Dominic Raab advises food bank users “solve their temporary cash flow” problem by landing a PPE contract

THE MAN WHO HAS NEVER HEARD NO : FOREGIN SECRETARY Dominic Raab has today visited a food bank. There are no details concerning what food he brought to donate, if any.

“It’s best to visit the living testimonials to your government’s achievements,” an aide to the geographically challenged Foreign Secretary told LCD Views, “when you consider how withered the food bank sector was in 2010, and contrast that to now? Dominic has a lot to visit. He could basically do nothing but visit food banks and he would never rest. They should probably create a minister for visiting food banks. Especially when you think what’s coming down the line in 2021!”

But it’s not just enough to go to the places that speak to the heart of your governing philosophy, you have to dispense advice. You have to help people improve themselves. If only they believed they could land a high paying job. It’s all about achieving the right accident of birth to start with, and then building on it.

“He wasn’t mansplaining,” the aide was definite, “let’s get that settled right at the start. And mercifully he wasn’t attempting to teach anyone orienteering. Ha! Do you remember when he lost that entire classroom in the Brecon Beacons? Actually, you probably don’t. We hushed the entire fabricated story up. I’m sure the kids are being raised perfectly fine by the wolves. They’ll probably get a movie deal out of it when they finally claw their way out of a ravine and stumble into a town.”

Well, what did he say?

“He solved it for food bank users, experiencing temporary cash flow problems. He told them to get a government PPE contract, untendered, and they’d never want for money ever again. And the best part, you don’t actually have to deliver any PPE!”

Nice work if you can get it.

Boris TIRDS to level up and power the North post Brexit

ASHES TO ASHFORD : Following events in Ashford we can exclusively reveal further developments are planned by our wise and all seeing government.

“Apparently, a government adviser took a wrong turning on the A1 and noticed a ferry port on the Humber,” our infrastructure specialist reports.

“He immediately contacted a friend, who owned local firm Goole Maps, to produce a report. After reading the report, cabinet ministers were shocked that such infrastructure existed outside the South East.”

The report also revealed, virtually all the ferry ports served EU/EEA destinations, and several extra lorry parks were needed.

Eight days ago, we were reliably informed, that Sylvester (Sly) Uppshot MP for Maidensvale will take on a new cabinet post to oversee the projects. We negotiated an early sighting of his report, in return for our help in getting some of his work published.

The report is too long to print in full, here are the main points.


All actions taken will involve a revolutionary new technique called joined up thinking, whereby each action will also support other areas of government policy. Something that has not been tried since 2015.

1. The new facilities will be named Transport Infrastructure for Rolling Departures (TIRD), lorries will queue using procedures developed for airports, areas will be festooned in tape and lorries will go round and round until custom checks become available.

2. Excluding the Humber Region, all supermarket car parks within 50 miles of a ferry port will be compulsory purchased, to make space for the TIRDs. Supermarkets will only be accessible on, recently invented, bikes with a basket, which will help tackle the obesity problem. The bikes, designed in Britain, will be made in Malaysia by Dai-Sun Inc. Shoppers unable or unwilling to cycle will have to return to Britain’s High Streets, giving them a much-needed boost.

3. The Humber Region facility will concatenate Immingham and Grimsby to form the large Grim Ouse TIRD, both towns will get their fair share of the TIRD.

All residential property will be demolished, the benefits will be enormous, as the State pays almost all the council tax and rent in the area. Residents will be re-housed on caravan sites in, recently renamed, Skagness. The new revenue generated will provide a shot in the arm to existing residents of this Great British resort. The treasury will also benefit via the new 50% VAT rate on luxury items, which includes caravan rental, children and brown sauce.

4. Due to its proximity to the U.S.A., Liverpool TIRD will include an extra facility for sensitive military cargoes. The section will be staffed by U.S. personnel and will include an aquatic centre, where staff can indulge in the popular American pastime of water boarding. UK athletes will also use the facility to prepare for the inclusion of water boarding in the Olympics. The resulting improvements in U.K./U.S. relations will be invaluable to the U.K. in future trade talks.

