Boris Johnson expected to deny ever proroguing parliament

ASAP : 10 Downing Street, that hothouse of strategic geniuses, is expected to respond to the Scottish High Courts ruling that Boris and Jacob bullshitted the actual Queen into proroguing Parliament with a steamy bloom of denial.

“What me, worry?” Mr Johnson is reported to be planning to tell a packed House of Commons, “I never prorogued Parliament. I deny it. It was Jacob’s idea anyway. Did I go and see Her Majesty and ask for it?”

The line of defence, based on having plausible deniability, is presumed to come from Dominic ‘Short’ Cummings. A man chosen by Boris Johnson to do the hard work of thinking for him, so Boris can carry on being Boris. And we have to pause and wonder, how well is that working out for them?

But should the House of Commons, and indeed the Queen, not buy the denial, Boris has another trick up his sleeve.

“He’s going to go into hiding,” a Downing Street source rumoured, “just until it all blows over. Like he did in the Tory leadership campaign. Boris knows what a thwarted woman is like. He should, he’s thwarted a fair few. Hide is the best policy. Wait until they calm down before going back over with ruffled hair, a grin and some half remembered classical quote. He’ll be all right. You wait and see.”

To many sober spectators this latest plot twist in the Boris show is no surprise. Brexit was always going to embroil the Queen in its never ending farce.

How the Queen will react isn’t yet clear, except perhaps for some wistful feeling of wanting some of the more brute powers of her distant ancestors faced with high profile idiots.

At least Boris Johnson’s media backers have somewhere to turn, a safe harbour in the latest storm, they can just print a big smiling Boris re-opening parliament, once he bends to the avalanche of political will, and caption it,

“Bouncing Baby Boris Bounces Back, Recalls MPs saying. Get back to work! You Berks!” As if not being at work had nothing at all to do with Boris. Who was after all, just being Boris.

Cheer up, however Brexit turns out Boris Johnson is completely stuffed

THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS BAD PR : Scientists working at the University of Sanity have identified the first actual Brexit dividend today.

“We took a look at the trajectory of the boy who wanted to be World King,” lead scientist, Professor Blue Sky, told LCD Views, “for decades this individual has just risen, and not by noble means, but now he’s plateaued and soon he will start rapidly descending.”

The reason for the rapidly approaching, rapid descent appears to be the wrong choice as a newspaper columnist back in 2016.

“He’s a gambler. Do or die. His calculations, however cynical, have always paid off before. Then he rolled the big dice and it turned out like the plot to ‘The Producers’. He won, but in reality he needed to lose to win. So now he’s stuffed. Although he’s been on the run from the result ever since.”

And it seems the professor is onto something. Given that the World King is now attempting to rule over Brexitannia, a notoriously unstable and treacherous region.

“If he actually delivers Brexit he is stuffed, because any kind of Brexit will be negative. It’s just a question of degree. So there is no win there. Especially as half, and more likely significantly more, of the population can’t be propagandised into acceptance of his plan. In fact, the daily mass spend on social media is just entrenching them further.”

That’s no way to pull off a hard right revolution in governance. It sounds more like a botched coup…

“But, if he doesn’t deliver Brexit he is equally stuffed. So many ill intentioned, moneyed interests are looking for it to be a success, on their terms. Not delivering is not an option. It’s a classic no win. And to think he arrived at this point voluntarily through an excess of ill judged self-belief and entitlement? What a muppet.”

LCD Views would like to thank the professor, and his team at Sanity, for their findings.

David Cameron realised what he’d done, that there was no win, and bravely ran away.

Theresa May then took up the baton of horseshit, somehow believing that she’d make a success of it, and failed, ground up by reality into a mince as pure as that inside David Davis’ head.

Now Boris Johnson has scooped up the blood and scat smeared baton from May and is failing even faster.

It can only end one way, for the World King, for the country there is a choice to be made. It’s damage limitation time. The sooner we dethrone Brexit and limit the harm Brexit is doing, the shorter the recovery…

10 Downing Street confident of “not losing any votes in the Commons now for at least five weeks”

READ IT AND WEEP : The government is feeling free to do what it likes today after the successful closing of the House of Commons and the Lords, having pulled a Pro-ROGUE move on parliament to buy themselves five weeks.

