The Great British Potato War – 1.2 The Divine Potato Brings Hope

The greatest British potato was born and raised in a loamy field located in Uxbridge and South Ruislip, before the war. It was red, white and blue in colour. Not just the skin but the interior too. It was recognised as a miracle by Prime Minister Bunsen and his son, who discovered it while walking late one afternoon.

Prior to the discovery of the holy tuber the field was already a celebrated point on the national map.

“Each time Prime Minister Bunsen celebrates a new marriage with a new child he brings the boy here,” patriotic parents would tell their children in reverent tones, as they walked along the perimeter of the gated field.

“You there! Keep moving!” The private security would bark at lingering pedestrians. They would smile and wave, knowing that it was all for show, in case anyone from Brussels was watching.

The reliable history says the Prime Minister spied the potato plant first next to a stand of English roses. He said to his son, “Look Barnaby! It’s a classic British potato plant! And in a field of English roses too! This is indeed sacred ground.”

At that moment a ray of British sunlight touched on the very spot and the plant’s green leaves “transmuted into gold”.

Barnaby’s intellectual power was noted from birth, and his artistic ability. He released his father’s hand and tottered to the potato plant.

“It a King Edward po-ta-to Pappa,” the boy identified the variety.

He next gripped the plant by the stem with his tiny hand and pulled it from the blessed soil with one heave. Displaying a strength beyond his tender years. Dangling from the exposed roots was the patriotic potato.

Barnaby studied the heavenly tuber and made the immortal declaration, “This…a mir-acle Pappa! A mir-acle! It is Union Flag pattern!”

The Prime Minister is recorded (in his own reliable memoirs) as falling to his knees and hugging both Barnaby and the potato tight.

“Barnaby, this is a sign from God,” he said, raising his eyes to the heavens. “This potato will be a symbol of the divinity of the will of the people from this day and for one thousand years to come.”

The potato was carried home by father and son where both the boy’s mother and the Prime Minister’s next wife were struck “dumb with wonder” at the sight.

The Prime Minister further records the distinct feeling of a divine presence accompanying them on the walk, as if the “Holy Ghost Winston himself had arrived to be our shield and staff”. The potato was later moved to the Tower of London, replacing the replica crown jewels on public display and an annual Spitfire fly past performed to honour the discovery.

“The divine potato is just one of the many reasons we have to invade London,” I would remind my wife daily when we sat down to lunch. “How can we allow the traitors to possess one of the holiest of Brexit relics?”

“It’s terrible my little Churchill,” she would reply. “Now, don’t let the gammon go cold. It will play havoc with your false teeth if it stiffens.”

London. London. London was the source of treason. London with its shining towers of glass paid for by the sweat of the noble men who toiled in the soft fruit fields outside of its walls. London with its flags of Europe hanging from balconies. A city so lost it had once floated an inflatable of the last truly great American, Donald Drumpf, in a nappy over the streets.

“When I get to London I am going to paint the pavements red, white and blue. Just like the holy potato!” I would promise my wife. “You will know that although I am far from home I am beating patriotism into the great Satan.”

She would smile in quiet satisfaction and say something like, “Eat your plum pudding before that blowfly crawls all over it again. It lingered so long last time you got excited I worried it had laid an egg.”

The air was thick with conspiracies in London even before its Unilateral Declaration of Independence and Union with Free Scotland. Before the English Civil War part two. People with European flag badges spoke in dark corners, seeking ways to overturn the overwhelming mandate delivered by the people in 2016. What was the occasional bare supermarket shelf when you have your sovereignty?

“In London they conspire to undermine the will of the people,” I would inform my goodly wife at breakfast. “You can tell who is a spy for Brussels by how tanned their skin is. Who goes to the Continent except for traitors? The British tourism industry needs those pounds, shillings and pence at home!”

“Don’t let your porridge go cold poppet,” she would reply. “You know how disagreeable you find it when it goes all lumpy.”

All bad things began in London. But the war would end there when we razed the glass towers to the ground, praying that the glass was safety glass. The Prime Minister would lead his loyal flock in holy procession from Chequers and back into 10 Downing Street. The patriotic potato would be safe again.

“But you have to be totally f*cking hopeless to work for Johnson” – Hancock responds to screenshots

DOMSHOTS : Matt Hancock isn’t taking the latest revelations about his ability to perform his vitally important function as Secretary of State for Health and Social Care and WhatsApp Messages in silence.

As the great stink caused by super genius Cummings revelations about what Boris Johnson actually thinks of Mr Hancock’s performance during the pandemic permeated the Westminster bubble Mr Hancock released a statement.

