery basket full.”

The details of the plan are not yet fully worked out yet, mostly because Mr Johnson dreamed it up while hammered on fine old port at 3am this morning. But those minor matters the ramped up logistical teams operating out of 10 Downing Street can flesh out.

The main thrust appears to be upward though with the Jets replacing the tired old role of RO/RO haulage lorries. And they will avoid any of the tiresome customs paperwork and queues that allowed the unexpected pingdemic to cause chaos.

“The fleet of harriers will fly from a recommissioned Croydon Airfield off Purley Way in Croydon and over to Calais. This site has been chosen because it was used in WW2 and everything we do must include a link to Britain’s other finest hour. At Calais the jets will descend with netting and be loaded with the cargo British supermarkets need to fulfil our commitment to protect their profits and your stomachs.”

Seeing the Jets hovering over a Sainsbury’s or Tesco carpark is sure to raise morale all over the country. Customers are asked to watch where they walk if they find a military jet over their heads. Don’t trip up and miss out on your fresh fruit and veg.

Apparently though a decision has been made to not inform French authorities of the arrival of the harriers in their airspace as that would just give the French another opportunity to stick a spanner in the runaway “success that is Brexit”.

The Great British Potato War – 1.7 Passing out, after breakfast

The day I marched to war I had a kipper for breakfast. The packaging was Union Flag pattern so you knew just eating it you were strengthened magically. Good old fashioned greased paper too. Not that plastic rubbish they had on the Continent. I didn’t know what Mrs French had done to obtain the magic fish. I still don’t.

“It’s real,” she said with reverence. “It’s not a plywood substitute.”

No one in our village had eaten a real kipper since the blockade of British Sovereign waters by the American Navy had become permanent in 2022. No one in our village mentioned the blockade since it was listed as an official secret. We all just blamed France.

This kipper was a gift horse I was not looking in the mouth. My only concern was my wife may try and share it with me? I was to march five miles that day and I needed the protein myself.

“Don’t worry,” she smiled. “You don’t have to share it.”

She unwrapped the kipper and placed it in a patch of sun to warm up. “The gas is off. But the sun will do a good enough job of heating it. It’s all for you. You’ll need all your strength today.”

“What will you have for breakfast?”

“Pride,” she beamed and she picked up the wrapping and licked it. “Mmm. It tastes like sovereignty!”

We even had coffee too. That was a shock. I believed we’d run out weeks ago.

“I been saving a spoonful of ‘English Replica Instant’ for just this event,” she whispered as she placed the steaming mug in front of me. “Don’t rush it. You don’t know when you’ll next get another mug.”

I did. The army had a warehouse full of actual coffee after the successful capture of an EU relief drop fell outside of the M25 by accident.

The kipper was a wonder. You could tell it had been caught in British waters by the sheen on its sides. If you turned it to the right in the light it lit up red, white and blue. I fancy its mouth even smiled.

There had been rumours for weeks that a sort of superhero was visiting houses in the night and leaving kippers in kitchen sinks with a note that said “British Fish Are Sovereign Fish”. He had only ever been glimpsed making good his escape.

“Did you find it in our fireplace this morning?” I asked.

“No. Don’t ask me how I got it.” It was then I noticed her right cheek was speckled with blood.

“I can barely believe it’s real,” I said as I cut away the first mouthful. “I could take London singlehanded if I had a kipper for breakfast every day.”

“It’s out of date but I fancied it was still good to eat,” my enamoured wife commented. “Mrs Formaldyhide…”

I looked up sharply and she fell silent. She took the dish cloth out of the sink and wiped at the blood.

“La la la la!” she sang. This woke up our Churchill. The Dumbusters’ theme song took up where she left off.

Suddenly the backdoor burst open and Cyclops entered. He was flushed and panting. He eye swivelling. He was holding some variety of chocolate bar. It was impossible to tell which at first.

“I won this month’s county raffle!” he exclaimed.

“Oh poppet that’s marvellous!” my kind wife shouted. “You better eat it fast before one of the bigger boys mugs you of it. Which one is it? Mars or Snickers?”

“I’ve been too excited to check,” Cyclops grinned, little fool that he was. “If only my dad where here to see it.”

