Failing Test & Trace service relaunched as “Great British Test & Trace”

NAMING AND SHAMING : Relief for viral superstar Dido Harding today after Downing Street took a sweeping hand to her obliterated reputation and swept all the pieces into a corner.

“The Prime Minister has his arts and crafts supplies out and he’s going to repair Dido’s rep out of empty wine crates,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views.

The exact reason for the heavy damage to Ms Harding’s world beating reputation as a pandemic bloodhound wasn’t made clear.

“Given that the U.K. only has one of the worst death rates on the planet, is still in the grip of an active pandemic in year three, is now seeing the Indian variant rip and it’s thought the privatised test and trace service is in part to blame, we’re a bit baffled why she isn’t now a national hero.”

Keen minds are wondering though if the £37bn spent on the service with Tory friendly companies, with no track record in the field, maybe to blame?

“Yes. Obviously we were a bit squeezed for funding when setting up the monumental smash and grab on the treasury. There were so many mouths to feed at the time. So many hands in the post. PPE contracts can set you back hundreds of millions alone. We should have spent more. That’s now obvious. I blame the public sector. If the local health assets had bothered to nail planks of wood across people’s doors and trap them inside for two weeks minimum, well we wouldn’t have had a pandemic at all.”

The Prime Minister is expected to repair all this though by making Ms Harding a new title for her faulty, cash haemorrhaging service.

“He’s breaking down the wine crates as we speak. He will affix some back together in a rough panel and paint ‘Great British Test and Trace Service’ across them. That’ll be it. Sorted by his third brunch today.”

The revamp is expected to cost an additional £37bn.

Man says biggest regret is “not befriending a Tory MP” before pandemic

PPE JACKPOT : A Home Counties man has spoken to anyone who will listen today to describe his “deep regret” over not having a Tory MP as a friend.

The fellow is puzzled over the “serious oversight” that sees him unable to just “WhatsApp a cabinet minister and instantly become rich beyond my wildest dreams”.

It’s believed his disquiet is only worsened by the daily reports of “someone who has a company they set up last week and whacked five quid in” landing multi-million pound PPE deals just by “texting a friend”.

“Being chums with a cabinet minister seems to be the ultimate get rich quick scheme. Why can’t I just go out today and buy a Georgian Manor? Because I’m an idiot who didn’t do any pandemic planning. That’s why.”

Although the situation is not completely without hope.

“I have a plan,” the man says, “I’m really excited about indoor hospitality reopening. I’ve drawn up a schedule of pubs in the constituencies of cabinet ministers and I’m going to loiter in a different one each day. Well, until the Indian variant closes indoor hospitality again. Thanks Boris! But if I play it right there’s a window of opportunity to become chums with Matt or Priti, I’m not fussy. Then I just have to wait for the next wave and send a text.”

The PPE business has proven to be the sure fire way to instant riches during the pandemic, the mismanagement of which in the U.K. has cost over 150,000 lives so far.

“You’ve got to be in it to win it,” he adds. “In a tantric pandemic that is. Thank God for dither and delay in the executive. If I choose the right boozer, and a cabinet minister turns up for a photo opportunity, tomorrow could be my lucky day!”

BREAKING LEAK : PM’s debt of £535 owed to “Central Animal Casting – Prop. Dog. Day rate £535”

PLEASE LET IT BE TRUE : 10 Downing Street is said to be in a frenzied state this morning and fevered discussions are happening over “Who will wake the Prime Minister and tell him?”

The cause of the caustic condition is rumoured to be a Whitehall leak overnight to absolutely no one at all as we’ve just made it up out of wishful thinking.

“Dylin is rented,” the fabrication says. “Day rate £535. Central Animal Casting Mayfair.”

While the fact the Downing Street dog is rented as and when needed will surprise no one, the fact the PM doesn’t pay the bill owing will also surprise no one.

“We’re going to have to call a COBR meeting and decide who wakes him up,” a 10 Downing Street source tells LCD Views. “This is more serious than the Indian variant rising in Bolton. We may even have to call in one of his lady friends to do it. By some fiendish trick of fate the Downing Street kitchens are out of the ingredients needed for his morning hangover cure. Something about an unpaid grocery bill. No one can go out and get them as he’s already picked all our pockets clean.”

The revelation that the bill is for the dog will at least put paid to the scandalous rumours that pretty much everyone ever pictured with the PM in a “family setting” either does not exist or is also hired on an “as and when needed” basis.

Virgin Media hires former Prime Minister David Cameron to work in customer retention

CHASE YOU TO THE GRAVE AND BEYOND : These days many people seem to think former Prime Minister David Cameron is a slacker who spends his days just chillaxing and texting his old work colleagues. This is not the case!

Clearly the halcyon days are past for Britain’s greatest living Prime Minister, between the years 2010 – 2015. Indeed, the saying all political careers end in failure is wonderfully epitomised by the architect of austerity. The statesman who called Brexit on, and then ran away. Job done. Now he is building on that blazing end in a way no one just sitting about with “their trotters up” could hope to achieve.

