Former PM opens halfway house in France for cabinet ministers fleeing after Brexit

LCD Views has another exclusive today with the announcement that Britain’s greatest former prime minister, Dave ‘trotters’ Cameron, has opened a halfway house in France specifically for cabinet ministers fleeing Brexit.

“As soon as that clock hits eleven pm on the twenty ninth of March next year, they’ll all be off like cockroaches fleeing a sudden bright light,” Dave told us, while stood out front of the modest chalet he’s turned into a refuge for old friends, “and they’ll need all the cracks and crannies to squeeze into they can find.”

We can’t reveal the exact location of the house for fleeing cabinet ministers, as Dave doesn’t want it overwhelmed with expats seeking autographs, but we can reveal the name.

“Trotters, of course!” a beaming Dave said, “if you’re opening an establishment that you hope to leverage appeal for with your personal brand, well, you’ve got to pick a name that resonates and makes people imagine you.”

But is it just Tories that will be welcome to hide out, or is Dave willing to welcome former parliamentary colleagues from across the lower house?

“No SNP, that’s bloody obvious. Clegg has half a chance, now he’s decided to tarnish his own brand rebuild by getting fruity about freedom of movement. It’d be nice if he dropped by, it would really cheer the Tories hiding out up. We can reminisce about stitching him up and just how wide eyed and naive he was. Corbyn is clearly welcome. He doesn’t want to be PM anyway, he just wants to get the old disaster socialist project over the line. Take power out of the chaos and hand the reigns over to McDonnell. You see what McDonnell does with Henry VIII powers! Wow! Brexit isn’t going to happen unless they stay steadfastly committed to it, if they act like HMG’s loyal opposition the whole house of cards could collapse, no, they need to appear to sit on the largest fence post ever built, while never, ever mentioning all the criminality and political interference in the post-ref police enquiries. May and the old commies make quite a team!”

And how will former MPs and cabinet ministers pass the time, while waiting to hear the public investigations are all in the long grass and they can go home?

“We’re going to ride pigs. That’s well wicked fun. We’ll all do our Enoch Powell impersonations to entertain passing kids. Foot races clearly. You saw how fast I moved on the 24th June 2016? Knowing I had totally screwed the pooch! I’d be surprised if even David Davis can run faster them me.”

Screwing the pooch? That sounds like a game you and your mates could play.

“Don’t be silly. We’re trotters not woofers. Now, if you don’t mind me I’ve got to stare at a pile of blank pages I promised to turn into a memoir.”

How’s that coming along?

“You try writing a memoir that ends in complete and utter failure and come back and ask again.”

Well, at least Trotters is certain to be a roaring success!

“It’s odds on. I’m having hoodies made with the Conservative Party logo, the burning tree on them. That way, when I shout ‘hug a hoodie’ no one will get sick in their mouth when they do it.”

Good luck Dave!

“Catch me if you can!”

Middle classes advised not to bother stockpiling food as poor are just going to loot your homes

The government has some timely advice for anxious middle class families considering stockpiling food in preparation for a No Deal Brexit.

”Don’t,” Dominic Raab, Secretary of State for Seeing Through Criminal Conspiracies, told LCD Views, “why waste precious pounds on pot noddles when you should be arming yourself to the teeth instead?”

The call to arms issued by the Secretary of State, has been echoed by cabinet colleagues.

”I’ve been practising horse riding on a giant stag,” Sajid Javid told us also, “and I’ve bought a replica cavalry lance. Clearly I will have all the protection I need when the food rioting really gets exciting, being Home Secretary, but I might like to run through a few hoodies just for the thrill of it.”

Andrea Leadsom was next up.

”I purchased this sawn off shotgun down a back street near Waltamstow Market. I even got the old geezer who sold it to me to throw in some additional boxes of rounds by threatening to have him arrested. Clearly as a cabinet minister I’ll have all the protection I need when cars start burning in the streets, but I have natural maternal instincts. I’ll be protecting my family myself, if only for the sheer fun of it.”

But what are middle class families to do, who may not even now have the spare money for arms and ammunition? How are they to stop the poor streaming down from the estates to loot their larders?

