Brexiter begins selling ‘Do-it-to-yourself’ home lobotomy kits

Great news for people who like traditional neurological surgery today with the announcement that Cat Hokey MP (UKIP) is to begin selling “Do-it-yourself lobotomy” kits for use in the home.

LCD Views’ Conscience correspondent went along to one of the rare surgeries held by Cat in her Allfall constituency office to learn more.


A middle aged woman in a ragged coat hunches in the middle of a black tiled floor.

Burning torches flutter in the corners, driven hither and thither by an unseen wind, but the light rarely penetrates the darkness.

The woman, known as CAT (SCAT?) to mortals, holds a lit candle and is drawing a magic circle in the centre of the floor.

Another woman enters, young, go-getting reporter ROSIE SEARCHLIGHT.

ROSIE holds a silver cross in front of herself as she walks.

From the lump under her tight fitting, black leather jacket, it would be easy to believe she has a pistol on her hip. It would be easy to believe this show is on ITV.

CAT ignores ROSIE.

She waves the candle back and forth. She mutters in an ancient, unintelligible language, incanting as she draws her circle.

Rosie Searchlight

“Ms Hokey? Labour, I mean UKIP, representative for Allfall?”

CAT glances rapidly over her shoulder.


“Are you the gate keeper? Nigel has summoned the gate keeper. Are you the gate keeper? Answer me.”

Rosie Searchlight

What gate needs keeping?


“Nigel, my master, he is the key master. He must have the gate or he can not de-stablise the peace.”

Rosie Searchlight

“I’m here to learn about your do-it-yourself lobotomy kits? We’re featuring them in the afternoon edition of LCD Views? Home Medicine. It’s a new weekly feature.”

CAT begins to levitate above the tiles. She flies at ROSIE, but recoils from the cross.


“Hiss! Hiss! Take a lobotomy pack and get out! Go home child of man and carve out your temples.”

ROSIE SEARCHLIGHT advances towards CAT. She holds the cross in front of her. Her other hand on the lump on her hip.

Rosie Searchlight

“Not until you tell me the recommended retail price for the lobotomy kits.”

ROSIE crosses through the circle on the floor.

She continues towards CAT who is desperately trying not to singe her hair on a torch in the corner.


“Back away! I’ve just had my hair done to go boating with the dark lord Furherage!”

ROSIE is undaunted. She steps in closer.

She doesn’t see that behind her, out of the circle she has just left, a dark shadow is gathering with a pint in its hand and a cigarette in its mouth. The shadow has wings and they are spreading.



A Brief History of Crime – the Brexiverse explained

Brexiters are seething today, as usual, at the release of a book which applies some of the complex theories simply expressed in the masterpiece by the late, great Stephen Hawking to their own Brexit universe.

”We’ve has enough of experts!” Chief Brexiter Tricky Mickey raged, after hearing of the book’s timely release, hot on the heels of the overwhelming rejection of the government’s theory on what comprises a withdrawal agreement with the EU.

An excerpt of the work is included below, purely for marketing purposes (‘A Brief History of Crime’ r.r.p. £350M per week),

“Having inflated rapidly, driven by a heated mass of self importance and idiocy, the gravitational pull of the dark matter residing in the inflated universe of Global Britain, from seconds after the moment of creation, or the Big Bang on 23/06/16, now drags the Brexiverse back in on itself, contracting unstoppably to the Big Crunch.

The dark matter itself is the residue of crime, racism, xenophobia and idiocy that was present in the infinity small dot that was the universe of Global Britain in the moments before the Big Bang was triggered by the malign being who willed to be created, or The All Thumbs god…”

The book comes in two editions, published simultaneously, one with standard English and the other in Brexglish, in order to make the book more accessible to those adherents to the debunked theory of Brexit. They’re, there, their are chosen at random throughout the text. Our is spelt are at all times, and so on.

”They’re just mocking us now,” Brexpert Tricky Mickey raged.

But is was wrong about that too, as the mocking preceeded the Brexit Big Bang and no singularity can stop it escaping faster than the speed of light.

Hundreds of second home owners likely to fail simple IQ test in Westminster tonight

LCD Views can report this afternoon that according to Twitter hundreds of second home owners are to sit a simple IQ test in Westminster this evening.

”And hundreds are expected to fail,” our College Green correspondent reports, “up to 650 men, women and children will take part in the mass test tonight in an old building that is such a fire hazard many are also surprised it hasn’t burnt to the ground, what with all the hot air it holds.”

