The Great British Potato War – 1.6 A Sight For Sore Eyes

Great British Ladies went out of business just when I needed them to fail. This is the luck of the patriot and I am a patriot.

You see the postman had delivered a letter that morning from The Ministry of War informing me that they were rebranding as ‘The Ministry of Peace’. Policies, staff and the objective of a total and crushing victory over the internal enemy remained unchanged.

Five minutes later a second postman appeared to deliver a second letter, this one from The Ministry of Peace. I was now in charge of “Seizing whatever retail goods I deemed expedient to the war effort“.

I can not recall a prouder morning in all my life. The envelope was of exceptional British quality. The paper thick and velvety. I held it for a minute, not wanting to damage its perfection. Its completeness.

“Open it Mark,” my wife urged, “don’t just stand there, gaping like a goldfish.”

“I’m not gaping woman,” I gasped. “I’m controlling my breathing. It’s a well known special services technique.”

“Would you like me to open it for you?” she offered her hand.

I handed the envelope to her. It would do our marriage good for her to see that right at the beginning of my service I was already advancing. Would she be able to cope with my meteoritic rise? Time would tell.

“It’s a lovely envelope,” she cooed. “It feels like velvet. Oh look it says ‘On Her Majesty’s Service’ at the top and there’s a little drawing of the Prime Minister’s current wife. That’s a nice touch.”

The Churchill radio burst into music. Elgar’s ‘Pomp and Circumstance March No. 1‘. A better choice of song for the ceremony I could not have chosen.

“Open it,” I whispered.

My wife nodded and picked up a paring knife to cut open the envelope.


“Oh, I’ll be ever so careful,” she said with a mad grin. “I don’t want to cut myself in the excitement.”

“No! Be careful not to damage the letter! You will heal. The letter can’t.”

She furrowed her brow a moment and made a little slashing motion through the air. The Churchill got louder.

Then she cut the envelope’s throat in a single swipe. I gasped. If the letter had been hurt I did’t know what I would do.

I took the envelope from her.

“Oi! Don’t snatch! I could have had your finger off!”

I slipped the letter out of its sleeve and held it, still folded over.

“Would you like me to read it for you?”

I handed it over and she unfolded it. It was like a light shone from the paper across her face.

“There’s gold lettering at the top. Look.”

I could not look. I closed my eyes and listened to Elgar. In the distance I could hear a dog yelping. Nearby a window smashed and a woman began screaming obscenities. The Churchill raised its voice again to compensate. The choir was starting in with ‘Land of hope and glory…‘. I was ecstatic. I felt I was vibrating. It was as if a battalion of angels in Union Flag waistcoats had arrived to sing.

It meant my wife had to shout out the letter’s contents.

“Private Martin French,” she bellowed, “you are empowered by The People’s Government to take what you want from [enter town name here] shops at will.”

She paused. I presumed because she was also carried away by Elgar. I looked at her heaving bosom and imagined…

“Just imagine it,” she shouted. “They couldn’t even get your name right.”

I confess I felt powerful and no minor clerical error would deflate me.

“I wonder why they didn’t write Raylee in the letter too? Just enter town name here?”

I took the letter and placed it on the kitchen table. I would not hear another word against it.

“Won’t the shopkeepers be left out of pocket?” my wife wondered.

“I will issue them with official receipts,” I hollered.

“What? I can’t hear you over Churchill!”

“When the enemy is defeated,” I shouted as loud as I could, “I am sure the shopkeepers will be rewarded for their contributions!”

“But most of the shops barely have anything to sell as it is!” She was red in the fact with the effort to be heard.

Our Churchill’s volume increased again and again. We were now in a shouting match with the wireless we would never win. I put my finger to my lips and shushed my wife. Once we had been quiet for a bit the Churchill calmed down.

“Then they won’t notice much difference, will they?” I whispered. She frowned and gave me one of those lingering looks that looked judgemental, but was obviously not.

“Let’s have our breakfast and after I’ll take you to window shop at Great British Ladies. You might see something you fancy inside?”

She nodded and we set about breakfast, the letter in the middle of the table, beaming its approval at my military career.

