New ‘Three Stooges Brexit’ slammed for not having enough positions for all the stooges caught up in Brexit

The fierce and mighty executive that governs the empire of England has come in for a broadside today with the latest de-evolution of its continuing de-evolving Brexit proposals.

The much anticipated and all new ‘Three Stooges Brexit’ has been immediately slammed for not having enough positions for all the stooges involved in Brexit.

”Only three positions?” a Brexit watcher asked, “no room for Corbyn? He’s as gun-ho for running the U.K. into a lamp post, just like the rest. No room for Hannan, Farage, Banks, Starmer, Patel, Dorries, Chope? Well, the list goes on.”

It’s alleged that pretty much every noteworthy British politician currently shoving the Brexit boulder up the hill side, so they can loose control of it and watch it roll back down all over British democracy, is a stooge for an international clique headed by Putin and his bitch Donald Trump.

”What about Banks? Why isn’t he front and centre? Until he can prove all his impressive wealth wasn’t actually money funnelled from overseas to intentionally corrupt and destroy the rule of law in the U.K., he has to have a main cast role in The Stooges? Surely? And so many others.”

Other critics have targeted the title of the latest Brexit position by Downing Street and said “Useful Idiots” would be more appropriate.

Responding to the fire a spokesman for Downing Street hit back.

”Divide and conquer isn’t working for us in Brexit negotiations,” they explained, “although we’ll keep embarrassing ourselves by trying it,

”But given how famous Brits are for their amazing sense of humour we thought to use our humour as a weapon. If we can get that dour faced Barnier to crack a smile then we’ll definitely get free and open access to the single market without any of the obligations of membership.”

Screening of the British shit show will go on through the summer, no matter how often they stumble over each other, again and again.

”This is Global Britain in action,” the spokesman added, “just in case it’s not already obvious.”

BBC to celebrate the war efforts of Lord Haw-Haw

The BBC has announced it is to celebrate the war efforts of famous British patriot Lord Haw-Haw in a special series of interruptions to what they now call journalism.

”It’s a high production special,” BBC commissions editor Nigel Farage told LCD Views, “and working hand in glove with start up production company Bannon and Johnson and Gove and Putin and Mercer and Wigmore and Banks and Assange and Patel and Bannerman and Koch and Koch and Le Penn and Grimes and Alan and Dorries and Rees-mogg we are going to make a success of it.”

It’s believed the inspiration for the special comes after the rip roaring success of the production special ‘Rivers of Blood’ by E Powell, which in no way was an irresponsible and ghastly thing to do as the fascists rise again in the Western Hemisphere.

”Lord Haw-Haw has been unfairly maligned by vested interests,” a random Tory MEP explained a day or two from now on Twitter, “I mean, both sides used propaganda during WW2. Why should one actor be deemed a traitor when the others were doing the same?”

Calls for a pardon are expected to follow the series of specials and even the potential of a statue on Westminsrer Green.

”You can see just how fucked the U.K. currently is with both main political leaders committed to the hard right lies and con of Brexit,” the random MEP accidentally added, “and now we have elected MPs campaigning on behalf of a patsy who broke electoral law, well, how far can we sink?”

The BBC has further added that a companion broadcast explaining that Lord Haw-Haw was working with the Nazi’s has been canned because it would risk ruining the new narrative they are helping the government establish.

UK to fight next European war against itself while Europe watches

World War Three is almost upon us. The signs are all present: a government out of control, the press propagating propaganda, and stockpiling food.

The only difference this time is that the aggressor is not the Germans. The UK is going, gloriously, to war against the UK.

The traitors, saboteurs and enemies of the people will line up against the moderates who would rather stay in the EU.

People holidaying on beaches are preparing to fight for the right to erect a blue flag.

A flotilla of lilos and other inflatables is being prepared to rescue valiant Tommy Robinson supporters from the sandbanks, cut off by the rising tide.

Ration books are being produced, secretly, on the cheap in France. They will serve no valid purpose, but will raise morale by having blue covers.

The cry of “Dig For Britain!” has gone up. This means trendy people in London will be able to harvest their own avocados by the time other food supplies are cut off next March.

Meanwhile in mainland Europe, amusement reigns. “Ve vill vatch vhile zey beat zemselves up,” said Hans Together, rubbing his palms. “And none of ze scheisse about ze Chermans putting towels down!”