5. Each TIRD, will feature 500 statues of Kim Kardashian performing squatting exercises. This will help the Arts community, encourage exercise and also aid Britain’s green initiatives by encouraging cycling, as staff and customers will have somewhere to park their bikes. All lorries will be cleaned before they leave and represent Britain abroad. Staff from the pandemic media centre have been drafted in to do the job due to their extensive turd polishing skills.

“The government excel at producing TIRDS and having their mouth pieces polish them,” our specialist adds, “and deal or no deal, come the end of the year the country will be covered in them.”

Boris Johnson to urge Scots to judge him by his actions and not his reputation

SMASHER IN CHIEF : HULK IS NOT THE ONLY ONE WHO SMASHES, British Prime Minister, Boris de piffle Johnson is also given to a bit of smash and grab. But unlike the famous green skinned superhero, Mr Johnson doesn’t break things fighting against injustice.

In this vein he’s off to Scotland to try and stop himself from breaking the Union.

“He’s got some great words planned,” an aide to the PM told LCD Views, “Dom’s worked him up a few slogans of course, but he’s also got some of the best, just the brightest, words of his own.”

And the words are occasionally multisyllabic.

“He’s going to reach right into the chests of Scots for their hearts. Grab those thumping organs and squeeze.”

But what is he going to say to them?

“He’s going to implore them to judge him by his actions and not his reputation.”


“To see him as he really is and not how he is portrayed in the biased right wing media.”

Are you sure they’ve thought this through?

“He’s going to ask the Scots to really think about why they voted to stay in the UK during the IndyRef in 2014. Was it because they liked being ruled by unelected bureaucrats? Or was it because of the way in which representative democracy is managed from Downing Street?”

It’s not too late to do something different you know?

“And he’ll finish by reminding them that we’re stronger together as a family of nations, values aligned, leveraging the strength of our combined industries, populations and the cost savings that come from a unified, single market.”

What date is Scottish independence again?

Boris Johnson correctly identifies a fridge in cognitive test focused on hiding places

A VERY STABLE GENIUS : By now everyone has been impressed by the mental abilities of President Donald Trump, who recently wowed the globe with his ability to identify an elephant. But it’s not just across the pond where a stable genius reigns.

“Comrade Johnsonov sees Comrade Trumpski as setting the low bar for him to follow under, in all things,” a Downing Street source told LCD Views, “in accordance with this Boris Johnson has also done a cognitive test.”

But he’s done it with a twist.

“He did not want to be accused of plagiarism, at home and abroad, so he’s taken a cognitive test, just like POTUS, but he’s taken a different cognitive test.”

Very stable. Very genius.

“The test Mr Johnson has taken is identical actually to a test routinely taken by Conservative MPs. They’re not going to insult your intelligence by taking a test to identify animals. Their inaction on climate change will see all those animals go extinct anyway. What’s the point of identifying something that doesn’t exist? Mr Johnson has taken a test to identify something cold and hard.”

What? A type of fridge?

“Oh, he’s already aced that test. Live on TV during the general erection campaign last year. No. The test Mr Johnson has taken was to identify Roubles from a range of currency outlines.”

Oh! Much more impressive! Given all bank notes are essentially the same shape! Much better than an elephant (in the room).

“Yes, you could say he’s banked it.”

Boris Johnson to cut ribbon at opening of London’s newest prestige laundromat

RINSE AND REPEAT : PRIME MINISTER BORIS JOHNSONOV IS A BUSY BOY THESE DAYS. Not only does he have to fit in a quarterly photoshoot with someone’s baby in his diary, he’s also to open London’s newest prestige laundromat.

“Not to mention tennis matches,” a Downing Street source told LCD Views, “he barely has time to rest on his laurels. Someone is always wanting to pay to hit his balls. Which is odd, given how many these days would do it for free. Why dirty his hands with the filthy lucre?”