Breakfast finished I took Mrs French to Great British Ladies. Mr Jelly was inside, surrounded by the failure Brussels had forced on him. A regiment of naked plastic mannequins stood about him. Their morale evaporated. Heads missing or downcast. Arms hanging at their sides. It was no wonder the wily Continentals were able to undermine the enterprise.

“Why isn’t Mr Jelly having a closing down sale?” my naive wife asked.

Mr Jelly began to sob, all wobbly jowls and heaving chest. He had combed his hair over but it was now so thin his beetroot dome was pulsating. He held a clothes hanger and abruptly began to beat it against his forehead.

“Oh dear. Should we do something?”

“He can beat himself without our help,” I replied. Although I was of a mind to go inside and give him assistance.

He wasn’t half giving himself a proper thrashing.

“This is not patriotic behaviour,” I muttered.

“Please don’t report him.”

My wife cast about anxiously, but there was no one else watching. A few people were coming this way, but Mr Jelly was making such a racket now they smartly about faced or veered off in various directions. He was fortunate. He was almost certainly in the act of committing a crime. Blitz spirit must be on display in times of adversary. And it was a time of adversary all the time.

“A closing down sale would cheer him up,” my wife said. “Let’s go in and buy something.”

“There’s no need for that. We can just take whatever we want on behalf of The Ministry of Peace. I’ll be having those mannequins.”

“You mean the Ministry of War.”

“No. They’ve had a rebrand. Remember the letter?”

“How could I forget? They got your name wrong!”

I had a sudden urge to pinch her hard. It took a lot of effort to resist. I didn’t want to make a show of things in public.

We carried on watching Mr Jelly. He flung the coat hanger away and began to slap himself. He was a suspiciously plump man. His jowls wobbled hilariously as he beat himself.

“It is against the law for small businesses to advertise failure,” I reminded my wife. “Great British businesses do not fail.”

“Get Business Done!” I shouted in exasperation. It did not help. I wondered if Mr Jelly would soon find himself publicly shamed?

Then Mrs French did the maddest thing. She stepped up to the windows and rapped on them with her knuckles.

“Mr Jelly!”

He didn’t notice so she knocked even harder. Inside the store he paused and slowly turned to look at us. Such a face on him. He was quite mad. But my insane wife just waved and smiled. He returned her smile, but I can’t say it was a convincing grin.

“The least he could do is stand up straight,” I said. If this was the measure of the average man in Brexitannia we would have an uphill slog in the war.

“I went to school with old Jelly,” she said.

“He was a right little monkey. He loved nothing better than to serenade the girls. He can’t sing to save himself. But he does a good impersonation of an opera singer. Once he fell to his knees at my feet and”

“That’s enough of that,” I silenced her. Mr Jelly was clearly a subversive from a young age. I wouldn’t have rumours spreading that my wife kept his company. “Someone may hear.”

My nutty missus now started waving at him. I was at a loss to know which of them was madder.

“I think we need to keep moving,” I took Mrs French by the elbow and urged her away.

“Perhaps we should ask him back for dinner? He’s looking awfully skinny for him. I wonder if Mrs Jelly is feeding him right?”

“I saw her foraging for wild potatoes and garlic in Batters Lane just this morning,” I lied.

“That’s funny. She’s allergic to garlic. Allergic to all the alliums.”

“She was wearing gardening gloves.”

“Goodness. Where would they have come by such an extravagance as gardening gloves? You wore out my last pair building the barricade and Mrs Jelly is swanning about Raylee with her own still? I don’t recall seeing her drilling the school children in the latest patriotic songs. Well.”

That was more like it.

“Do you know I am going to get another new uniform?” I changed the subject.

“Next you will be telling me Mrs Jelly’s got hold of a piglet. Some people get all the luck!”

“Cardinal Bogg discovered an entire warehouse of TA catering corp uniforms. Good as new. The People’s Army is to wear them with pride. Raylee will get its share.”

“But you’re not in the catering corp? You said you were drafted into counter intelligence on account of your IQ? But you’d be serving with the regulars because you were on a secret mission and needed to disguise yourself in the field.”

“It’s all true.” I walked a little faster.

