Downing Street begin ambitious wild Spitfire breeding programme to boost morale of Britons!


As EU leaders waited anxiously by the phone for World King Johnson to call and offer them the terms of their surrender, the prime minister was instead wearing a white lab coat and touring (the until now secret) facility where the iconic, native English aeroplanes are to be bred.

It’s believed the plan to repopulate the wilds of Blighty with Spitfires has been in the works for some time, but only now has it been revealed, in order to show the EU what they’re dealing with.

“The breeding programme will be modelled on the successful efforts to get captive pandas to mate,” a Downing Street source told LCD Views, “it’s hoped with the right conditions in their stable nature will take its course.”

The right conditions are said to be endless screenings of WW2 movies and “The Dambusters” soundtrack played at an “invigorating level” when it’s time to “get down to business”.

In order to fund the ambitious project beaver breeding programmes have been put on the back burner, regional development funds for Cornwall diverted, and other funds taken from food.

But while all proper patriots will celebrate the initiative, not everyone is happy.

It’s believed a cohort of hard Brexit Tory MPs have set up a research group to study the programme after concerns were raised about the purity of the breeding stock.

“We’ve heard that the Spitfire cow has been imported from Poland. Or maybe even more alarmingly, from France,” Tory MP Woadface Spittlebrain Cockspangle Flagshagger Nostalgia Freak Potential-Foreign-Arset Phosphorus Cocyx Numbbrain Poostain told LCD Views. “If this is the case we simply will not have it. It’s better to have no wild Spitfires than Spitfires with EU bloodlines in them. Just think what they may grow up to do?”

Mr Johnson is said to be willing to address the Spitfire Research Group’s concerns. Just as soon as he’s finished mussing up his hair for the obligatory photoshoot.

The first Spitfire cubs are expected to arrive before the end of the year and the programme will only cost £100bn!

British Fish to be trained to shoot French fish on sight

DON’T TELL ‘EM, PIKE: Gunboat diplomacy is being elevated to another level. British Fish are being armed to prevent French fish from trespassing in British waters.

This initiative is being spearheaded by the Ministry of Defence, and personally sticklebacked by the Fish Tzar John Redwood. The scale of the operation obscures the fact that the UK actually has bigger fish to fry.

“This is a whale of a task,” explained underwater armaments consultant Mariana Trench. “”Fish are slippery and unreliable buggers at the best of times. But they tend to go around in schools, and all the schools have been closed thanks to Covid-19.”

Trench was not over-enthusiastic about the job she has been assigned to perform.

“I think that Brexit has been nailed to its perch, quite frankly,” she said in a forthright manner. “There’s plenty of Free Movement in the North Sea. Most of them don’t know if they are fish or poisson. The government is truly floundering if they think this is a good idea!”

It’s a commonly held belief that the current government has had its chips.

“Yet they carry on in this utterly shellfish manner!” exclaimed Trench, crabbily. “They have spawned a monster, and shoaled us down the river. And for what? A few inedible, unsaleable fish! I expect that they will be squids in, though.”

How will the British Fish distinguish French poisson?

“Simple, apparently they smell of garlic and drive on the right,” she carped. “Government guidelines? I think they were written by a clownfish with a Cod-given gift for dreadful puns.”

Which weapons will the fish use?

“The submarine equivalent of air rifles,” said Trench. “Water pistols.”

And how will the fish pull the trigger on their guns?

“They have already been armed,” observes Trench with sturgeon-like precision. “Now all they need is fish fingers.”

UK experiment to make Benny Hill tribute act PM and see how it goes takes dark turn


The experiment has been run by KleptoFascistInternationalist Enterprises, an international concern with key stakeholders in the UK, USA and the Russian Federation, with the aim of reinventing feudalism for the 21st century.

“We hoped to prove it was entirely possible to place a confirmed idiot in a position of leadership and see a country fail,” a spokesman for KFIE told LCD Views, “and we believe the choosing of a Benny Hill tribute act has only augmented the outcomes for all key stakeholders.”

Most of the key stakeholders are believed to be kleptocrats and currency traders, but some are just good old fashioned fascists.

“It is not clear how much longer we will let the experiment run,” the spokesman continues, “as we are facing some headwinds from across the Atlantic. These are expected to strengthen in late January. But the important date is December 31st this year and we will successfully see the experiment beyond that.”