And additional to these current, pressing commitments, he now has to turn up and cut ribbons.

“It’s not only turning the other cheek to foreign interference in UK democracy. He’s got to open essential financial services. Part of the post Brexit plan. You know, when we end manufacturing and food production, but expand the laundry business. You need a respectable front for all that. A grand visage. So what better than a prestige laundry business? He’s cutting the ribbon at Kompromat tomorrow.”

Presumably he’s going to make it through the event in one piece?

“He has so far, his whole career. He’s a classic useful idiot. Also a vain and greedy and horny one. It all helps.”

But what exactly is Kompromat offering?

“At Kompromat they can clean anything for you. It doesn’t matter how dirty or bloody it is when it comes in. Reputations? Come out squeaky clean, at least on the surface. Money looted out of poor villages? Have you thought about pressing it through London’s housing market? Professional, but these days, not very discrete.”

Kompromat. It doesn’t matter what’s sticking to you. We can clean it off. Half price sale on reputational cleaning begins tomorrow. Something’s happened in the UK market and knocked the shine off.

What have the Russians ever done for us, ask Tory MPs

RED FLAG: the Russia Report has raised any number of red flags. Disgruntled Tory MPs, who have voted for stuff they don’t really believe in because they are shit scared of “Classic” Dom Cummings, are asking why we are so keen to sell out to Russia in the first place.

What have the Russians ever done for us, is the cry, and it’s a good question. Roughly translated, it really means “Where’s the bribe – I mean, donation – you promised me?”

But apart from bribery, what have the Russians ever done for us? Well, there’s paying the government and security services to turn a blind eye to their activities. And there’s the huge amount of money laundering business they have brought to the London Laundromat.

Then there’s the abuse of social media by the deployment of trolls and bots. The trolls need somewhere to hide which is why Boris Johnson keeps building bridges.

But apart from bribery, money laundering and social manipulation, what have the Russians ever done for us? I suppose that they are quite good at poisoning spies with Novichok, Cold War style. Then there’s the massive effort to undermine democracy to ensure Brexit happened. That put an end to the EU’s efforts to clamp down on dodgy financial dealings, which would have broken up their cosy little party.

The Russia Report describes a government which is reluctant to act, even when it has advance warning of a problem. It describes a government that ignores the evidence placed before it. It describes a government that creates confusion by dividing responsibilities between different agencies, each thinking one of the others is in charge, and reduces their staffing levels and funding. Any parallels with its handling of the Covid crisis are entirely deliberate.

So, apart from bribery, money laundering, social manipulation, poisoning spies, and undermining democracy, what have the Russians ever done for us?

Vodka. And borscht. But mainly vodka.

Protection for the NHS removed: I don’t remember seeing that on the side of a bus

THE SICK MAN OF EUROPE: MPs voted to remove legislation that would have prevented the NHS from becoming a bargaining chip in future trade deals. It’s a far cry from the referendum bus which promised an extra £350m a week to the NHS.

Extensive research, or even a quick search on Google, reveals that Boris Johnson, Matt Hancock, and even Donald Trump have denied that the NHS is on the table as part of a trade deal. Now Parliament has voted against protecting it. The dead cat is amongst the pigeons now.

Parliament also voted down the right to scrutinize any future trade bills. So the NHS could be sold off without challenge. It’s a far cry from Take Back Control.

How did we get here? Promises made by Leavers are clearly not worth the bus they are painted on, although these promises were enough to win them crucial votes.

So the notorious referendum was won, at least in part, by lies. That’s before considering the alleged influence of Russian interests, and the subsequent elevation to de facto Prime Minister of alleged Russian double agent Dominic Cummings.

We have been told, time and time again, that Leave voters knew exactly what they were voting for. But they voted for extra money for the NHS. It was in big letters on a big red bus.

Leave voters voted for a better Britain, not one that sells its democracy to a foreign country. The racist ones voted for fewer foreigners, not more. They voted for the NHS, not against. Many of them were led up the garden path and sold down the river.