“I’ve been saving some scrap material to patch my best knickers. I’ll make you a real army badge for you to celebrate your importance.”

We passed a billboard next that was receiving a bold new poster.

“The High Street is Strong!” It proclaimed and, “Small and Medium Sized Great British Businesses are BOOMING!”

“Look at that!” I cried. “Well done boys! Keep morale high!”

My wife looked at it, and appeared confused.

“Why don’t you ever see any adverts for actual businesses these days?” she wondered OUT LOUD.

“I think it’s time we queued at the food market and hurried home for lunch” I replied, urging her forward at greater speed. I often wondered if she was off her rocker. Today was one of those days.

At the food market we secured a turnip. It was a beast. We would roast half and boil half and make a meal of it.

Later that evening, after we had eaten our dinner, I said I needed to “walk off the turnip” and snuck back to look again at ‘Great British Ladies’. The ladies of Raylee may have no more use for Great British Ladies, but I did. Especially the plastic ones.

Behind the windows the next recruits for the war effort waited in the same positions as earlier. Right now they were just mannequins, but soon they would be transformed into the Patriotic Raylee Civilian Defence Militia. They would stand guard on the defensive barricade when I was gone.

I slept well that night.

“I will handpick the sentries myself,” I told my wife the next morning, as we broke our fast on a tin of baked bins. Baked beans! Who would have thought it? I wanted to count every bean.

“Aren’t we lucky Mark?” my wife said as she heated the tin up. “Mrs Jelly left them with a note this morning asking us not to tell anyone about Mr Jelly beating himself in public.”

“We are indeed fortunate. It’s a funny old world isn’t it?”

I bet the Jelly’s had a stash of tinned goods was under a loose floorboard, under a rug, in their living room. Imperishable goods squirrelled away. They had lacked belief in British sovereignty. Well they believed now!

“I’ll pick the cream of the crop from Great British Ladies,” I promised, as the smell of beans filled the air. My mouth was watering. “No amputees. No headless ones. Just the able bodied plastic patriots.”

My wife stopped stirring the beans for a moment and gave me a searching look.

“Yes my love, I’ll bring one home for you. As promised.”

The mannequins would be dressed out like soldiers. They would protect Raylee when the men of the town marched to war. Anyone looking at the town from a distance would see a company of men on guard and assume hundreds more were stationed in the town. That would show Brussels!

“When are you marching again?”

“In forty eight hours.”

Finally the hour was drawing near. London would fall. We had orders to join up with several other regiments in Surrey and await the arrival of Field Marshall Gave.

“I am marching to greatness,” I whispered.

“We can put the last of the Worcestershire Sauce Substitute on the beans if you like?”

I had no doubts about my destiny.

“Here we go,” my loyal wife set the plates of beans on the table. “You’ll need your strength.”

Our Churchill crackled into life as we ate. It was ‘Thought for the Day’. The Prime Minister or one of his ministers always had something to say.

“Great Britain has concluded the latest rounds of negotiations on the Australian trade deal!” Ah, it was Captain Trust today.

“Soon we will receive the first shipments of Vegemite and Tim Tams! Which is funny in a way. Many used to scoff at the thought of eating Vegemite, but now is the perfect time to start. You might not always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might just find you get what you need.”

As she finished talking The Rolling Stones’ song with those words started to play.

“Shouldn’t they be playing an Australian song?” my innocent wife asked.

“It is a Great British trade deal so an indigenous British song is more appropriate,” I replied. “I’ve lost count of the number of times the Australian Trade Deal has been announced. It always makes me smile.”

After breakfast I went to Great British Ladies and informed Mr Jelly I was enlisting the mannequins.

“Any ones I want I will raise the right arm of with a flat palmed salute. You will deliver them to the barricade.”

He just looked at me forlornly and said, “I was hoping to exchange them for some rice.”

I bet he was. As if it wasn’t enough for him to fail his country in business now he was trying to hold back supplies vital to the war effort.

“Perhaps you’d fancy a big EU flag brand on your cheek?” I asked, with a smile.

Then he smiled quietly (heaven only knows why!) at some private musing, clicked his heels together and saluted with a raised and flattened palm.

