Ian Botham gets peerage intended for Chris Grayling

HIT FOR SIX: Peerages are usually reserved for time served. Downing Street intended to honour Chris Grayling, for his unparalleled record of failure. However, an unforeseen rebellion by the Committee saw the peerage awarded instead to former England cricket captain Ian Botham.

Lord Beefy of Brexit, as he will henceforward be known, was delighted. The only real justification he has is his support for Brexit. It is as if a rained-off day of Test cricket in Manchester had been replaced by replays of Botham’s heroics in the Headingley Ashes victory of 1981.

Botham, an excellent, talismanic player but rubbish captain, gave his expert analysis of the situation. “England is an island,” he said, sagely. “And it should stay like that!”

Grayling, meanwhile, was left to contemplate what might have been. “They told me the peerage was a done deal,” he moped. “I was the preferred candidate, all I needed to do was to show up at the right time, which I did, although two hours late as I misunderstood the instructions. And so they give it to someone successful! Kicked upstairs doesn’t mean what it used to mean!”

Other former stars are also fuming at the lack of honours. “It’s completely and utterly out of OOOOOORRRRDDDEEERRRRR!” bellowed one time Speaker of the House of Commons, John Bercow. “If tradition and cronyism counted for anything, then my peerage should have been in the post a year ago. I can’t believe they tried to give it to that nitwit Grayling!”

Other sporting heroes have also been disgruntled about the honour. “I’m Brexity too,” whinged his close contemporary Peter Shilton, the highly capped England goalkeeper. “I could be a Lord too. It hasn’t be any harder than keeping goal for Leicester City!”

He has a point.

It is strange that when sportsmen criticise Brexit that they are told to “stick to football”, or whichever sport they once played. Whereas Botham is ennobled.

Who knows why? I’m completely stumped.

Tory MPs prepare to accuse Russia of stuffing their pockets with cash “while our backs were turned!”

HOW DID THIS WAD GET INTO MY PADS : THE RULING POLITICAL PARTY OF ENGLAND, The Conservative and Increasingly Un-Unionist Party, are now attempting to get ahead of the findings of a long repressed report.

“The news that Russian businessmen and women, linked to the President (for life) of Russia, have been stuffing our pockets with currency is completely astounding,” one entirely fictional MP told LCD Views, off the record.

“I mean, I knew something was amiss. My bank account started showing Roubles in it in an account I have no recollection of setting up at all. I am seriously looking into how to take the money out of all those helicopter flights and return it. I’m sure that it’s been transferred to me in error in those brown paper bags that I mistakenly deposited in that tax haven bank account. Bloody sneaky. The cheek of them!”

What the Russians will do once the money is returned isn’t clear, given they’ve already lit the fuse on the demolition of the UK by virtue of Brexit.

“The American money is okay though? Isn’t it?” The anonymous (and fictional) MP was desperate to know.

“Stuffing our pockets by accident with US neocon money is a sensible precaution in case the Russians stop donating? It’s in our constitution. Isn’t it?”

A support group is to be established for the afflicted MPs and training given to not be so careless in the future.

“I mean it’s not really on. You turn your back during a friendly tennis match, just to get some water and a towel, and when you turn back there’s a packet of cash in your pockets. It really interrupts handling of the balls.”

Handling of the balls of Tory MPs, by certain people, may also be mentioned in the long repressed Intelligence report on foreign interference.

“Good thing we got Brexit done. Otherwise we’d be in a right pickle. People pay for things they expect them delivered. Not that anyone paid me for anything. They just helped with my re-election. Which is what you expect of good patriots. Comrade. Total recall, especially when it’s time for deflection.”

Mask on/Mask off – Michael Gove not required to wear mask as “only humans breathe out CV-19”

DROWNING STREET : 10 DOWNING STREET has sought to eliminate the confusion regarding where masks should be worn to prevent the preventable spread of Covid-19.

How the public became confused isn’t yet clear, with some unfairly saying it’s the government’s fault.

To clear things up they have allowed a representative from Michael Gove’s home planet to speak on their behalf.

“We here on Planet Void breathe through our skins,” Zeetabroid 9F told LCD Views, “so whether or not guidelines [to halt the CV-19 pandemic] have been changed, in reaction to the Minister for the Cabinet Office purchasing a sandwich without a mask, is not important.”

The spokesman from the Planet Void went on to comment on how ridiculous the furore looked from afar.

“What value do you place on human life? Especially the lives of people you don’t know? It must be pitiably more than we do, or we wouldn’t have sent you Gove. And may I take the opportunity to say what a wonderful job he has done. Along with his cousin, Classic Fumblefinger, known to you as Dominic Cummings, they’ve left a trail of destruction since they began education reforms a decade ago. They really did land on their feet finding that class idiot Johnson to use, all twenty seven of their feet.”