But the dismantling of the NHS was predictable the moment Brexit became policy. Far from holding all the cards, the UK is down to its last few pieces of family silver, which it will flog off cheaply and desperately to get a trade deal.

I don’t remember seeing any of that on the side of a bus.

MPs vote to have no say over trade deals out of concern it would get in the way of their holidays

LASTPARLIAMENT.COM : TORY MPS in the UK parliament voted overwhelmingly last night not to have any say in the negotiation and ratification of all the super fantastic new trade deals trade supremoes Raab and Truss are currently cooking up.

“It’s why we took back control from the EU in the first place,” one told LCD Views, “sovereignty. We won’t have UK trade policy decided in Brussels, with our input and our veto, it’s undemocratic. It’s about protecting the national interest from the bullying EU and its 700 million citizens. You remember when the little Belgian district of Wallonia refused to ratify that monster trade deal? The UK won’t stand for it. Big international players being held to ransom by small representative parliaments? What would the billionaires say? We didn’t stand for that. Now we’re free we don’t stand for anything. We’re elected representatives. We stood for that. Job for life, potentially, if you play your cards right and don’t cheese off Cummings. You know Dom? He’s the unelected bureaucrat now running the UK.”

And while it’s clear that the sovereignty and power of the elected representatives of the UK populace are only enhanced by having less to do with the country’s governance, we are still a little curious as to their real motivations.

So we dug a little deeper.

Essentially we got a newly elected Tory MP (who will remain anonymous – as we’ve invented them for the purpose of this article) hammered and demanded to know why they voted to give the executive more power, and parliament less. More so when one of the main rallying cries of the Brexiteers was to enhance the sovereignty of the UK’s parliament.

“Is this about food standards? Well that’s pretty bloody obvious. If you don’t have any standards you don’t have to worry about them. See? Just logical. Just like having less power to make laws. Less laws to worry about. It’s actually highly productive. I’m far more productive as a legislator if I’ve less to legislate on. And besides, I was only selected because I’m thick as two short planks crossbred with a packet of mince, and unswervingly dedicated to Brexit. You don’t expect me to understand anything as complex as a trade deal? Ha! You libtards make me laugh.”

But that wasn’t all. The prime driver was revealed right at the end of the session.

“Beshides…hic…wen I a…a…greed [emphasis on the greed]…to stand in the Red Wall against the com…comm…commies…hic…I was told it’s a plum job. You GET ALL SUMMER OFF ON FULL PAY. Amazshin. Soooo me old chum, if I was to vote to have a shay over trade thingies, well, it wud get in the sways of my shummer holidays! Ha! And I did not shign up for tat!”

Highland Flung! Johnson furious after Sturgeon throws gift of walk-in fridge off Stirling Bridge

DIPLOMATIC OVER-TOURS : English Prime Minister BORIS JOHNSON is said to have been left fuming during the first day of his trip north of the wall to win over the hearts and minds of Scots.

The trip is seen as key to retaining England’s place in the Union when the Celtic nations secede and federate to escape the food shortages and international irrelevance to come with Brexit in 2021.

The drama today appears to centre around the gift he personally selected for Scottish independence leader, Nicola Sturgeon, and what happened to it.

“It was shortly before 6am this morning when Mr Johnson’s private train, dubbed by Mr Johnson the Hardian’s Express, pulled into Stirling station on the first stop of his whirlwind tour of Caledonia,” LCD Views’ foreign correspondent reports, “Mr Johnson is said to have turned out pretty well, all things considered, having decided not to go to bed the night before. Instead he spent the journey north drinking solidly with friends in order to hit Sturgeon with his chummiest bon homie.”

But it doesn’t appear to be his standard alcoholic shambles that did the damage, rather the gift he had hand picked to win over the frosty Scottish lass.

“Nicole didn’t like it one bit,” a Downing Street courtier travelling with Mr Johnson’s party told LCD Views, “a bit baffling all round. Every leader needs a good fridge to hide in when the wicket gets sticky.”