“Don’t get shot old boy,” he said.

“You’re a dummy.” I hit back so fast he was lost for words.

He just collapsed into giggles. It was little wonder Mr Jelly had failed at business.

FURORE as English school opts to sing “Ring-a-ring-o’-roses” on 25th as “much more appropriate”

PLEASE PUT YOUR EDUCATION IN THE BIN PROVIDED : PANIC reported at the Department for Pretending to Educate Children today after an English school opted to sing a different song on the 25th June, instead of the fascist propaganda shite being urged by government. And whoever runs the shadowy group promoting it.

While it’s certain some schools will break out the bunting and sing along to the clunky tribute to the 1930’s, and do it with enthusiasm, many others are thinking they’d rather have proper resources to educate the children with instead. And perhaps some efforts to mitigate the spread of the ferocious virus so kids can actually stay in school.

Little Hamper Infants School in Hampton-on-Hampton-on-Shed isn’t having any of the OBON nonsense and its head will have a sing-a-long, but has chosen a British classic instead.

“We’ll be singing Ring-a-ring-o-roses on the 25th,” Mr Fashout, the head, told LCD Views. “The 14th century plague song is far more appropriate under the current circumstances. The government is letting the pandemic rip through schools and no one seems that bothered? Herd immunity experiment via kids with just enough window dressing to pretend they’re trying to prevent the spread? It’s failed state territory. But I am proud to be British and we will be singing a historical classic which celebrates the similarities between the effectiveness of Mr Johnson and Edward III in pandemic management.”

The lyrics to Little Hamper’s chosen song are easy to remember and LCD Views encourages all to join Mr Fashout in singing them on the 25th.

Ring-a-ring o’ roses,

A pocket full of posies,

A-tishoo! A-tishoo!

We all fall down...

Downing Street leak reveals new home test kits for patriotism will be made overseas

A THOUSAND YEARS OF BOLLOCKS : 10 Downing Street is neither confirming nor denying a leak from 10 Downing Street today regarding the incoming Great British Patriotism tests.

The tests are part of a far reaching agenda to terraform the ideological landscape of the country into one that is perfectly happy as an international money laundering centre, so long as everyone has a flag to look at.

To gauge progress in the mental assault some genius in the executive decided they were going to need metrics. Measures. Sample sizes. Graphs. Charts. Although not pie charts as Boris would eat them. Testing will help determine how hard the culture war needs to be ramped up on any given day. Do we need to deploy pictures of the Queen? Have someone daub paint on Churchill? Or break the glass and have a Spitfire fly past?

“The tests will be at walk-in centres and home tests,” our correspondent, who fabricated the leak, reveals. “The network of walk-in centres established across the country for the pandemic will simply be repurposed to test for patriotism. Although they’ll still be staffed by bored teenagers on minimum wage given very little training. I mean it’s as easy to spot someone who is a traitor, just like spotting someone with a bad cold.”

Home tests will be very similar to the walk-in ones, although less reliable until the Home Office has finished installing CCTV inside everyone’s TV’s. This rollout has hit a snag after the cameras provided came patterned in the North Korean flag and not the Union Flag.

While all of this is just expected to help make a success of Brexit a furious row has apparently broken out inside the cabinet.

“The tests are to be manufactured overseas. This is causing some brain hurt,” our correspondent reveals. “How will the tests be any good if they’re not British made?”

There is a precedent for such crisis though and LCD Views is confident our wise leadership will find it.

“We’ll just have the tests and their packaging delivered in separate consignments and then package them on English soil. That’ll be enough to justify putting the Union Flag on it.”

The Great British Potato War – 1.5 Patriotism is forged

Ms Finch was branded on her right cheek in the yard outside “Ye Olde Great British Blacksmith’s Forge” at midday on summer solstice 2023. The forge was built in the 14th century. A squat and sturdy structure, it was famous for only having burned down once every one hundred years since its initial construction. And of those times only three had “caused a greater conflagration so as to imperil the village.”*

The current owner we all called “The Blacksmith”, even though his real name was Gary.

