“Don’t blame me. I was on holiday and pissed as a fart” – PM addresses students over grading failure

AN ALGORITHM DOES NOT A PRIME MINISTER MAKE : Speculation is rife in the socially distanced Westminster bubble this evening that Boris Johnson did not personally write his address to students.

“It was a little preemptive to talk about the A Level grading fiasco if you ask me,” a Downing Street source told LCD Views, “good thing he’s steered clear of the BTec palava. People would accuse him of an obsessive attention to detail as bad as old May’s.”

But whether or not getting involved in what was undoubtedly a traumatic experience for masses of families now, days after it’s been solved, is too soon will be for history to decide. The content of the speech is now the focus.

“Well, until we can convince the great British patriotic public that Remoaners are trying to ban scones,” the source informs, “or was it outlaw leg before in cricket on health and safety grounds? We’re still focus group testing to see which will raise the most confected outrage.”

The speech itself, clearly too soon, used phrasing that some suggest is not the prime minister’s and may have been written by someone else. Perhaps, dare someone say it, a puppet master.

“It’s the pissed as a fart? Isn’t it?” the source wondered, “and not describing drunkenness with a raft of barely understood and misapplied classical allusions? Well it’s just Boris (Al to his friends) using his famous common touch. Talking to the man, and school leavers, in terms they can understand. Hardly something to make a fuss about.”

But we will make a fuss about it or otherwise we may have to report on the fudging of statistics to do with Covid-19 deaths, the seemingly illegal handling of U.K. voters’ data and the fact that it’s bloody clear Boris Johnson never took a Scottish holiday.”

“No. Don’t do that. It will affect your social score once we’ve finished running your anonymised personal data through our algorithm. You don’t want that. Let’s just all agree that it’s not Boris Johnson’s fault, any of it, as he’s been drunk and on holiday since he moved into Number 10. Which is exactly how I want the prime minister to be.”

“I’m ahead of Sturgeon in breaking up UK!” – Johnson hits back at criticism he just follows Sturgeon’s lead on CV-19

MAKING THE RUNNING : WORLD RENOWNED PRIME MINISTER Boris Johnson has hit back today over criticisms about his style of pandemic governance.

“Some willywobblers have been unfairly complaining that I am not leading in the fight against Covid-19, but rather waiting for the Scots to make a move and then following,” Mr Johnson told the country, via a video link set up in a tent on a movie set.

“This is not the case! Take back control from Sturgeon my backbenchers cry? I…I…I…I do not, I say I DO NOT sit idly waiting for the results of our private polling, and how seemingly killing the vulnerable is hitting my numbers, and then glance over to see what Sturgeon is doing. This is not the case. Mostly I am drinking. Just look at my record. How many buses I have made from empty wine crates? Like Agamemnon launching a thousand shits I will row, row, row my boat forcibly up Covid’s streams!”

But in spite of the firm denial from the placeman in No 10, the pattern is now firmly established.

Our internal expert says – “Basically it’s a calculation of how many votes will be lost if X number of voters die + how rich Tory party donors can get off the back of Covid-19 before a tightening of policy. That’s how it seems. So once the polling shows a significant drop in support it’s a decision of either extending the eat out to help out food+porn initiative, or actually putting in place guidance to prevent preventable deaths? With a side calculation of how much political gain Sunak is experiencing by fiscal bungs to the populace, versus Mr Johnson’s own all important centralising of political power? Managing a pandemic is incredibly complex. It’s not just a case of doing the bleedingly obvious to avoid a cold virus spreading.”

At least that’s clear now. And Mr Johnson had a final stinging retort for his critics.

“Even if, and I say this with my fists clenched for BATTLE! EVEN IF, even so, even if like the Minotaur faced with a man armed with a ball of wool and a stick I may appear to be following Nicola Sturgeon’s lead on Covid-19, after so many entirely sensible U-turns, there is one area where I am well ahead of the Scottish problem. I am by far making all the running in breaking up the United Kingdom! Huzzah!”

PM says time to stop ‘cringing embarrassment’ about UK history and cringe at the present

NO TIME LIKE THE PRESENT : THE PRIME MINISTER Boris Johnson has been forced to intervene today in the latest confected culture war, designed to distract from his government’s shambles in everything, and intervene he did.

“He took five minutes out from looking at Expedia,” a Downing Street source told LCD Views, “which for him is the ultimate sacrifice. Clearly, once he had solved the issue of national pride he went back to planning his paltry 52 weeks holiday allowance for 2021. But he’d earned it.”

