Priti Patel accused of wearing her heart on her sleeve

THE SOUND OF PUPPIES IN A SACK GOING SPLASH : THE UK’S HOME SECRETARY PRITI PATEL is accustomed to receiving criticism while just going about her day to day work of making life worse for people. But today is a new low.

In what should have been a day of victory, after Ms Patel published her new policies for asylum seekers, the Home Secretary has instead found herself on the receiving end of some brutal personal attacks on her character.

“She’s suggested allowing desperate people to actually reach our shores to begin with,” one keen observer noted. “This is a huge disappointment after last year she spent hundreds of millions of taxpayers’ money flying an RAF jet in circles over the English Channel in the hope of intimidating people into going back to France.”

Some of the criticism will surely smart with some even saying she is now “wearing her heart on her sleeve”.

How the Home Secretary will respond isn’t clear. There are low level rumours that she is far too generous with her staff and some fear she may love bomb underlings with expensive, hipster doughnuts and vouchers for things like mini-breaks in out of the way, executive holiday destinations. Anything to receive validation.

Other Patel followers have dismissed the accusations though and claimed the people saying it have not been paying attention.

“You should look closer at any of her press photos,” one instructed. “There’s a screaming circle of hell on her sleeve. Looking into it is like looking into the face of nightmare itself. Her heart has always been worn visibly on her sleeve.”

Boris Johnson to send Spitfire to assist in Suez tanker crisis

WHATEVER YOU NEED WHENEVER YOU DON’T NEED IT : UK PRIME MINISTER Boris Johnson has interrupted his alleged afternoon drinking session to save Global maritime trade.

“It’s a big move for the boss to stop boozing post PMQs,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “He usually spends the afternoon recovering from the only scrutiny he engages in. He’s a proper democrat. He should be building a bus out of empty wine crates later, but instead he’ll be patting himself on the back for solving this crisis. When he heard the words Suez and crisis he knew he was being called to act.”

The form the assistance will take will be largely symbolic, with the PM having authorised the sending on one Spitfire aircraft to be taken by cargo ship to the Suez Canal.

“Once there it will be assembled and flown over the stack freighter. The sheer uplift in morale alone should be enough to re-float the tanker and save global maritime trade.”

There were suggestions that he could organise for JCB to send some diggers, after photos circulated on social media of a digger attempting to push the stranded ship off the coast. But this was discarded after realisation that Mr Johnson may need them to drive through a wall of styrofoam boxes.

Additional assistance will be provided though in the form of the prime minister clapping at 8pm on Thursday evening. Potentially even while holding Dylin the prop dog.

When queried why the Spitfire though? Surely a more muscular and modern approach will be needed? The source just shrugged.

“A Spitfire flyover was good enough to thanks the NHS? It’s the template for all government gratitude now when what is needed is something substantially more than the symbolic.”

Johnson will “not engage in tit-for-tat export ban” of vaccines as “we can’t, we’re not exporting any”

HOW TO WIN FRIENDS : Global Statesman and national powerhouse Boris Johnson has moved to soothe the troubled waters that is the strip of water separating mighty Global Britain from the others.

Fears have been growing over recent days of a full scale vacccccccine war between the free trading superpower of Global Britain and the fading, tyrannical Brussels.

“We have asked the MOD to draw up plans to carpet bomb Brussels with AZ phials,” a 10 Downing Street source says. “But the PM is insistent we do not initiate hostilities unilaterally. But should they mine the English Channel with say, polio shots, we will be ready with short range Small Pox bombs.”

Hopefully calmer heads will prevail and there will be no full scale outbreak of syringe war.

“We will continue to win the war of words with brinkmanship, bluster and bluff. The three B’s of Boris’s international strategy. Brussels will soon come to heel. Just like they did in the Brexit negotiations, which only cost us our entire fishing, farming and financial services to secure victory. In my personal estimation, we should promote Lord Frost to Field Marshall, just to be ready though. Just in case. His cunning alone would likely only result in minor losses, like at the Somme.”

