Study reveals PM spent more time choosing new wallpaper for flat than Parliament spent negotiating Brexit deal

WALLPAPER MUST MATCH SOFA SOFA MUST MATCH HATSTAND : The United Kingdom’s Prime Minister has been confirmed as a dedicated family man after a study.

The study focused on the relative value he placed on negotiating his final Brexit deal versus how much time he spent choosing new wallpaper with his current partner for the flat refurbishment.

“They spent weeks debating whether to ironically choose new wallpaper featuring Fleur-de-lis or just use hand pressed sheets of gold so everyone else knows they’re a pleb?” the study reveals.

The value and time given to the refurbishment cements the PM’s reputation as a focused family man and dispels suggestions his serial infidelity says something else.

“Just imagine if he’d spent weeks focused on ensuring he got a Brexit deal that protected fishing and ensured stability in Northern Ireland?” the authors ask, searchingly. “Carrie would have been left there forlorn with shabby John Lewis peasant pattern sofas and walls you don’t need sunglasses to gaze at. It would have sent a terrible message about the value he placed on family life. Which the unknown number of children he’s fathered with an unknown number of women definitely does not.”

The report also states that the offhand way he negotiated Brexit also helped ensure his status as a global powerbroker.

“He really showed the EU up. They were left standing about hair pulling feeling completely impotent as he would barely give them the time of day. Which is only right and proper when you’re spending hundreds of thousands of pounds of anonymous donor money on cushions.”

The final nail was of course giving Parliament one day to consider and vote on the Brexit deal.

“Showed them up for the shower they are. Classic Boris. He clicked his heels, raised a flat hand high and hundreds of elected representatives just bowed under and held their sacred responsibilities in complete contempt. The Mother of Parliaments, what are you like? Maybe call in Lulu Lytle and get help papering over the Democratic cracks?”

Downing Street leak reveals identity of Boris Johnson’s financial planner

MONEY MONEY MONEY IT’S SO FUNNY : Breaking news this morning after a leak from Downing Street allegedly reveals Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s financial planner.

Questions over whether or not the prime minister had taken any advice on managing his money have been whispered in recent days. This is because he is apparently unable to make ends meet in spite of having virtually all living costs met for him.

“You would assume he would have someone astute and rational advise him, given the hundreds of thousands of pounds he earns yearly. The bungs, kickbacks and other off book income would also need careful managing. It’s no surprise he has a financial planner.”

The revealing of the expert behind Mr Johnson’s money woes does at least make it “all make sense now”.

“The big concern is not Mr Johnson ending up without a roof over his head. The public will make sure he always has a home, either a grace and favour residence or a big house. The worry is more what other advice he’s been following. There’s a distinct possibility his financial guru will have strayed into areas of governance. While not strictly professional it does also make sense of the appalling state of the Johnson government. The lies, racism, corruption and complete disregard for checks and balances. Straight out of the Trump playbook.”

Whether or not the PM will continue to take the advice of serial ethically bankrupt pretend billionaire Donald Trump now the secret is out is anyone’s guess.

“Most expect Mr Johnson to double down now and replace Rishi Sunak with Mr Trump as Chancellor. This will not only distract from who paid for the No 11 flat refurbishment but allow Mr Trump a ready source of income to met his mounting legal costs.”

It’s likely also that Mr Johnson will adopt Trump’s slogan and run on an agenda of “Make Britain Great Again!” at the next election.

“Someone is going to have to. When you consider the low state Mr Johnson is bringing to the country to.”

Boris Johnson to pose in front of a bus that says “Nothing to see here”

DOES IT MATTER? As the Electoral Commission starts to investigate Boris Johnson’s dodgy (allegedly) dealings, the PM is fighting back. He intends to park the bus outside Number Ten to remind the investigators of their place. 

The reliably anonymous Downing Street “source” claimed that the investigators’ place is almost anywhere else. 

Does anybody care? Probably. This is a matter of integrity and honesty, and it is of paramount importance. But the opinion of The People only counts when it coincides with the prevailing orthodoxy. 

Ministers have been probed with questions. “Who initially paid for this ghastly rubbish?” Liz Truss, the pull-string talking Sindy doll of the cabinet, trotted out the same line however many times her string was pulled. Johnson himself lost his rag in the House, and would probably have punched Keir Starmer if it hadn’t been for the covid-proof perspex screens between them. 