But it seems the prime minister’s plea for people to stop examining anything inconvenient in the UK’s past, and focus solely on the present hasn’t achieved all he hoped. Because of the giant clustershambles he is making of the present.

“We didn’t even bother addressing his personal record of wasting billions of taxpayers money with no recourse and toxic personal life,” one introspective commentator commented.

“We just looked at Brexit. His baby. The issue that he was able to use racism and lies with to gain the premiership. A single political issue that has made the UK an international laughing stock. We’re now the only country in the history of the world to impose trade sanctions in itself. To burn en masse historical firsts like freedom of movement and continent wide reciprocal health care? To vote for the cliff jump on a pack of lies that have been exposed time and time again? To stamp its feet and shout at 27 other countries that it’s to be respected, while displaying zero knowledge of the areas it demands respect in? It’s pretty bloody humbling. Dominic Raab only just discovered Dover for crying out loud. And David Davis still thinks he’s a trade expert!”

And the commentator didn’t even mention aligning the country with 1930’s tribute act Donald Trump, the world beating mortality rates of Covid, the A levels shambles, the fact that foreign interference in UK democracy is so entrenched our elected representatives don’t want to talk about it, our actual prime minister leaving his wife during cancer treatment to move his then mistress into Downing Street and well, all the rest of it.

World beating.

Luckily for the prime minister though Brexit has long evolved into a state religion and something its supporters don’t cringe over, but are proud of.

“That’s because it hasn’t happened yet, in any meaningful sense. Just wait for the food rationing and water shortages,” the critic suggested, “then it will be time to stop cringing with embarrassment over our historical record because we’ll be too bloody ashamed of the present.”

‘Land of Hope and Glory’ to be replaced by Benny Hill theme tune for Last Night of the Proms

LAST NIGHT OF THE POMS : GLOBAL BRITAIN’S SHOWPIECE MUSICAL EVENT The Proms has mixed up the song list for its famous last night in honour of the prime minister.

In a leaked memo seen by LCD Views the decision to replace ‘Land of Hope and Glory’ with the Benny Hill Theme Tune is revealed.

“It better reflects the playful side of modern Britain,” the memo explains, “where overweight middle aged men chase younger women about, essentially making nuisances of themselves. What better way to applaud the work of the prime minister?”

And it’s not just Land of Hope and Glory that has been targeted, a defensible decision as it aligns correctly with the directives of the trade descriptions act.

“Rule Britannia is also in for some changes,” the memo outlines, “the lyrics have not been changed but it will now be sung in Russian with an American accent. This better reflects the realities of Brexit Britain.”

To prepare the country for what will be a barnstorming performance of the Benny Hill theme tune on the last night, the BBC will be replaying all of the famous comic’s shows and parents are ordered to hum along until their children know the song by heart.

Critics have however leapt on the decision and castigated the BBC for choosing a song that soft peddles what is happening to the country under Boris Johnson.

“The theme song to ‘The Handmaid’s Tale’ would have been more suitable,” one claims, “as that would also give a nod to the USA and our special relationship, and a possible future.”

A suggestion that the theme tune to ‘Alien’ be used was dismissed out of hand because in “Brexit Britain everyone can hear you scream.”

Boris Johnson to take charge of imposing super injunctions on school kids testing positive for CV-19

SHUSH NOW DON’T SAY A WORD : THE UK has a great way of keeping secrets, especially secrets of the wealthy who may not want their misdeeds widely known in the public domain. And now the Johnson government is about to level that up.

“We need all the teachers back at school,” a Downing Street source told LCD Views, “and because we’ve been running pandemic management like the biggest democratic lottery on Earth, ie all our mates are landing windfalls, combined with a PR crisis, you can be sure that going back to school will descend into crisis.”

Is that the levelling up?

“No, don’t be silly. The levelling up will be the wide distribution of super injunction and NDA ownership. By own our estimations fully one million UK teachers, support staff and children could be the proud owners of a Baby Super Injunction by Christmas.”

Why a Baby Super Injunction? What’s the difference?

“It’s the levelling up! Many of the owners will be virtually babies.”

What will be concealed?

“Accurate rates of Covid-19 infection and transmission in schools. At least that’s the aim. We will protect the mental health of students and staff by doing our best to make sure no one knows where they caught Covid from.”

But why? That’s playing Russian roulette with people’s health?

“Did you say Russian? There’s no way we’re going to investigate that! Ha! Make the transfer comrade!”