“Of course I’m totally fucking hopeless,” Mr Hancock admitted with a candour that surprised many. “That was the entire basis of why I was hired. Do you think anyone with a functioning cerebral cortex would work for a dithering chancer like Johnson? Give it a rest.”

It’s not clear what impact super forecaster Dom expected with his latest Domocet missile aimed at the heart of Downing Street. Presumably he’s expecting it to change something. Presumably he’ll be wrong, and not for the first time.

“You all know I’m totally fucking hopeless,” Mr Hancock continued to hit back, “you’ve been living with me as Health Secretary through the entire pandemic. Well, not all of you clearly, there’s been an unforgivable degree of completely avoidable death. I would blame Mr Johnson for that. He’s the one who missed all the COBRA meetings because he didn’t give a shit. And of course was too busy watching Changing Rooms with his then mistress.”

10 Downing Street similarly seemed entirely nonplussed by the PM’s former aide’s latest attempt to hole the HMS Bullshit in the bows.

“Mr Johnson was merely stating the entire employment criteria for anyone who serves in his cabinet. He wants clapping seals not competence. It’s not exactly a world beating revelation now, is it?”

Royal Mail to issue postage stamp listing all benefits of Australian trade deal

BREXIT BENEFITS COME FROM A LAND DOWN UNDER : OMG the Brexiters have done the impossible today and agreed to agree a trade agreement with Australia.

The exciting development maybe a surprise but was of course a forgone conclusion after Liz Truss went there with a Union Flag umbrella. Who could resist the power of those Sydney Harbour visuals? Not the Australians! Especially not Australians with some extra jars of Vegemite and a spare packet of Tim Tams to export to the far side of the world!

“Clearly it’s important no one mentions hormone injected beef as we celebrate this monumental achievement,” a spokesman for the British Prime Minister, Rupert Murdoch, said. “Also don’t talk about the ecological vandalism required to tear up trade with half a billion people a few miles away in favour of trade with half a dozen a world away. This is Global Britain, to question its achievements is unpatriotic.”

To help embed the world beating win Downing Street had enlisted the help of the Royal Mail. They will be producing a special celebratory stamp to mark the agreement to agree to agree an agreement.

“The stamp will list all the benefits to the U.K. of the Aussie FTA,” the spokesman revealed. “It will be the smallest stamp ever produced by any nation on Earth. It is just that significant. And no one can question the value of the projected 0.02% to U.K. GDP over the next 15 to 1,000 years. We’ve had an electron microscope discover it.”

Break out the bunting Global Britons! Brexit may be costing you thousands each per year but you’ll sooner or later get 10p off a jar of Vegemite! Well done cobbers! This ain’t a load of cobblers!

Boris Johnson press conferences to come with English subtitles

JOBER AS A SUDGE YOUR HONOUR : DOWNING STREET is rumoured to have reacted swiftly to alarming reports of a delay to imports of the PM’s favoured vintage claret today by organising the RAF to beat the customs delays with heavy lift aircraft. The decisive action will have ramifications far beyond the daily long lunch and dinner at 10 Downing Street.

“We’re going to subtitle the Prime Minister’s ramblings in English from now on,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “This will mean that anyone who turns the subtitle option on will be able to follow what he’s saying. Just as well, because he’s not about to run out of Château Lafite Rothschild anytime soon! Ha!”

While the attempt to bring clarity in real time to what the actual Prime Minister of the United Kingdom is attempting to say will be welcomed by voice impersonators and major media sketch writers, not everyone is convinced.

“Just because you can read what he’s blathering doesn’t mean it isn’t blather,” said one avid follower of the PM.

“He’ll still be talking out of his backside,” another exasperated punter posted on social media. “Subtitle waffle in English all you like. It’ll still be waffle, regardless of how much ancient Greek is involved. Maybe he could try laying off the bottle, at least on the days he’s got to talk to the country?”

And there is rumoured to be pushback within the parliamentary Conservative Party.

“This will allow Brussels to spy on us,” a member of the curiously funded CRG worried. “We know hardly any forrins can understand spoken English unless it’s shouted slowly, but what if they get hold of recordings and can then translate the PM’s message into a funny foreign language?”

The subtitling is anticipated to begin as soon as the PM has to front up to the podium again. This will be when he has to announce a further delay to lifting of restrictions, after he lets the pandemic rip once more.

Downing Street accuse EU of “naivety beyond comprehension” for expecting PM to keep his word

WAKE UP AND SMELL THE ROSES : DOWNING STREET is reportedly so fed up with the “girly swots” in Brussels today that it is to issue a stern diplomatic rebuke.