The only real concerns appear to be the complete lack of preparation at a state and local level to prepare for the outcomes of the experiment, with the farce government now looking to impose food and medicine shortages on the population under study.

“That is not KFIE’s position,” the spokesman hit back, “we look forward to racketeering in food stuffs and clean water products. The lack of preparation just expands our options for additional experiments.”

Happily for KFIE, and the Benny Hill tribute – Boris Johnson, the population the experiment is being conducted on keeps expecting common sense to return.

“That’s a key advantage for us,” KFIE said, “if someone stopped the Benny Hill theme music blaring out of 10 Downing Street we’d have to cut our losses and run. As it stands we expect to have a lot of fun, especially watching Johnson giving his finest hour speeches as the dogging begins in Kent lorry parks and the portaloos overflow, just adding to the fun.”

Britain’s last Union Jack factory relocates to France ahead of Brexit

FLAG SHAGGED : Fantastic news for the future of British symbolism today with the announcement that its manufacturing future has been secured ahead of Brexit.

The owner of Plastique Patriojisms, Lord Phatt Carp, one of Britain’s richest men, spoke to the press this morning from his home in Monaco to reassure all patriots.

“We here at Plastique Patriojisms have been making plastic Union Jack bunting and Tory MPs since my ancestor founded the first factory in a woad ditch in 836 AD. And please make sure that is A D and not that BSE rubbish. BCE? Anyway. As the head of manufacturing I’ve been responsibly analysing the best place to continue providing British jobs for British workers making British symboliojisms after Brexit. And I’ve decided I’ll make the most money if I move the entire show to France.”

The decision to relocate Union Jack manufacturing to France will also enable the continued “just in time” supply lines to run seamlessly after January 1st 2021, regardless of what deal is agreed between the U.K. and EU.

When asked if he believed having to pay new customs duties, and fill out forms for his products to enter Britain after Dec 31st, would increase costs for British businesses? Lord Carp instantly fell asleep.

What will happen to the now vacant manufacturing plant in Woad-in-Dytch isn’t yet clear. But some suggest it could be filled with water and British fish. Then become a re-education camp for any fish considering also defecting to France.

At least the move by Lord Carp has proven one Brexiter assertion correct.

“I personally put millions into achieving Brexit,” Lord Phatt Carp beamed, “and I made a lot over the last few years trading on the volatility in pound Sterling. I look forward to purchasing distressed British businesses with my mad stash of tax sheltered money next year. It’s going to be great. And as the moving abroad of Plastique Patriojisms shows, British manufacturing? The EU needs it more than you. So long suckers! Ha!”

John Redwood spotted on beach encouraging British fish to still break international law

THE RED AND WOODEN CEE : BREXIT PROPHET and all around maritime visionary John Redwood (Conservative MP for British Fish) has been forced to take extreme measures.

Shortly before dawn today he was spotted on a Wokingham beach addressing the thriving Berkshire fishing industry, which he represents.

“The Lord of Hosts will do battle for our British Fish!” he told an enthusiastic group of seafarers, before lapsing out of Moses and into Braveheart. “They may take our fintech, aeronautical, farming, insurance, creative, entertainment, automotive and banking sectors, but they’ll never take our fish!”

This rousing war cry complete he then turned his attention directly to the British fish who had also gathered to hear his speech.

“Many of you have walked hundreds of miles to be here today and we welcome you as brothers and sisters,” he said, “and I tell you today that I will defend you from the French! Protect you from the Danes! Guard you from the Irish! And emancipate you from Brussels!”

(pause for dramatic effect – much slapping of fins)

“But I ask you today to help me in this! Together we will defeat Barnier! Lay low Merkel! Make mince of Macron! And we will do it by breaking international law and going back on the binding international treaties we ourselves voted for and signed up to only moments ago!”

Now he was really impassioned and waving about his stick!

“Go forth now and multiple. But only in British waters. Go forth now and endanger peace in Northern Ireland by disregarding the NI protocol! You are British fish! You are the greatest fish the world has ever seen! You are just better than other countries fish! And WE MUST CONTROL YOU OR DIE TRYING!”