But sharp eyed observers have suggested there maybe other reasons World King Johnson is less keen to flex the muscles of all conquering Britannia.

”I deny the quote is genuine,” the source said, in advance of the coming quote. “Some will say that it’s accurate. That Boris Johnson said he won’t engage in a vacccccccine tit for tat export ban with Europe, because we can’t, we don’t export any. But I couldn’t possibly confirm that.”

U.K. pandemic death toll was unavoidable as “all the warnings were from foreigners” – Downing Street

THE GRINNING REAPER : Drowning Street has responded to unpatriotic criticism of its handling of the cold pandemic today by pointing out an essential and pertinent fact.

“Were the warnings issued in English?” an official asked the vital question. “Or were they initially issued in a subservient language? I’ll repeat it again for any forrin correspondents present on this Zoom call. WERE. THE. WARNINGS. ISSUED. IN. INGLISH?”

The question is a timely one as the UK death toll nears 150,000, and someone has to be blamed. Anyone but 10 Downing Street.

“Clearly the blame is not the fault of the UK government,” the imaginary spokesman for Primed Sinister Boris Johnson continued. “You look at the way such diverse countries as New Zealand, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, Australia and Thailand have handled the crisis? Very differently indeed without our exceptional, out of the box leadership. Just look at the paltry spend on their track and trace systems. You can’t be serious? Talking about looking a gift horse in the mouth!”

But what is in the box(es) are the bodies of the avoidable dead. Tens of thousands of boxes thanks to the genius strategies of Boris and Dom, a modern tour de force of anti-intellectualism and disregard of the bleedin’ obvious.

“We’re British,” the spokesman adds. “We can’t have been expected to understand the weird waffling of foreigners. They were all well advanced into the pandemic anyway and clearly in a panic. What could we learn from them? No. We choose to shake hands with the virus. We choose to take it on the chin. We choose to spend months having a public debate about transmission. Any idiot could have told you it was spreading asymptomatically, but we boldly discouraged asymptomatic testing. We debated face masks in a cold pandemic. Can you believe it? We did. We’re exceptional. We’ve recently realised school kids can spread it. Who would have thought? Did Johnny Foreigner say that? You can thank Boris Johnson for that. If you can find him. He’s pretty bored of all this now if I’m honest.”

British exceptionalism, more dangerous than any smart bomb. Let’s arm it, prime it and have Boris Johnson launch it at ourselves. Again and again and again.

Census 2021 to be redone after Tory discovers no Union Jack images on Census pages

DEDICATED TO JAMES WILD MP : EXCITING NEWS for patriots today with the announcement from Downing Street that the UK 2021 Census is to be redone.

The decision to retake the national fact finding exercise comes after sharp eyed Tory MP James “Unchained” Wild made a shocking discovery.

“He’s so quick on the draw,” a Downing Street source told LCD Views. “Millions of people filled in the census but the only one to realise it was a fundamentally flawed exercise was James. There we no Union Flag symbols anywhere. It’s a national crisis. We don’t know who we are as a people without them. We’re thinking of giving him a cabinet position. A whole new ministry of patriotism maybe. His place in the history books is now secured.”

While some would expect Tory MPs to be concerned over the thousands of food banks that have grown in their years in government. Or maybe the risk of the breakup of the actual UK caused by Brexit, thus rendering the Union Flag obsolete. Or maybe whether or not we should sell arms into the world’s conflict zones, and then moan about refugees turning up. James is on the money.

“Obsession with national symbols to maintain an edifice of credibility is vitally important as the country moves into complete bin fire stage,” the source confirms. “James has done us all a service. It doesn’t matter what the quality of life is in the UK. It doesn’t matter if our trade is withering fast. It doesn’t matter if over 120K have died avoidably during a plague. What matters is flags. Focus on the flags.”