Gary was muscled and slow on any uptake, but he could beat a piece of iron all day without complaint. All his hair had long singed off in the heat of the furnace. His wife painted his eyebrows on each morning, but no one was impolite enough to mention it. We just treated him as he was, a patriot.

Ms Finch was branded on a perfect English summer day. Far superior to the over baked days they were rumoured to favour on the Continent. The sky blue forever with the sun just hot enough to make people complain, but you still had to work to get burnt. A soft breeze flowed through the village and children chased a puppy along the high road. At the time meat was only included in the rations once a week.

The mood in Raylee had been building to a fever all week. Bus stops were plastered with posters announcing the branding, time and place, and urging “All to come and join in the celebration of patriotism. Be sure to bring your children along!”. Schools closed for the day. It was a very local public holiday.

Our Churchill even carried the news in a daily segment just after “Patriotic Thought for the Day”. I smacked my lips in satisfaction when I heard our noble little village get its mention.

And now…The Branding, Shaming and Marriage News. The following public shamings will take place in town squares, or other named places, in the following places today. Bucketforth, three local residents to be publicly shaved for heresy. Mincehead, one local suspected of spying for Brussels to fight a pig. Enema, five forced marriages to occur simultaneously alongside the cow insemination ceremony in the larger field…Raylee, one resident to be branded on the cheek for Wireless Crime…and now the national anthem sung by the Children’s Choir of Spitmore.

Ms Finch’s branding itself wasn’t pitch perfect. Some joker had scrawled “ry” onto the end of “Forge” on the sign over the Blacksmith’s and it detracted from the solemnity of Ms Finch screaming.

“This is a crying shame,” I said to my rosy cheeked wife as we waited for the event. “This branding is supposed to be the highlight of the day. Ms Finch has been in solitary confinement preparing all week.”

Ms Finch was led out all the same by a well turned out squad of Brexit Youth.

“Don’t they look full of purpose in their brown shorts,” my wife noted. Shorts was a little generous. Due to a shortage of cotton, linen, denim and polyester the shorts were made locally out of hessian sacks. The children of the Brexit Youth knew better than to complain. They wanted dinner.

The youth tied Ms Finch to a stout, oak stake driven into the earth just outside the forge.

“I wager if Prime Minister Johnson hadn’t got Brexit done we could not have done this,” I commented. “Some nanny red tape from Brussels would have forbidden sovereign Englishmen from tying traitors to stakes in village squares.”

There was a card table set up close by the staked Ms Finch. The Food Ministry had allowed a special allocation of baking rations for the village to prepare tea and cakes. No one was going home without getting their hands on something.

There were formalities to observe first though. Ms Finch was photographed by anyone who still had a working smartphone. She did herself proud here, scowling like a traitor at everyone who stepped up to photograph her.

Next a poem about Great British Potatoes was recited by Clarence, the butcher.

On the continent their potatoes cause incontinence,

But a Great British Potato will see you through,

With its red, white and blue...”

Then the pharmacist Ms Formaldyhide held up a black cat before Ms Finch’s face. If it failed to hiss the branding would be called off. At first the feline seemed reluctant, but a quick jerk of its tail and it passed judgement.

“Now it’s time for Gary to shine,” I whispered.

The Blacksmith took the hot iron from the coals. We could see its light in the shadows of his forge. Silence. Anticipation.

Gary’s wife had painted eyebrows on that curved up. As he walked out of the shadows holding the white iron he looked permanently surprised. I suspect it was his wife’s little joke. Mrs Gary and Ms Finch weren’t close, even before we reclaimed our sovereignty.

“No. No. No. Please no!” Ms Finch screamed. She had learned the lines on the script given to her. I clapped and others followed suit.

“You people are fucking animals!” Ms Finch bellowed, as the sizzling iron neared her face. This was off script. The crowd muttered disapprovingly.

“Watch it or you’ll be voted off and you won’t be on next week’s show!” I shouted at her. Everyone laughed.

“Well if you don’t like it here why don’t you go and live in Europe!” Clarence the Butcher bellowed. Slapping his aproned thighs and laughing. He got less response than me. I would later revise down my estimation of his poetry.