Although there was a note of sadness in the alien’s report.

“We’re pleased to say Gove will remain on Planet Earth until his work is completed. And his work will never be completed. Mwahahahahaha.”

The note of sadness is of course the deadened tone in the hearts of humans hoping that Gove will one day return home.

Chris Grayling too intelligent and secure for the Intelligence and Security Committee, says Downing Street

FIFTY SHADES OF GRAYLING: The curse of Chris Grayling has struck again. His unerring ability to mess up the simplest situation remains unaffected, even in his absence.

True to form, Number Ten has tried to spin failure as world beating success. Grayling, says the PM’s office, is just too intelligent and too safe a pair of hands to chair the Intelligence and Security Committee.

The now notorious Russia Report is at the heart of Downing Street’s rationale. The usual job of the Intelligence and Security Committee, it reasons, is to leak titillating details of the Report to selected journalists, in return for cash. A man such as Grayling, with his mind on a higher plane, would be likely to leave the whole report, unredacted, for free, next to his face mask, on the 6.47 to Epsom.

Friends of Grayling have been quick to leap to the great man’s defence. “Chris was simply overqualified for the position,” claims longstanding chum Trevor Clever. “He is frequently voted Britain’s Smartest MP, and it’s a very competitive field. Chris always wins, even though he’s usually up against Boris Johnson, Priti Patel and even James Cleverly!”

LCD Views naturally wanted to speak with Grayling himself. Unfortunately, his chief aide, Alec Smartt, confessed over the telephone that his boss was so given to esoteric and profound thought, that mundane matters like working out how to talk via Zoom were too far below him. “He can’t even use a telephone without accidentally emptying the vaults of the Bank of England,” admitted Smartt. “His thoughts are so powerful, they affect everyone within range, like an aura. On the Committee, I can see him disclosing Britain’s nuclear codes and Dominic Cummings’ personal phone number simply because he is too busy squaring circles.”

Is this the same sophistication which led him to spaff millions of pounds on a ferry company without ferries?

“Naturally,” confirmed Smartt. “He deduced that the name Seaborne Freight was a fiendishly complex double bluff, within half a millisecond. His integrity is such that he never suspected that it was a gruesomely simple fraud.”

In his leisure time, Grayling is believed to inhabit a room with walls padded like a luxury sofa, while wearing a straitjacket. This, it is believed, is the only way to protect his immediate surroundings from the power of his brainwaves.

It’s all clear now. We have had enough of experts.

Julian Lewis kicked out of Tory party for being smarter than Chris Grayling

SURVIVAL OF THE THICKEST: The coup over the chair of the Intelligence and Security Committee has claimed its first victim. The victor, Julian Lewis, has been de-Toried for proving himself more intelligent than Chris Grayling.

This begs the question: if being cleverer than Chris Grayling is a sackable offence – and it’s a very low bar – what does that say about the remaining MPs?

So now the fate of the Russia Report, an allegedly explosive document detailing how the Russians paid for Brexit and the election in December 2019, is in the hands of a man potentially hostile to Boris Johnson. Lewis could extract his revenge by publishing the whole thing, unredacted, and condemn the Vote Leave government. Who would have thought that a petulant knee-jerk reaction could have such extreme consequences?

Obviously not Way Past His Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, and his de facto boss, “Classic” Dom Cummings. Johnson, judging by his hapless efforts at Prime Minister’s Questions, doesn’t have any more than the most basic thought in his head. Cummings is either less brilliant or less frightening than he clearly believes he is.

This has become something of a pattern. Act first, fill in the details later, if at all. Don’t worry about the consequences, you can blame them on somebody else. And, as with virtually everything else this government touches, the consequences are the opposite of what they promise will happen. Does exactly what it doesn’t say on the tin, you might say.

Suddenly, the race to the bottom of the barrel had become interesting. All it takes is someone to throw a spanner into the barrel reserved for fish shooting. The cat is among the pigeons and feathers will surely fly. The Russia Report could well be published as MPs go on their summer jollies. If so, it is likely that many will not return.

But it’s not all bad news. Vladivostok is lovely this time of year.

Tory MPs to wear face masks so you can’t see their lips moving

FACE MASKS FOR DUMMIES: Government chief adviser Dominic Cummings has announced that blue face masks will be compulsory, for all Conservative MPs, outside the family home. The move is designed to provide leadership and clarity for the British public.

