Man speaking foreign language told to go home

A man prone to using a foreign language in public has been told that he should ‘go home’. The man is understandably upset about this, as nobody in their right mind would want to go to North-East Somerset.

Jacob Rees-Mogg – for it is he – is most upset that anyone could mistake him for anything other than a fine, rather uplifting, English gentleman. Unfortunately, his name is a giveaway, being a mixture of Hebrew, Welsh and Cat.

“Carpe diet sum!” exclaimed Rees-Mogg, angrily. “We must Seize the Diet, and take back control of our food consumption!”

It is uncertain whether Rees-Mogg was referring to the Diet of Worms. A recent event to him, the Diet of 500 years ago, like Brexit, failed to achieve its objectives. Go home, Jacob. Nobody likes you, everybody hates you. Go home.

“It is absolutely disgraceful that one should suffer this kind of abuse,” Rees-Mogg mewed. “I mean, foreigners who are, shall we say, visibly foreign, are fair game of course, but an Englishman’s home is his castle in the air and he should not be subjected to this kind of treatment. The only treatments one expects are to stiffen one’s upper lip, chin reductions, and concoctions to ease the passage of furballs.”

The news coincides nicely with Nigel Farage’s proposed March to Leave. Rees-Mogg indicates that he will not join it, although he may send a flunkey in his stead. “It is rather below the standards of the ruling class to join a protest march,” he miaowed. “Quod erat demonstration.”

We suggested that he was taking rather too much offence. “No, no not at all,” he replied, cattily. “After all, the British People stand by the Royal motto, Dieu et mon droit cornu. God and my right wing!”

Erm, I think you may just have strayed into Monty Python territory there.

“Certainly not!” he replied haughtily. “Honi soit qui mal y Brexit, and that’s my final word.”

With that, he stalked off to the litter tray, before curling up on the sofa in such a way so as to make it impossible for anyone else to share it.

Parliament narrowly rejects motion calling on them to cover U.K. in monkey shit while screaming

LCD Views can report live tonight from the same country as the House of Commons that Parliament has just narrowly rejected a motion calling on them to cover the entire U.K. in monkey shit while screaming.

The motion, which if it had passed due to liberal ingestion of political stool softener, would have seen MPs bound to personally procure monkeys, overfeed them, give them laxatives and then put the result into a tank, in a backpack, attached to a hose with a spray nozzle.

”It’s a ghastly missed opportunity,” Tory ERG BORG Foreign Stooge Brexiter and Monkey Scat fancier, A Bridge (MP for Planks) told us, “what am I supposed to do now with all the monkey shit I’ve already accumulated? The BBC only broadcasts the Today programme once a day. It’s not enough for me to get rid of it all off my own bat. I guess I’ll have to start eating it?”

Other MPs, also in favour of covering the entirety of the U.K. in monkey shit while laughing, were not to be defeated though.

”I’m still going to do it. Every face in my constituency will be covered in it by the time I’m finished. Then I’ll put my rosette on and get voted back in. What a laugh being an MP is! No wonder it’s so popular as a hobby.”

However people putting away the wet wipes and disinfectant are warned not to act too swiftly.

”It was a non-binding vote,” our correspondent reminds, “and covering the entirety of the U.K. in monkey shit while screaming is still government policy and actually the law come the end of March. It’ll take more than this vote tonight to stop it happening.”

We can’t advise if it will be stopped from happening. We advise you develop a taste for monkey shit or maybe get out and march on March 23rd when the anti-covering U.K. in monkey shit march marches. It can be stopped, but it will need some rather clueless and terrified MPs to understand there’s no taste for it.

Parliament to ask Vatican to send an exorcist to drive Brexit out of UK body politic

LCD Views has the scoop this morning on what is going to happen soon, with the advanced intel from late March 2019, that parliament has asked the Vatican to send over an exorcist.

“More correctly it will be a Brexorcist,” our time traveller reports, “but that’s just a branding thing, it’s araldite exorcising, as Brexit is the devil itself, so they can send any of their top exorcists to get it done. The real question is how to dress for the situation. Does the Brexorcist wear a dog collar and black clothes like normal? Or perhaps a wet suit, plastic apron and a face mask?

“It’s a pretty scatological procedure. You really don’t want any of the green gunk that will come gushing out of the UK getting on your best church clothes. You just want to burn whatever you’re wearing when you’re done.”

The choice of clothing is a problematic one, as the right balance must be struck between producing enough sense of the dramatic to engage the devil Brexit’s attention, and not having to shower hourly for a week after you’re done.