“Eet ees, ‘ow you say, ‘ilarious,” agreed Cherie Picking. “‘op off, you rosbifs! And ’ands off le vin blanc and le Camembert!”

Hard cheese for the valiant Brits in their uncivil war is the message from Europe, it seems and only the devotees of the cult of Farage are surprised.

The BBC is doing its bit for the war effort. It is producing a special edition of Casualty, in which the patient is the truth.

The death penalty is being brought back, for “people we don’t like,” according to a government spokesman. People are rejoicing as traditional trades, like constructing gallows, return.

So the Wars of the Passports are due to kick off. It’s burgundy versus blue. Sharpen your rhetoric and polish your speeches. Don’t forget your tinfoil hats!

Arsonist says people should take reassurance and comfort in plan to put sand in red bucket labelled ‘FIRE’

An arsonist has spoken out today to allay concerns that burning the entire country to the ground for the profit of an internationalist clique of kleptocrats and neocons may cause a few issues, not least with housing stocks, by saying a contingency to fight the fire they have started is being put in place.

“People should take reassurance and comfort in my plan to put sand in a red bucket and label it ‘FIRE’,” the firestarter commented,

“also in the irony that the tin foil hat brigade who have said there is an international conspiracy to take over the world and subvert western democracy may finally have been proven correct. Which is nice. Even if the conspirators are different to those usually listed. Wish fulfilment is lovely. It’s what I strive for daily.”

The fire safety measure, labelled ‘Bucket of sand’, will see one red bucket labelled ‘FIRE’ placed on a sandy beach somewhere in the U.K., so it can easily be refilled after use.

”There is absolutely nothing to worry about,” the arsonist said, while idly striking matches along a match box and flicking them at pieces of paper with ‘rights’ scrawled across them.

”Food supplies. Medicine. Utilities and transport maybe affected by the blazing inferno that I am helping fan across our United Kingdom, but there is nothing to worry about. Bucket means bucket.”

Asked if there were additional measures people could take if they were worried about the flames now consuming centuries of progress concerning representative democracy, the arsonist had some neat advice.

”Go and stand by the red bucket full of sand labelled fire.”

And then what?

”Stick your head in it,” she smiled, “if enough people continue to do just that it will ensure we make a success of Brexit.”

Supermarket day trading records smashed as public react to government promise food supplies will be ‘strong and stable’

The value of one pot noodle (unopened, mint condition) soared today as frenetic trading occurred in the aisles of the United Kingdom’s major supermarkets, smashing one day trading records for major supermarkets.

“Theresa Maybe went onto the tele and said food supplies would be strong and stable in the event of a no deal Brexit,” supermarket analyst Mister Supermarket told our groceries and sundries correspondent,

“following on from that plank Raab saying stockpiled supplies would be adequate, well, it was a red rag to a angry bull. I mean, can you name me one thing this Conservative administration has not completely balls-ed up in it’s time in office? One thing?

“No. I didn’t think so. If you think they’re going to make sure you have food and medicine after they succeed in smashing every single trading link we have with the world, well, I’ve a famous bridge to sell you.”

It seems long life and easy storage were the key phrases as first the noodles, then the rice and later just as many bags of sugar as people could carry, were ferried out of the stores in anticipation of the sort of mass chaos a global conflict can only visit on a developed nation.

“Trading in honey was particularly strong,” Mister Supermarket said, “as early adopters of the bull strategy in long life grocery commodities snapped up the jars and easy squeeze plastic bottles, before selling them on secondary exchanges.”

But the pot noodle was the clear prize and any supermarket with boxes in reserve cleaned up.

“Everyone loves some noodles,” our correspondent said, “and when all you need to do to preserve the commodity is keep it out of the reach of your children, well, a cupboard with a lock and you’re sitting on a runaway stock. The key problem faced by the sharp traders will be whether or not to sell the pot for a massive gain or hold onto it so they have something to fucking eat next year.”

Mass graveyard of canaries found in Brexit mine

Alarming reports today that a mass graveyard of canaries has been found inside a Brexit mine.

The mine, located at Westminster in central London, is believed to have been opened under the Palace of Westminster during the period of debates during the passage of Dave “the wonder” Cameron’s EU referendum legislation.

”We really got digging under ourselves after June 23rd 2016,” IDS, spokesman for the mining syndicate responsible, told LCD Views, “and we’re going down as far as we can. You can’t hit rock bottom. That’s our slogan at ERG Mining International.”

