FURORE as English school opts to sing “Ring-a-ring-o’-roses” on 25th as “much more appropriate”

PLEASE PUT YOUR EDUCATION IN THE BIN PROVIDED : PANIC reported at the Department for Pretending to Educate Children today after an English school opted to sing a different song on the 25th June, instead of the fascist propaganda shite being urged by government. And whoever runs the shadowy group promoting it.

While it’s certain some schools will break out the bunting and sing along to the clunky tribute to the 1930’s, and do it with enthusiasm, many others are thinking they’d rather have proper resources to educate the children with instead. And perhaps some efforts to mitigate the spread of the ferocious virus so kids can actually stay in school.

Little Hamper Infants School in Hampton-on-Hampton-on-Shed isn’t having any of the OBON nonsense and its head will have a sing-a-long, but has chosen a British classic instead.

“We’ll be singing Ring-a-ring-o-roses on the 25th,” Mr Fashout, the head, told LCD Views. “The 14th century plague song is far more appropriate under the current circumstances. The government is letting the pandemic rip through schools and no one seems that bothered? Herd immunity experiment via kids with just enough window dressing to pretend they’re trying to prevent the spread? It’s failed state territory. But I am proud to be British and we will be singing a historical classic which celebrates the similarities between the effectiveness of Mr Johnson and Edward III in pandemic management.”

The lyrics to Little Hamper’s chosen song are easy to remember and LCD Views encourages all to join Mr Fashout in singing them on the 25th.

Ring-a-ring o’ roses,

A pocket full of posies,

A-tishoo! A-tishoo!

We all fall down...

Boris Johnson press conferences to come with English subtitles

JOBER AS A SUDGE YOUR HONOUR : DOWNING STREET is rumoured to have reacted swiftly to alarming reports of a delay to imports of the PM’s favoured vintage claret today by organising the RAF to beat the customs delays with heavy lift aircraft. The decisive action will have ramifications far beyond the daily long lunch and dinner at 10 Downing Street.

“We’re going to subtitle the Prime Minister’s ramblings in English from now on,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “This will mean that anyone who turns the subtitle option on will be able to follow what he’s saying. Just as well, because he’s not about to run out of Château Lafite Rothschild anytime soon! Ha!”

While the attempt to bring clarity in real time to what the actual Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is attempting to say will be welcomed by voice impersonators and major media sketch writers, not everyone is convinced.

“Just because you can read what he’s blathering doesn’t mean it isn’t blather,” said one avid follower of the PM.

“He’ll still be talking out of his backside,” another exasperated punter posted on social media. “Subtitle waffle in English all you like. It’ll still be waffle, regardless of how much ancient Greek is involved. Maybe he could try laying off the bottle, at least on the days he’s got to talk to the country?”

And there is rumoured to be pushback within the parliamentary Conservative Party.

“This will allow Brussels to spy on us,” a member of the curiously funded CRG worried. “We know hardly any forrins can understand spoken English unless it’s shouted slowly, but what if they get hold of recordings and can then translate the PM’s message into a funny foreign language?”

The subtitling is anticipated to begin as soon as the PM has to front up to the podium again. This will be when he has to announce a further delay to lifting of restrictions, after he lets the pandemic rip once more.

Downing Street move 21st June 2021 back to September so ”irreversible” reopening occurs on schedule

DATES NOT DATA SILLY : Downing Street has moved to reassure Global Britons that the long anticipated reopening of England will occur on schedule, in the face of concerns that rising variant caseloads make 21st June untenable.

“The Prime Minister declared at the start of this year when he unveiled his roadmap out of his avoidable pandemic that June 21st was immovable,” a 10 Downing Street spokesman reminded the nation. “He meant it just as forcefully as a wedding vow. It is immovable as the date for complete ending of lockdown restrictions. The actual date itself, 21st June, is clearly completely tactile and can occur wherever and whenever we choose thanks to the arbitrary nature of human interpretations of time itself.”