All perfectly sane and sensible, as befits a member of the mother of parliaments.

Remember, if you don’t control British fish, you don’t have sole and there’s not a hali-a-but anyone can do about it, except talk as much gibberish as a floundering member of parliament.

Parallel universe demands its Piers Morgan back

The year 2020 has had a lot of strange goings-on and it would be hard to pick the strangest. Between the COVID-19 pandemic and the American presidential elections, there’s been no shortage of newsworthy events.

But one of the oddest has to be connected with one of the people who brings us the news, namely Piers Morgan. All year long, people who have always hated him have suddenly found themselves agreeing with him and giving him the thumbs-up.

It turns out there’s a reason after all. It’s not the same Piers Morgan, but a duplicate from a parallel universe.

This only came to light when a communication came through from that other universe, who have, unfortunately for them, acquired ours.

The Piers Morgan currently residing in our universe was quick to explain:
“I’m not quite certain how it happened, but one minute everything is normal and the next I was here, with a different history. I looked up my own history in this universe and was frankly shocked at what an arsecockle I was here.”

In the universe where this Piers Morgan came from, the last few years happened very differently.

It started when the Scots voted narrowly for independence in 2014, but made a complete mess of trade deals with the UK and EU. Because of this the Brexit referendum was a landslide victory for Remain, Jeremy Corbyn is the prime minister who ended austerity and saved the NHS, and Hillary Clinton is America’s first female president, and according to recent communications from that other universe, both Britain and America are handling the pandemic a lot better than here, with only 341 COVID-related deaths in Britain and 937 in America.

Apparently the scientists and politicians in the other universe (who work very well together for the common good) twigged that something was wrong when Piers Morgan started championing Boris Johnson, who in their universe had been recognised as someone not to be trusted with power and never became prime minister. Scientists studied Morgan’s brain and found something that didn’t match.

And now they want to swap Piers Morgans with us to restore the status quo. They say they have found out how it happened and are willing (even desperate) to give us back ours. Something to do with the light of a full moon reflecting off the International Space Station and hitting a mirror at precisely 42 degrees.

I think we’d do well to decline the offer. I for one can say the only way I’d like any kind of Status Quo restored is if they’re willing to send us Rick Parfitt.

“KFC chicken shortage was dry run for Brexit in January” – Downing Street


“It doesn’t matter what deal we get with the EU, we are ready for whatever we do to you,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views, “we’ve war gamed war against the British people and in each scenario we were victorious.”

While some of the details of the preparations undertaken by Downing Street remain secret, the government has decided to let a few cats out of the bag to reassure us.

“The choice of a floodplain for the Kent lorry park was deliberate. We’re testing how well we do under strain. To this end the park will be potentially dry and ready for straining truckers in the new year, sometime. And clearly our policy of discouraging hauliers from even visiting the UK in 2021 will make wet or dry in Kent irrelevant.”

But it’s not just managing demand in 2021 from outsiders, our great and farsighted leaders are also ready to manage expectations at home.

“Remember the great KFC chicken shortage of a few years back? The emergency services overwhelmed by furious and confused Britons demanding to know where the chicken was? That was on purpose. Now we know how to handle supply lines crises.”

And happily the solution is tried and tested.

“We’ll just keep saying Blitz Spirit! And everyone will know exactly how to handle whatever temporary inconveniences arise out of the unreasonable attitude of foreigners to Brexit.”

BREAKING : Michael Gove applies for political asylum in Brussels


It was expected that Mr Gove would travel into the lion’s den today in order to further confuse the Brexit negotiations, but it took everyone by surprise when he immediately applied for diplomatic protection.

“It is potentially an exceptionally good move on the part of Boris Johnson,” our Westminster correspondent muses, “he presumably tipped Gove over the edge by asking him to go to Brussels in the first place. And now that’s one less knife hovering at his back. Only several hundred remain now waiting for the moment of political assassination.”

Whether or not the EU will grant Gove’s request isn’t clear, with many expressing surprise that he has applied for the asylum in Brussels and not Amsterdam.

“It will make trying him at the Hague easier?” one official mused to us on the condition of anonymity, “as once the UK exits the transition period at the end of December and tears up all its ties to the EU, we can revoke the diplomatic protection and put Gove on trial. I say Hague, it maybe Nuremberg where he is tried.”