And there will be a lot of hot air this evening in preparation for the IQ test.

”Many taking part are second home owners, many are multi-millionaires, the likes of Philip Hammond (self made man who now helps other people not make it) and Jeremy Corbyn (also mostly self-made, in his own image, and estimated to be worth over £3m – more than sufficient to weather whatever Brexit does) and others are just idiots.”

The test is in the form of a basic yes/no format that you’d expect even a turtle on a fencepost could answer correctly, even though it can’t tell you how it got where it is.”

The person setting the test, a vicar’s daughter called Theresa May, has taken almost three years to write it.

”She’s done her best to get it right,” our correspondent observes, “the question is basically will you allow me to continue governing you so I can keep making foreigners feel deeply unwelcome and persecute them to my heart’s content?”

Enough people fail the IQ test and answer yes and watch out! The go home vans will be back on the streets.

But enough pass the test and say no, more than those who fail, and the vicar’s daughter could soon be seen packing her bags and returning to the vicarage with her forked tail between her legs.

”After desperately trying to cling onto power for a few more weeks.”

No ayes for May! Maidenhead MP confirms she will vote against her own Brexit deal

The Conservative MP For Maidenhead has confirmed, only to LCD Views, that she will vote against U.K. PM Theresa May’s Brexit Deal when it comes before the HoC this evening.

”I’ll be getting some staffer to tell everyone on Twitter and Facepamphlet later,” Theresa May told us exclusively, “as you tend to block bots, I’m not sure all the electorate will have heard.”

But why the decision to vote against the prime minister’s WA with the EU, when May is telling everyone in the U.K. it’s in the national interest?

”It’s plainly not,” May scoffed, “which is why I’m getting such a beasting in the Commons over it. A real Frankenbrexitstein deal that has united both Leavers and Remainers in opposition. For which I should get some credit, as most thought that an impossible feat!”

But what is it about the WA you object to? Is it the effort to do the minimum possible to prevent a return to violence in NI?

”No, clearly not that.”

Is it the transition period that allows the U.K. time to not starve immediately, as we fumble about digging up the commons and green belts to grow food?

”No. Let them eat cake.”

Well, what exactly, the people deserve to know.

”It’s nowhere near racist enough for my liking. All foreign nationals should be forcibly expelled on Brexit day. Only then will I have delivered on the Brexit the British people voted for. Which given the fruity things Corbs says about leaving the Single Market, thus ensuring a Labour Brexit ends FOM (except for millionaires) too, is clearly a move supported by her majesty’s most loyal opposition.”

So you’re saying it’s not racist enough, but?

”But nothing. Kick out the foreigners. Then maybe I can sleep at night knowing no one is coming to steal our horses. And Theresa May can get some hard earned shut eye too.”

But you are Theresa May and this is your deal.

“Don’t get fresh with me. Where were your parents born? Will someone please put me out of my political misery!”

Theresa May retracts Article 50 in favour of Article 50+++

Number 10 announced that the Prime Minister (there but for the grace of God…) was unilaterally retracting Article 50. In its place, May was confidently demanding that the EU recognise her Article 50+++.

Downing Street spokesman Rhett O’Rick was on hand to demystify the latest Brexit nonsense.

“It’s really simple,” stated O’Rick. “Article 50 has not given us what we wanted, so we have gone back to the EU to demand an upgraded Article 50. To avoid any confusion, we have called this new Article 50 Article 50+++.”

The original Article 50 was clear to the point of brutality. What makes this Article 50+++ better?

“All the plus signs, of course,” joked O’Rick. “But seriously, there is a little more wriggle room in the new Article. It now reads, ‘The EU treaties shall cease to apply to the State in question at an unspecified time after the notification.’ I think that’s something we can all get behind.”

This is just a load more fudge, isn’t it? It is surely just another way to kick the can down the road.

“Certainly not,” declared O’Rick. “It means that now the country can Brexit at a suitable time decided by Parliament. It’s taking back control.”

And will the EU accept it? After all, their latest position was ‘No more negotiations’.

“Frankly, my dear, I don’t give a damn,” said Rhett, turning scarlet. “They need us more than we need them. Take it or leave it. The ball’s in their court.”

But, but… If the original Article 50 has been retracted by May, that means the PM has acted impulsively and unilaterally, and without forethought, again. And it means that we remain in the EU.