When June 21st will occur is still the focus of debate as there are a number of rebellious Tory MPs who just do not care who lives or dies. Zero concern. Just there as taxpayer funded servants of international tax evaders. Your sacrifice is appreciated.

”Sometime in July would clearly be preferable for June 21st 2021, although August and September are also under consideration. It all depends on the complex interaction of pisspoor governance and the NHS making up for our shortcomings with an accelerating vaccination programme.”

People who have already booked holidays beginning on June 21st are reassured they will still occur.

If you did trust our roadmap you’re impressively optimistic!” the spokesman chortled. “You can still take that holiday booked for June 21st. I would guess the day after September 30th as June 21st occurring then interferes neither with September or plans for an October lockdown. Just be aware if you have days booked following June 21st in June you’ll need to rebook them to occur on June 21st also.”

Downing Street concerned latest Johnson marriage won’t distract U.K. for longer than “days”

BORRIENATION STREET : 10 DOWNING STREET LEAKS suggest today that the viral Prime Minister and his former mistress are concerned their nuptials may not distract U.K. press for longer than a few days.

”The last thing we need is everyone going back to reporting on Cummings stating the bleeding obvious about the catastrophic mismanagement of the pandemic,” a make believe scribbled note seen by media reads.

“Or Brexit. We can’t have people talking about Kent and the climate change disaster that it now is being full of idling trucks and floodlit 24/7. Never mind how we’re effectively paying the fishermen to be silent. Farmers next. Then hauliers. How much will it cost to shut up the country sector by sector? More than a shiny new boat.”

Obviously the priority is that everyone is happy so that Mr Johnson and his current wife can enjoy some much needed rest after the rushed wedding.

“We’re considering triggering the mass distraction contingency planning. Demolishing the Houses of Parliament to make way for a coliseum will buy a few days grace. This will lead to radical criminal justice reforms as the sentence for every crime will become gladiatorial combat. Maybe also a second miracle birth for Carrie. We got away with the first one. Happily there’s a few to choose from. I personally favour staging the Churchill shrine weeping blue, white and red tears.”

It’s not yet clear which path will be chosen. The decision is likely to be too late and last minute as that concentrates attention on Mr Johnson.

“The key point to remember is not 150,000 avoidable dead. It’s that the prime minister is no more and no less than a celebrity newspaper columnist. As long as we’re all focused on his preventable disasters than in his mind he’s a success.”

Country that pursued Brexit baffled why liars lying are now hardwired into its politics

NOTES FROM A SMALLER ISLAND : REPORTS ARE SURFACING today of an intense sense of bafflement in an ever shrinking far right colony off the coast of Europe. The confusion appears to centre on how the politics of the ever reducing pin point became so corrupted by liars.

“No one knows how it happened,” one commentator relates. “Every day and every minister just seems set to total, 100% bullshit mode the entire time. Clearly I supported Brexit as the will of the people. So I’m just completely baffled.”

The sense of confusion is only deepened by both of the major political parties on the little island still validating Brexit. In spite of the obvious and enduring harm it causes and the fact it was sold with lies.

“The liar is chief is sky high in the polls. Which is baffling,” one opposition MP commented. “I mean we had to help get Brexit done because democracy is healthy when you decide your entire future on a criminally corrupted opinion poll.”

How to stop the liars lying is also increasingly discussed by anyone who is paying attention, who isn’t profiting off the lying.

Happily though there are no current signs of the official opposition turning on Brexit and calling it out for the fraudulent omnishambles that it is.

“That suits the chief liars perfectly. And from that they’ll profit,” another commentator noted. “Until the great lie is challenged the liars will go on lying and the country will go on shrinking in size. Which is nice”

Anyone fed to the back teeth with the unending train of idiocy is advised to forget about it and help make a success of Brexit!

COBRA meetings to be renamed “Champagne and Wallpaper hour” to ensure PM attends

FOLLOWING THE SCIENCE OF LAZINESS : It’s not just the BBC that needs a good, old fashioned shake up to ensure it is unfit for tomorrow. COBRA, the emergency committee that meets in times of national crisis, is also in the firing line after coming in for severe criticism.