“He’s taken a job with Virgin Media,” a source inside Team Dave tells LCD Views. We have taken no steps to authenticate any of this. In fact we have just make it all up as we go along with very little thought. Much like Dave’s day to day work as PM. It feels a fitting tribute.

The exact job appears to be in the thorny thickets of customer relations.

“It’s a tough gig attempting to convince people to stay on your side. To continue to invest in something they now no longer want to pay into. After seeing the dogged determination that Mr Cameron displayed when trying to get Sunak to bail Greensill out we just had to have him on the team. He may not convince anyone to do what he wants, but boy, will he have the bit between his teeth when he tries. Especially if there’s a little something in it for him. A bonus of some kind. He’s our guy.”

Dave is expected to start work immediately, working from home form his shed. So if you’re thinking of changing internet supplier you may find Dave texting you so frequently you’ll consider taking out a restraining order. If he does well in customer retention he maybe given his own sales portfolio. Watch out Rishi! Dave has a streaming service for you!

Patel bids to deport “foreign born” criminal in power play to become PM

BOOM TIME FOR EXPORTERS : Rumours today that Home Secretary Priti Patel is among the number of senior Tory cabinet members who have gotten their hopes up about becoming Prime Minister.

“It’s Gove and Dom’s fault,” a fabricated 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views, in an article of total fabrication. “They’ve gotten everyone worked up by publicly taking chunks out of Johnson recently. Raab spends several hours a day now just staring into a mirror watching his pulsating right temple vein. He believes it pulses with an ancient and dark power. Hancock is WhatsApping his friends, even people who didn’t know they were friends but accidentally became pals on MySpace. Gove is doing something grim with an altar and a bag of puppies to seek favour from some Babylonian underworld figure. As for Patel….”

The Home Secretary is said to have thinly veiled her power play in a speech on law and order. She is now famous for this, unless the alleged criminals involved are in elected office, some say.

“The focus on foreign born criminals? Why are they more dangerous or worthy of focus than native ones? Do you care about the accent of someone mugging you? Is it better if the violence is delivered with RP or rhyming slang? Are the crimes of British born criminals less serious? Do they come with flags? Draw your own conclusions.”

And people are drawing their own conclusions.

“Foreign born? Deluged by accusations of rule and lawbreaking? With a catalogue of such stretching back over decades? Whoever could that be? Whoever could she be targeting?”

Boris Johnson opens ‘onlyfans’ account to pay for life’s essentials

EXCLUSIVE ACCESS : Britain’s Prime Minister is famously hard up for cash, always. This has zero national security implications and even if it did we just would not care. This is because we’re now Global Britain. It does make enjoying day to day life harder though.

It’s not made any easier for Boris Johnson by the poverty wages Prime Minister’s are expected to subsist on. Free rent and transport is all very well, but when you have to buy your own food things are very rum indeed. A man must search for a solution. Especially a man with prodigious appetites that must be met in order to govern forcefully.

”Happily the gig economy had the answer,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “The prime minister now has his own onlyfans account and the subscriptions are already massive!”

Most of the subscriptions appear to be based in Russia, the Cayman and Channel Islands, but there’s also some from the USA and a few domestic accounts.

Critics however have been fast to point out that the exclusive access Mr Johnson is offering is not exactly exclusive.

“I signed up and it’s just the standard fare Mr Johnson puts in the papers day after day,” Mr Gammon of Gammon Lane, Brexit Town (twinned with Hell) says. “The extra hi-vis is nice. But I’m paying to see him play act as a builder? Anyone can see that. Still what’s he like? It’s just BoRiS being Boris!”

The reasons Mr Johnson gives on the page are at least valid, “arts and crafts supplies” which means wine, and “technology lessons” and one can only guess what they are. But we’re certain for the Prime Minister they are one of life’s essentials.

Patel slams Dorries’ Hartlepool job maths – “We actually created 300,34,900,74,000 jobs”

GET IT RIGHT NADINE : Open mathematical warfare in the Tory Party ahead of Thursday’s polls with none other than the Home Secretary taking aim at Tory MP Nadine Dorries’ claims over job creation in Hartlepool.

The MP for Mid Bedfordshire made a meal of it over the weekend by claiming that the governing Tories had created 180,000 jobs in Hartlepool, in spite of the region only having a population of 4 people.

“It’s just not true that we created 180,000 jobs in Harlepool,” Ms Patel sub-tweeted Dorries. “I expect our MPs to lie big when they take to Twitter. We created jobs on the scale of donor profits from PPE contracts.”

How many jobs the Tory policies have cost both Hartlepool and Harlepool has not been studied because that’s not the way we do things in Brexitannia.

Regardless of the public spat between the MPs the Tories are anticipated to take the Westminster seat with polls suggesting the entire region is still suffering from the lobotomy performed on much of the UK in 2016.

“We are just as fortunate that Labour don’t talk about Brexit ever as we are about creating jobs. Also how the right wing comes together while the progressive parties hold purity tests on one another. We’re going to gobble up the patriotic vote and rule forever. So long as Starmer never mentions the truth about Brexit daily.”

