Boris Johnson to remind EU “You need us more than we need you”

FISHY FINGERS : The leader of the free world, Boris Johnson, has a lot on his plate these days. What with overseeing a catastrophic response to a pandemic that has seen over 110,000+ of his voters perish, and avoiding accountability for that. But that doesn’t mean he doesn’t have time for diplomacy.

Whether it’s privately reassuring US administration officials that he will not let Michael Gove destroy peace in Northern Ireland, or enduring the smooth flow of arms to Saudi Arabia, his Midas touch can deal with it all swiftly, and with little attention to the detail required for long term solutions.

“And he can still find time between the morning’s glass of champagne and the mid morning tipple to spare a thought for the EU,” an invented 10 Downing Street source credibly told LCD Views.

For it seems the EU are increasingly desperate for what the U.K. manufacturererers, and daily more concerned that they won’t be able to get their needy hands a hold of it.

“This is because of the lack of thought they gave to the deal they agreed with the U.K.,” the source continues. “They spent the last several years engaging with the temporary stooges placed in Downing Street by international feudalists as if the U.K. was still a functioning representative democracy who could tie its own shoelaces. Rather than calling us out on what was an obvious load of bollocks from the start. They’ve really only themselves to blame. They’ve certainly not done the voters of the U.K. any favours by going along with the Brexit farce. History will judge them harshly. But we’ve got to deal with today.”

It’s a good thing that Mr Johnson is at the helm.

“It’s essentially like dealing with spoilt children. And Boris knows all about those. He’s been one all his life. He is advised by them. He appoints them to his cabinet. He plays dress up whenever he wants, regardless of what chores need doing, just like a spoilt child too. He can deal with the whining EU. He’s got the skill set.”

But what will he do? Whatever it is he needs to do it fast. The pandemic will only conceal the damage caused by Brexit for long. Sooner or later daylight is going to break through.

“It’s really very simple,” the source shrugged. “He’s going to remind the EU they need us more than we need them. That’ll fix it and fix it fast.”

Downing Street to convert all of England north of Watford into CV-19 quarantine hotel for returning travellers


For weeks the idea of quarantining returning travellers has been touted as an effective way to prevent the spread of more dangerous variants of the killer virus that currently plagues the UK, but so far all there has been from Downing Street is words and no deeds.

“That’s because our friends like to travel,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “It’s a bit rum to make them shack up with their families in a bloody Travelodge when they just step off a first class flight. Think of the mental health implications? It’s very hard for the PM to do this to donors. I mean friends.”

Other reasons given for the lax approach are suggested to be that the UK is still pursuing herd immunity, the so called ‘take it on the chin’ approach, which has been so successful thus far.

“It’s more because apparently none of our friends are in hotels, and those that are don’t want to touch this with a bargepole. Still counting their PPE winnings I suppose. Ha!”

But in spite of the headwinds it’s believed a meeting of the cabinet today decided the matter, and one that buys into the famous levelling up agenda.

“It was rough sailing initially. Little Matty Hancock was moaning that people keep having pops at him for not using the advantages of an island to prevent a mere 110K and rising people dying of Covid-19. Apparently we should have actually acted like a competent government, whatever that is. They have one in New Zealand, Australia, Taiwan, Vietnam and Japan. But we’re not commies! We’re not doing what they do. Our inherent love of dying prematurely must be protected. Anyway, Matt said let’s drain the English Channel and it all kicked off. Priti went for him with a pair of scissors. It was a lucky escape. They were Johnson’s craft scissors. He’s not allowed sharp objects in case he slips while running. But it was then that someone in the cabinet hit on the winning formula.”

Apparently a few in the cabinet have been getting calls to rein in that crazed MP from outside Leicester somewhere, who keeps writing about the plague with evidence and science.

“That’s not on. I mean, it risks endangering our entire policy. The entire brand of the party. But we’ve got a way to kill two birds with one stone,” the source winked. “We simply turn the entirety of the UK north of Watford into a quarantine hotel. The whole show. Everyone will be so busy finding spare rooms for people to stay in they won’t have time to go on Twitter and argue with the fascists who want to cull the herd. It’s a total win.”

Britons set for a post-Covid spending binge, says Bank chief unaware only few Britons got PPE contracts

BY THIS TIME NEXT YEAR : “You’ll all be millionaires!” is the encouraging news from the new chief of the Bank of England, chosen to replace Carney, it’s presumed because of his better ideological purity, as decided by the Cardinals of the Church of Brexit.