”They should have thrown themselves more vigorously behind the bedroom tax and other measures designed to drive the undesirable classes out of built up areas,” Matt Handcock shrugged, “I would suggest they buy a home defence app. Cyberdine Systems have some amazing class based home defence, smart phone, web based home protection measures. I’ve been flying around the world testing them all out instead of preparing for the looming NHS winter crisis.”

But what if the Russians hack the hell out of our internet just after Brexit and make such applications inoperable?

”Well, you better spend your time sharpening some stakes. When the food queues realise there isn’t any food left, it’s going to get ugly. Fat lot of good a house full of pot noodles is going to do you when they smash in your front door with an axe.”

So there we are. When choosing how to prepare for a no deal Brexit, the best advice is clearly to be prepared to fight.

”Or flight,” Matt adds, “which is what every single MP from across the parties that are bringing you this completely avoidable catastrophe will do.”

Boris Johnson demands the month of May be renamed after Britain’s next PM Boris Johnson

These days you can’t move for Boris Johnson opening his mouth about something or other, but his latest outburst is an odd one even by his standards.

His latest tirade has been against the month of May, saying it should not share its name with, in his words, “the most incompetent prime minister this party has ever had.”

“It’s ridiculous,” he said. “Why should she of all people have a whole month with her name on it? She doesn’t deserve that!”

Jacob Rees-Mogg too has backed this claim to rename the month. His suggestion is for it to be renamed Mogg, “simply because it’s another short name with the same initial letter.”

Theresa May herself has criticised the idea, saying,

“The month of May has been so named for centuries. The fact that it is also my surname is ultimately a coincidence. But really, it is the most strong and stable month, so it is very appropriate really.”

A compromise option has been suggested by Jeremy Corbyn, namely that of swapping it around with April so that April Fools day is now May Fools Day. This idea was met with criticism, in that switching a couple of month names over would be pointless. After this he revised his suggestion to adding a May Fools Day on either March 29th or June 23rd.

Of course we could have both, but give them different names. Call March 29th May Fools Day, and June 23rd Cameron Fools Day. That could work.

Government denies Ministry for Denying Reality has been created

Her Majesty’s Government, which governs without majesty but with a pathological addiction to cruelty in governance, has been forced today to push its newest minister out across the country’s radio and TV shows to deny something.

”I deny it categorically,” Mrs Push-Me-Pull-You, MP for Scat-on-Plates, told a credulous John Humphrys, “At no point has Downing Street created a Ministry for Denying Reality.”

Mr Humphrys could be heard nodding along, comfortable in the cerebral cholesterol cotton wool of confirmed bias and great age (of the kind which need bother not with inquiries that may confront preconceived notions).

”But has any other street created a Minister for Denying Reality?” Humphrys asked, slowly, “I have an A to Z somewhere, I can check.”

The Secretary of State for Denying Reality simply shrugged, which was transmitted by the BBC to a grateful nation, by way of a pre-recording of doves cooing.

”So that’s that then, at no point has HMG created a Ministry for Denying Reality.”

”I wouldn’t be doing my job if I confirmed it. So you’re correct John,” The Secretary of State for Denying Reality confirmed, “and if any journalist proves otherwise we trust our good Lexiter friends on the Labour benches to blame it on Blair, Brown, the Libdems and presumably that hippy from the Green Party. She’s getting too popular. Although I will add in a professional capacity, I deny she even exists.”

It was an important clarification. Also the additional denials that £500M a week is now being spent on the denial of reality, and that thousands of civil servants have been recruited to work in the ministry, instead of a more worthy cause like curing homelessness. Hired purely based on whether or not a mirror fogs when held close to their mouth.

Mr Humphrys then thanked the minister.

”I deny this interview even took place,” the minister replied.

”Next up I’ll be shouting we have to wrap up this interview with Lord Adonis, the moment it begins, while simultaneously screaming remoaner at him for balance,” John purred, and his producer Ms Sands gave him a pat on the back.