“The money was only resting in my account,” reads Dominic Cummings’ retrospectively amended genius flash of foresight, quoting his erstwhile boss. “What should I do, Dom?” Cummings’ alleged reply was “You’re going to need a bigger bus.” 

So a bus it is. Written on one side, in massive letters, will be the legend “Nothing to see here.” On the other side, “I personally endorse, erm, you know, I’m totally in favour of powerful mayors, wiff waff, erm, you know the one I mean. Great Scott!” 

Nobody knows why Johnson is going to pose in front of a big red bus with a humungous fib painted on it. After all, this tactic had absolutely no bearing on the Brexit referendum. 

The bill for hiring and painting the bus is believed to run into many millions of pounds. The contract has already been awarded to a mate of Matt Hancock’s who once had a picture exhibited in the Vision On gallery. 

Corruption, sleaze, embezzlement, incompetence, taking the absolute mickey? It’s time to move on. 

BREAKING : £37bn Track and Trace budget actually spent wallpapering Downing Street flat

PAPERING OVER THE CRACKS : High hopes in Westminster today that Michael Gove and Sarah Vine really like the refurbished No. 11 Downing Street when they move in later this year after the true cost of the refurb was revealed.

LCD Views can reveal an exclusive, completely fabricated leak from a Downing Street source puts the actual cost of the work at £37bn.

The eyewatering cost is believed to have mostly gone on interior design consultants, with a few billion on edible gold wallpaper.

“There was a temptation to go with non-edible gold wallpaper,” the source says, “but those famous Johnson parties can get pretty rowdy. The guests will end up eating the wallpaper anyway, so best that it can pass through their systems without risk of constipation.”

The revelation does at least make sense of the failed Track and Trace service. It also completely exonerates Britain’s missing public servant Dido Harding. As she allegedly was made a complete fool of and never received any funding.

“The bulk of the money was redirected to the prime minister and his current partner, allegedly. To be fair it is not an inordinate amount to spend. Just the cost of the authentic fresco bought from Pompeii alone was £5bn. They not only had to pay for it to be removed but the realistic replica constructed and installed. Actual Roman Empire painters are pretty thin on the ground these days. You add in the water feature which dispenses an endless shower of Bollinger, plus the numerous secret doors hiding Russian violinists and it’s not going to be done on the cheap.”

Happily for the Prime Minister there is zero chance of him having to repay the billions.

“He will decide if he acted inappropriately. So it’s a foregone conclusion that he actually underspent and a top up should be arranged via the Exchequer. It’s right that the public pays for it, as they pay for electing him PM daily anyway.”

BREAKING : Norway discovered to have sovereignty over its coastal waters – MASS SHOCK IN UK

DRY DRY DOCK : The United Kingdom’s Prime Minister is said to be “so furious he’s turned to drink” after the SHOCK discovery Norway has sovereignty over its coastal waters.

The surprising revelation comes after the Norwegian government BETRAYED Downing Street by refusing to just give it what it wanted.

”It’s a complete slap in the face with a wet fish,” a Drowning Street source told LCD Views. “Who knew? Why did no one mention it before? Is it even possible to be in the EU’s orbit and make decisions about your own waters? We didn’t think that was possible since the EU forced us to stop flushing turds into ours all those years ago.”

How the Norwegians did it will need working out fast as the promise of boom times for fishermen was one of the propaganda levers pulled to get Brexit.

“No one has told Liz Truss yet. She is operating on the basis that as we’re now a fully independent, sovereign trading nation everyone has to give us exactly what we want. The Norwegians are endangering our entire global trade policy.”

How the Norwegians found the bottle to say no to the U.K. government will also be under focus. We want their fish, they have to give us their fish, so we can sell their fish to ourselves. Anything else just isn’t British.

“David Davis has apparently googled the PM’s phone number and Whatsapp’d him to suggest getting the German carmakers on the case. That’s a good start but we may need to go further. We’re going to need to drive a big red bus around Norway to convince them that we have sovereignty over their waters.”