History will remember their deeds in a time of national crisis. Mr Wild MP has ensured he too will get his own little footnote under the chapter, “The UK – My Part In Its Downfall”, which will feature the recorded efforts of the country’s elected representatives as it failed.

All hail James! Flagshagger MP extraordinaire.

Government extends definition of “peaceful” protests to include rioting

QUIET RIOT: The government is trying to ban peaceful protests. In order not to exclude violent protests, the orbit of peace now includes arson, fighting, and guerilla warfare. 

In the other direction, the definition will necessarily include talking to somebody, checking the time, and doing nothing in particular. The term “protest” will include the possibility that you might get a bit cross about something. The thin blue line will have carte blanche on seeing red. 

The ultimate arbiter, though, will not be the police, however mendacious they may be. The buck stops with the smirkin’ merkin herself, Priti Patel. 

Yes, our benevolent send-’em-Home Secretary will decide what constitutes a protest, and whether it is peaceful or not. 

“This is an outrage!” shouted seasoned protester Wendy Wewantit. Unable to speak without chanting slogans and waving a placard, Wendy is upset that she does not therefore qualify for disability benefits. “What do we want? Freedom to bring London to a standstill for the slightest reason!” 

Most people are unimpressed. “The new rules mean that Priti Patel can fling you in prison for 10 years if she doesn’t like the look of you,” grumbled Joe Public. “The terms and conditions are so widely drawn that going about your daily business could land you in deep trouble.” 

So even these mild mannered citizens are thinking of throwing caution to the winds. “What do we want? A riot!” yelled Wendy. “In for a penny, as they say. RI-OT! RI-OT!” 

Joe was in full agreement. “If Patel is going to arrest us for reading a newspaper in a public place, then let’s make it worth it, and have some fun,” he said. “Let’s riot, if she’s going to arrest us anyway. RI-OT! RI-OT!” 

You can see why including rioting under peaceful protests is necessary. 

Give peace a chance? Not in a hundredty twelvety thousandy years. 

BREAKING : Babies to be taught to recognise Union Flag before parents

EARLY INTERVENTION : Great news today for infants with the announcement by Downing Street that the long mothballed Sure Start programme is to be rebooted, albeit it with a different focus.

“From 9am this morning a battalion of specially trained officers from the Home Office will be in attendance at all hospital maternity wards,” a Downing Street source says. “They will be recognisable by their Union Flag patterned uniforms and the decks of playful cards they will be brandishing. These are also flag patterned.”

The officers are tasked with ensuring all newborns in Brexit Britain receive immediate education on how to recognise the flag.

“It’s all very well being able to recognise your mother and father but if you can’t go gaga over the Flag of Union the moment you take your first patriotic look at the greatest country on earth then you’re off to a rocky start. We aim to fix this.”

It is rumoured that several MPs will be on hand to witness the groundbreaking world beating sessions and to clap like seals.

“Police will also be in attendance, undercover as all manner of hospital employees, in case any new parents fail in their patriotic duty and attempt to block the vital work of the flag officers.

“It is hoped in time to advance the programme to pre-natal and have images of flags beamed directly into the womb during ultrasound sessions. We believe with sufficient belief the programme can even discover how to produce Union Flag patterned sperm.”

Some have criticised the move, saying that it would be better to tattoo all breasts with flags so the babies associate nursing with patriotism.

The Home Office has defended itself against that criticism though by pointing out there is currently a shortage of red, white and blue ink as it’s all “being correctly monopolised by food packaging on bananas and other fine British produce.”

Tory MP demands to know why no food banks are flying Union Flags

LET THEM EAT FLAGS : The Tory MP for Cocktumbhle, Died (pronounced Deed) Hart, has demanded answers from the UK’s thriving food bank sector owing to a visible lack of patriotic fervour.