Corbyn to appeal for support from Conservative voters by reminding them he backs Brexit

Jeremy Corbyn is wasting no time, which is unusual, in responding to his colleague Theresa May’s naked grab for his own support base.

In an op-ed piece published exclusively in the new look Daily Mail today he makes his own appeal for support from Conservative voters.

”Who was it that called for the immediate trigger of Article 50 after the June 23rd 2016 EU referendum?”

He begins on the front foot.

”Who was it that three line whipped his MPs to trigger Article 50, acting as ally to a beleaguered prime minister in this matter? Before, and this is very important to understand, any serious analysis or preparation of the implications of the decision had been undertaken by the government it is my job to hold to account in our adversarial parliamentary system.”

He follows with a left jab.

”Indeed, who was it who denied their own party whip to vote for an EU ref in 2011, alongside my allies on the Tory benches. Even though we were unsuccessful then, we didn’t give up on Brexit. We fought on.”

He lands a blow some will call low.

”And who is it now who has carried on with ‘constructive ambiguity’ on Brexit even as the jobs and investment and skilled people drain away from the United Kingdom, alongside our internal reputation.”

Good questions.

”My supporters say I can’t do anything about Brexit because I am not in government. For this reason I have also dropped my opposition to austerity and universal credit. Because I can’t do anything about it but watch passively as the Tories tear our social fabric to shreds. I am powerless. But I am also your friend.”

He then completes his appeal with a head butt.

”If you examine my record properly on Brexit, my conservative friends, you will find a natural home for the euroskeptic in today’s modern, 1970’s Labour Party. By pledging to end freedom of movement and withdraw from the single market, your Labour Party, led by me, has succeeded in assisting the Conservatives in throwing the lives of millions into turmoil on either side of the channel,

So in the general election pegged for this December, vote for me, your very own bad Santa.”

May to appeal to Labour voters for support now she’s alienated all the Tory ones

Theresa May (Extreme Tory) PM is set to appeal for support from Labour and centre voters by continuing to deny they even exist.

”It’s important to get on with the job of governance,” Mr Stock Holm, an aide to the PM, told LCD Views, “this is made a touch difficult after alienating all your support.”


”But by denying the existence of the centre of British politics (evidenced by every policy decision taken since 2016), and the ground to the left and right, we can do that more fully by tapping into the voters on the far right. Which curiously means Labour voters currently as Labour leaders are also supporting the far right by pursuing Brexit.”

But that is not all?

”They share the most memes. The extremes. Theye are good at memes. Also, by appealing to Labour, it makes governing easier, because most active Labour activists are really bloody easy to distract,

”Start a story that the “leader” planted an illegal variety of turnip in his allotment that is only found in a Soviet era gulag and they’ll obsess over that smear for weeks. This leaves us free to continue our policy of making everything required to run society user pays, while still increasing taxes by stealth for those who can’t evade them. Of course many users can’t pay. This allows Darwinian forces to rid us of the lazy.”

The appeal to Labour and the centre will be made directly via editorials in right wing, tax dodger owned tabloid, propaganda rags.

”It’s sure to hit home. With the far right. Which are supported by the far left. As the centre doesn’t exist, proven by the loss of our majority in the 2017 GE, and the surge of green and orange voteshare at the local elections, we’ll be able to govern by further dodgy deals with minority forces in British politics. This will make our policies more extreme, which will further appeal to the far right. And distract the far left. Making them more vitriolic and less likely to attract swing, centre support. This is fine as the centre doesn’t exist. This all makes perfect sense.”

But what of the danger from the far left of British politics also denying the centre doesn’t exist?

”Oh, Yes, it’s a risk alright. Good old comrade Corbs and his policy of also leaving the single market to stop all those job thieves crossing the English Channel, he is also denying the centre exists. He’s also alienating his support slowly. But he’s pleasing the far right. But it will be okay, if we can just cling onto power long enough a lot of his voters will get fed up and won’t know who to vote for at all. Which is alright, for the far right.”

Who no one is denying the existence of?