Surely families and staff in schools need a rapid test, trace and isolate system in place to re-open schools? Most accept it’s vital for children to resume their education in as safe a manner as possible. But children don’t live in bubbles. We need to be able to move swiftly to contain outbreaks of the virus and manage risk to all.

“We do. That’s why we will be handing out super injunctions.”

Ah, so no one will know what is really going on and you can baffle them with bullshit?

“Ignorance is bliss! Trust me. I’m from the government.”

Boris Johnson to take charge of being in charge

MAKE IT SO SO NUMBER ONE : PRIME MINISTER BORIS JOHNSON, Al to his friends, has decided to step up to the plate at last and take charge.

Fully refreshed from doing nothing much at all for most of his life the prime minister is fighting fit for the challenges he’s creating for the United Kingdom.

To signal his grip on the steering wheel of fate he’s taken charge of having his paid media mouthpieces announce he’s taking charge.

“This will bring consolation and reassurance to a nation that at times feels like no one is in charge,” a Downing Street source told LCD Views, “it’s a silly feeling anyway. We all know that Dom is in charge and we can all have a positive stab in the dark at who is in control of Dom. But this will help people who need to be led feel that someone is in charge.”

And it seems the first thing that Mr Johnson will take charge of is school reopenings.

“Only until it goes wrong and teachers need to be blamed, as if they’re in charge,” the source clarified.

And while it may seem to some unnecessary sceptics that the only thing the prime minister is really in charge of is getting people to say, not for the first time, that he’s taking charge, but that is a mistake.

“He’s in charge of so many things already. His holiday schedule. A bloody harem of mistresses, allegedly. The legal steps needed to keep that rampaging festival of booze sodden, humping flesh private, allegedly. He’s a bloody good multi-tasker is Al, to his friends.”

But does it need to be announced? Shouldn’t it be a given that he’s in charge?

“Not when you’ve a reputation as a master delegator.”

You mean he’s bone idle?

“No. I mean he’s in charge of taking charge. Well, at least until the point he’s charged, allegedly.”

PM prepares for No Deal Brexit by booking all 2021 holidays in advance

CAPTAIN CALAMITY AWAY : A cabinet office leak to LCD Views means we can reveal the in depth and detailed planning going on in prime minister Boris Johnson’s office in the event of a No Deal Brexit.

‘Operation Oven Ready Holidays’ is the focus of the majority of preparatory work to ensure the prime minister can get away from the stress of overseeing super injunctions regarding his shambolic personal life. Oh, and the minor hiccups relating to Brexit.

The detail in the plan reveals a unrelenting series of week long escapades and mini-breaks are planned. So many in fact he’ll be hard pushed to fit in any work.

“That’s for the best,” our team of expert government analysts concludes, “he’s really like an old master who has the apprentices paint the masterpiece and he just puts his signature on the finished calamity.”

The U.K. will be the major focus of the prime minister’s jaunts as he struggles to hold a fragmenting country together.

“The intention appears to be to visit every constituency and spend time hiding in it,” our analysts continue, “that way people attempting to track him down will have fun following the trail of bread crumbs he leaves behind. Abandoned camp sites will feature prominently. If the coals are still warm, you’re hot on his trail. Perhaps a dropped nappy bag for comforter? That will be a sign you should stop and wait. He’ll be coming back that way in a panic any moment.”

The finishing touches to Operation Oven Ready Holidays are still being refined, but one thing is certain, just like a parliamentary recess faced with a long expected catastrophe, nothing will stand between your leader and his R&R.

Being at home with their parents is bad for children, says The Science

FOLLOWING THE SCIENCE: A new study commissioned at the taxpayers’ expense has produced this gem. The Science now says that for children, missing school is worse than having covid-19.

LCD Views has had sight of this document. Well, in fact it looks more like the back of a fag packet. Only we can’t be sure because the writing is Cyrillic. We can, however, detect traces of cheap tobacco inside. Also inside is a humorous collectable card depicting a caricature of Ian Botham.

The stench of corruption clings to the document like stale cigarette smoke. Senior Downing Street sources admit that the price tag for this outstanding piece of work was £108m.

“Send them back to school,” reads the report. “At home they will only learn how to smoke dope and watch TikTok videos. They can’t catch the fucking virus anyway. And get those lazy teachers off their arses!”

We assume this was thoroughly peer reviewed, and that the extensive case studies and clinical evidence have only been omitted to make room for the health warning. We turned the packet over, in eager anticipation of further information. However instead we discovered a portrait of Vladimir Putin, shirtless, on a horse, striking a vaguely homoerotic pose.