But some are concerned that Gove is not genuine in his application and has actually been sent over to Brussels to destroy its outrageous unity v UK, but from the inside.

“This is why he is being held right now in a secure facility,” our correspondent notes, “at the bottom of a well with just enough shade to keep out of direct sunlight, with the walls of the well above head height composed entirely of garlic, silver and some butter. This is to help with the cooking should he accidentally step into the light.”

Other leading Brexiters are expected to head to Brussels and claim asylum before the year is out, much in the way that regime insiders always flee before the final collapse, leaving only the diehards at the end attempting to decide, revolver or cyanide, or both?

Brexit, you do have to crazy to work in it, and no, that doesn’t help.

Scotch eggs to replace turkey and trimmings this Christmas

A SUBSTANTIAL MEAL: Scotch eggs are for Christmas, not for life, it seems. Under new austerity no deal brexit rules, turkey and all the trimmings will this year be replaced by a Scotch egg.

Those rubbishing the news have been silenced. It’s as though their mouths have been sealed with Scotch Tape.

Red tape is bad enough, but the Scotch variety comes in a bewildering choice of tartan. This makes the etiquette of choosing the correct tape to silence anyone with Scottish ancestry an absolute nightmare.

So the bland, dry turkey is out. Instead you will get a bland, dry, pub snack. It’s ok, you say, until you realise that there are no trimmings, nothing.

“It’s enough to feed a family of six,” explained Gluttony Minister Oliver Nutherhelping. “The Rule of Six states that a single Scotch egg contains sufficient nourishment for six people for a whole day. We are following The Science,” he concluded, tucking into another portion of SAGE and onion stuffing.

But won’t there be uproar? The Great British Public want, nay, demand sprouts on their plates on this one special day. No sprouts, and there will be rioting.

“Let me scotch that rumour,” replied Nutherhelping through a mouthful of Yorkshire pudding and gravy. “Nobody actually likes sprouts. Besides, Scotch egg is perfectly substantial, even adequate.”

Potatoes? Pigs in blankets? Cranberry sauce?

“Grow your own,” said Nutherhelping, munching a large piece of steak with several onion rings. “It’s not our responsibility to feed the people. How hard can it be?”

It will be slim pickings. Even slimmer than the premise of this article.

“Obesity is putting a strain on the NHS,” remarked Nutherhelping, now working his way through a whole Christmas pudding covered with cream, custard, and brandy butter. “No, I don’t think I’ll have the waffer thin mint, thank you very much!”

The only remaining difficulty is, will an independent Scotland let us have their eggs? Wait and see what sort of deal Boris Johnson can do.

Boris Johnson breaks Brexit deadlock by giving French fishermen PPE contract


The PANIC centres on the future of their fishing fleet and the inability to get the better of the bold seafaring Brits.

“We thought Britain no longer ruled the waves,” an aide to President Macron told LCD Views, off the record, “but it seems they just can not be beaten. It is the end of the fishing industry in France. We are all shellshocked.”

The exact strategy Mr Johnson has used to scupper the French appears to be inspired by his usual way of solving problems, largely caused by himself.

“He’s given them all an untendered PPE contract and Matt Hancock’s private phone number so they can Whatsapp him to arrange it,” the aide said, looking ashen, “how are we supposed to compete with that? If Macron makes any move to block them taking the penalty clause free windfalls they’re be riots like we haven’t seen in France since yesterday.”

The payments to the French fishermen are believed to come with a cherry on top too, as all will be backdated to the moment the French and English crowns separated in the Medieval period, and the fishing wars began.

“We are going to have to buy all the English fish now,” the aide said, “it’s going to bankrupt us. Now that the UK is free to take whatever it wants from BRITISH WATERS. They’ll have so much to sell we won’t be able to keep up. If only we could just raid our public finances to staunch the wounds we create ourselves, like Mr Johnson.”

Exactly how much PPE will be supplied by the retired French fishermen isn’t clear.

“It’s not part of the deal. It’s just a direct cash transfer in the billions right into their bank accounts. And they’re getting paid in Euros too, so the money is still worth something next year. What a genius is Mr Johnson. Talk about having your hake and eating it.”