“Let me see,” I invited. “I’m an expert on these matters. In a moment I’ll be able to tell you if it’s from a box of Celebrations or a regular one made small by shrinkflation.”

“It must be a regular one. We had a box of Celebrations at school and Miss had to get the microscope out to show us the contents.”

Cyclops went to hand it to me but Mrs French charged around the table and stood between us.

“Cyclops you little muppet,” she laughed, “you give that to my Mark and he’ll eat it.”

Before I could protest my innocence there was a great calamity in the backyard. The sound of half a dozen teenagers all shouting and hollering for Cyclops. Our Churchill was not best pleased. It became so loud the speaker vibrated.

“Come out freak! Come out and hand it over!”

Cyclops paled. He looked at me to save him. I busied myself with the kipper. It was going down a treat.

“Well?” my impatient wife looked at me. I avoided her eyes.

“This kipper is excellent. Well done.”

The boys continued their taunting. “Remoaner! Remoaner!”

The back door creaked open an inch. Cyclops yelped and dived under the table, clinging to one of my legs. I gave it a determined shake but he just held on tighter.

“Come out little piggy!” a boys whispered from just outside. “Or we’ll huff and puff your little house down.”

“He doesn’t live here!” I shouted back.

The kipper really was the best. If only it was bigger I would have stayed at breakfast forever.

“Are you going to do something?” my silly wife demanded, her hands on her hips.

“I’ve got to march at least five miles today,” I replied. “Maybe even six.”

She muttered something and opened the kitchen drawer. I could see from the corner of my eye she was now holding the rolling pin.

“You stay here Cyclops,” she ordered the trembling pup. “I’ll see to this.”

And out the back door she went. I pushed back my chair and went to follow but Cyclops clung on for dear life. I had to drag him across the floor to make any progress. It was useless.

“What you going to do you silly old milf?” one of the boys taunted.

“You ginger prick!” I heard my wife shout. “And you’re in uniform too. Your a disc race!”

Next was the sound of a rolling pin hitting a face. Thunk.

There was another crack. And another. A pandemonium of weeping boys that even Churchill couldn’t overcome.

“If I hear you’ve laid a hair on Cylop’s head you’ll get another thrashing! Now scram!”

A moment later she returned and moved as calm as you like to wash blood off the rolling pin.

“It’s alright Cyclops,” I told the boy. “You’re safe. Now if you don’t mind please let go of my leg.”

He released me and hugged my wife around her ample, childbearing hips.

“Thank you Mrs French. My mother has a proper potato stashed at home. I’m going to get it to you.”

“It’s alright Cyclops,” she said, without turning around. “You can give it to Private French. He’s to march five miles today, maybe even six. He’ll need all of his strength.”

I popped the last bite of kipper into my mouth.

“You’re going to war?” Cyclops asked, wide eyed.

“This very day,” I replied proudly. I chewed on the fish but Cyclops was so impressed her released my wife and rushed me. Almost jumping into my lap in his admiration. I was swallowing in that moment and the fish became stuck in my throat.

I couldn’t breathe.

“Help!” I gasped. But Mrs French thought I wanted her to get Cyclops off me and just laughed.

It wasn’t until I fell face first onto my empty plate that she realised I was in earnest. The world was growing black around me. The Dumbusters’ tune was fading out. I was going to be a martyr before my time! For a few seconds I passed out.

“Use the Heinrich manoeuvre!” Cyclops screamed. The last thing I thought I would ever hear. Little traitor. I wouldn’t be saved by a German action!

Happily Mrs French grabbed me by the shoulders and slammed me back against the chair and whacked me with her flat hand on my back.

The little bite of fish flew straight out of my mouth and I was saved.

“Good work Mrs French. Mark has to die for his country not his breakfast.” Cyclops said and they both laughed. I would remember that.

BREAKING : Downing Street to set up “VIP Channel” to pay for next PM’s refurbishment of flat

NICE WORK IF YOU CAN GET IT : The United Kingdom’s builders and decorators have never been busier now that we’ve sensibly sent home most of our builders and decorators. But even if the boom does turn to bust you can guarantee Downing Street will always be a source of ready employment.

To ensure the market remains strong and stable though additional measures do need to be put in place from time to time. Here the Executive builds on the forward thinking approach of previous and present tenants in the most famous of public housing projects.