The happy expectations will cheer many Britons who may have found lockdown relatively more expensive than the multi-millionaires running the country.

“It’s clear that everyone in the U.K. has just been hoarding wealth over the last year,” the Bank chief continued, in comments we have completely fabricated. “Just look at all the closed shops, restaurants and pubs! People not spending is to blame. Billions must be stored under the mattresses of the U.K.”

And while no one is yet suggesting the Home Office is empowered to forcibly enter homes in order to check under the mattresses, there is an expectation that people will indulge in an orgy of spending, once they’re no longer afraid of dying.

“More than ever we are going to need to rely on consumerism to pretend we still have an economy. When you take the double whammy of a free for all on the public finances to repay the investments of Tory Party donors, thank you CV-19, and the teething problems of Brexit…I mean holy cow, get out there and buy British!”

But some critics have pointed out that while there have been savings on travel for those who can work from home, there have also been costs. The entire household home 24/7 has dramatically increased grocery and utility bills, in a time of rising costs. Also the necessity of purchasing equipment to home school and entertain the children.

“Trifles. Cost wise,” our invented commentary reveals. “I mean, given that everyone in the country has been gifted a PPE contract worth billions, with no expectation to deliver any actual product, the entire country is loaded!”

Michael Gove to accuse British exporters of not believing in Brexit hard enough

GOING DOWN DOWN DOWN : MICHAEL GOVE was responsible for preparing British business for Brexit, and it’s fair to say Michael Gove gave himself to the preparations as much as anyone could have, who was in a rush to get Brexit.

But in spite of the titanic efforts of Gove, and the rest of the leading lights in government, it appears that many British businesses didn’t properly prepare for Brexit.

“Beats me,” an aide to Rupert Murdoch’s preferred prime minister told LCD Views. “For five years people were warning British businesses that Brexit would bankrupt them. It’s not Michael’s fault that many failed to appoint administrators.”

And it’s not just preparing to go out of business that many British businesses failed to do. Many also it seems believed the things told to them by Michael Gove.

“I mean, these people must be insane! It’s no wonder they’re not ready for bankruptcy. Who on Earth would believe a bloody thing Gove says? Have they not been paying attention? What complete and utter idiocy. You’d have to have stuffed your ears with daydreams not to realise he just does not care and you can not believe him. It would be a mass display of charming naivety if it wasn’t so serious.”

But what now for all those export and import businesses who find themselves drowning in the red tape that everyone knew would apply to a third country? Which is what the UK demanded it became.

“They have to believe harder in Brexit,” the source shrugs. “If they don’t Gove will berate them for not doing it. Just believe in Brexit. Really, really hard. So hard your teeth catch fire under the pressure, carbonise and then turn into diamonds.”

That ought to do it.

Nobody told me I had to do my homework, complains schoolboy, 56

IF YOU WASTE MY TIME, I’LL WASTE YOURS: There is a good reason that young Boris Johnson has been in the lower fourth for 42 years. An excess of charisma and tastefully ruffled hair is no substitute for hard work, writes his tutor. 

“Young Mr Johnson may have had an easy existence thus far,” wrote House Master Kane Wielder. “But I would expect him to show a little more interest in his studies, and a little less interest in the pubs and fillies of Eton, if he wants to achieve the O Levels of which he is capable.” 

Boris bit back. “Nobody told me that homework was necessary,” he grumbled. “I thought it was just so the masters could make themselves look hard. Anyway I can always pay one of the other boys to do it for me!” 

Johnson’s career trajectory is well known. After a year or two of remedial classes, the school became fed up and kicked him upstairs to Oxford. This became a recurring pattern in Johnson’s life. Too posh for punishment, or at least too well connected, promotion was the only option. 

The only remaining question is, how do you kick the Prime Minister upstairs? 

“He still refuses to do his homework,” grumbled Wielder from his cosy retirement home. “There was a deal he signed, and bragged about, but he never bothered to read it. So when the downsides manifest, he lashed out. Read the first paragraph, bluff the rest, and complain he’s ill treated when his essay gets 2 out of 10. He hasn’t changed.” 

Trouble is, the current government comprises a good many upper class twits who have been indulged, like Johnson, instead of being put in their places. 

Instead, their empty heads have been filled with conspiracy theories like Brexit and an unshakeable sense of entitlement. “I’m PM, that proves that I’m the cream of the crop, wiff waff!” as Johnson himself puts it in his latest column for the Daily Propaganda.