“Look, you clearly don’t understand these difficult and complicated matters,” said a flustered O’Rick. “So why don’t you run along and remoan at someone else?”

Fair point.

Meanwhile Theresa May has nor been seen in public recently because she has had extensive dental work. Too much fudge rots the teeth.

Brexit accepted as the fifth horseman of the apocalypse

The four horsemen of the apocalypse – Death, War, Pestilence, and the other one – have been joined by a fifth. The newcomer, in a class of his own, is Brexit.

It is hard to argue with the choice. Brexit brings chaos where there is order, dearth where there is plenty, and general pissed-off-ness in place of harmony.

In fact, Brexit has already spread so much confusion that his horse is insisting that the spot on his nose is actually a vestigial horn from a unicorn.

The other horsemen, after initially celebrating, are now regretting the decision. “Brexit will be the cause of many a death,” complained Death. “Bloody newcomers, putting me out of a job!”

“Yeah, Brexit is about to start a civil war out of nothing more than name-calling,” remoaned War. “I’ve been trying to do that for years. Not even Hitler fell for that one!”

“Brexit is causing a shortage of medicines,” observed Pestilence. “Who needs pestilence, when Brexit can reverse hundreds of years of progress in  a matter of months?”

“It’s all a bit shit, innit,” agreed the other one. “Whatever I do, Brexit does it better. Or worse, depending on your point of view. What’s the point in being a horseman of the apocalypse if this bloody usurper breezes along and completely takes over?”

It is only reasonable to reflect upon how Brexit gatecrashed the liberal elite and shat on their poncy table. Some tawdry talent show – The Brex Factor, or Brexit’s Got Talent, one of those – invited auditions and put the vote to the public. In this lottery. 52% voted for Brexit, which was instantly accepted as the fifth horseman.

Subsequent revelations have shown that the vote was both illegally fought and fraudulently won. The Director General of the Talentless Show, David Camelot, resigned on the spot. This admission of guilt appeased the horseman, which enabled Brexit to dominate the original four.

Unfortunately, Brexit has become too big for his boots. His horse, now his unicorn, is demanding special privileges and refusing to bear him further. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.

Newest U.N. Security Council Resolution Calls for ‘Planexit’

LONDON, NEW YORK – Yesterday the permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, led by the UK and the US, passed a resolution calling to hold a worldwide referendum on a Planexit to determine whether Earth should leave the Solar System. Already, the planet’s stock markets have plummeted.

According to the former British foreign minister, Boris Johnson, the planet spends too much on other planets of the Solar System.

“Each year, we spend billions of dollars on research and development on our neighbouring planets,

”Frankly, we don’t give a fuck about hydrogen creation or fertilizing the soil on Mars. People are weary of seeing stuff from space moving into our orbit without any form of restriction.” The down-to-earth MP added: “Those bureaucratic geeks in the space agencies are out of touch with reality.”

Burocratic geeks

Critics say the proposal is unrealistic and suspect the Russian secret services of steering a powerplay in the U.N.

Renowned physicist Jim al-Khalili stated that “leaving the Solar System might seem appealing to many people without a physics degree, but it is not easy to put into practice.”

The British Foreign Office has cast these comments aside as “fake news” and “elitist scaremongering”.

American president Trump reassured that ‘Earth First’ does not mean leaving the Solar System immediately:

“In the meanwhile, we will cut the funding of NASA and ESA and other nerd agencies to invest in things that really matter, like completing the wall with Mexico to halt alien incursions here on Earth. Furthermore, during the transition period we propose, we would still be able to continue to mine Mars, the losers’ planet, for the resources needed to build the gigantic nuclear device that will set a new spatial course for our own people and make Earth great again.”

Trump and May have cast critical comments aside as “elitist scaremongering”.

The referendum is scheduled to take place next year, but this time table is blocked by some ‘Planextremists’ in the Council. They reason that the concept of year is biased toward the heliocentric camp.

BBC refuses to play chart-topping hit “Yes! We have no bananas!”

“Yes! We have no bananas!” has got to the top of the charts. The BBC, true to form, has refused to play it, citing political influence.

The nonsense song has come into vogue periodically. Principally when bananas were rationed after world war 2.

We turned to pop music expert Melody Lynes for an explanation.

“Novelty songs are always popular,” she stated. “However, they sell better when outside events influence buyers. It’s like when Mrs Thatcher died, sales of “Ding Dong, the Witch is Dead” went through the roof.”

The BBC banned that, too.