“We’re winning now,” Frederick Fossil, Tory MP for Somewhere, told LCD Views, “now that the game is suspended. I knew as soon as that short Cummings chap phoned me up yesterday to order me to give a speech about the will of the people just before midnight that I was winning too. He’s promised me a job in DExEU. I’m not sure when it starts. It was a bit of a relief between you and me, I expected to be blackmailed into giving a speech instead.”

And the prorogation of parliament comes at just the right time for the Johnson administration.

“We’ve only had a few days of parliament and between you and me, we’ve had our asses handed to us. No one saw it coming! We’re led by strategic geniuses. Imagine being behind the Leave campaigns, under scrutiny by police, in contempt of parliament, but finding yourself running it? That is a mastermind at work. Safe as houses. Well, not the democratic houses.”

But critics of the extraordinary length of the prorogation has suggested that the Cumming’s government hasn’t gone far enough.

“They should have made the length of time arbitrary. Like back in Charles 1st’s time. Call the duffers back when you feel like, but only if they’ll give you what you want,” our political strategist said, “still, not much chance anything constructive will get done over the next month or so. Grieve, Clarke, Hammond, Starmer, Benn, Lucas, Swinson, Sturgeon, Lee and others will presumably use it for a nap. You know, recover from all the near misses of the last week. Build up their strength for facing a renewed prime minister just before Halloween.”

They must be packing themselves. Which is exactly why the executive chose to close down the house of elected representatives.

Expect the Boris Johnson scoresheet to continue as it’s begun, once the prorogation is over…

Boris Johnson closes parliament because the way to unite a country is to silence its representatives

BAD BOY WITH HIS FINGERS IN HIS EARS : The UK’s least successful prime minister, Boris deSpaffle Johnson, has successfully dealt with a noisy and dissenting people’s parliament by shutting them it up.

In a show of executive strength Mr Johnson frowned, brayed, muttered and almost slept as he sat through the cheerful, ceremonial rigamarole required to send 650 MPs home on full pay.

“They can now focus on constituency work,” Tricky Nicki MP said, “and let us get on with the job of running the country. By the way, if you don’t like these principles, I have others?”

The move to shut up the representatives of the people is a smart one. They kept defeating Mr Johnson in the Commons. He can’t wield executive power if people see what a useless sod he is. Best to find a way to stop losing then.

Additionally, it can arguably be said to have only cost Mr Johnson whatever remaining shreds of credibility he had with people paying no attention to him whatsoever, his governing majority and his ability to force the general election he both claims to want and not want.

It is also very useful for signalling to the wider voting public what sort of government Mr Johnson wishes to run. What was really meant by that crafty Brexit slogan ‘Take Back Control [and give it to one man and his offshore billionaire backers?]’?

But how will Mr Johnson use the five weeks he now has?

“He’ll be attempting to find a way to re-open parliament,” Tricky Nicki shrugged, “now that he can’t get what he wants without it.”

In the interim Mr Johnson’s opponents will presumably use the time to coordinate and strategise how to defeat and unseat him?

A cross party effort that the long summer recess made possible and presumably (time to talk) contributed heavily to the thrashing received by the government over the last week.

“We’re strategic geniuses,” Tricky Nicki added, “our first assault on parliamentary sovereignty lost us credibility and 22 MPs. You just see what fresh hell we invent for ourselves over the next five weeks.”

‪UK government closing parliament for five weeks to give EU a lesson in democracy

NOTHING TO SEE HERE MOVE ALONG : The Government of the United Kingston is closing the people’s parliament for five weeks from tonight in order to safeguard representative democracy.

“It will also give those undemocratic, unelected busybodies in the E.U. something to chew over,” a Downing Street source commented, “they want to see how we do democracy? Well, we will show them how. But not doing it.”

It’s unclear how MPs will be expected to spend the bonus five weeks of additional leave from Westminster, but many expect Tory MPs to spend the time drafting resignation letters.

“To be honest and to be absolutely clear,” the source continued, “MPs need time to recover after the treatment dished out to them by Boris Johnson and unelected head of state Dominic Cummings last week. Some of them nearly asphyxiated from laughing when Philip Lee crossed the floor.”

But the government will not be idle in the bonus time.