“We’re still waiting for a reply from the Vatican. We understand that when the request is made later this month it will go right to the top, but Pope Francis is so busy, like every other state leader in the EU, he may feel he has more pressing things to deal with than the UK’s never-ending psychodrama in service of tax havens. Now, if you don’t mind, I’ve got to generate another worm hole and go further back in time. The lights will dim presently for a few seconds and I’ll be gone.”

How far back are you going?

“Back to 2014 to stop Ed Miliband eating that frigging bacon sandwich, which is how all this nonsense began.”

But surely if you succeed we wouldn’t be having this discussion in the first place as the bacon sandwich photo op would never have happened?

“Now is not really the time to get entangled in time travel theories, we’ve got to stop the UK going back to the 1950’s with a 19th century mindset! Anyway, when I change the past I may create a branching line to a new future in which we have this discussion and then it’s undone. But this is the first time I’ve done it.”

You only half understood ‘A Briefly History of Time’.

“FFS. This is a not supposed to degenerate into the sort of infighting nonsense of a Momentum run CLP meeting. If it wasn’t for that bacon sandwich we’d currently be witnessing a coalition government of Labour and whatever was left of the Libdems in 2015 facing a meltdown caused by the LRG (Lexit Research Group), led by a barely relevant allotment holder, threatening to bring them down if he doesn’t get to personally supervise the fifteenth re-nationalisation of the East Coast mainline. You know what they say, a stitch in time saves nine.”


Dinosaur secures legally binding change to trajectory of comet

LCD Views is pleased to trumpet today that the dominant species of predatory dinosaur in the UK’s Spinocene period has big news.

”This new agreement, reached overnight with the comet hurtling towards our world, ensures a legally binding change to our extinctions agreement,” the dinosaur said,

“I unsheathed my talons, I bared my six inch, dagger like teeth and I wore a power chain, then I said, Mr Comet, I am just going to keep coming back and back until you agree something that can be spun as an incremental change to your trajectory. In this I can claim complete success. And I expect the other dinosaurs to back it.”

The change, which is described as world changing by the dinosaur itself, commits the comet to attempt really, really hard not to smash into the dinosaur’s world and blow most of it to smithereens, vaporise what isn’t blown apart and choke the rest in a nuclear winter style climate that will see asset stripping alpha predators feeding off the carcasses of the first to perish, before they turn to rending each other to shreds for a meal.

Whatever agreement is reached this will be the outcome, so reach whatever agreement you want as this is the outcome by design by those who are making a song and dance of reaching an agreement.

”Many smaller dinosaurs make the mistake of thinking we are negotiating with a collection of largely herbivorous, slow moving, plant munching, long tailed sauruses  of various kinds in order to still be able to feed after the collision event,” the dinosaur clarified for those who are confused by headlines in the Tyrannosaurus Gazette, but this is not the case,

”we are negotiating with fate itself, with a heavenly body of cataclysmic power versus our world as it is today. A massive ball of ice and rock hurtling through space on a collision course we can not possibly understand until after it hits us all in the face. So long as I get to stop other dinosaurs going where they like I will be satisfied. Extinction event means extinction event, and we’re going to make a success of it.”

U.K. to meet climate change targets by destroying itself

LCD Views can announce great news for people worried that by the time the U.K. is done with Brexit (should it happen) sometime in 2069, and gets around to focusing on climate change it will be too bloody late anyway.

“Balderdash,” ERG leading light Mr F Wit told us, “we’re leading the world. The developed world at any rate. And of course thanks to the opportunities created by Brexit, we’ll soon be leading all of the developing world again too.”

But leading in what way?

“By destroying our auto-manufacturing sector firstly, clearly,” Mr F Wit, who has millions in overseas holdings shrugged, “then we’re going to clear out the aerospace industry. Oh, and coal mining is never coming back unless Old Corbs gets in, which he won’t, so mining is not going to be resuscitated. It’s all going really well. No reason the young people shouldn’t get right behind all of our aims, including bringing back corporal punishment for truancy.”

But that’s not the leadership they require? How does that tackle the challenges of the 21st century and the screaming ball of terror that is environmental destruction?

“We’re getting rid of our industries, what could possibly be more coherent and useful if you want to see carbon emissions, and other gases like cows farting, reduced quickly? Back to the soil. Hoe in hand for the mighty British! See those greenhouse gases plummet!”

So we’re sacrificing ourselves for the good of the planet?

“You could spin it that way. As long as I get to buy the last public utilities still owned by UK plc in the fire sale that follows Brexit with the massive amount of totally legally dodgy money I have piled up offshore I really couldn’t give a shit either way.”

Mr F. Wit, thank you for your time.

“Follow me kids! I’ll show you the way. You don’t need climate change targets when you aren’t capable anymore of impacting climate change in anyway by giving all the parts of your developed economy away!”