”Clearly. As Brexit means Brexit and that’s a policy that unites. As you can see, it’s all very straightforward. We both main parties committed to Brexit there is no need for an actual policy fight.”

Dancing robot to appear on Strictly

In a shock announcement, the next series of Strictly Come Dancing will include dancing robots. Appearing alongside C3PO, Kryten, K-9 and Marvin, will be the Maybot 2.0©.

Insiders reveal that the Maybot 2.0© will dance the cha-cha-cha to the tune of Dancing Queen. Strictly judge Yubin Tangoed remarked, “It’s a brave new era for Strictly. The new range of automatons can dance at least as well as the average numpty who once appeared in series two of TOWIE.”

A battalion of programmers is reputedly on standby. The Maybot 2.0© is capable of repetitive, if clichéd, moves. In order to win, something resembling soul and rhythm will need to come to the fore.

“Soul and rhythm do not come naturally to the Maybot 2.0©,” said automaton designer Rob Ottix. “It was a GPS prototype. That’s Genuine Political Speaker, by the way.”

The Maybot 2.0©’s voice sequencer was based upon that utilised for years by Professor Stephen Hawking. It has a female voice equally devoid of nuance and inflection. Earlier models (e.g. the Maybot 1.3©) ran on wheels, like R2D2. One witty designer dubbed it “T2M2”. However walking technology was utilised, with some success. “Even so, the Maybot 2.0© walks like a constipated giraffe,” remarked Ottix.

The breakthrough came after a designers’ party at which they consumed large quantities of soft drinks and played Dungeons And Dragons. “The sugar caused the winners to spontaneously perform a dance,” revealed Ottix. “And we thought, we could programme the Maybot 2.0© to dance! What a night. By 5am the sugar had worn off, but the Maybot 2.0© could dance. Well, sort of.”

“Unfortunately, its movements were still rather jerky and uncoordinated,” Ottix continued. “However, we had set ourselves a deadline because Strictly entries had to be made later that morning. So there was no time to refine the algorithms.”

The Maybot 2.0© believes that it can win. In this case, though, it may truly be that No Dance is better than a Bad Dance.

No Deal Brexit risks dead killed by austerity rising and walking again, warns undertaker

“A No Deal Brexit risks the dead killed by austerity rising and walking again,” warned Phillip Hammer Them Hammond, UK’s head undertaker, in an exclusive interview with LCD Views today.

”We didn’t drive people mad, sad and bad with eight years of punish the poor, right wing, misguided financial punishment, so we didn’t have to go after our friends the casino bankers and tax dodgers,  just to ruin it all now by turning the people we drove into an early grave into a battalion of Lazarus.”

The Undertaker paused, smiled, perhaps wistfully for the early years.

”I remember how my heart sang when George Osborne began shaming the poor, the unemployed, the curtain twitchers. Let’s give them communal shame. That’ll improve the stats.”

He suddenly cupped his hands, as if waiting to catch rain drops.

”The bedroom tax was a master stroke. People with more spare rooms than they could count on both hands taking away box rooms from families in social housing. Just evil genius. Got to clear the slums so you can gentrify and sell untapped inner London suburbs to overseas investors. Think of the short term gains!”

He rubbed his hands over his face. Supplication before an inner God.

”And inheritance millionaires privatising alcohol and drug rehabilitation services. Every misery now an avenue to funnel wealth from the needy to the hidden coffers of the wealthy. It was orgiastic. Dance for your God! Dance!”

But now?

”Now the spectre of a No Deal Brexit risks all of this. The overgrown mounds on the graves of the people we’ve destroyed with ATOS and universal credit opening with hands from in the earth, the spiralling ash clouds from the incendiary cremation fires, spinning in reverse from the sky and reforming the unwanted we drove out, all of them to walk again because of a No Deal Brexit.”

It will not do.

“It will not do. You don’t do all that to transfer wealth up in a flood, not a trickle, just to watch Brexit capital flight ruin my beautiful tables of numbers. No Deal Brexit risks us having to raise a penny of tax on wealth to fund MPs next payraises.”

It will not do!

”It will not do,” he shook his head and made a wringing motion with his hands as if throttling a dread.

