Pingdemic PANIC as Downing Street urges people to “stop ordering groceries” with NHS app

HUNGRY BREXIT : Downing Street has issued a rare plea for compliance on behalf of the Great British public as the consequences of its choices come back to bite.

It’s believed the Prime Minister himself will dress as a supermarket shelf stacker today as reports of shortages of food across the U.K. flood social media.

“He’ll go to his local Sainsbury’s and stack the shelves with those amazing new cardboard shelf fillers that supermarkets are using to show where food used to be,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views.

“It will be riveting viewing. There will be some gags along the way too. It won’t all be hard work. I reckon there’s an odds on chance of a reference to The Peloponnesian War too.”

The cardboard shelf fillers have become a stand out feature of grocery shopping recently as supermarkets attempt to reassure shoppers that there will be adequate food. But to some they look like the chalk outline where a grocery murder occurred.

“It’s important that everyone understands it’s not Brexit that is to be blame,” the source adds, “the Continental HGV drivers were always getting stuck in English villages because they used foreign satnavs. Instead of learning to navigate properly they gave up. It’s nothing to do with Brexit and Priti Patel ending freedom of movement once and for all.”

Additional causes of the food shortages appear to be the NHS app, which keeps telling people to stay home to slow the spread of the virus.

“That is incredibly irresponsible and works contrary to the let it rip policy we’ve adopted, although does help confuse people and muddy our true intentions, I grant you.”

However it’s a hidden flaw in the app which has been called out for doing the most damage.

“Giving people a 10% discount on grocery deliveries if they get pinged has been disastrous. In my opinion we need to spend another £37bn and have Dido redesign it to just be about viruses and not online food deliveries.”

BREAKING : Downing Street plans to redesign Union Flag in “hi vis”

SHOUT LOUDER SO THEY CAN HEAR YOU : Great news today for anyone concerned the United Kingdom is becoming less visible on the global map since its reinvention as Global Britain.

Fearless Prime Minister Boris Johnson maybe self isolating on a country estate so massive no one can find him but that doesn’t mean he’s idle, all the time.

It’s alleged the booze has not stopped flowing since he took the sensible precaution of allegedly retrospectively changing his geographical location on the day he was deciding whether or not to take the piss out of self isolation rules, or do what he does best and make an example of himself.

“The cellars are Chequers maybe at risk of being empty by the time the PM finishes his seclusion,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “But the blue sky will be full of magical thinking.

It seems mostly the PM has turned his attention to destabilising the peace process in Northern Ireland, in the hope of blackmailing the EU into changing the Brexit Deal.

“But he’s also given some thought to the need for the country to update its national symbols to better exemplify its new reality. The flag clearly needs a redesign.”

Any redesign must be in keeping with the man himself which is why all Union Flags will soon be much brighter and impossible to miss.

“We’re redoing the flag in hi vis. This way no one will be able to ignore Global Britain. And everyone will have to take us seriously as a risk,” the source confirms, “This spikes the guns of the nationalists in the colonial provinces too. You want to redesign our flag Sturgeon? Too late! We’ve beaten you to it!”

The other tangible benefit of the recoloured flag will be to better represent the UK’s government.

“Run a hi vis filter over the Union Flag and it looks just like UKIP’s. Which is especially fitting when you look at Boris Johnson’s nasty, little xenophobic government. Plus, it’ll be a boom to the flag and bunting industry in China.”

BREAKING : Boris Johnson says no one has ever called him a liar

SHAPESHIFTER : World King of dissembling, truth twisting, gaslighting and use of racist tropes for short term political advantage, Donald Trump, has thrown his support behind his beleaguered mini Trump in England, Boris Johnson.

That’s if you can believe this fabrication, which is more honest and real than anything either of those two bloviating megacockwombles would come out with.

The support has been made necessary by a sudden trend in the U.K. to label the Prime Minister a liar, because he is.

“That’s no lie,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “Boris Johnson has a rich history of total disregard for the truth which has only been exacerbated by attaining high office. But we would appreciate it if no one mentioned it.”

Unfortunately for the PM the Labour MP Dawn Butler did mention it in the demob atmosphere of the House of Commons, just prior to the whole show going off for six weeks holiday, in the ongoing pandemic.