“I can’t speak for our broadcasters,” said Lynes. “But the public mood was certainty encapsulated in that song, whatever your opinion about Thatcher.”

Clearly the news that, in the event of a no deal Brexit, bananas will become scarce, had prompted sales.

‘Brexpert’ Terry Bulplan had his defence ready. “I can’t understand why anyone would want to listen to that tiresome drivel,” he said. “The title is nonsense, and nobody is suggesting that there will be a shortage of bananas!”

Unfortunately, that is exactly what Brexiters are suggesting. The blockades at our ports and the absence of trade deals will prevent bananas from getting to the UK.

“And a jolly good job too,” grumbles Bulplan. “Too many foreign fruits coming into the country, taking up space in the fruit bowl that could be filled with British fruits, like elderberries and crab apples!”

So, you are saying that Britain is a fruit basket case? A bendy banana republic?

“Nothing of the sort!” retorted Bulplan. “In any case, we need to be singing from the same hymn sheet. And yes, we have no bananas!”

And that’s Brexit in a nutshell. Or a banana skin. A cheerful affirmation that everything will be the same, whilst acknowledging that everything will be dreadful, in one simple sentence.

The country has gone bananas.

Downing Street accused of fluffing Brexit after plan to replace viagra with fluffers leaked

Downing Street is in need of a stiff upper lip this morning after its plan to replace viagra supplies, threatened by a no deal Brexit, with adult movie workers has been slammed as half hard.

”It’s just sensible contingency planning,” a French maid working in the corridors of 10 Downing Street told us in a voice that was dangerously husky, “I’m not really French, this is just a costume. Do you like it? Would you like me to dust those high shelves?”

Alongside the adult movie specialists, free copies of the entire back catalogue of ‘Carry On’ films will be made available on a new government funded, streaming TV service, called ‘Bonking’.

”We’ll keep Britain shagging,” Mr Monee Schott, Tory MP for Knee Tremblers, declared, “the great British public will not be screwed senseless by Brexit.”

A debatable statement.

Additional plans include placing rousing imagery in town squares and city centres.

”Who isn’t going to feel something with a thirty foot high poster of Maggie in her prime glowering down at you as you go for a pint?” Mr Schott said with half closed eyes, “erect that next to a poster of a steam train entering a tunnel and off we go!”

Rockets blasting off and fireworks exploding are also planned.

But controversy has hit the scheme early after it was revealed a stockpile of actual viagra is being built for government ministers.

”Do you want your elected officials down in the dumps over the natural consequences of ageing on the mortal male? That would be reckless at a time of natural crisis.”

Plans to make the stockpile available to paid up members of the Conservative Party have also raised eyebrows.

”We’re just seeing to the needs of our natural supporters. Keep their resolve to make a success of Brexit firm.”

On the plus side, the dressers and drawers of the U.K. will be getting a proper seeing to with the old feather duster as the legions of fluffers are set to work across Little England.

But critics will take convincing that this isn’t just another example of the government making a fluff of Brexit.

May appoints Marty from Shameless to renegotiate Brexit deal

Snubbed by Brussels which has refused to agree to further talks on her “soft” Brexit deal, UK prime minister Theresa May has appointed a new chief negotiator, Marty Fisher, the fictional pyromaniac with Tourettes syndrome from TV comedy series, Shameless. 

Responding to criticism of the move from both Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, and the right wing of her own party a Downing Street spokesman denied that it in any way smacked of desperation on the part of Mrs May.

“The Prime Minister is fully aware that Marty doesn’t actually exist in the real world but then neither does a Brexit deal that is better than continuing EU membership…. ARSE BISCUIT,” he replied.

“But neither Jeremy, nor Boris, Mogg or any other of the “bastards” appear to  realise that, which make him the perfect man for the job….SPUNK-BUCKET,” he added.

Queried on whether fictional Marty’s equally fictional Tourettes affliction might not set the wrong tone in dealings with the fearsomely “real world” negotiating talents of European Commission head Jean-Claude Juncker, the spokesman was equally dismissive.

“After David “no research required, we hold all the cards” Davis and Dominic “Dover’s a port, who knew?” Raab, they’ll find Marty a doddle to deal with, assuming they don’t leave any matches lying around… BONER,” he added.

“Who knows, we may even get a real BUCKET-BIFF, to add to the Prime Minister’s deal … it certainly couldn’t be worse than….NO DEAL BREXIT,” he twitched.