U.K. to host first G1 next month and only invite itself

G YOURSELF UP : The United Kingdom is to follow its world beating success at hosting the recent G7 summit in Cornwall by hosting the first ever G1 next month.

It’s believed Prime Minister Boris Johnson will announce this evening the timing of the G1 after he informs the great British public that full lockdown easing will be delayed for four weeks because “he screwed up the pandemic plan by just not caring overly much about public health, again.”

The date the G1 begins will be on “Freedom Day” as that is felt most appropriate to really showcase post Brexit Britain to the British press. Only the Great British press will be invited to the event to ensure client journalists turn up and not some pesky foreign types intent on undermining Brexit by talking Britain down. For this purpose Channel 4 will be classed as foreign press and moved to immigration detention in Kent.

“The G1 will show the entire world the extend of Global Britain’s influence,” a 10 Downing Street spokesman told LCD Views. “Only inviting ourselves will send a strong and unequivocal message to foreigners about who is best. Also how we intend to take advantage of the newfound freedoms made available by reclaiming our sovereignty.”

The summit will feature all the same high points as the recent G7 with the addition of a series of domestic announcements.

“Boris Johnson will agree to outlaw the use of metric with himself and the imposition of imperial for all important measurements. Especially sausages and bananas.”

The conclusion of the summit will also mirror the triumphant closure of the G7 with the PM swimming in the sea on his own.

“Only this time he will keep swimming towards the horizon where a submarine will surface and collect him. He will never be seen again but it’s okay, as Carrie will then reign in his place instead to ensure strong and stable government from 55 Tufton Street continues unimpeded.”

The nationality of the submarine hasn’t been revealed but it’s believed it will be “Russian”.

BROKEN : Downing Street “alarmed” that a posh British voice talking bollocks doesn’t charm world leaders

FULL METAL SPAFFET : Reports are breaking of “alarm” and “scenes of disarray” in 10 Downing Street after the G7 summit concluded in Cornwall without Boris Johnson making any new friends.

It was assumed that the powerhouse British PM would be able to charm and “baffle with bullshit” some of the most powerful people on Earth once he got them alone and “hammered”. Not so.

“THERE IS NO PLAN B!” a panicked 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “Well there is. But he makes music. There is no plan B in Downing Street to get our own way internationally other than having Johnson talk a load of cobblers. What will we do? We can’t start a war to distract the domestic voters without the yanks and they hate us!”

Exactly how Mr Johnson’s famous bonhomie and ability to construct endless word salads didn’t impact forcefully on the other leaders is a puzzle that will need to be solved fast.

“It was guaranteed to succeed. Johnson shambling around with a fixed grin and play acting the role of a Charlie Chaplin character mashed into a C-grade Churchill impersonation. How did it not pierce the mental armour of some of the world’s most focused and detail orientated leaders? Complete mystery. He didn’t even pull at the after party! Total catastrophe. He had to go home with his wife! And he only married her because otherwise she couldn’t be involved in the photo shoots. It’s ALL FOR NOTHING!”

The one consolation is that while international relations maybe more difficult, now that the other leaders have met Johnson in person, he can rely on domestic tabloids proclaiming the summit as a triumph for Brexit Britain.

“We do at least have that. No one in the U.K. will see the event as anything other than a total triumph for the old fraudevillian.”

Boris Johnson closes G7 summit by reminding other leaders they need us more than we need them

THE POWER OF DUMB : The United Kingdom’s last Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, has had a cracking week hosting a select group of world leaders in Cornwall.

“It’s been amazing,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “Mr Johnson met with a selection of leaders of some of the world’s most prominent representative democracies. We’re not sure if he learned anything from them as they’re to a man girly swots, but he had a lot of fun playing on the beach.”

While there were plenty of smiles for the cameras it wasn’t all fun and games.

“It was a little slow if I’m honest,” the source continues, “Boris is used to being invited to rather more rambunctious parties. In Italian hills at villas owned by friendly foreign chaps. What happens at the villa stays at the villa. Still, the biggest guy at the party, Joe, brought his wife along and she got in great with Boris’s current wife. Carrie and Boris only got married recently because some American guy rang up and said about forget the photo shoots with your girlfriend. Mrs Johnson must be present. Which was nice. Gave them the shove they needed to make things official.”

The most fun though was when Mr Johnson had all the others as a captive audience and was able to perform his improv act for them.

“That was a total giggle. All those stuffed shirts having to sit there while Boris just said the first thing that came into his head. Completely Churchillian. Especially the end where he reminded them that just like in WW2 they need us more than we need them!”

BREAKING : Boris Johnson wows G7 with claim “I invented the iceberg lettuce!”

LIVEN UP ANY PARTY : G7 meetings are famously boring ever since Russia decided it would no longer be present in person and instead decided to send first Donald Trump and then Boris Johnson. Happily Mr Johnson is determined to fill the void left by Mr Putin, even if he must do so with his shirt on.