Work in the mine is expected to continue well beyond March 2019, in spite of numerous breaches of legislative health and safety codes and the lingering concerns the mine is a massive money pit.

”The public is footing the bill for the entire operation,” IDS clarified, “so cost is not an issue. The profits are of course privatised into the hands of a wealthy clique with the vision to break ground in the first place.”

But reports of inability for a canary to survive inside the shafts have been rising for a while. And now scandal threatens the operation after a whistle blower leaked photographs of a mass avian grave.

”These birds are paying a price worth paying for the future of Global Britain the Tax Haven,” IDS rebuffed, “namby pamby, libtard snowflake concerns over canaries dropping like flies aren’t going to stop us blasting away the bedrock of British parliamentary democracy. Our motive is solid.”

Which motive is that?

”The profit motive. And with the support of the leader of the official opposition also saying Brexit mine will pay dividends, we’re not stopping until the Palace of Westminster collapses into the gaping moral and ethical hole we’ve mined underneath it.”

Leading Brexiteers to claim “Jus primae noctis” on “BREXIT EVE”    

Leading exponents of the UK leaving the European Union have announced that they plan to claim the right of Jus primae noctis , or Droit du seigneur on the night of 29th March next year.

“We’ve completely overturned the notion of elected parliamentary democracy and forced a return to a medieval government by “baronage”, so it’s only fair we get all the nookie rights that go with it,” sneered recently resigned former foreign minister Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson from the window above the drawbridge of the Foreign Office mansion he has been refusing to vacate since quitting his post.

Making bizarre thrusting motions with his crotch, Johnson explained that Jus primae noctis , or Droit du seigneur is an alleged medieval practice whereby the “Lord of the manor”, or equivalent, holds the right to demand sex with any women in their domain, especially on their wedding night or other festive occasions.

“I don’t see what all the fuss is about, it’s only for one night. Not like we’ll be impregnating every filly we take a fancy to in perpetuity,” he added pointing out that with Brussels and the European court of human rights and all the lefty snowflakes out of the way, there’d be no one to stop them.

“So people had better be bloody grateful that we aren’t, or maybe we will anyway,” he harrumphed with an extra hard thrust.

Johnson’s sentiments were echoed by his more slender partner in the axis of evil, Jacob Rees Mogg.

“As a practising Catholic I of course believe in the absolute sanctity of marriage, however I do see a direct parallel between our struggle ‘to take back control’, and that of the glorious knights of the four medieval crusades, battling to return control of the Holy Land to White European Christendom,” he explained.

“They were away from their wives for years at a time and it was only fair that they should continue getting in as much practice as they could so they would be ‘at the top of their game’ when they returned to the marriage bed,” he smirked.

Quizzed on the possible effects on the population of leading Brexiteers demanding free sex from any women they fancy both Johnson and Rees-Mogg expressed little concern.

“In ten years time after we’ve lowered the minimum working age we can send them into the fields and down the mines in place of all the bloody foreigners who’ve been swamping the place,” snorted Johnson.

A possibility with which Mogg was in agreement, adding though that;

“Actually there would be nothing to stop them joining the professions or going into politics, after all pretty well all of the hereditary peers and most of the right wing of the conservative party are either directly descended from bastards, or are, independently, bastards themselves – it’s in the genes dear boy, in the genes.”

Article 50 notice expiring just before new EU tax laws start was accidental says cabinet of millionaire quitlings

There was welcome clarification regarding the U.K. Brexit timetable today as the government released a statement saying, “[The] Article 50 notice period expiring just before the new EU tax laws start in April 2019 was just an accident.”

”We wanted to pour oil on ruffled feathers,” said Priti Patel MP, “I may no longer be a cabinet minister, due to that curious little episode involving me attempting to secretly divert taxpayer money to a foreign military. But the failure to fully investigate what the f*ck I was up to means I’m free to return after Brexit.”

The reassurance was needed as there appears to be a baffling suspicion within remoaner circles that attempting to crash the U.K. out of the EU, thus ensuring no transition period, is part of some dark money conspiracy.

”It’s clearly merely a coincidence,” Priti said, “we don’t think that far in advance in Quitling think tanks. And we love funding our social services and public utilities, in spite of running everything into the ground and privatising all we can. That’s another coincidence.”

It’s hoped the clarification will stop the detractors of Brexit who are undermining May’s negotiating hand by failing to get behind the project.