My watchful wife whispered an observation to me but between Ms Finch making a racket and Clarence laughing himself silly I couldn’t catch it.

“What’s that?” I shouted back.

She whispered again but I still couldn’t hear her.

Louder woman. Louder. I motioned with my hands.

Suddenly Ms Finch went quiet, the branding iron held theatrically inches from her face, and Clarence shut up too.


I clamped my hand over Mrs French’s mouth. To comment publicly on food shortages was treason.

Everyone turned to glare at her, except The Blacksmith. He chose then to press the iron into Ms Finch’s face. She got back on script immediately. She screamed for all she was worth. Everyone was so distracted they forgot my foolish wife. It was a lucky escape.

The brand itself was a gem. It had been cast from steel recycled from the fuselage of a Spitfire dug up in a field outside of town. It was found by some treasure hunters days before they were drafted into the army to serve as bomb disposal and mine clearance. The brand’s design came direct from 10 Downing Street. Legend said it was designed by one of Prime Minister Bunsen’s infant children. His artistic flair was prodigious the moment he left the womb. The papers regularly carried reproductions of his work to keep morale high.

The design was the Flag of Europe, minus one star.

All who saw a branded face knew where their loyalties lay. After today Ms Finch would be an outcast.

The Blacksmith stepped back and admired his handiwork. He would have had an easier time of that if Ms Finch wasn’t thrashing and complaining. She lacked Blitz Spirit, there was no denying it. I could smell her burnt flesh and I wasn’t complaining, and it was a terrible smell. One wondered at her diet.

“Hang on,” Gary said. He stepped back up. He held Ms Finch’s head still with one of his giant hands and carefully pressed the brand back into the same spot. Harder this time.

“CLARENCE!” she shouted out. “CLARENCE!”

People looked at the butcher. He just shrugged and circled his finger around his temple to signal she was mad.

My wife poked me in the ribs. This was my moment. I stepped up to Ms Finch and turned to the crowd.

“From this day forth Ms Finch is outcast from all full time employment. From now on she can only seek minimum wage work in fruit picking, social care, hospitality, medicine, auto-manufacturing or any other of the sectors that were betrayed by EU workers during Cardinal Patel’s long and glorious reign.”

The crowd nodded in approval.

“None are to give her comfort. She is to find no shelter from the storm. None may lay a hand on her. None may consort with her carnally or in conversation about politics. She must be ready to work in the digital economy and not complain if her shift is terminated early. When visiting any hospital to work she must pay full car parking charges regardless of whether she has driven to work or not. When you see the stars branded onto her cheek you know she was caught attempting to change the channel on her Churchill wireless!”

Just then the puppy ran into the circle, interrupting my speech. The gaggle of children burst in after it, led by Cyclops. The wretched puppy made straight for Ms Finch and climbed onto her feet, whimpering and cringing there. A poor choice of sanctuary.

“Do you want me to brand the puppy too?” The Blacksmith asked. “Won’t take but a moment to heat the iron back up.”

“It does look a foreign breed,” I replied. “Let’s put it to a referendum?”

“I’ll get some papers and we can write our votes on them,” Ms Formaldyhide offered and went off at speed shouting “The will of the people!” in excitement.

“Shall we have the tea and cakes while we wait?” my generous wife asked, pointing to the card table.

The Blacksmith shrugged. “I hadn’t noticed the food. Great!” He went into his forge just long enough to put the iron back in the fire and then made straight for the table. That started a rush. He was famous for his appetite.

Clarence was the only one who stood still. He didn’t see that I saw, but his eyes were fixed to Ms Finch, a single fat tear rolling slower than time itself down his cheek.

*Chapter Five, page 14, “The Lives and Times of Raylee – A Very British Village”, published by anon.

If you hate covid so much, leave, advises Matt Hancock

LEAVING ON A JET PLANE: F*cking useless Health Secretary Matt Hancock has had enough. Fed up of people moaning about covid, he has finally cracked. ‘If you hate it so much, then leave’ is now the official position.

LCD Views can exclusively reveal that Hancock’s latest Special Advisor is none other than Dave23891085 off Twitter. Extensive research reveals that Dave is a bot which specialises in dishing out quality advice to anyone who dares to criticise the Tories.