This week’s gathering in Cornwall is no exception. While many of the people gathered are busying themselves wondering when Cornwall will declare independence, before or after Nicola Sturgeon? Mr Johnson is up to the task of ignoring the peripheral issues and leading.

How better to lead some of the most high profile people on Earth than with examples of your own achievements. Mr Johnson is a man who can point to a cupboard full of such. But it’s not just abandoned children shoved in behind arts and crafts projects, according to Britain’s greatest war time Prime Minister he is also responsible for a famous vegetable.

“Like Agamemnon attempting to refine the colour of carrots from purple to the now ubiquitous orange, I have faced the intense heat of horticultural invention face first. Not many people know this, but I have invented the iceberg lettuce! Today I reveal to you my finest creation. You will all receive one to take home to your countries where you are free to grow as many as you like so long as you agree to pay for my curtains.”

Reports from inside the meeting room say the announcement was met with “stunned silence”.

But Mr Johnson was not finished he had another exciting, world changing use for the lettuce.

“Once we disperse today and return to our solitary corners of the globe I will breed a super iceberg lettuce. A lettuce so large once it is set sail on the North Sea it will singlehandedly deal with climate change.”

If you ever wondered what legacy Mr Johnson will leave behind when he ceases to govern Great Britain you now have your answer.

Joe Biden orders CIA to topple British government to avoid further photoshoots with Boris Johnson


The idea of toppling the UK’s dangerous joke of a Prime Minister was first floated in the White House late last year, but was put on the backburner after dangerous joke President Donald Trump attempted his own coup at home.

“With Trump safely barricaded and going steadily insane in Florida, vaccinations at pace across the USA and the US economy on the upturn the President now has time to consider other pressing matters,” a White House insider tells LCD Views. “Like what to do about perfidious Albion?”

What to do appears to be reach back into the classic US foreign policy playbook of the later half of the 20th Century.

“The President has ordered the CIA to work up plans to destabilise and ultimately topple Boris Johnson. One would have expected a democracy of the age of Britain’s to have a political class capable of doing it, but it does not seem so.”

Clearly the need to remove Mr Johnson is obvious, with his entire government repeatedly breaking the law and undermining the Western alliance. But it seems the extraordinary measure was triggered by something more basic.

“Did you see him yesterday? Doing his cartoon act next to the President and Dr Biden? It was all they could do to keep smiling. Embarrassing is not the word. You know when you become President you’re going to have to publicly put up with some nonsense to get the job done in private. But photoshoots with Boris Johnson and his current wife? Once is definitely enough.”

BREAKING : Priti Patel orders G7 leaders moved to immigration detention

DO WHAT YOU LOVE BEST : Alarming news from Cornwall this morning with unconfirmed reports that Priti Patel has gone even more rogue than she was already.

Shortly before dawn a fleet of Home Office immigration enforcement vans were seen driving at speed towards the Tregenna Castle Resort where the G7 leaders are staying. It appears English police just waved them through as the Home Secretary herself was leading the raid and “cackling like a mad woman in a horror film”.

“It’s understood the Home Secretary just couldn’t take the thought of an influx of foreigners from many countries all arriving at once and being housed in style and feed at THE GREAT BRITISH TAXPAYERS’ EXPENSE!”

It’s not sure how the seizure of some of the most powerful people in the world will play across the tabloids, but it’s likely Rupert Murdoch won’t mind.

“The undocumented, illegal migrants are now being held in secure accommodation in Kent,” a Home Office statement reads. “The accommodation is definitely fit for human habitation with the series of rotating blades and pits of adders designed by Ms Patel personally.”

It’s not entirely clear how the global community will take the hostile act by Ms Patel, but it is believed she will have the backing of the Tory Party.

“The Conservative Party had no plan B for if Donald Trump lost the US election. Most of them are so far gone they’ll think this is genius and Trump will now stage a comeback.”

The one leader who it seems escaped the raid was New York born Boris Johnson who is said to have climbed out of his bedroom window and climbed down some old ivy hours before the raid.

“They’re saying he spied a blonde woman a few hundreds metres away and ran off to try and start a family with her. Lucky escape.”

PEOPLE are FURIOUS over whatever it is the Daily Mail says to be FURIOUS about TODAY!

FUHRERAGE : PEOPLE UP AND DOWN THIS GREAT LAND are reportedly FURIOUS AGAIN today about whatever it is we’ve decided they should be FURIOUS ABOUT!

The news that people are furious is exactly the same as the news that people were FURIOUS yesterday. The difference being today it’s a different concocted, culture war bollocks to stop people BEING FURIOUS about the 130,000 preventable pandemic deaths.

“PEOPLE ARE RIGHTLY FURIOUS!” a contact at Gammon Daily told LCD Views.

“Which is the way we need them to be. If they weren’t furious about whatever it is we’ve told them to be furious about they maybe furious over tax havens. Or social justice. Or structural racism. Or the lowest state pension in Europe. OR CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE PETROCHEMICAL INDUSTRY. Or the absolute calamity of their government and its liars lying all the time about lying. BUT WE LIKE THE GOVERNMENT as THEY WORK FOR OUR BOSSES. SO YOU HAVE TO BE FURIOUS ABOUT FLAGS!”