“We’re going to establish a VIP Lane for donors to avoid the scandals that surrounded Mr and Mrs Johnson’s refurbishment of the Downing Street flat,” an invented Tory Party SPAD tells LCD Views. “This way people can line up to pay for the refit once the Johnson’s are out the door. Which will be sooner than many expect.”

The VIP Channel will operate much on the same lines as the one which allowed unqualified, incompetent, greedy but public spirited Tory linked figures to treat the pandemic like a cash cow of unprecedented scale.

“It’s certain that Prime Minister Rishi or Prime Minister Truss, or even Prime Minister Raab will want to change the wallpaper for starters. Nosebleed season ends with the Johnson’s. Of course we’re Raab is concerned it will probably only be redecorating 10 Downing Street as no one has yet taught him once he counts to 10 on his fingers he can carry on up with his toes.”

Exactly what the VIP Lane individuals will receive in return for paying to clear out the new money desperation the Johnson’s slapped all over the place isn’t yet clear.

“That will remain a secret,” the SPAD advises, “in the public interest. If you knew how degraded your democracy has become under the latest long rule of Tories you might link it to the gaps in the supermarket shelves and not blame refugees.”

Rishi Sunak is not in anyway linked to this invented story which we have imagined to focus on the PPE VIP Lane scandal. But he’s been used in the image as he’s the one the press expect to replace the bloated windbag of bad governance currently festering inside 10 Downing Street. It maybe Priti Patel gets the top job and the UK can finally be devoured by the Kraken it is so desperate to summon. Or we may finally cut the crap and just let Rupert Murdoch move in before he pops his clogs.

“Rising sea levels will put more sovereign water between UK and EU” – Downing Street

LOOK ON THE BRIGHT SIDE : 10 Downing Street is in an upbeat mood on the fight against the mean spirited climate and the search for tangible benefits.

“It will certainly help make a success of Brexit,” a jolly 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “Look at all the petrochemical dollars in my pockets! Oh. Second thoughts. Don’t look at the dollars just get hooked on my bad faith arguments. When you’re exasperated by me why not drop in on Facebook and get into a debate on climate change with a paid troll in a political group?”

Clearly among developed nations the United Kingdom is particularly well placed to find the sunlit uplands, tangible benefits and increase in sovereignty inherent in any man made disaster. After all, we’ve been practicing with Brexit. Why should climate change be any different?

“Just think how we will benefit from a widening English Channel? It’ll be harder for illegal human beings to reach Blighty, so Priti Patel will be beaming. This is just as well as negative changes to climate is bound to make a lot more of them. But all patriots will be delighted by the increased distance between London and Brussels. Rather than being an unwelcome danger we should welcome the changing sea levels and the corresponding enlargement of sovereign British waters. Our navy will not be overtasked as our island will shrink so it will take less time to patrol and circumnavigate searching for enemy subs and Danish cod trawlers. Really it’s a series of win wins for Britain.”

But while Downing Street is characteristically upbeat and ready to lead not just the U.K. but the world in an embrace of avoidable disaster, there are some boring critics.

You’d think men like Johnson and Rees-mogg would be determined to do all they can to stop the dangerous changing climate,” one noted, “after all they’re populating the world with legions of children. But they seems strangely nonchalant. Almost as if in spite of all the evidence of negative consequences to come, if we don’t change course, they don’t believe in it. Which would be very Brexit.”

BREAKING : SAS put on standby to ensure KFC receives chicken supplies

FRIED COUNTRY PIECES : News of shortages are in the headlines daily now as Global Britons seize hold of the advantages of shortages delivered by Brexit, but Britons can rest assured their world beating government is on top of the drama.

The army has been placed on standby to stick a finger in the dyke that holds back a flood of empty supermarkets. Just a normal, healthy representative country functioning properly after a criminal influenced national opinion poll became gospel. But it’s not just the trucker squaddies that are holding the ever thinning line which separates Global Britons from empty shelves.

“We can confirm that the Special Air Service has also been deployed to ensure there are no emergencies in food supply which would necessitate phoning the emergency services,” a MOD spokesman told LCD Views. “Specifically we are talking about KFC. And we are not choosing favourites. The parachute regiment is guarding McDonalds.”