“It’s a boring talking shop at the moment,” a 10 Downing Street source tells LCD Views. “Just grey men naysaying. There’s some nasty coffee and some stale sandwiches provided. You’d be lucky to get Svalbardi or even fffing Evian. It’s no wonder the PM can’t be bothered to turn up half the time. If you have to listen to a bunch of gloomsters talk the country down. The least you can expect is some good catering.”

Happily for the Prime Minister Tory Party donors are currently being canvassed to see who is prepared to chip in and save the nation.

“We are confident that the food and drink on offer at COBRA will be more in line with the Prime Minister’s expectations in future. Although having meetings in the morning is a dead cert fail. Disasters really need to be scheduled for after lunch. Sometime in the late afternoon, before dinner. COBRA only has itself to blame. And you can make a good case that the pandemic has been a bloody sight worse than it needed to be. Imagine if there was caviar, champagne and some girls dressed as old school Playboy bunnies on hand as waitresses? He wouldn’t have missed a meeting.”

Clearly if COBRA can’t lift its game, just like the BBC, it will have to be outsourced to private contractors, but it does have a chance if a donor can be found.

“We’ll be renaming it ‘The Champagne and Wallpaper Hour’. That way we’ll get both Boris and Carrie along and after the nibbles we can get down to the serious business of something like Montrachet 1978 from Domaine de la Romanée-Conti? You’ll see. Attendance will skyrocket. We’ll probably get the entire cabinet!”

Make COBRA Fun! – that might help too. There’s nothing that can’t be improved with a snappy slogan, not even a national crisis. Just think of “Get Brexit Done” if you doubt us!

All U.K. farms to close after minister’s mate says on WhatsApp he can supply food with PPE

SOILED SOILS : Downing Street has issued a notice today that all U.K. farms are to close immediately in preference for alternative supplies of food.

Rumours say the startling decision comes off the back of “an offer too good to refuse” which was sent to a cabinet minister via WhatsApp.

The minister concerned hasn’t been identified but it is believed to be the Health Secretary. Mr Hancock has become famous for arranging supplies of vital equipment via the messaging service throughout the pandemic. Whether or the not the price is market rate and the equipment useable isn’t of concern. The same rigour will be applied to transferring taxpayers’ money for food.

“I can confirm that the new supplier of all the food the U.K. needs has carved a tidy and profitable niche for themselves in PPE. It’s a natural extension to move into food.”

It’s further suggested the mystery supplier will receive the contract to supply “all food” uncontested and the deal is worth “Trillions. Enough to buy entire villages worth of Georgian mansions.”

Happily the U.K. consumer will not notice any serious difference from today as “the food will all be packaged in Union Flags and is definitely likely to be edible by something.”

How U.K. farmers will take the news of their immediate redundancy has not been explored because “Brexit has been delivered and they’ve outlived their usefulness.”

Anyone concerned however that the Prime Minister’s food supply may become substandard need not worry as he’ll “continue to receive thousands and thousands of pounds of luxury food delivered to Downing Street as befits a ruling monarch.”

Mars explorer to be deported

Mars has shocked the Solar System’s diplomatic community with its decision to deport the Mars rover, Perseverance, for apparently breaching its strict immigration laws. The red planet’s President, Kenneth Cgkalrsjjytq, claimed that Perseverance has not applied for the visa required by all Third Planet Nationals. Additionally, it has failed to supply proof of sufficient funds to support itself, and has no job offer from a Martian employer.

Earth has responded robustly by claiming that Mars is simply punishing the planet for leaving the planetary union known as the Solar System. ‘They needed us more than we needed them,’ said World Home Secretary, Pitee Painful. ’In future, Martians will no longer be permitted to visit remote, desolate, sparsely populated areas like Idaho, Uzbekistan or Norfolk without prior consent and the completion of the Anal Probing Licence Application, accompanied by a valid invitation, of course. Moreover, Martians currently held, er, visiting Area 51 must go home.’ She was asked by the journalists whether Mars would no longer be on the so-called green list. ‘Well, it is known as the Red Planet ha ha ha,’ she added.