“Sir Keir is getting a little pricklier too,” the source notes, “and we can only hope these events aren’t a sign that the official opposition is deciding to oppose. That isn’t in our plan.”

The need to call out lies and oppose as forcefully as possible has been present in the U.K. since, well, forever, as it’s theoretically a representative democracy. But the need is all the more pressing since the criminally corrupted, advisory referendum which decided the country’s future on the basis of a mountain of horseshit. And each day the need grows stronger.

“We haven’t had to deal with an opposition for years so let’s just hope calling old Boris a liar isn’t the start of a disturbing trend!”

For his part the PM has been on early release down in Chequers but is expected to issue a statement later today on the state of the palace’s wallpaper.

“He will also address what happened in parliament yesterday,” the source adds, “and deny it happened, before going on to affirm in half remembered Ancient Greek that no one has ever called him a liar.”

Know thyself. The PM does and he does not give a shit.

Goverment to legislate that “lies equal truth” to prevent PM being called a liar in Parliament

THE SMELL OF A BURNING PANTS FIRE : DOWNING STREET has reacted swiftly today to the Prime Minister Boris Johnson being called a liar in the House of Commons by Labour MP Dawn Butler. The MP was asked to withdraw the statement of provable reality several times before being shown the door by the Deputy Speaker, who apparently has to defend insanity by convention.

It’s been a standing order of British flavour democracy that MPs can lie through their teeth in the House of Commons and face no consequence, especially in the post-truth Brexit era. That an MP would be so determined to state the bleeding obvious has come as a shock to the largely honour based system that we have.

“It’s just not on,” a 10 Downing Street source commented, “the PM is an ageing, privileged man and as such we all have to maintain the pretence he is above reproach, even when he’s a complete and utter binfire, morally, ethically and in terms of governance. How do we continue the farce if MPs are going to kick against convention?”

How indeed. Thankfully the executive has accumulated an impressive amount of tyrannical powers to use as it sees fit and it will do just that.

“We’re taking the Gordian knot approach,” the source continued. “We’re not going to get tied up in endless knots and twists and turns over the PM being a provable liar. We’ll just use a statutory instrument to change reality and cut right through the issue.”

The change will be effective immediately and take the form of a simple severing of the final link between the UK’s government and anything approaching sanity.

“We’ll just pass a law this evening over dinner that means that lies are now truth. Are equal to and really greater than. After that rebel Labour MPs can say what they want. The law will prove reality is different to whatever they can prove. It’s a continuation of strong and stable government.”

“Blitz Spirit is more than sufficient to handle food shortages” – Downing Street

A SPOONFUL OF SUGAR : DOWNING STREET is to “hit back” today at the lack of patriotism in the general population as the inevitable Brexit food shortages begin.

It’s believed concern has been growing within the executive for many weeks over what is perceived as a “lack of true grit” amongst voters which is threatening to “undermine the settled will of the people”.

It’s understood a special working group will be set up at “maximum taxpayer expense” to formulate “a plan with more roundabouts and u-turns in it than the Tour de France” to take the fight to “the British people”.

A poster campaign is planned on bus shelters and billboards with morale building slogans such as “weight loss is great loss” and “keep life moving”. As soon as a word that rhymes with “fasting” is found those two will also form the basis of a robust slogan.

“We can’t have all this moaning just because there’s no fresh fruit and veg,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “People have had more than long enough to dig compost into their apartment balconies and prepare their own allotments.”

Mercifully supplies of fine food, delicacies and wines for MPs are not yet under threat.

“The RAF is on standby to airlift in whatever vintages we are running short of,” the source reassures, “and a special cash fund called ‘Liquid Emergency’ has been set aside so aircrew can purchase bottles directly from vintners on the Continent.”

The people however are reminded to be respectful of the “demands of high office and the requirement to keep well lubricated”.

“It’s important everyone blames the food shortages on Brussels or the pandemic,” the source adds. “It is of no consequence that there are no food shortages across the Channel. UK media never bother to look further than the White Cliffs of Dover.”

You can do your bit by stiffening your upper lip and giving your kids a “swift clip behind the ears” should they complain about cat litter replacing cereal for breakfast.

At no stage must anyone seek to undermine Brexit. Priti Patel will soon be making that a crime.