“Total campaign mode. Day in and day out of Bojo feeling the love of his people. We’re having a general election just as soon as we reopen parliament and they let us. We’re going to spend millions before the caps kick in. Social media companies will love it. Go long in them right now, it’s boom times.”

The move is a complete surprise to some though. Proroguing parliament for this extraordinary length does deprive the PM of facing opposition leaders at PMQ’s and he won’t be able to face select committee either.

“That’s not all bad. It’ll save the MPs on the select committees from being embarrassed by Mr Johnson’s commitment to hard work and detail.”

Representative democracy. Someone does it. Just not here and not now.

Pro-Brexit MPs insist next general election be advisory

IS IT SECRET IS IT SAFE : Those crafty devils who masterminded the 2016 IN/OUT referendum are way ahead of the pack again, it seems, after a move by the BORG (cross party parliament grouping of Pro-Brexit MPs) to ensure that the next general election is only advisory.

“What’s your favourite song?” leading Borg member. Mr Nostalgia (Tory MP for Fantasy), asked us, “mine is the lyrics of wrecking ball to the tune of Rule Britannia.”

The move to ensure that the general election, which all know is just around the corner, even if we aren’t sure which corner, is only advisory is clever.

“It will allow all the same genius dark arts that achieved an overwhelming mandate in the 2016 advisory referendum. You know, dodgy funding sources obscured by use of tax havens.”

Micro-targeting of voters on social media?

“Crucial. It’s the digital equivalent of standing outside a polling booth and dragging voters in to demand they tick the box next to your candidate. I hope no one makes it illegal. Not that rule of law matters overly much anymore.”

But if you’re confident of victory why push to change the general election to advisory, rather than binding?

“Well, what if we win a binding vote, but the courts subsequently are shown evidence of massive breaches of electoral laws?”

If the vote is binding it will carry safeguards which compel the courts to quash the result and order the vote re-run?

“Precisely. Only a novice politician fronting for offshore billionaires would fall for that! So it has to be an advisory result, we will sneak over the line with electoral breaches, make the result binding politically and propagandise the hell out of the voting public till no one knows which way is up or down. We call it giving them the Raab’s.”

But what if you win? Won’t it being advisory be a problem?

“No. Then the result is of course binding. Any fool knows that, because that’s what we’ll tell them day and night. We call making votes advisory to get away with crime politically our democratic backstop. We win either way. But only if the vote can’t legally be made to go away.”

Search and rescue teams call off search for Boris Johnson’s ‘popular appeal’ saying it’s “sunk without trace”

MAKING A TITANIC SUCCESS OF PREMIERSHIP : Do you ever get that sinking feeling when you look in the mirror? That’s the question the UK’s Prime Minister is reported to have asked the woman he left his wife and children for this morning.

The search and rescue feelings operation is rumoured to have been triggered after an actual search and rescue team threw up their hands and called it off.

“They were looking for Boris Johnson’s popular appeal,” our Westminster insider confirms, “it’s so famous it is apparently visible from space, but no one has seen it for some time.”

It’s believed the unsinkable aspect of Mr Johnson’s character (using that term purely in the theatrical sense) first came into contact with reality when it ran aground a shallow reef called “Prorogue Rocks”.

“It then became further imperilled as the tidal chant of ‘Stop the Coup!’ began to rise, even as Mr Johnson attempted to lift it off the rocks.”

It’s believed he abandoned ship and scuttled to safety as the bows filled with churning waters and the ship began to list heavily, tearing open its hull across the jagged rocks as it did so.”

A decision to undertake a new rescue is being considered, but this is seen as the highly risky GE strategy, which could lead to complete and total loss for many.

“He’s got a rescue dog, believing it would help,” the insider added, “but it’s only good at sniffing out bullshit, so it’s just sat at Mr Johnson’s feet holding its nose.”

No memorial statue is planned.

Boris Johnson unites the country like no one before as thousands spontaneously take to the streets!

IT’S GOVERNMENT JIM, BUT NOT AS WE KNOW IT : Prime Minister of a shrinking island off the coast of Europe, Boris Johnson, has been applauded today for uniting the country.

“Not even Theresa May managed this feeling of unity,” a Boris Johnson watcher noted, “and people loathed her. Boris really does have that special touch his backers rave on about.”

The touch itself is believed to be similar to bring manhandled by a living personification of norovirus, while it attempts a snog.