”I have conducted a survey of many of the thousands of food banks that have proudly been established since the glorious moment David ‘Boy Wonder’ Cameron and George ‘You Peasants Are Hilarious’ Osborne took office, with that dude who now works for Facepamphlet, and none, NONE of them are flying the fLaG!&@#”

The lack of pride in Britain amongst the swelling queues of hungry is seen by Died Hart as a key factor in why they are so hungry.

“Clearly if they just believed in Britain their spirits would be sated and their flesh would follow in good order. The Empire wasn’t built by starving people in England. It was built by sending them to take food and wealth from people who didn’t need it at gunpoint. Show a bit of PrIdE!@&£”

Thankfully the MP for Cocktumbhle has a solution.

“Today myself and all the other psychos who hilariously were elected by just enough of the comatose have written to the Prime Minister demanding an immediate respond to the food bank crisis.”

The solution will fill you with pride and patriotism and enough jingoistic pie to satisfy even the hungriest family, who was careless and didn’t land a PPE contract in the goldrush.

We are demanding that food banks are forced by LAW to sell their surplus food stuffs and use the proceeds to purchase Union Flags to fly over their entrances. And further that all food parcels be packaged in Union Flag pattern paper. This will make for a happy and productive underclass, ready for the new Satanic Mills to be constructed at free ports and Charter cities soon.”

Brexiter left fuming after “British Empire” is not listed as country of residence on Census

HOT SALTY TEARS : PROUD BREXITER Mr Bazza Gammon, 56 of Little England Street, Littler England, Ingerland, has been found having a tantrum in his living room after completing the 2021 Census.

Mr Gammon’s third wife found him “on the floor hitting the carpet with his curled up fists and screaming unstoppably”.

Mrs Gammon reportedly initially left Mr Gammon to it on the assumption that her husband had failed in his latest bid to interrupt constructive discourse in a progressive social media group.

”I just thought he got schooled trying to convince someone the Nazi’s were socialists,” Mrs Gammon told LCD Views. “Either that or someone had discovered he didn’t even serve in the catering corp of the Territorials. But it was worse than I thought.”

It was when Mr Gammon failed to come to the dinner table for a lunch of beef, corned beef, spam and turnips that Mrs Gammon decided to find out what the problem was.

“It turns out it was the Census. They didn’t list British Empire as a country of residence or birth. For Bazza that’s a terrible affront. He has a framed photo of the Queen over the toilet and everything.”

It seems Mrs Gammon did attempt to retrieve the Census form after explaining to her husband that “There was probably an Other option and he could just write it in.”

Unfortunately the form had already been submitted.

Submitted means submitted he sobbed,” Mrs Gammon shrugged. “Still it’s not all bad. I was completely unaware he had sufficient enough grasp of written Ingerlish to fill in the form to begin with!”

Boris Johnson rumoured to have given two contrasting answers to each Census question

SHAPE SHIFTING TRUTH TWISTING : Like all good and dutiful subjects of Queen Elizabeth, the English Prime Minister Boris Johnson yesterday completed the 2021 census.

Rumours have it that his answers are some of the more entertaining to be recorded yesterday, and many of them answered several times, or at the very least in duplicate.

LCD Views has received a leak which is is claimed (without any justification at all) to be the PM’s entry from the National Office of Statistics.

“It says he recorded his occupation as ‘World King’ and ‘Shapeshifting Creep’,” our leaky correspondent notes. “For address he wrote down ‘10 and 11 Downing Street’, but also ‘Wherever a busty barmaid and a bed are’.”

So much so predictable.

“Nationality gets rather interesting as he’s recorded himself as ‘Could not give a toss, except where it suits my political objectives’ but also ‘1930’s’.”

This effectively squashes rumours that he had written European down, but points to where he takes inspiration for governance.

Religious beliefs also turned up as expected.

“Church of Brexit and Me.”

And that was not all.

“The section where he had to record his relationships to the other members of the household is fun, it is the only one where he recorded a single answer.”

And what was that?

“Temporary. Which is no change from the previous censuses he has filled out. It is stronger however, than his relationship to the truth. Which is none.”