Mr Cgkalrsjjytq responded by saying that Earthlings will always be welcome provided that they adhere to the rules. These includes a continuing ban on stag and hen parties. ‘And Mr Stanley Johnson will of course be allowed to come to prepare his house for the tourist season.’

In other related news, Pluto has rejected the proposed trade deal with Earth. ‘Where was Earth when the Solar System decided we weren’t big enough to be a planet, eh?’ said President @&/“-!*•.

ALL UK Food Banks to be renamed “Great British Food Banks” by order of Downing Street

A ROSE BY ANY OTHER NAME : Exciting developments in the food charity sector today as the Prime Minister is rumoured to have personally intervened to cheer everyone up.

“The Prime Minister was enjoying foi gras, Bollie of course, lobster thermidor, veal, baby seal and a dessert of the pickled tears of orphans last night when it hit him square between the eyes,” a 10 Downing Street source said, and no they aren’t referring to a paternity test.

“Queuing at food banks would clearly be made more exciting if you could be guaranteed Dominic Raab would appear for a photoshoot while you waited your turn there with your reusable plastic bags. We can’t do that. But we can rename the uplifting outlets to something more patriotic. After all, what is more important than food for the soul?”

Clearly this is the way forward, especially in an era of increasing job insecurity and lower benefits.

“It really is a masterstroke. All British food banks will be renamed Great British Food Banks as soon as possible. Fluorescent signage. The lot. Even one of those inflatables that waves its arms about to attract attention. Union Flag pattern of course. The contract for the new store fronts will be handed out to a Tory donor to ensure action is taken as fast as is humanely possible.”

Critics have suggested with the PM’s much trumpeted plan to “level back better” the food banks will soon be obsolete and the new signage not required. We put this to Downing Street and they laughed so hard we feared someone would get injured.

“Remember, when you’re laying in the gutter you have to look to the stars. They hover over Great British Food Banks and twinkle like a patriot’s famine wracked eyes.”

Take a bow Global Britain. Sorry. That should be Great Global Britain. You’re about to host the G7 and you’ve MPs who pose for photos at Great British Food Banks.

Boris Johnson to summon massive asteroid strike into Home Counties because “I can”

LOVE ME LOVE ME SAY THAT YOU LOVE ME : The UK’s Prime Minister Alexander lots of words Johnson is now firmly established as world beating in many sectors. He’s beaten the country with a pandemic. He’s beaten the rights of ordinary people by removing freedom of movement. He’s beaten the fishing industry. He’s now beating up farming. He’s trashed the sanctity of marriage and the responsibility of the parent to raise children in a secure family environment. He’s beaten the economy. He’s allowed Patel to beat up the ministerial code until it is bloodied and senseless. He’s tortured the idea of language as a means of clear communication. The list is long and it goes on and on. Now he needs a new challenge.

“He’s on a personal mission to see how far he can push the envelope,” a 10 Downing Street source tells LCD Views. “Daily the envelope grows fatter and daily the effort needed to push it more intense. It’s why he is so popular. People can’t believe he’s so magnificent.”

The one drawback appears to be finding new challenges. Finding new ways to screw an entire country over and remain popular. But he’s up to it.

“Thanks to Brexit the UK will now become a technological and innovation superstar. Take that Brussels! We’re now investing billions into a giant magnetic that can drag asteroids out of orbit and fling them wherever we like. It’s very impressive. It’s the next chapter in the story of Boris.”

And where will the first asteroid captured be flung?

“Straight into our own faces. Where else?! Who needs a Manchurian Candidate when you’ve got Boris being Boris.”

The asteroid’s first target will be the Home Counties.

“Probably Kent. Their support for Brexit makes them the best target to see how deep is the love for Boris. How far can he push it to fill the unquenchable need for validation he’s carried since childhood.”