An unrepentant Hancock did the rounds of the TV news shows to promote his new strategy. “It’s a zero tolerance approach,” he said impatiently as one interviewer tried to engage him with reason. “I have no more tolerance! Covid is here to stay, and if you don’t like it, clear off and go to some ghastly Woke foreign country.”

One reporter had the temerity to point out that travel to foreign countries was banned. “Nonsense!” he snapped. “There’s plenty of jobs going in Australia, if you can’t stand our world beating super spreading virus. Go and grow Vegemite! And I don’t like your tone!”

Nobody will take Brits any more, wailed another journalist, desperate to make Hancock see sense. “Really!” Hancock scoffed. “It’s idiotic Remainer scum like you who are talking this country down all the time. Boris is doing his best, and our vaccine provision is the best in the world. Yes, vaccines, vaccines. Let’s talk about vaccines, because what we need is freedom. People died for your freedom, and if you don’t like that, then maybe you should go elsewhere!”

Hancock paused, apparently deep in thought. “It is noble to die for your country,” he announced, finally. “Yes, we must lay down our lives for our freedom. And anyone consciously objecting should be given a white feather and deported. I’ll get the Prittster onto it immediately!”

With that, he stepped into the aeroplane and set off for pastures new.

BLM ate my hamster, claims Tory MP

ROTTEN TO THE CORE: A remarkable claim has been made by an obscure Tory MP desperate to jump on the Cancel Culture bandwagon. A BLM activist, he claims, consumed his family pet.

MP for the Rotten Borough of Canker-on-the-Quince, Sir Willie Warmer-FitzNicely, wrote an  angry letter to the editor of the Canker Chronicle. In this missive he alleges that the local BLM group purloined the unfortunate rodent, before cooking it and sharing it as a communal meal.

“It’s not the loss of a much-ignored family pet,” wailed Sir Willie’s prose. “It’s the symbolism I detest, the Marxist way in which these Woke types distributed little Hampers around the group of probably 5,000,000 activists, all threatening our way of life by kneeling down occasionally.”

Sir Willie goes on to paint a broader picture of life in the Borough. “We do not accept the validity of BLM in Canker-on-the-Quince,” he writes. “People want to go about their daily business of organising huge balls at their modest stately piles. There is a steady rhythm of preparation, gathering, drinking too much, and getting off with the chambermaid. Then next month, repeat at the next venue on the social calendar, a calendar that has remained unchanged since 1743. Traditions matter in these parts. We do not want to have to kneel down every time one of those ghastly Association Soccer games bullies off. These do-gooders do not understand that Canker residents simply do not bow down to anyone else, especially not bleeding heart lefties.”

The response has been simple astonishment. “I don’t know what Sir Willie thinks of his fellow villagers,” wrote one resident on the Canker residents’ Facebook page. “There are no activists here, unless you count the WI. And they certainly wouldn’t pinch a hamster, far less bake it into a cake. The poor animal probably escaped when its cage was being cleaned. Sir Willie should withdraw his remarks!”

“Willie out! Now!” was a far more pithy comment.

There has been no official comment yet from Number Ten, although they did confirm that a large consignment of uncategorised meat is making its way to Australia.

New Royal Yacht named “Dead Cat” so no one discusses pandemic ripping through schools

RING A RING O’ ROSIE : EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT THE NEW ROYAL YACHT that may well end up being built just so everyone can keep talking about the new royal yacht.

Suggestions that the new royal yacht is a DEAD CAT has set klaxons screeching in patriotic areas of GREAT BRITAIN. It’s clearly not that. It’s obviously a vital tool for Liz Truss to get new trade deals. Her magic Union Flag umbrella can only get her so far. The yacht will help make Brexit great. That’s why they started building it years ago. So it was ready for when we Brexited. What?!

“It’s not just standard Johnsonian BS to deflect and distract away from the growing bin fire he’s turned the country into,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “He really believes in it. Because he’s young at heart. About 4 to be exact. Maybe even 3. And if the royals don’t want the ship? So what! Who’s the real royal family in the UK these days? Clearly not the stuffed shirts at Windsor. Johnson lied to the Queen’s face and got away with it. That makes him King. The real royal family now lives at 10 Downing Street and they want a yacht.”