But not Ms Stugeon it seems, at least not when faced with Mr Johnson.

“It all seemed to be going well enough. Mr Johnson opened the doors to the walk-in fridge he’s had installed on the Hadrian Express, waved regally enough to Nicole and then hopped down like an excited school boy. He was very keen to give her his gift.”

But as a crane lifted the giant, boxed fridge, off the train the atmosphere turned positively chilly.

“Well it may have been a mistake to allow old Grayling to operate the train, in spite of his confidence.”

The box is said to have slipped its moorings, much like Mr Johnson’s diplomatic effort, and crashed to the train platform.

“Some of the box shattered and the gift was visible. Maybe it was the Saint George flag colour scheme? Maybe it was the fact the fridge was packed with smoked salmon? Who can say. I personally was in favour of offering little Nicole the title of Duchess of Ashford. Try and win her around the traditional way. Lands and titles in England. But Dom was certain she’d go for the fridge. Let her feel like an equal, even if the fridge was noticeably smaller than Johnson’s and not fitted to rolling stock.”

Whatever the reason it was with a cool and determined manner that Ms Sturgeon helped several of her guard push the fridge out of the station and onto Stirling Bridge.

“Then she took up a giant piece of lumber and just heaved the whole thing over the edge of the bridge. It’s still there right now, far as I know. Can’t be good for shipping.”

It’s not clear how Mr Johnson took the rebuff though as he immediately hid inside his own fridge.

The dust is still settling on the incident but English headline writers have been quick to point out the failings in Ms Sturgeon’s actions.

“She should have turfed it into the Firth of Forth,” one told us, “that way we could have written The Fridge of Forth! Now we’re just left wondering if Fridgeheart or the Battle of Stirling Bridge part 2 is good enough?”

PM’s plan to beat autumn CV-19 wave by extending British summer into December

TASK FORCE SUMMER : World beating prime minister Boris Johnson, now famous for assault and battery of his own country’s democracy, is said to have hatched a cunning plan to outwit the invisible enemy.

“Covid-19 won’t see it coming,” a Downing Street source told LCD Views, “our intelligence reports it’s bedded down in the Midlands, and track and trace call centres across the U.K., just waiting for autumn to launch a fresh offensive. But we’ve got a cunning plan to outmanoeuvre it on the field of battle.”

The plan appears to involve a series of distractions involving when to, and when not to, wear a face mask in the oft close confines of takeaway outlets. But really there’s something far more clever afoot.

“While the invisible enemy in our midst is puzzling over whether or not to jump between the faces of two people not wearing a mask in a Pret we will be preparing a trap so cunning it’s like putting lipstick on a pig and leaving it outside for David Cameron.”

In essence the plan involves using an obscure parliamentary legislative instrument to allow ministers to change the date summer ends.

“Autumn will have to hold cool its heels this year,” the source continues, “as it’s unlikely to begin until Christmas Eve. This will be a boon for charcoal sellers as Brits experience an Australian Christmas. Throw another shrimp on the barbie Shiela! It’s Christmas!”

The extension of summer will also have the minor benefit of pushing back the termination of the Brexit transition period.

“Stopping a pile up of truckers dogging in Kent isn’t the primary motivation of changing the end date of summer,” the source explains, “although for residents of Ashford it will be a tangible benefit. Unless they’re doggers, I guess.”

Quite what Coronavirus will do when it bursts out of hiding into the towns and villages of England in September, only to find it’s still living on the Costa del Thames, isn’t clear.

“We expect mass confusion. Something we’ve already successfully established within a broad swathe of the UK populace. Once Covid-19 is similarly baffled we’ll drive home the advantage and have it beat by Christmas. It thinks it’s going to hang about in cold air just waiting to leap down the throats of true born Englishmen? We’ll it’s got another thing coming.”

And it’s not just a win for the health and safety of voters.

“A mate of Dom has been given a £108m contract without tender to decide exactly the hour and minute of the day to end summer. Make hay while the sun shines, your honour!”

World beating.