Why the SAS has been deployed to guard the chicken lorries should be obvious, as reports of widespread foot riots are due any day now and we need the best of the best on active service.

But it’s not just the SAS which has been re-tasked to ensure the success of Brexit, the spy service is also now fully focused on domestic supply side issues.

“We can also confirm that the threat to the Prime Minister’s wine supply is being taken as a serious one,” the source continues. “A tank regiment has been placed on the lawn at Chequers. Anyone attempting to breach the defences will face lethal force. But we are working with our colleagues at both Mi5, Mi6, Mi7 and Mi8 to ensure the would be saboteurs never get that far. The 00’s are licensed to kill and to wine taste.”

There are not thought to be any national security implications arising from the redeployments as Global Britain is far too intimidating a target.

“Let me be clear, the country is not in any danger from external actors. And even if it were Boris Johnson’s government would not bother to find out. Enjoy your bargain buckets. Strong and stable government.”

Scientists : “Finding a way to convert David Cameron’s sense of entitlement into energy can power UK”

ALL THAT GREEN SHIT : David Cameron is often back in the news these days, which may not be what he expected when he triggered the destruction of the United Kingdom and ran and hid in his Shepherd’s Hut Shed (which cost the average annual salary at the time).

Mostly he’s back in the news because he appears to have decided that his millions of inherited wealth aren’t sufficient for a man of his self worth, and he would like to find a way to funnel some good old fashioned taxpayer cash onto the top? All very Tory. Business as usual.

While the discussions and investigations into what he’s been up to in the Greensill saga will dominate the news agenda, scientists working on Climate Change have detected a potential benefit for all of humanity. And Mr Cameron is ground zero.

“Mr Cameron’s sense of entitlement is so eyewateringly dense that if a way can be found to convert it into energy we can power the entire UK for decades,” one leading climate scientist told LCD Views. “Give up on the cold fusion nonsense, tap into a Tory’s sense of entitlement!”

The idea is certainly unique and would give the UK a head start as the world seeks new forms of energy.

“The only snag will be futureproofing the technology,” the scientist adds. “It’s obvious there is a great enough sense of entitlement stored within Mr Cameron to power the country for millennia, the only issue will be storing it? We will be working with Tesla to develop the battery technology. Maybe Dom can get involved too!”

And for those that doubt Mr Cameron as a source of green fuel, you just have to look at what he’s done in and out of office. By his works will he be known, and by Greensill.

BREAKING : Downing Street to prepare UK for Climate Change by refitting Big Ben as a lighthouse

NAVIGATING A CHANGING WORLD : The United Kingdom is set to lead the world on Climate Change by leading by example.

There are many measures that can be taken to combat the changes, but as the negatives will predominately impact on poorer nations and Priti Patel will ensure none of the victims reach our shores, HMG is taking different steps to prepare for the future.

“Yes, there will be some rise in sea levels,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “But that’s mostly from remainer tears, so I wouldn’t worry about that. Patriots will just stiffen their upper lips and get on with it. Floaties on arms, swimming for Britain. We won Brexit and now we’re going to win the changing climate. The same dark forces are behind both. Just look at the hot air output on social media.”

But that is not to say they won’t do anything, alongside banking donations from the fossil fuel industry to spout shite.

“We’re going to see the UK ready for any of the eventualities,” the source continues, “we will be a guiding light for future generations as they bob and bop along on the waves of apathy which will resonate from our present to their future.”

How exactly the UK will be a guiding light is the key question?

“We’re refitting Big Ben. The Elizabeth Tower for pedants. But Big Ben will be changing too. We’re swapping out the bell and installing the most powerful incandescent bulb ever built by man. You’ll be able to navigate your way as you paddle board to and from Sainsburys. Which, by the way, will be on a hovercraft.”

Downing Street says rising sea levels will open up “new lands for British fishermen”

CRISIS IS OPPORTUNITY : Suggestions that the UK’s government isn’t serious about Climate Change can easily be retorted by pointing out the lengths Liz Truss is going to to foster trade relations with the far side of the world.