Johnson to make White Cliffs of Dover into British Mount Rushmore to celebrate end of pandemic

YOU’D HAVE TO BE STONED: The prime minister of the United Kingdom, Boris Johnson, has hit the ground running in efforts to make Brits smile now the pandemic is over.

“He wants to chisel out his legacy,” a curvaceous blonde, claiming to be a Johnson aide, told LCD Views, “most prime ministers make the mistake of waiting till they are near the end of their time to think about legacy. Boris is too smart for that. Look what happened to David Cameron? Danny Dyer has written his legacy, everyone now thinks of Cameron as the twat with his trotters up in a shepherd’s hut shed. Theresa May? OMFG.  Such a bonfire. Boris isn’t going to make the same rookie error.”

To avoid others writing his legacy it’s believed Mr Johnson is planning to carve out a symbolic statement that none will be able to ignore.

“The White Cliffs of Dover as so boring anyway,” the aide shrugged, “but once the many faces of Boris are chiselled into them, they will be an unmistakable picture of what happened to the UK in the 21st Century.”

In order to speed construction of the spectacle it’s thought Mr Johnson will declare a state of emergency.

“Gove is right behind the idea,” the aide reveals, “Boris ran into him while he was out jogging. They had a good chat about it. They really looked each other in the eyes, as neither was about to turn their back on the other. Boris said he would make Gove head of the project. Gove agreed readily, although he said maybe Rupert Murdoch should be on the cliff too? But they can settle that later. I don’t think Boris is going to go for that. He’s so many faces, you don’t need anyone else.”

It’s believed the money for the monumental exercise will come from the Brexit dividend.

“Don’t tell anyone, because I can’t vouch for this, but I heard he’s planning a windfall tax on the bank accounts of nurses. He’ll give a symbolic pound back to the NHS, and the rest will be spent constructing Mount Borismore at Dover.”

“Only a super genius would help an idiot become PM” – Dominic Cummings

KNOW THYSELF : The United Kingdom is globally regarded as possessing some of the finest accents and biggest idiots ever seen on the planet, and most of them are currently in government. But you don’t have to be in government to be a world beating idiot. And you don’t have to be in government to give interviews.

The idiot in question today is of course self-obsessed, self-appointed super-genius Dominic Cummings. The architect of the lies that won it for Leave and so these days, HGV driver shortages.

Mr Cummings has been prickly since birth, but none more so since the incoming American government of Joe Biden phoned 10 Downing Street last December to say he had to go. Out the front door holding a cardboard box. Because that’s how US viewers want to see high profile firings.

Mr Johnson may have done what he had to do to keep his name on the scrap of paper used as a bookmark in Mr Biden’s good book, but Dom is never going to be reconciled to it. It’s pay pack time. The man who knows all is telling all.

“It’s just a shame he’s only, so far, told us the bleeding obvious,” our Westminster watcher comments. “Thanks Dom, we’ve been living through the endless shithousery you’ve helped orchestrate, we know it. And the people who need to hear it read the Mail, so well let’s have a slow hand clap for Dom.”

While that savage criticism holds good as a general principle to anything Dom has done since leaving No 10, last night’s interview with the Conservative Party media relations manager did hold one nugget of novelty.

“I knew Boris Johnson was completely unsuitable for office. That’s why I helped put him into Downing Street,” Mr Cummings said (well that or words like it), “and I did it because I’m a super genius.”

Study reveals British public no longer know “What we pay the government for?”

PENNY WISE : A wide ranging and comprehensive survey has revealed the Great British Public no longer know what they pay their government for?

The survey, which consisted of reactions to one post on Twitter by this global publishing megahouse, received limited but encouraging feedback. Given that we are in 21st century Brexitannia that is all that is required for a raft of policy changes and opinion pieces.

“No one has the foggiest,” lead researcher, Doctor Puffin’ Stuffed, asserts, “the centre to left clearly think it’s a giant waste of cash. What with the rapid regression of the country to feudalism (complete with plague!) under the current parliament, and the ones preceding it. But the gammon aren’t best pleased either. Desperate people keep making it to our shores. If Priti Patel and Dan the Clandestine Channel Threat Commander are to earn their keep, how the hell is that happening? Why haven’t laser guided, specially trained combat sharks been released to patrol the English Channel? AND DID YOU KNOW THE FRENCH CALL THE english CHANNEL ‘la Manche’? WHY HAVEN’T WE INVADED FRANCE?”