Happily however furious you are TODAY about whatever it is you’re supposed to be furious about today you’ll get the chance to be FURIOUS about something different tomorrow.

“Tomorrow we’ll tell you to be furious about MARXISTS ON THE FOOTBALL PITCH. Or Harry and Meghan. Or bloody Corbyn. Or GOD DAMN STARMER ALWAYS BEING RIGHT ABOUT THE PLAGUE. Anything so long as you’re not FURIOUS about all the ministers found to be breaking the law and NO ONE DOING ANYTHING AT ALL ABOUT IT.”

STAY FURIOUS! But just don’t stay furious about one thing, otherwise you may start to try and do something about it.

FURY as Harry and Meghan swap portrait of Queen for one of Lenin!

WAS MARX WOKE : Shocking rumours are swirling around Buckingham Palace today that Prince Harry and his wife are planning to swap a portrait of his Gran for one of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov alias Lenin.

Inside sources at Buck House believe that Harry and Meghan are impressed with Cambridge students removing the Queen’s picture from the common room and replacing it with that one of the Tennis Girl scratching her knickerless backside (see picture page 3).

It has been suspected that Harry has had communist sympathies for some years, ever since he attended a party as a student dressed as Marx. Moreover Meghan is known to support the Marxist organisation, Black Lives Matter, and Harry was captured by our photographer kneeling in front of his TV at the start of England’s match against Romania last Sunday.

The Palace press office has denied the rumours but said off the record that they weren’t surprised. Prince Charles is said to be appalled. Her regal graciousness, Princess Duchess Cambridge Kate, wearing a simple Primark summer frock and displaying her usual elegance, agreed. ‘It is really appalling, but what do you expect from that bi(see pictures of lovely Kate pages 6 to 9).

Harry and Meghan’s press assistant was asked about the story. ‘Harry and Meghan wish to put the record straight. First, Harry went to the party as Harpo Marx, not Karl. Secondly, he wasn’t taking the knee, he was looking for the remote. Otherwise, yeah, that’s about right.’

U.K. waits for Johnson lackey to claim “PM deserves Nobel Peace Prize for tireless efforts to keep peace in NI”

CRYSTAL BALLS : The United Kingdom waits with baited breath today to see which of Boris Johnson’s minister will go on a fishing expedition about the sausage war and NI.

“The PM is just trying to decide which lackey of state he will send out to wind everyone up by saying he deserves the Nobel Peace Prize for his tireless efforts to keep the peace in Northern Ireland,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “It’s very fragile you know. Did you know that? Not many people know that. And no one at all predicted Brexit could destabilise a fragile twenty year peace that followed centuries of conflict. It’s come completely out of the blue. It’s the EU’s fault. Obvs.”

The need to distract from the slow moving avalanche of Brexit karma grows deeper daily as one by one the pieces of the Brexit puzzle spontaneously combust and then explode.

“Mr Johnson is losing sleep day and night worrying over the colour of his wallpaper,” the source added. “OH AND THE IRISH. If only they’d just accept the need to leave the EU and be ruled from Westminster again all of this trouble can be avoided.”

While the lackey of state will certainly cause momentary distraction it is hoped until that moment the confected furore over a picture of the Queen can keep everyone distracted.

“As long as no one mentions that the word of the U.K. government is now at junk bond status I think Mr Johnson can rest easy. He can spend his time where discussing where to put his peace prize with Carrie. And most importantly, will it match the sofa?”

Lord Frost to negotiate successful British surrender in The Great Sausage War

THE LORDLY ONE : GLOBAL BRITAIN’S GREATEST DIPLOMATIC EXPORT, LORD FROST, is to travel to Brussels today in a vintage Spitfire to negotiate the terms of the British surrender in the Great Sausage War.

The decision of Boris Johnson to despatch his human shield to Brussels came as a surprise to many, until they realised he’d “already lost interest” in the banger based blow up after seeing a woman he has yet to impregnate.

Lord Frost will travel in the Spitfire on the outside of the aircraft to make room for the pilot. He will be strapped to the fuselage and to all appearances will look like a bouncing and very dumb bomb.

“We’ve sent word ahead to Brussels not to be alarmed by the manner of Lord Frost’s arrival,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “And not to worry when the pilot releases his payload without landing and does a sharp turn to home.”

There are no expectations that Lord Frost will be injured in his fall to earth as he is expected to land on his head, that being his centre of gravity due to the density of the bone.

The timing of the talks comes ahead of the G7 meeting in Cornwall where Mr Johnson will have to talk face to face with the US President Joe Biden, who is said to already have a lengthy list of issues to browbeat the British PM on without having to talk to “that darn brat about wurst!”

The surrender of the British will be presented as a great victory at home so all patriots can remain safe in their belief that Brexit was a good idea and not the decision of a fridge full of silly sausages.