Due to negative connotations, use of the word mask will be discontinued and the more inclusive term facial covering will be adopted. Members are urged to achieve the required levels of fit and facial coverage when placing their orders, and an online training aid is available. Cummings also announced MPs will not be giving any interviews due to the facial coverings. He stated, “We do not want government communications to sound mumbled, unclear or incoherent and we don’t want to have to endlessly repeat the same things to get our message across. Until we get a vaccine all future governmental communication will be via meme. Acme-me, a one-man band, run from a garden shed between Durham and Barnard Castle, has been awarded the contract.”

East Midlands MP Andrew Airbridgen said, “I an proud to reveal that all facial coverings will be British made. I have received a letter from a Constituent, who said he could supply the equipment from Ye Olde Sweet Shoppe in Leicester, although Sweet was incorrectly spelled as Swet.” When asked about the spelling he went on to say, “It was obviously a simple spelling mistake. As part of our more inclusive levelling up agenda, the ability to spell will be lesss rellyvant.”

Almost all MPs were surprised by the early morning Cummings, but agreed with the policy. One MP, whose secretary is also his wife, said of the announcement, “Well, it came a little sooner than we expected this morning and she wasn’t able to catch it all, but I think she got the message.”

Many older male MPs were worried they may not be able to achieve the facial coverage levels required by the rules.

Several younger female MPs expressed concern about the standard of facial coverings, as they spend a lot of time and money on their appearance. One said, “I don’t need my hair messing up due to a badly done facial covering!”

A more senior female member, Honey Trapp, who spent decades sliding up and down various ministerial greasy poles, said with a knowing smile, “Succumbing to a little facial covering may benefit their careers.” Other female members accepted the move but were not happy about it. “They will just have to take it on the chin,” remarked Trapp.

Later, UK Internet was almost brought to a standstill, due to searches for the online ten-minute training aid. Internet providers were astonished by the levels of video downloads and the time spent watching them, after googling Cummings Facial Coverings. This phenomenon was also thought to be responsible for an outbreak of nudging, winking (know what I mean?) and infantile giggling in Commons bars.

Several MP’s wives/secretaries were rushed to A&E with suspected PTSD, and there has been an unprecedented rise in wrist injuries/Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. It is thought Ann Widdicombe, a lifelong supporter of complete withdrawal, may never recover after Mark Francois asked her to give him a hand with the matter.

A spokesman for No.10 said: “In keeping with recent government policy, the new initiative will be called About Face. British facial coverings will be the envy of the world and will take a lot of beating. We have already chosen a delegation of MPs to ensure this is the case. Their first task will be a fact-finding mission to Amsterdam, where there’s a vibrant facial covering industry. We are hoping for cross party support, it’s vital that everyone is pulling together on this initiative”. Michael Gove is believed to have signed up already.

The final word must go to a seasoned parliamentarian and former father of the house, Kent Clark, who commented, “I don’t know what all the fuss is about. Conservative MPs have been masquerading as representatives of the people since Adam was a lad”.

No Covid-19 : “New Zealand is a fictional country and we can learn nothing there” – says Downing Street

LOOK INTO MY EYES : Downing Street has responded to the announcement by the fictional country New Zealand (it’s in Pacific Ocean fables and myths) by reminding Britons of an oft forgot, salient point.

“New Zealand is a fictional country and we can learn nothing there,” a Downing Street source asserted today.

“Jacinda Ardern is an imaginary construct, after the manner of Wonder Woman and Captain Marvel. There is nothing to learn by obsessing over make believe countries with fictional leaders. Especially not when it comes to Covid-19.”

The news will be welcomed by Britons, many of whom are routinely baffled by why their own country’s Covid-19 response is so world beating. And why the contracts dished out like candy for PPE always seem to go to Dom’s mates.

“No one has done more to keep his country safe than Boris ‘hic’ Johnson. He’s basically Superman. If Superman cheats on his wives, says fuck business, naps a lot and let’s an unelected advisor run the country for him. Which Superman does. We all know that.”

In accordance with the new geographical guidance maps will be updated.

“We’re going to have to remove New Zealand from the maps. We don’t want impressionable voters getting the wrong idea. Besides which, even if New Zealand was real, which it’s not, it’s an island. This explains why they were able to control Covid-19 so fast and we couldn’t. It’s nothing to do with the fictional prime minister Ardern putting public health first. Rather than using the pandemic as an opportunity to rob the country blind and enrich one’s mates. Which is exactly what the WHO advise to do.”

Government advises wearing face masks now one of Cummings’ mates is selling them

BEHIND THE MASK (allegedly): Government advice changes so quickly it is hard to keep up sometimes. But now there is hard and fast guidance. Wearing a face mask in public is to become compulsory, ever since Dominic Cummings revealed to Boris Johnson that one of his mates is distributing them.

How quickly the mask of public decency has been stripped away. The public are expected to mask up, and pay through the nose to do so. Meanwhile, any pretence that this is not a blatant means of cashing in on the covid crisis has gone.