The one likely first move is to have Lord Frost tell struggling British fishermen that we’re sovereign equals to the entire EU. They can rest assured the EU will crack and tell Norway what to do.

“It’s a double blow for Boris. He was supposed to be spending today signing off on photographed images of him and Carrie shopping in John Lewis.”

British fishermen need not worry too much though as they can always “retrain for a career in cyber. Or perhaps become ballerinas.”

The lies on the bus go round and round until sooner or later they hit you square in the fully sovereign face.

Liz Truss secures Norway-style fishing deal

HOOK, LINE AND SINKER: International Trade supremo Liz Truss has secured an outstanding victory. Never mind the Aussie Rules Brexit, Truss has secured a Norway-style fishing deal.

Truss can now add Fish to her CV. It joins Pork and Cheese to create a mouthwatering Surf ‘n’ Turf in a basket case. Eat your heart out, Tim Wetherspoons.

Taking Back Control is a key part of any post-Brexit deal. It’s an all or nothing scenario. Compromise is seen as weakness. Our Liz never compromises. The deal is 100% clear. If Norway won’t give us exactly what we want, we walk away. Which is what Liz did.

“This establishes the strength of Global Britain,” explained globalist Villa Jiddiott. “We only accept a deal on our terms. Anything less is unacceptable. No deal is a great deal for Britain!”

Unfortunately Jiddiott hasn’t realised that no deal means no fish.

“No fish, no problem!” was Jiddiott’s response. “We just buy them. No need to incur the expense of a massive hi-tech trawler and experienced fishermen. Let Norway take all the risks, and we will just roll in at the end and take what we want!”

At a price. Norway will charge what it likes because it knows that we want the fish, but don’t catch our own.

“Nonsense, nonsense,” said Jiddiott. “It’s basic economics. Norway will be desperate to offload all that cod they don’t want on to us.”

If they don’t want it, they won’t catch it. We have no control here.

Jiddiott pretended not to hear. “It doesn’t matter,” she said. “Let them eat langoustines! And if money gets tight, just call the PM and ask for a PPE contract.”

Liz Truss, meanwhile, is celebrating with a pork supper (the chip shop had run out of fish). Another victory for Brexit Britain!

And remember, a Norway-style deal means the square root of bugger all.

BREAKING : Downing Street leak reveals PM actually bought sofa from DFS sale

BLOODY HELL : The Prime Minister’s reputation lies in shreds this afternoon more surely than a sofa left alone with a bored puppy.

Shortly after lunchtime a leak from Downing Street revealed the truth he has tried so hard to hide behind SofaGate.

“We’re all mortified. It’s so embarrassing I wish a hole would open up in the ground in front of the Prime Minister so I could push him in and throw the sofa in with him,” a Downing Street source told LCD Views. “How is the new age of feudalism to take a proper hold on the country with such a common man on the throne? It’s over. The entire dark money, rights stripping, power accumulation project in the service of tax minimisation is in ruins.”

Who actually leaked the devastating files will probably never be uncovered because no one will have the time to look into the matter.

“We’re all too busy planning our escape. Run for the hills is my advice. Get out now the house is on fire. There is something to see here and it’s horrifying.”

The leak that has caused the abrupt implosion of the fascist project centres on the source of the now infamous No. 11 Downing Street sofa.

“We all knew Boris and Carrie were cheap really, but as long as they acted otherwise it was possible to keep the ghastly, tacky nature of their persons secret. Now? It’s dust. Ashes and dust.”

Why some will shrug and say this is only a concern of the Westminster bubble. That no one outside of the M25 will care. The revelation that the PM bought the sofa at a DFS sale is certain to destroy whatever credibility he had left.

No self respecting autocrat would do such a low thing. How can he look the Trumps of the world in the eye now and convince them to channel their financial business through London? London the new dystopia of kleptocrats? Not now. It’s over. DFS? And on sale? The £9000 is a lie? Christ.”

BREAKING : No 11 flat to be left untouched and become “Museum of Brexit” upon Johnson’s departure

MONUMENT TO FAILURE : WELCOME news today that the location of the long awaited Brexit Museum has been chosen, and it’s a prime location.