The final straw appears to be EU leaders’ insistence that Mr Johnson keep his word. It’s believed that if they’ll believe that they’ll believe anything and “maybe we should try selling them a bridge on top of the NIP”.

As relations between the UK government and the largest trading bloc on Earth continue to deteriorate it’s believed that Mr Johnson is feeling “boxed in” like he is in some sort of “marriage or other”.

Why the EU expected any British political figure involved in delivering Brexit to honour their commitments is an ongoing source of puzzlement. It’s clear that people who would sell such a dramatic change to the UK voting public on the back of a barrel load of “horseshit, false promises and racism” should never be trusted by anyone. Especially the British public. More especially the European Union negotiators.

It’s thought the PM will write to Angela von der leyen personally using his special non-staining arts and crafts crayons and using some big words he’s read on the internet.

Further salt was rubbed into the UK wounds over recent days when Mr Biden also expressed the opinion that leaders should keep their promises.

“Boris is feeling really picked on,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “He’s got Carrie indoors wanging on about the peeling wallpaper and Merkel on the blower droning endlessly about honour and words being bonds. Macron just smirking and whispering perfidious Albion in his ear before any photographs together, he’s fit to burst. It’s much harder to just throw off your security detail and enjoy the stress relief of a bunga bunga party when you’re prime minister. People need to think about his mental state and stop asking him to act with honour.”

It is hoped the personal communique will be understood properly in Brussels and they will finally stop treating the UK like a mature, representative democracy which values the international rules based order designed to stop the globe descended back into total conflict and horror.

“If they keep expecting Mr Johnson to honour his commitments they’re going to end up feeling like one of his wives,” the source added.

U.K. to host first G1 next month and only invite itself

G YOURSELF UP : The United Kingdom is to follow its world beating success at hosting the recent G7 summit in Cornwall by hosting the first ever G1 next month.

It’s believed Prime Minister Boris Johnson will announce this evening the timing of the G1 after he informs the great British public that full lockdown easing will be delayed for four weeks because “he screwed up the pandemic plan by just not caring overly much about public health, again.”

The date the G1 begins will be on “Freedom Day” as that is felt most appropriate to really showcase post Brexit Britain to the British press. Only the Great British press will be invited to the event to ensure client journalists turn up and not some pesky foreign types intent on undermining Brexit by talking Britain down. For this purpose Channel 4 will be classed as foreign press and moved to immigration detention in Kent.

“The G1 will show the entire world the extend of Global Britain’s influence,” a 10 Downing Street spokesman told LCD Views. “Only inviting ourselves will send a strong and unequivocal message to foreigners about who is best. Also how we intend to take advantage of the newfound freedoms made available by reclaiming our sovereignty.”

The summit will feature all the same high points as the recent G7 with the addition of a series of domestic announcements.

“Boris Johnson will agree to outlaw the use of metric with himself and the imposition of imperial for all important measurements. Especially sausages and bananas.”

The conclusion of the summit will also mirror the triumphant closure of the G7 with the PM swimming in the sea on his own.

“Only this time he will keep swimming towards the horizon where a submarine will surface and collect him. He will never be seen again but it’s okay, as Carrie will then reign in his place instead to ensure strong and stable government from 55 Tufton Street continues unimpeded.”

The nationality of the submarine hasn’t been revealed but it’s believed it will be “Russian”.

BROKEN : Downing Street “alarmed” that a posh British voice talking bollocks doesn’t charm world leaders

FULL METAL SPAFFET : Reports are breaking of “alarm” and “scenes of disarray” in 10 Downing Street after the G7 summit concluded in Cornwall without Boris Johnson making any new friends.

It was assumed that the powerhouse British PM would be able to charm and “baffle with bullshit” some of the most powerful people on Earth once he got them alone and “hammered”. Not so.

“THERE IS NO PLAN B!” a panicked 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “Well there is. But he makes music. There is no plan B in Downing Street to get our own way internationally other than having Johnson talk a load of cobblers. What will we do? We can’t start a war to distract the domestic voters without the yanks and they hate us!”

Exactly how Mr Johnson’s famous bonhomie and ability to construct endless word salads didn’t impact forcefully on the other leaders is a puzzle that will need to be solved fast.

“It was guaranteed to succeed. Johnson shambling around with a fixed grin and play acting the role of a Charlie Chaplin character mashed into a C-grade Churchill impersonation. How did it not pierce the mental armour of some of the world’s most focused and detail orientated leaders? Complete mystery. He didn’t even pull at the after party! Total catastrophe. He had to go home with his wife! And he only married her because otherwise she couldn’t be involved in the photo shoots. It’s ALL FOR NOTHING!”