‘The Italian Job’ 2019 remake criticised for all main characters rushing to topple the bus at end

LCD Views can report rumours today that CrossParty Collaborators, the production company behind the soon to be released 2019 remake of ‘The Italian Job’, is coming in for a fair bit of wellie today over changing the ending of the British crime classic.

While most of the details of the rehash have been kept secret by the film makers, inevitability gossip has been leaked to the press. And it’s the decision to allow the criminals to get away with the crime that is ruffling the most feathers.

“They did add some lovely touches though,” LCD Views’ film critic defended CrossParty, “casting disgraced former defence secretary Liam Fox as a new character who is in theory fencing the goods, but in reality is rubbish at it, as he’s always looking for a friend called Adam, was a nice touch,

“And having the rest of the cast chorus ‘He’s behind you!’ while pointing at a curtain, brought some new comic relief to what is now a well trodden plot. Each scene in which a curtain is present sets you up for some laughs. You know it’s coming.”

And what about changing the head of the gang to a woman, that’s pretty 2019 and woke?

“Yes, Theresa May does a passable Michael Caine voice throughout in her role as Charlie Croker. Although not as good as either Steve Coogan or Rob Brydon in ‘The Trip to Spain’, but I say good on her for giving it a go, even though she must have known she was going to fail and anyone with half a brain wouldn’t have touched the role with a barge pole,

“But having the actual Michael Caine do a cameo mid film wherein he encourages the gang to keep going, at a point when they’ve misgivings, with the rousing words ‘it’s better to die poor and be free’, well, it tugged at my heart strings. Something about old, successful, wealthy British actors backing the con gets you right in the feelings.”

So why change the ending?

“It’s to better mirror the UK in 2019. In the original the crime gang are left hanging, and you know they either have to exit empty handed, although attempting to do so could cause most of them to perish, or they can rush to the front and crash to the bottom of the ravine with their ill gotten gains.”

So what’s different this time?

“Well, in the 2019 film there’s a magic spirit that guides the group called ‘Will of the people’ and he allows them to get out of the bus at either end and run away with the loot.”

I know watching a film involves suspension of disbelief, but how do they pull it off without the bus crashing down and bursting into flames?

“That’s easy. They filled the bus with 65m people before they drove away with the loot. There’s more than enough extras to keep the bus dangling precariously on the cliff edge while the masterminds make off with their ill gotten gains.”

I don’t think I’ll go and see this film.

“You don’t have a choice. It’s screening in every home at the end of March by order of the government unless sanity gets in the way.”

U.K. asks to borrow USA’s 25th amendment as our leader is also clearly insane

The Queen is expected to write to her former colony across the pond today and ask to borrow the USA’s 25th amendment. A change to their constitution made in the early 1960’s to enable the removal from office of a leader who is plainly bonkers.

“They’re not using it,” a palace insider told us, “I mean plenty of yanks keep talking about using the 25th to remove Donald Trump from office, but as of today it’s still snugly behind glass with a little hammer sitting next to it.”

It’s believed if the Americans agree to loan us the 25th we can promise to return it as soon as possible.

“It may look a little shop soiled, I confess, after we’ve had a run with it,” the insider continued, “cleaning that mass of scrambled egg that is currently prime minister off the big chair at 10 Downing Street is not going to be seamless.”

And the clock is ticking…

“Yes, we’ve just a couple of weeks now until the UK is due to sacrifice hundreds of international agreements and its very place at the table of power in its region. Car and financial firms are leaving daily, the list of rights ordinary people will have burnt in their faces, on the back of a promise that the UK executive won’t then burn their face at some point in the future, grows longer and longer, but here we are and parliament does nothing of substance?

“Maybe we could use the 25th to clear out the lot of them and start again? But then the Americans only have one copy, I don’t suppose we can use all of it?”

But what if they say no? They need to keep it close in case they want to use it.

“Then we’re stuck relying on parliament.”

Oh. Dear USA, we will return the 25th as soon as we’ve removed Theresa May and the ERG from office. How much do we need to pay?

Let’s stay in the EU so we can influence it, says man who wants to leave the EU

Brexclusive: A leading Brexiter claims that remaining in the EU would mean we would still have an influence. So everything comes full circle at last, as logic catches its own tail and bites itself squarely on the arse.

Legal eagle Dunne O’Howe, rumoured to be the braincell behind the ERG, made the stunning announcement, surprisingly not on the BBC. Extend Article 50, extend our influence, was his unreasonably reasonable argument.

“It’s a no-brainer,” claimed O’Howe. “Which is good news for my cerebrally challenged clients. It’s easier to make the EU dance to our tune from the inside. Ideally, we want to leave as well as stay in. Do you have any more cake?”

“No, you can’t have your cake and eat it,” replied the stunned interviewer. “This isn’t Test Match Special, you know.”