Bless him. He did his best! 

Boris Johnson to be photographed eating a haggis in attempt to save the Union

CABER TOSSER : THE UK’S SYMBOLIC PRIME MINISTER, Boris Johnson, will stop at nothing to stop Boris Johnson breaking up the United Kingdom. He’s so committed to stopping it he’s assembled a crack team of people who think just like himself to come up with ideas to stop him from doing it.

The Union Unit will focus on robust responses to the SNP’s push to tear apart a Union that has endured for centuries, until Boris Johnson.

“We won’t be doing any gesture politics. This is serious business,” a source inside the Unit told LCD Views. “We’re complete units in this unit. Thumping. Throbbing. Units.”

And it’s certain that many serious and feasible ideas will be floated for how to prevent the UK breaking up, even after Brexit. Ideas such as greater devolution, federalisation of the system of governance, no longer lying, treating Scottish dissenters with respect and listening to their concerns, engaging with Nicola Sturgeon and bringing her into decisions that affect Scotland, serious investment in the economy of Scotland, gagging Jacob Rees-mogg, all will be suggested and instantly discarded.

“In favour of gesture politics,” the source clarified. “To this end we’ve put the names of the royals in a hat and pulled out the names of a pair everyone has forgotten. We’re going to force them to live in Scotland. Having completely forgotten that the Queen already does most of the time.”

But it won’t just be shuffling royal pieces about the chessboard, there are other killer plans.

“We’re going to have Boris Johnson go to Scotland and toss off. Caber toss. He’ll be wearing hi-vis tartan when he does. It’s going to be charming. But best of all he will host a televised feast for all Scottish Tories and he’ll eat a haggis. Before sneaking off to a broom cupboard with a Scottish waitress. If that doesn’t save the Union, nothing will.”

Unemployed fishermen advised to “retrain as au pairs” as post Brexit immigration rules bite

FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT IS JUST FOR THE RICH : DOWNING STREET has some sound advice for fishermen facing unemployment today, as Brexit continues to go off in their industry like a stick of dynamite in a herring shoal.

“No one wants fish. It took Brexit for us to discover that. The industry was propped up before merely by belief in fishing. Now the belief is gone, so is the market,” a 10 Downing Street spokesman said. “We’ve essentially done the British fishing community an incredible favour. One of self-realisation. No one wants to discover, years from now, with their dying breath that they had been living a lie for years, thinking they were a fisherman.”

The opportunity to know oneself deeper is not the only advantage to come out of Brexit for the fishermen.

“Clearly they now have to retrain. Happily, thanks to the combined forces of Brexit ending Freedom of Movement (for plebs) and a lethal mismanagement of the ‘just like a flu’ pandemic, there is a gaping skills shortage facing the United Kingdom as we build back never. And it’s not just in construction work that we are short of tens of thousands. It’s not just in brains in the cabinet that the hole is yawning ever wider. It’s in the au pair sector too. Fishermen are good at handling large schools of rapidly moving creatures. They will make natural au pairs, once they get their land legs. And the £100 a week they’ll earn will be more than they’ll earn from fishing! Look at the benefits.”

But what about the loss of cultural exchange, the deepening of understanding between Brits and people from all over the European continent? Surely we want to retain that exchange.

“Mate. You’re not up to speed yet with Brexit. Deeper understanding of the continent? That’s the last thing the Empire freaks in Downing Street want to achieve. In fact, quite the opposite. Now run along and wait for your turn to experience unemployment.”

Boris Johnson to go on “Highland Haggis Hunt” to save the Union!

CARRY ON UP THE CABER : Once there was a little boy called Boris Johnson who had a little shop, but the little shop didn’t sell anything…

But that wasn’t because the little shop didn’t have anything inside it. Little Boris brought home all the living things he found and put them in the shop window, after killing them with his lies. He kept a fishing industry there. He kept services. He kept freedom of movement for plebs. He also kept a virus inside, and that was the one thing he kept very healthy and alive.

One day little Boris was out looking for abandoned fridges to hide in, his favourite game, when he found a sick looking little animal called “The United Kingdom”.

“Oh what jolly japes!” Boris shouted, clapping his hands in glee so hard his comb over fell over.

Little Boris picked up the sick looking animal and turned it over and over. He noticed it had a soft underbelly that was tartan covered. He pushed it. He prodded it. The little animal squealed. Little Boris squeezed it even harder.

“Oooooo! Oooooo!” the little animal cried.