And while all the retorts from the palace at Westminster are clearly completely believable there are just a few who are saying it’s a giant dead cat to distract from the herd immunity project currently been run in English schools. Just let the virus rip and be done with it. Boris is bored of the pandemic now. Go on kids! Do your bit for Blighty! Only a few of you will get sick long term, even fewer will die. Can’t be so sure of the extended family. But so what!

LCD Views would send a reporter along to get comment from schools on the front line, but we can’t find one that is still open. Global Britain. Ring a ring o’ Rosie, we all fall down, but at least we’ll have a yacht!

Downing Street orders “Dad’s Army” broadcast on White Cliffs of Dover 24/7

THIS SKEWERED ISLE : 10 DOWNING STREET isn’t taking the EU treating the UK like a third country without HITTING BACK!

The news that Great British TV content may not screen so much now, because of exactly what 10 Downing Street demanded, is not something the “purist EU is allowed to get away with”.

Boris Johnson himself is said to have come up with a plan to take the FIGHT BACK to the EU!

“He was working through his pickled herrings at breakfast and wondering what champagne to have with lunch when it came to him,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views, “he won’t let them not see Great British TV output.”

Clearly the only language the EU will understand spoken by GLOBAL BRITAIN will be communication full of WW2 REFERRENCES.

“That’s why Mr Johnson has chosen Great British TV classic ‘Dad’s Army’ to show the EU they won’t get away with it!”

‘Dad’s Army’ will now be broadcast 24/7, come rain, hail or food shortages onto THE GREAT BRITISH WHITE CLIFFS OF DOVER!

“It’s genius,” the source nods along, “this way the FRENCH HAVE TO WATCH IT!”

The broadcast will continue, unrelenting, until the EU BACKS DOWN.

“If we run out of Dad’s Army there’s always a long list of black and white WW2 films to screen and THE ENGLISH VICTORY IN THE 1966 WORLD CUP!”

The only potential problem in the scheme to HIT THE EU WHERE IT HURTS is Home Secretary Priti Patel’s plans to deploy a wall of floating Union Flag barges down the middle of the English Channel to stop BRUSSELS SPYING ON US!

“It’s okay. Mr Johnson has said we’re going to be a digital tech superpower. We’ll just cut some holes in the barge line and the French can SEE RIGHT THROUGH IT!”

SHOCK as Tory MP seeks relevance with controversial comment

In Westminster today, Sir Brindsley ‘Bunny’ Schwarzkopf-Hare, Conservative MP for Chipping-sub-Parva, caused controversy when he tweeted that woke BLM activists had infiltrated Chipping-sub-Parva’s parish council and demanded the removal of a bench dedicated to the memory of his great great grandfather, Sir Hubert Fondly-Schwarzkopf-Hare KMPG, on the tenuous grounds of his involvement in the slave trade.

The 78 year old MP, who has never held high office but was once mentioned by John Major as ‘a member of Parliament’, tweeted, ‘The bench has been a permanent feature outside the Chipping Old Incontinents’ cricket pavilion since time immemorial and it is typical of the awoke, BMW, snowball Marxists on the parish council to want to remove an important part of our heritage.’

Responding to replies, he added, ‘I appreciate that some people are offended by my ancestor’s involvement in the slave trade but I must emphasise that he ceased this enterprise immediately after the siege of Mafeking, when his great friend, General Robert Baden-Powell, mentioned en passant that slavery was perhaps regarded as a trifle infra dignitatem.

After being informed that slavery had been declared illegal some 60 years before Mafeking, he said that political correctness had obviously been around a lot longer than he thought. ‘In any event, the PM chose me particularly to make a statement reflecting the Conservative Party’s high regard for England’s rich history and heritage.’

Boris Johnson later said that Sir Brindsley had been appointed to some office or the other, and that he had been immediately sacked. ‘This demonstrates our commitment to our well-regarded policies on equality and diversity,’ he said. ‘To be utterly frank, I’d never even heard of him before today.’