The confusion is well founded, especially when you consider how many additional jobs members of parliament are allowed to take on, with a few hours work often exceeding their MP salary. You can even get your flat refurbed by donors. Who cares about running the country? Except as a racket.

But sadly for the opposition it isn’t much better. There’s a suspicion that decades of enrichment of Labour leaders, Union bosses, head teachers and so on has been an exceptionally clever wheeze by the right wing to draw them into the establishment. If you’re in the establishment and become a multi-millionaire off the status quo, there is perhaps limited internal desire to change it. Although some weekends will be set aside for waving placards.

Unfortunately for the people there maybe limited impact if they simply stop paying members of parliament.

“Most of them have sufficient external streams of income, well padded nests, offshore investments, wealthy donors and so on. They’ll miss the spare change of the MPs salary, but it’ll be fine if they still have the subsidised bar.”

It’s almost like the entire show is no longer fit for purpose.

Follow the rules, says man who makes up the rules as he goes along

SETTING A GOOD EXAMPLE: The rules are there to protect everyone, claims Crime Minister Boris “The Virus Man” Johnson. Particularly himself, it seems. 

“It’s very simple, folks,” Johnson waffled in a suspiciously pre-recorded statement. “Follow the rules, follow the science, follow the van, don’t dilly dally on the way, build back better, levelling up, erm, erm, yes, no, wiff waff, vaccines!” 

Characteristic clarity, we can all agree. 

“Rules are there to help us all get through this pandemic,” he continued, gamely attempting to sound grave. “And if I don’t like the rules, then I change them, because freedom is the way to beat the virus. And vaccines. Lots of lovely vaccines. So follow the rules, follow the science, follow… yes, no, erm, I’ve already done that bit, wiff waff, and if I change the rules without telling anyone, then tough. It’s up to you now! Vaccines vaccines vaccines!”

Science is a wonderful thing. It takes all the available evidence and draws reasoned conclusions. Government Science, however, operates in reverse. Government Science takes the desired conclusion and twists the evidence to fit. 

The Johnson government excels at Government Science. 

Freedom Day is just one example. “Data, not dates,” they crowed sanctimoniously, before fixing a date and ignoring the data. 

LCD Views decided to investigate a little deeper, so we spoke to the ubiquitous anonymous Number Ten source. 

“Follow the rules, how much clearer can we be?” said the Source irritably. 

What are the current rules on, say, wearing a mask in public?

“You should wear a mask if you like,” said the Source. “But you don’t have to if you don’t want to. Simple.” 

How does that help public health? 

“Public health? What the devil has this got to do with public health?” exclaimed the Source. “It’s about sowing confusion and dodging responsibility. Good day to you.” 

You should follow the rules, then. But not if you don’t like the rules. Seems fair. 

U.K. PM to continue to self isolate from personal responsibility while at Chequers

NOT WAVING DROWNING : Important news from Chequers today as the U.K. Prime Minister Spaffer Johnson begins his period of self-isolation in the cramped confines of the country estate.

“He’s just like your average voter,” a source inside the mansion told LCD Views. “When notified that he’d been in contact with a confirmed case, in this case his Health Secretary, he wondered at first if he could flout the rules and carry on like normal? This not being possible he hightailed it out of dodge so he had 1,500 acres to isolate in. This does actually make the public a lot safer.”

But critics have suggested that the mere physical removal of the country’s Prime Minister from central London makes no difference while he’s still in post.

“I mean the guy who took your freedom of movement across an entire continent off you is telling you today is freedom day as the lethal virus rages in the U.K.? As other countries exercise their sovereignty and tell us to stay away? He’s an arch pisstaker, I’ll give him that. Field Marshall Gaslight.”

Clearly the real flaw in the most recent debacle is the public getting to find out the Health Secretary has the virus to begin with.

“It’s a total joke. We’re supposed to be building a fascist autocracy and leaks like this keep happening? There will need to be a full and thorough inquiry to work out how the public keeps learning things that are in the public interest. Like how incompetent the ministers are.”

But there will at least be consistent, strong and stable leadership from the PM while he hides from the consequences of his choices at Chequers.

“Be in no doubt, your Prime Minister will continue to self isolate from personal responsibility during his stay at Chequers. Even when he’s having a lie in.”