Exactly how many jobs Ms Patel claims to have created is of interest too, as she appears to believe it is the same as Covid tests administered in the area.

“Three hundred thousand and thirty four, nine hundred and seventy four thousand,” Ms Patel confirms, “that’s because the jobs we’ve created are so poorly paid all four constituents need dozens and scores of jobs each to make ends meet.”

Downing Street leak reveals identity of Boris Johnson’s financial planner

MONEY MONEY MONEY IT’S SO FUNNY : Breaking news this morning after a leak from Downing Street allegedly reveals Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s financial planner.

Questions over whether or not the prime minister had taken any advice on managing his money have been whispered in recent days. This is because he is apparently unable to make ends meet in spite of having virtually all living costs met for him.

“You would assume he would have someone astute and rational advise him, given the hundreds of thousands of pounds he earns yearly. The bungs, kickbacks and other off book income would also need careful managing. It’s no surprise he has a financial planner.”

The revealing of the expert behind Mr Johnson’s money woes does at least make it “all make sense now”.

“The big concern is not Mr Johnson ending up without a roof over his head. The public will make sure he always has a home, either a grace and favour residence or a big house. The worry is more what other advice he’s been following. There’s a distinct possibility his financial guru will have strayed into areas of governance. While not strictly professional it does also make sense of the appalling state of the Johnson government. The lies, racism, corruption and complete disregard for checks and balances. Straight out of the Trump playbook.”

Whether or not the PM will continue to take the advice of serial ethically bankrupt pretend billionaire Donald Trump now the secret is out is anyone’s guess.

“Most expect Mr Johnson to double down now and replace Rishi Sunak with Mr Trump as Chancellor. This will not only distract from who paid for the No 11 flat refurbishment but allow Mr Trump a ready source of income to met his mounting legal costs.”

It’s likely also that Mr Johnson will adopt Trump’s slogan and run on an agenda of “Make Britain Great Again!” at the next election.

“Someone is going to have to. When you consider the low state Mr Johnson is bringing to the country to.”

BREAKING : Downing Street leak reveals PM actually bought sofa from DFS sale

BLOODY HELL : The Prime Minister’s reputation lies in shreds this afternoon more surely than a sofa left alone with a bored puppy.

Shortly after lunchtime a leak from Downing Street revealed the truth he has tried so hard to hide behind SofaGate.

“We’re all mortified. It’s so embarrassing I wish a hole would open up in the ground in front of the Prime Minister so I could push him in and throw the sofa in with him,” a Downing Street source told LCD Views. “How is the new age of feudalism to take a proper hold on the country with such a common man on the throne? It’s over. The entire dark money, rights stripping, power accumulation project in the service of tax minimisation is in ruins.”

Who actually leaked the devastating files will probably never be uncovered because no one will have the time to look into the matter.

“We’re all too busy planning our escape. Run for the hills is my advice. Get out now the house is on fire. There is something to see here and it’s horrifying.”

The leak that has caused the abrupt implosion of the fascist project centres on the source of the now infamous No. 11 Downing Street sofa.

“We all knew Boris and Carrie were cheap really, but as long as they acted otherwise it was possible to keep the ghastly, tacky nature of their persons secret. Now? It’s dust. Ashes and dust.”

Why some will shrug and say this is only a concern of the Westminster bubble. That no one outside of the M25 will care. The revelation that the PM bought the sofa at a DFS sale is certain to destroy whatever credibility he had left.

No self respecting autocrat would do such a low thing. How can he look the Trumps of the world in the eye now and convince them to channel their financial business through London? London the new dystopia of kleptocrats? Not now. It’s over. DFS? And on sale? The £9000 is a lie? Christ.”

BREAKING : PM to resign after revelation no Union Jack patterns used in Downing Street redesign

YOU CAN’T BUY CLASS : Shock in Westminster tonight after the announcement that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is to resign with immediate effect.

The gobsmacking announcement comes after leaked photos of the indulgently expensive redecoration of the flat at No. 11 Downing Street reveal NO UNION JACK FLAGS were used.

“There is no Union Jack flag patterning anywhere either,” a trembling Downing Street source says. “Since they did the refurb we’ve all been kept out of No. 11. We just assumed it was because the PM values family life, but it appears the real reason was a terrible and dark secret.”

How the PM expected to get away with not using the power symbol of Global Britain is anyone’s guess.

“This is a step too far. Clearly overseeing one of the worst pandemic responses on Earth wasn’t an issue. Billions thrown out the back door to Tory donors under the cover of the pandemic is just disaster capitalism in action and no sweat. Endless lying? Who cares? It’s only the most powerful political figure in the country with responsibility for all our welfare. But a failure to use the Union Jack? It is just beyond reason. He must be criminally insane.”

The news of the immediate departure of the ageing lothario and his current squeeze from Downing Street will please many, but there’s one sour note in the development.

“It means Dominic Raab becomes PM until a successor is established,” the source informs, “which basically means we go from government by instinctive mendacity to that with total confusion about maps. Hold your children tight tonight. Wrap them in a Union Jack.”