“Have you seen the news?” the watcher asked, “well not the BBC, as that’s no longer news. But Channel 4 and Twitter? All over the country in large cities and towns Boris has brought people out onto the streets.”

The trigger to the spontaneous events appears to be the Johnson government’s contempt for parliament. Also, having that crafty old devil, Jacob Reeks-smogg, allegedly lie to the Queen’s face.

“That takes some balls,” the watcher sees clearly, “but then Brexit and it’s proponents have trashed ever other institution, so why not the monarchy? Full house!”

And it is expected that the impromptu marches caused by Johnson as PM may only just be getting into gear.

“It will be quite something if parliament manages to get its act together this week and actually make No Deal Brexit illegal, and then if Boris and chums ignore it.”

How will the eager and watchful public respond to the end of their parliamentary democracy? Boris and friends may just like that hornet’s nest with a stick and find out.

And in other, related news, the PR consultant that advised Ed Milliband to eat a bacon sandwich back in 2015 has been charged with treason…

Short Cummings : Tory 1922 committee chairman says he’s received 48 letters of no confidence in Dominic Cummings

CUMMINGS AND GOINGS : The Chairman of the Conservative Party governing 1922 committee has confirmed that 48 letters of no confidence have been received in unelected, undemocratic prime minister Dominic Cummings.

“We’ll have to change the rules,” an aide to the powerful committee told LCD Views, “and if we can’t do that, then we’ll have to ignore them.”

Ignoring the rules is believed to be the backstop position for the Conservative Party whose current guiding mantra is, if you can’t win playing by the rules, then cheat. Jacob Rees-mogg is understood to be currently working on the Latin translation so as to update the party logo.

“We could have another leadership election right now. Andrew Bridgen is ready to be PM. Or Mark Francois. Andrea Jenkyns maybe?” the source mused, “but I fear it would just create the kind of chaos only an Ed Milliband government could create. So we don’t want that. Other front runners, such as Raab and Barclay, are thought to be too busy staring at socks marked “l” and “r” respectively. Once they solve that brain teaser they’ll be ready for promotion.”

Quite how the general public will take the news that a leadership contest should now be held to replace the unelected, undemocratic prime minister, but won’t, wasn’t under consideration.

“Who gives a flying fig about them?” the source looked shocked, “this is all about making money on the exchange markets and getting out of that EU before the new anti-tax dodging directives kick in.”

What Matt Hancock would make of this development was unquoted. After all, he recently invoked the war dead to underscore he wouldn’t support a government that prorogued parliament to deliver Brexit. And where is he now?

“I can think of one way the country’s leadership could immediately be improved,” our political analyst chipped in, “Dominic Cummings having his mobile phones confiscated before being led out of Downing Street by the police.”


Curshillian : Johnson to give major speech on defending parliamentary sovereignty the day parliament is closed

GRAB THAT PARLIAMENTARY TIGER BY ITS TALE : Temporary Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, Boris Johnson, is expected to be preparing a major speech to give to parliament.

“It’s important to get it just right (wing),” a Downing Street source told LCD Views, “it’s about the importance of returning sovereignty to parliament.”

To the “mother of parliaments” no less.

“And in order for maximum impact it’s vital that parliament be closed when he’s addressing it concerning parliamentary sovereignty.”

The need for an empty chamber is obvious.

“It’s about taking back control of parliament and the associated representative democracy. For centuries inherited wealth has watched the rabble claw away at their god given birthright (wing). Thanks to Brexit this process is now in reverse. It’s pretty hilarious so many plebs voted for it. It just proves they’re not fit to rule themselves. This is why they are now being ruled by Boris Johnson (and friends).”

The speech itself, expected to be “barnstorming” (the barn will be empty at the time) will be broadcast only on analogue radio.

“Boris wants it to feel properly Churchillian. He’s going to get on a proper drunk before he gives it.”

And who is helping write the speech?

“Dominic Cummings is helping write the speech. Actually he is writing all the speech. You don’t spend millions data mining the people not to come up with a catalogue of emotive slogans and not use them in a major speech. That would just be silly.”

But won’t it seem a tad hypocritical to claim to be defending democracy and parliament’s sovereignty, when he’s gone and closed parliament?

“I don’t think anyone will worry about that. I suggest you focus on the ‘take back control’ slogan. It will never get old.”