At least it is out in the open, along with gatherings of no more than six people. PPE money is being directed into phantom companies whose directors are connected to Cummings and the government. Money is being spaffed on apps, oddly enough developed by Cummings’ associates, that don’t work, There is no end to the rush to stick snouts into the trough for possibly the last time before No Deal Brexit empties it for good.

“I’ve known Dom for a long time,” admitted PPE seller Fay Scuvering. “In fact at school he was my boyfriend for a while, but I found him to be too controlling. We stayed friends though, in as much as Dom ever has friends. I think he rather admired my talent for stealing the first years’ lunches then selling it back to them at inflated prices.”

This is a talent that must come in very handy during the current fraudocracy.

“Indeed,” agreed Scuvering. “I get my old mum and her isolated friends to make face masks out of old bits of cloth. Then I sell them to frightened hipsters for £25 each, or more if they are stupid enough to cough up. Mum thinks I’m taking them to the local church and the food bank, the silly mare.”

Crisis, what crisis? It’s just another opportunity to make a profit. Your money or your life! Or both, of course.

Boris Johnson says Dover lorry park will be “world beating”

DOVER AND OUT: Crime Minister Boris Johnson is very pleased that a huge swathe of classic English countryside is to disappear under concrete. The size, scope and pointlessness of the new lorry park are already being described as being “world beating”.

£705m is being spaffed up the wall on this pollution solution. This unusual amount of money is the equivalent of seven phantom PPE contracts.

Who wins when you pave paradise and put up a parking lot? The unspoken conclusion is that Dominic Cummings must have mates who own a concrete mixer.

Unfortunately for the government, there is only one Labour-held constituency in Kent, Canterbury, and even Dominic Cummings is reluctant to knock down the cathedral. So instead they are using the back yard of disgraced remainer and laptop abuser, Damien Green.

Green is incensed by this development, which was predicted the moment the Brexit vote was won. “Nobody voted for this!” he thundered, while failing to point out that, apparently, everyone knows exactly what they voted for.

The owner of the gorgeous greenfield site selected for development, Ken Tishops, was apoplectic. “I only heard about this today!” he grumbled, gnawing viciously on a stalk of grass. “I’m supposed to turn more than 27 acres of prime hop growing land into a fully fledged lorry park by Friday!”

How are you doing to do that?

“They just said, ‘Get it done’,” he said. “‘Get it done. Then get the hell off the land and do one.'”

Parking lots generally have famous figures buried beneath them. In this instance, it will be the neutral civil servants who have been ‘retired’ for standing up to Cummings.

What plans have been made for supplying diesel, food and drink, and toilet facilities for the stranded drivers?

“Plans? What plans?” despaired Tishops. “They haven’t even specified where the access road will be. It will be a white elephant, useless before it is even opened, and my hop fields will be gone. Somebody is making a packet out of it, you can be sure of that, and it certainly isn’t me!”

Nigel Farage will open the lorry park, waving a Union Jack triumphantly while the last few bits of concrete are poured onto the ground.

Needless destruction, nonexistent planning, money spaffed up the wall. World beating!

EU react to U.K. decision to build lorry park in Kent by installing giant box of popcorn in Calais

OUR THICKEST HOUR : Fresh cries of bullying laid at the door of the undemocratic, tyrannical, bureaucratic, red tape producing super state across the ENGLISH Channel today – by Brexiters, as the EU announced its reaction to the Kent lorry super park.

“This just shows how unwilling they are to renegotiate the renegotiated Withdrawal Agreement,” an ERG spokesman told LCD Views, in between bashes of his forehead into a wall. “Get me an ice pack will you. I’ve got a headache coming on. I’ve no idea why.”

And the ERG wasn’t alone.

Well known hand artist and Kent MP, Mr Green, was also riled up by the lorry park decision.

“They can’t install the world’s largest box of popcorn at Calais. It’s undemocratic. I didn’t switch from supporting remain to backing Brexit purely in the hope of preserving my career. I’m far from alone in that.”

But in spite of the protests from the departing member state, the EU seems intent on the installation.

“We aim to have the lasting monument to British exceptionalism completed by the end of the summer,” an engineer working at the site confirmed.

“The box will be self-replenishing with fresh popcorn. A fleet of drones will ferry servings out to all who come to watch events across the Chanel Anglaise. And we are paying for it from funds that used to go to the regions of the UK. It’s a win-win.”

Asked what they expected to see across the Channel, the engineer grinned.

“Truckers dogging in Kent. For one. And by the way, there will be a special stand erected for the Scottish, when they get here. Also the Welsh and Northern Irish. The Cornish too, if they like. You English, you are a funny bunch. Grab some popcorn, if you can get any next year, and enjoy your liberté!”