“We don’t even need to hold a referendum to decide,” a breathless No 10 Downing Street source tells LCD Views. “Apart from the fisherman’s fraud Farage who else did the heavy lifting to deliver Brexit?”

We all know the answer to that. At least in terms of front men, the shady money sources behind the scenes are still largely in the shadows. It was none other than the Prime Minister Boris Johnson himself!

“And which power couple best exemplify Brexit? Boris and Carrie. When their time in office comes up they would like it if the No 11 flat they have modestly refurbished is left untouched. That will show the elites! A real finger in their eye!”

While some would say the official residence of the Prime Minister and his handler should remain just that, it’s likely that once Mr Johnson and his wrangler depart the street the next PM maybe happy to not set foot into No. 11. Who wants to inhale all those lies? All that betrayal? Or that disastrous exceptionalism? You’d need a hazmat suit.

“Just the wallpaper alone? Crikey. You’d need those sort of dark shades used to watch nuclear bomb tests. Best to rope it off and peer in swiftly from a distance between your fingers.”

And there will be a cherry on the cake too.

“Mr Johnson is said to have arranged for a mysterious donor to pay for the Big Red Brexit Bus to be lowered on top of the flat roof by crane. It will be a lovely landmark for people visiting the post-dystopia hellscape of Brexitannia.”

BREAKING : PM to resign after revelation no Union Jack patterns used in Downing Street redesign

YOU CAN’T BUY CLASS : Shock in Westminster tonight after the announcement that British Prime Minister Boris Johnson is to resign with immediate effect.

The gobsmacking announcement comes after leaked photos of the indulgently expensive redecoration of the flat at No. 11 Downing Street reveal NO UNION JACK FLAGS were used.

“There is no Union Jack flag patterning anywhere either,” a trembling Downing Street source says. “Since they did the refurb we’ve all been kept out of No. 11. We just assumed it was because the PM values family life, but it appears the real reason was a terrible and dark secret.”

How the PM expected to get away with not using the power symbol of Global Britain is anyone’s guess.

“This is a step too far. Clearly overseeing one of the worst pandemic responses on Earth wasn’t an issue. Billions thrown out the back door to Tory donors under the cover of the pandemic is just disaster capitalism in action and no sweat. Endless lying? Who cares? It’s only the most powerful political figure in the country with responsibility for all our welfare. But a failure to use the Union Jack? It is just beyond reason. He must be criminally insane.”

The news of the immediate departure of the ageing lothario and his current squeeze from Downing Street will please many, but there’s one sour note in the development.

“It means Dominic Raab becomes PM until a successor is established,” the source informs, “which basically means we go from government by instinctive mendacity to that with total confusion about maps. Hold your children tight tonight. Wrap them in a Union Jack.”

Boris and Carrie cleared of redecorating with gold wallpaper after analysis reveals it is fool’s gold

SOLID IRON PYRITE : Relief in No’s 10 and 11 Downing Street today after the PM and his current partner were cleared of redecorating the place in gold wallpaper.

For several days now the massive scale of pandemic death, and the associated untendered contracts, have been kept off the front pages by fevered speculation as to who paid for the refurbishment of the squalid little flat our rulers were expected to dwell in?

So too the collapse in the fishing and farming sectors. Also the fact Mr Johnson’s Brexit Deal has destabilised Northern Ireland, putting a very hard won peace at risk just for his fleeting self-advancement.

Thankfully now the questions about the refurb can be ignored. It’s time to move on.

“It clearly doesn’t matter who paid for the refurb if all the materials are knock-offs,” a Downing Street source commented, certain to be mirrored by opinion formers at The Telegraph.

“The real victims here are the prime minister and the spotless much younger woman he left his cancer stricken wife and their children for. It’s a test of their characters how they’ve coped with the shameful jibes about egregious spending in a time when millions face food poverty.”

The discovery that the wallpaper is fool’s gold will also bring a smile to close watchers of the power couple.

“It neatly symbolises the pair of them. Clutching for status and thinking they’ve attained it when really they’ve been on a fool’s errand. We just don’t really now who sent them on it.”

Presumably the lingering queries over who paid for their holiday to Mustique last year, just as the pandemic was starting to rip, can also be resolved by the revelation they actually holidayed in a bedsit in Thanet with Nigel Farage.