“The mores fires raging OUT OFF CUNTROL!!,!,!! in Yorkshire are a remainiac plot to undermine May’s negotiating hand,!!!,,!” a leading Brexiter claimed on social media today, as fires rage north of the Watford gap.
”Is not a coin incident!” they added, going on to reassert that fires burning across the news and the landscape have been started deliberately by unpatriotic remoaniacs “working for Junka and Sorros to create a won world government.”
”They wunt too get rid of proper British patriot voters,” the account added, when faced with query as to their geographical accuracy.
It seems the explanation that the unusual heatwave gripping the country has dried the landscape of many moors out so much they are tinder dry and prone to combustion; is not cutting any mustard with Brexit backers.
”to convenicement bye half.”
And this particular account wasn’t alone in their confusion or opinion.
”Roger Moore was a leave voter! They are trying to silence him with fire!” @incomprehensibleBrexit69 posted on Twitter, to a following of Russian automated accounts.
These have been diminishing steadily, as most are being re-tasked to follow and attack #FBPE accounts on twitter with claims they hate leading Brexiter Jeremy Corbyn.
This is seen as a way to shore up support for the Labour leader and engender even more division in U.K. politics ahead of our complete international isolation following Brexit and the destruction of our internet by a Putin internet “A bomb” test run.
Good luck lighting your home and buying food after Brexit.
The claims about #FBPE motives are a doubly effective measure when Corbyn’s genuine supporters follow up with the killer recruiting cry of “f*ck off and vote Tory then!”.
Asked how the landscape fires will impact on the hypothetical result of a hypothetical people’s vote on the Brexit deal, the BBC’s polling expert said the following,
”It’s undoubted that support for Brexit amongst the dense populations of the Moore’s, Moors and more has not changed significantly since Her Majesty’s Government began pursuing the overwhelming mandate delivered by the British people for national renewal by Brexit,
”These fires, which polling suggest were indeed started by avocado smashing Londoners by a ratio of two to one, are obviously a remainiac plot to subvert the will of the British people, including the mass urban centres on the Moors,
”It will not be successful, according to our disinterested survey of support for Brexit since half the country went up in smoke. The vast majority of real and Kremlin created Britons just want the government to get on with it.”
So there you have it. The cuntry is burning and we aim to make a success of it! And no remain plot is going to stop us!