And that was it. 34 words. That’s over £3m a word. Which is the going rate charged by Boris Johnson.

Clearly this is an issue that has troubled the government deeply. The economy must be forced back into action, it reasons, and for that to happen people must go back to work. And that will only happen if widespread free childcare exists. The nation’s grannies are selfishly self isolating, so instead schools must reopen.

As a side note, nobody wants the economy to improve. It is in the interests of the rich people betting on a crash, and therefore in the interests of the rest of us, for the economy to fail. But the covid crisis has forced it to fail too soon. It MUST tank around Christmas for the maximum payout. Therefore it must stutter on until it is the right time to pull the plug.

Until then, schools must provide occupational therapy for millions of children, whose life chances will be defined by algorithm in any case.

Then it’s straight back to the blame game to distract from what’s really going on. “Lazy” teachers who don’t want to work in case it makes them sick. “Leftist” teachers who indoctrinate children with the wicked dogma of fairness and equal opportunities. “Militant” unions who care more about public health than the economy.

You voted for this. All of you, especially the ones who didn’t. And don’t forget, you all knew what you were voting for. Suck it up, suckers!

Racist ice cream company set up to rival Ben & Jerry’s fails as there’s no flavours

MAY CONTAIN NUTS : A racist ice cream company, ‘Breaking Point Ice Cream – Ice Cream for Patriots’, set up to take market share off the “bleeding heart liberal snowflakes” Ben & Jerry’s has gone into receivership already.

The project was the brain child of a well known English potatriot who initially sought to fund the company from a subscription based model, with the idea of making only proper British flavours.

“That was successful, it raised £2m in a few months from thousands of gullible idiots via paypal,” the company CEO told LCD Views, “and after we successfully bid for, without tender, a UK government PPE contract? Well. Who wants to work for a living! Ha! Hence the receivership. I’m off to watch the Kent coast and take in the sea breeze.”

But in spite of the (former) CEO’s exuberance, there are some who suspect the reason for the collapse of the racist ice cream company is more closely related to its founding premise.

“What flavours were they planning on producing that would have mass appeal?” our ice cream specialist asks.

“Vanilla? Appropriate but the vanilla pods come from Mexico, so that’s out, as its forrin. Chocolate? You can see the issues there! And even the milk is problematic. The most common indigenous breed of British dairy cattle, the South Devon, they come from Norman stock. French! In fact ice cream itself is a European food. It’s a total minefield for a proper, Saint George Cross wearing patriot. He was Turkish or Syrian or something, by the way.”

Maybe he’d be better off setting up a fish ‘n chip shop?

“Do you know the heritage of fish and chips? Don’t even go there.”

Tory MP demands school leavers write open letter of apology for ruining Prime Minister’s holiday

A* BY ANY HOLIDAY ALGORITHM : TORY MP for Foxbothering, Sir Cluster Fumble-sythe Othering, has published an open letter in the weekend press insisting that Prime Minister Boris Johnson deserves an apology.

The cause of the offence appears to be the apparent truncation of the PM’s thirty six week long break this year.

“It’s the students who are to blame,” Sir Othering says, “if the lower classes knew their place then the prime minister could have enjoyed his week yachting with that Russian businessman without distress. After Brexit there won’t be state schools. So that’s something.”

Sir Othering goes on to demand that “low born pupils, and their work shy parents” apply themselves to the matter of making “amends”.

“Can you imagine how upsetting it must be to finally get this week’s week off only for some pathetic squabble over grades to ruin it?” he adds.

“People no longer know their place. It is the ruin of Great Britain. Just look at the jocks!”

Sir Othering continues for a considerable time. The text eventually reaching the length of a novella.

And he has suggestions at the end for actions to follow the word sorry.

“A good dose of the clap,” he asserts, “that’s what the PM needs. I expect you all to give it to him. Every last ungrateful, barely literate one of you. 8pm tonight you are to give the prime minister the clap.”

It remains to be seen how deeply the MP’s demand resonates with the great unwashed, we will know at 8pm tonight and subsequently when the first post arrives at 10 Downing Street on Monday.

As footnote to the story Sir Othering followed up just before we went to print ourselves with a welcome clarification.

“The copy editor who prepared my piece mistakenly forgot to correct the assertion that the PM is yachting with a Russian. This is definitely not the case. The PM has been in a poorly erected tent that looks like it belongs in the 19th century on an angled cliff edge by the wind swept sea. With his mistress and someone’s baby.”

A further clarification is expected later regarding the parentage of the infant concerned. Happy holidays.