The one consolation is that while international relations maybe more difficult, now that the other leaders have met Johnson in person, he can rely on domestic tabloids proclaiming the summit as a triumph for Brexit Britain.

“We do at least have that. No one in the U.K. will see the event as anything other than a total triumph for the old fraudevillian.”

Boris Johnson closes G7 summit by reminding other leaders they need us more than we need them

THE POWER OF DUMB : The United Kingdom’s last Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has had a cracking week hosting a select group of world leaders in Cornwall.

“It’s been amazing,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “Mr Johnson met with a selection of leaders of some of the world’s most prominent representative democracies. We’re not sure if he learned anything from them as they’re to a man girly swots, but he had a lot of fun playing on the beach.”

While there were plenty of smiles for the cameras it wasn’t all fun and games.

“It was a little slow if I’m honest,” the source continues, “Boris is used to being invited to rather more rambunctious parties. In Italian hills at villas owned by friendly foreign chaps. What happens at the villa stays at the villa. Still, the biggest guy at the party, Joe, brought his wife along and she got in great with Boris’s current wife. Carrie and Boris only got married recently because some American guy rang up and said about forget the photo shoots with your girlfriend. Mrs Johnson must be present. Which was nice. Gave them the shove they needed to make things official.”

The most fun though was when Mr Johnson had all the others as a captive audience and was able to perform his improv act for them.

“That was a total giggle. All those stuffed shirts having to sit there while Boris just said the first thing that came into his head. Completely Churchillian. Especially the end where he reminded them that just like in WW2 they need us more than we need them!”

BREAKING : Boris Johnson wows G7 with claim “I invented the iceberg lettuce!”

LIVEN UP ANY PARTY : G7 meetings are famously boring ever since Russia decided it would no longer be present in person and instead decided to send first Donald Trump and then Boris Johnson. Happily Mr Johnson is determined to fill the void left by Mr Putin, even if he must do so with his shirt on.

This week’s gathering in Cornwall is no exception. While many of the people gathered are busying themselves wondering when Cornwall will declare independence, before or after Nicola Sturgeon? Mr Johnson is up to the task of ignoring the peripheral issues and leading.

How better to lead some of the most high profile people on Earth than with examples of your own achievements. Mr Johnson is a man who can point to a cupboard full of such. But it’s not just abandoned children shoved in behind arts and crafts projects, according to Britain’s greatest war time Prime Minister he is also responsible for a famous vegetable.

“Like Agamemnon attempting to refine the colour of carrots from purple to the now ubiquitous orange, I have faced the intense heat of horticultural invention face first. Not many people know this, but I have invented the iceberg lettuce! Today I reveal to you my finest creation. You will all receive one to take home to your countries where you are free to grow as many as you like so long as you agree to pay for my curtains.”

Reports from inside the meeting room say the announcement was met with “stunned silence”.

But Mr Johnson was not finished he had another exciting, world changing use for the lettuce.

“Once we disperse today and return to our solitary corners of the globe I will breed a super iceberg lettuce. A lettuce so large once it is set sail on the North Sea it will singlehandedly deal with climate change.”

If you ever wondered what legacy Mr Johnson will leave behind when he ceases to govern Great Britain you now have your answer.

Joe Biden orders CIA to topple British government to avoid further photoshoots with Boris Johnson


The idea of toppling the UK’s dangerous joke of a Prime Minister was first floated in the White House late last year, but was put on the backburner after dangerous joke President Donald Trump attempted his own coup at home.

“With Trump safely barricaded and going steadily insane in Florida, vaccinations at pace across the USA and the US economy on the upturn the President now has time to consider other pressing matters,” a White House insider tells LCD Views. “Like what to do about perfidious Albion?”

What to do appears to be reach back into the classic US foreign policy playbook of the later half of the 20th Century.

“The President has ordered the CIA to work up plans to destabilise and ultimately topple Boris Johnson. One would have expected a democracy of the age of Britain’s to have a political class capable of doing it, but it does not seem so.”

Clearly the need to remove Mr Johnson is obvious, with his entire government repeatedly breaking the law and undermining the Western alliance. But it seems the extraordinary measure was triggered by something more basic.

“Did you see him yesterday? Doing his cartoon act next to the President and Dr Biden? It was all they could do to keep smiling. Embarrassing is not the word. You know when you become President you’re going to have to publicly put up with some nonsense to get the job done in private. But photoshoots with Boris Johnson and his current wife? Once is definitely enough.”