Little Boris jumped up and down and ran home carrying the little animal to put it into his little shop window.

“What do you eat?” Little Boris asked the little animal.

“Sovereignty and a fair share of resources and the economy,” the little animal replied. “Empower all the parts of me, genuinely invest in me, enfranchise my people and never, ever lie, and we can live together happily ever after!”

Little Boris shrugged. He almost fell asleep listening to such a silly list of things. He smiled and squeezed the sick looking creature’s belly another time.

“I know. I’ll feed you haggis!” Little Boris cried. “But first I’ll have to go out and hunt it.”

And Little Boris got into his T45 tank, a gift from a Russian friend that he kept parked just outside, and drove away into the Scottish Highlands to shoot some dinner for his new found friend.

Liz Truss announces great deal to buy cheese from The Moon

CHEDDAR GORGEOUS: Everyone knows that the Moon is made of cheese. Interplanetary trade supremo Liz Truss has today announced a massive new deal to supply lumps of lunar loveliness to a nation of Wallaces and Gromits.

Crackers? Don’t forget them, lad! There are still, unbelievably, some people who insist on talking Britain down, who say that the plan is unfeasible. Nonsense, replies Truss. This is precisely what the Lunar Protocol is designed to overcome, and supplies of cheese are expected to flow into Britain in a suitably unfettered fashion.

Lunatic? Not at all. Truss has declared that transportation of the delicious delicacies will be easy. “You see that?” she said, pointing to the sky. Sure enough, the Moon hung there, casting its pale sheen across the negotiating table. “All the Moonians have to do is to drop the cheese over the edge of the Moon, and it will simply float down to Earth!”

Following the Science has always been one of Truss’s greatest strengths.

The Board of Trade issued the following press release, praising Truss for her unstinting efforts:

“Liz Truss, a gurning gargoyle with an unhealthy fetish for pork, like a slightly less perverted David Cameron. Prone to hyperbole, she paddles her inflatable dinghy weighed with Union Flags around the shallow waters of Albania, and claims victory for the price of a handshake.”

This was hurriedly withdrawn when the Board’s one literate member of staff read it and discovered that it contained fragments of truth. Nobody took responsibility for the withdrawn press release, so instead the Daily Express was asked to print a headline screaming “NOW THE EVIL EU IS INSULTING US!”

The Moon also renews itself every month. “This is scientific fact!” trilled Truss tunefully. “We can extract all the cheese we need, and there is a New Moon 28 days later! That’s Science, that is!”

The Man In The Moon declined to comment, as he was too busy pissing himself with laughter.

Hotel quarantine delayed till 15th Feb to allow time to place a Union Jack flag in every room


The clarification was given than no lesser a figure than the prime minister himself, after Boris Johnson found he had some spare time in his afternoon.

“I can think of no better way to spend the sudden, surprising opening in my dairy than with you good people,” Mr Johnson told reporters over Zoom. “Just think, if it hadn’t been for the abrupt cholera outbreak at the jungle gym in Croydon, I would have been down there dressed as Tarzan for a press shot, and not here with you.”

And the Croydon cholera outbreak was welcomed indeed, especially by the people of Croydon, deprived of the spectacle of Mr Johnson.

“Now, what’s on your mind folks? Alas. I only had thoughts of shouting out me Tarzan, you Jane! Anything at all. Hit me up. Arts and crafts questions especially welcome.”

But it wasn’t pointers over how to construct buses out of empty wine crates that reporters sought. It was a deeper understanding of the U.K. Gov proposals for quarantining returning travellers in hotels.

“I’m not across all of the detail, but I’ll do my best,” Mr Johnson replied. “Firstly, it’s important we give time for the friends and family of cabinet ministers to get off those tropical islands and back home to Blighty! Wouldn’t want them separated from one another unnecessarily. They may bring home gifts.”

Fair enough.

“Also, it’s important we give the coronavirus variants themselves a fair chance to get into the country, and into our communities. Evolution must be given its head! But rest assured all new mutations will be told the onus is on them to report for quarantine on the 15th February.”

World beating.

“And thirdly, but most importantly, all hotel rooms in the United Kingdom are to be fitted out with Union Jack flags on poles. This will aid people who will be doing work calls over Zoom during the quarantine period. And just in general. The days will pass, they will merge into one another, but if there’s a Union Jack flag at your back you still at least know where you are.”

The Union Jack flag, it’s everywhere these days, except on the failures of the government, on those it wouldn’t be seen dead.