”It’s a big bear,” Priti commented, “I mean bug bear. Dominic “rabid” Raab tabled a series of perfectly reasonable notes with that Eurocrat Barnier last week and he responded by pointing to social media posts. He said if your people are not united as one voice we can’t possibly let you cherry pick the single market.”

While the hardcore Quiltings push to crash out of the EU is now back in full swing, it’s our duty as a public broadcaster to make sure everyone understands the timing of Article 50 notification and the coming into force of new EU tax laws to crackdown on tax dodging is just a coincidence.

The country needs to share our vision, says one-eyed man

In the land of blind people, the one-eyed man is king.

The man, looking doggedly and determinedly to the right, slammed the government’s compromised Brexit stance. The ERG’s vision is the One True Vision, he confirmed.

The monocular man – who at times sported a monocle – refuses to shut up until everyone agrees with him. “The will of the people is the will of the ERG, which is the will of the JRM”, he stated categorically. “There was a vote, and now I am duty bound to pursue it to its illogical conclusion, while coincidentally enriching myself massively.”

What’s good for JRM Enterprises is good for the country, he said piously.

The government was blindsided by this latest outburst. “We need to keep the one-eyed man happy,” said Helena Handcart MP unhappily. “Otherwise he and his chums will bring us all down. He has no scruples about it. After all, he’s more than ready to bring the whole country down.”

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Handcart likened Brexit to asking six hundred toddlers to decide whether they wanted their rose-tinted spectacles to have red frames or blue frames.

Eyes were rolling among the hard core of MPs still opposing the One True Religion. We spoke to one frightened MP, who wanted to be known as “Murky Freddery”. “It’s a case of one man, one goal, one mission,” he said darkly. “One flash of light, one real decision. I had a dream when I was young, a glimpse of hope and unity. Visions of one sweet union. Look what they’ve done to my dream!”

He went off in search of food, muttering “gimme gimme gimme fried chicken!”

Meanwhile the one-eyed man was still focusing exclusively on one side of the debate. “It’s not up for debate,” he declared. “I’m right, and I know I’m right, and I will impose my point of view upon the country until it sees the light.”

“There’s none so blind as them that will not see,” he concluded, ignoring the branch of Specsavers right in front of him.

Jacob Rees-mogg to be cryogenically frozen and thawed out once the benefits of Brexit occur

LCD Views can report fantastic news today for lovers of traditional British democracy, and Tory MPs who appear to have been taken from the 19th century, dress sense, social views and all.

”Jacob Rees-mogg is to be cryogenically frozen,” an aide to the slender man told us exclusively, “and thawed out once the benefits of Brexit occur.”

The plan involves a bunker jammed with science stuff somewhere on his sprawling Somerset estate and is expected to be in place before the advent of the No Deal Brexit he’s working so hard to achieve.

”Funny how achieving nothing can actually achieve a lot,” the aide mused, “especially if you don’t want your country to have to adhere to the new EU rules on tax dodging coming into place just after the end of the UK’s Article 50 notice period. Oh and if you think poor people should have a healthy dose of chlorine in their diet.”

As to whether or not the timing of the UK’s exit out of the EU is in anyway related to London being a giant money laundering machine is not for us to speculate.

We’re more interested in how long we’ll be without Jacob’s long shadow cast across parliamentary process. Oh and how his Dublin based investment business is doing. Talk about having your cake and eat it. His consumption of financial cake, in and out of the EU, is set to continue during the cryogenic sleep.

”There won’t be much parliamentary process after Brexit,” the aide reassured, “rubber stamp stuff. So we don’t have to worry about Jacob not being in the voting lobbies. Even if personally I’m in favour of wheeling him in and out of them,

“anyway, Jacob thinks fifty years ought to do it. He’s going to be frozen now so he’s still fertile when he is revived to rule the land like a lord of darkness. Hopefully medical science will make it feasible for him to live for eternity once he awakens from the crypt again. I mean cryogenic facility. Cryogenic. Nothing to do with crypts. Nothing. But please, no garlic or garlic based products. They play havoc with cryogenics.”

It seems too the autocratically minded, energetic MP expects his many children and anticipated grandchildren to rule in his place during his slumber.

”They should have gone on to breed an army of Mogg’s by the time he cracks the ice off his eyelids and rises,” the aide added, “and then Jacob can really feel the benefits of Brexit. Because Brexit ultimately means the death of democracy. And that’s a Brexit benefit we can all enjoy. Especially as we’ll all be serfs.”