Celebrations among ERG members was muted at best, as MPs struggled with O’Howe’s claim. Not even ERG rentagobshite-in-chief Andrew Bridgen was available to give a response. Instead Graham Brady made a brief statement.

“The extremer you go, the more you risk inadvertently reversing into the opposite position,” said Brady. “The 1922 Committee suffers the same, see-sawing between kingmaker and The Brady Bunch.”

Jacob Rees-Mogg allegedly described the news as “rather uplifting”.

Theresa May, holed up in her Downing Street bunker, is said to be delighted, because remaining in the EU will allow her to pass Draconian laws to prevent foreigners gaining access to our hallowed shores.

As with all matters Brexit, we must seek the opinion of the most influential Brexpert, Nigel Farage.

“It’s brilliant!” he coughed, lighting another Capstan Full Strength. “We need to escape the corrosive influence of the evil USA and WTO!  It’s the ultimate Brexit contradiction. I’m changing the name of my movement to Leave Means Remain forthwith!”

Finally, clarity. We still do not know what Brexit means, but at least we can be sure that it doesn’t mean Brexit.

Special offer: Go on a pub crawl with Nigel Farage for only £44.99*

LCD Views offers its readers this unique opportunity to meet and go on a pub crawl with the one and only Nigel Farage. For a single payment of only £44.99*, YOU can buy the man himself a beer and have a smug and self-righteous discussion about Brexit!

Your £44.99* buys you a full drinking kit, including an official “I had a pint with Nige!” t-shirt, packet of dry roasted peanuts, and a beer jacket.

Then simply make your way to the Wetherspoons in Sunderland (now re-Christened ‘Brexitland’) and get a round in! Your official Farage’s Pub Crawl Voucher lets you download the itinerary onto your phone via the special Brexit app. Forget all your troubles, instead allow Nigel to blame them on the EU for you!

When the cellars are dry, Nigel’s Big Red Brexit Betrayal Bus will simply take you to the next venue and the pub crawl just carries on!

Farage’s appetite for cheap, bitter beer is exceeded only by his appetite for cheap, bitter politics. However, not even Farage cannot consume the heroic amount of ale that his devoted followers will gladly buy for him. Instead, he has constructed a cunning plan.

“Whenever I can’t hold my ale, I am going to call my sidekick Tim Martin,” he explained drunkenly. “In vino veritas and all that crap, I don’t give a toss any more. I will call for my Incredibly Strong Ale and he will pass me water in a beer bottle.”

So he will pass water in a beer bottle? “His beer is like piss anyway, so what the hell,” belched Farage. “I can’t guarantee my attendance at every leg of the national pub crawl anyway, don’t forget I’ve got a radio show to do, but I will be there at the final pub, which will be a pop-up ‘Spoons in Westminster Square.”

*£44.99 is the advisory, i.e. mandatory, cost of a place on Farage’s farewell tour. Please note that the price does not include the admin fee of £39.99, postage and packing of £5.75, or beer. Please allow 28 days for delivery.

Article 50 delay and play likely as UK doesn’t have political leaders necessary to kill Brexit outright

“We’re going to need to hide in the back room of a pub for a long time and summon up the courage with the door barricaded,” an MP, who wished to remain imaginary, told us today, “it’s going to need to be a herd mentality when we go out to kill the Brexit zombie, as there’s not one amongst us who individually has the leadership skills to just get it done clean.”

By get it done clean do you mean without the bedwetting and pants soiling experience of locking yourself away in the back room of a pub, while the monster rages outside groaning ‘brains, brains’?

“Yes. I wish we had enough to go around of those too. Alongside courage. I’m not sure you shouldn’t be writing this up as a ‘Wizard of Oz’ piece and not seeing a still in your mind from ‘Shaun of the Dead’ as you do it?”

‘I Am Legend’ maybe more appropriate, because Brexit will devour pretty much everyone if it happens. But how will you get this time to hide and get up the guts to go out and attack the zombie together? The days are flicking past faster and faster now. Brexit is almost here.

“An Article 50 delay it will have to be. Buy time. Wait for a hero to arise, or wait for us all to finally face the inevitable moment of taking responsibility together to do what has to be done to safeguard our constituents.”

You’re not filling me with hope. If Cooper/Boles doesn’t pass tomorrow May will have you all right where she wants you.

“Where’s that?”

Barricaded in the back room of a pub while she feasts on the bodies outside and summons up the energy needed to tear the barricade down and go inside and eat the lot of you.

“We’re going to need to take our shovels inside with us, aren’t we?”

And a few shotguns and a Mad Max car if I were you.

“We’re going to need a bigger backroom.”

Get it done. The future of our children relies on you.