Once Patagonia and New Columbia are dependent upon British markets for their livelihoods they will be under great political pressure to ensure the trade remains viable. This underscores the UK Gov’s seriousness on the subject more than any major BBC platform like Newsnight asking Stanley Johnson on to opine on the subject. The British establishment is engaging in this subject in earnest.

But it’s not just distant lands that will benefit from our attempts to develop greener fossil fuels to transport goods, local British industries will see the benefits of Climate Change also.

“The fishermen will, that’s for certain,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “Once the low lying areas of the UK flood then there will be even more sovereign British water for our domestic industry to prosper in. And no Scandinavian will be able to cast a line beside the Palace of Westminster or the new estuaries of West Sussex! Ha! Take that EU!”

The opening up of inland areas of England for fishermen will be particularly beneficial after the industry suffered a “mysterious and unexplained” setback this year.

“It may take a few decades for Sutton in South London to become a viable shellfish breeding region, so the fishermen will just have to be patient,” the source advises. “They can take advantage of the job prospects opening up in the haulage industry in the interim.”

Sunlit uplands of Brexit? What sunlit uplands? The sunken lowlands are where the real prizes lie. As the people who brought you Brexit can be guaranteed to do their upmost to bring you a changing climate…

Get back to the office, says man who has never done an honest day’s work in his life

ALL WORK AND NO PAY: One of the positives to emerge from the pandemic is the realisation that many jobs can be done perfectly well from home. After all, if you do a desk job then it doesn’t really matter where that desk is. 

Therefore, the advice from the top is that everyone should head back to the office. It’s as if mobile phones and the Internet never existed. 

This is par for the course. This is a government that insists that up is down, that white is black (unless it refers to the colour of your skin), and that unicorns gambol merrily in the sunlit uplands. 

The first among unequals, Boris Johnson, is vocal about getting out of bed at some godforsaken hour, in order to put on uncomfortable clothes, and waste an hour or more travelling to an unpleasant office in order to be seen working. This is strange, because Johnson has never really done this himself. 

Even stranger, this announcement comes at a time when any self respecting government minister is not at work. He or she should be sunning himself at the expense of a donor who expects a favour in return. 

Well, someone has to work while the bosses are on their jollies. Otherwise we might all start to enjoy ourselves. 

The Great British Public will feel inspired by this. They will rush straight back to the rush hour, on the word of a gilded chancer who wouldn’t know honest hard work if it slapped him round the face with an oven ready kipper. 

So it’s a massive cheer for being squeezed into overcrowded trains without any obligation to take covid precautions. That’s OK, because we Got Covid Done in the same way as we Got Brexit Done. Yes. 

It’s almost as if the government neither cares nor learns its lessons. 

Health Department changes “5 A Day” healthy eating advice to “5 A Week”

CHOICES CHOICES : The Health Department is working across government to make parenting easier and today sees the launch of the latest initiative.

Anyone who has or has had young children in the past knows how difficult it can be to get them to eat a broad range of fresh fruit and vegetables. Often they’ll have one or two favourites and the rest? Pah. Well thanks to Brexit that challenge is changing.

“5 A Week is the new way to keep your growing children hungry,” a Health Department spokesman told LCD Views. “Did I say hungry? I meant to say healthy. We’re working across departments with agriculture and trade to ensure that your children will no longer be screwing their little faces up and saying ‘What’s that?’ at food! It’s a very exciting time.”

While the initiative is not wholly unique, as Conservative ministers have been working tirelessly to make accessing food a means tested system since 2010, thanks to Brexit they’re able to ramp it up to a world beating standard.

“Over the coming months more and more families will feel the benefits of Brexit,” the spokesman continues. “And if you think those little angels have spent too much time in doors and on screens due to the mysterious way the pandemic has extended in the UK, well, you can always take them foraging for the ingredients to make pottage! Traditional British parenting is set for a mass comeback.”

To help embed the excellent new habits the Health Department will be working with major UK supermarkets.

“To ensure 5 A Week becomes the norm you’re going to see changes in the fresh produce aisles at your local shops,” the source adds, “one day they’ll only be bananas, the next only potatoes, another only bunches of coriander. Some days nothing at all!”

5 A Week – It’s only possible on the sunlit uplands of Brexit. You won’t be able to participate if you’re on Continental Europe.