BBC to air special where Brexit voting baby boomers tell how they survived the Blitz

The BBC has announced it is to air a special so Brexit voting baby boomers can tell how they survived the Blitz, by way of helping encourage younger voters to build morale for a No Deal Brexit.

The ten part series will screen on all BBC stations, TV and digital, during the run up to Christmas this year, with special radio adaptations for broadcast on BBC radio stations.

”It’ll finally give the demographic that supports Brexit the most a voice,” BBC Director of Programming Rupert Banks-Putin-Farage told LCD Views, “it’s high time this little understood demographic, that suffered so much for the opportunities millennials now enjoy, are given a platform.”

As part of the publicity build up to the series we have been shown exclusive access to some of the content and allowed to describe passages below.

”It wasn’t like this when I was a lad,” A. Gammon says, standing in his villa on the Costa Del Sol, “we didn’t have the problem they have here of all these bloody immigrants lowering the tone of my choice location to retire.”

A. Gammon goes on to describe the formative conditions of his early life.

”I was celebrating my fourth, or fifth birthday with my family. It must have been 1959 or 1960. Of course my time was usually spent at the front, I was involved in the Battle of Little Bighorn,

”That was one of the seismic moments of WW2. My younger sister was out volunteering at a munitions factory. This was why my elder siblings, the ones who weren’t old enough to be in the trenches at Sevastopol, held the party for me.”

A. Gammon pauses, shaking his head in recollection.

”I recall seeing the cupcake that was my birthday cake being carried into the dining room. The table was just a wooden crate, which doubled as the bed for me and my grandparents.”

He pauses again.

”Tell a lie. It was just my grandfather, myself and a neighbour using the crate to sleep in at night. When we could. The air raid sirens were relentless. My grandmother was away, working in the baggage train at Agincourt.”

He smiles and points to a long bow hung on the wall.

”She was promoted before the end of the battle by Henry V himself. She was captain of an archery squad before finally succumbing to dysentery.”

A. Gammon shrugs.

”The rocket blew up our neighbour’s house four cities away. The percussion from the blast rippled through the icing on my cake. I’ll never forget it. We still ate the cake of course. What could you do? You had to make the best of things,

“You had a properly funded state education, including university, the  invention of the pill and a well resourced NHS to wade through. This is why I voted to Leave the tyrannical EU. The sacrifice I paid for freedom. Most young people don’t understand what myself and others went through to provide them with £50K plus a year, interest bearing tuition and an NHS that will be entirely owned by American private healthcare by this Saturday.”

The next clip was of J. Cordson. He was interviewed wearing his favourite gardening corduroys and turning over ground in his allotment.

”I remember the pain of thinking I’ll never get to live a revolution like the Cuban one at home. It just felt so unfair. I missed the Russian one because I was asleep. I’d made a lot of jam that day and I was tired.,

”The Chinese one I missed because I was singlehandedly resolving the conflict between a local council and their thought criminal MP. And how different North Korea would have turned out with a proper insurgency into the ruling party? Moderate traitors have ruined that party.

“I missed the actual revolution there because I was organising a series of small, town hall meetings in Hertfordshire. This is why I voted for Brexit. The rights the tyrannical EU forces onto ordinary citizens, its undemocratic. It’ll run headfirst into my plans to re-nationalise gulags for thought crime. I won’t stand for it,

“I didn’t sacrifice nearly four decades being paid out of the public purse to get no legislation on the books at all, just to watch the chance to stop pretending I give a fig about representative, parliamentary democracy slip away now. As any of my grassroots activists will tell you, there is agreeing with us 100% of the time on every single issue, or there is being a Tory. There’s nothing in between, well, except Brexit, that’s a bridge clearly between the far left and far right. We’ve just got to see who makes the omlette after all the eggs are broken. Mind your feet there, don’t squash my marrows.”

At the end of the series famous democrat John Redwood will make a direct appeal, alongside Boris Johnson and Iain Duncan Smith, to the public to really feel the testimonies they’ve heard, get behind Brexit, and push it over the line.

”After they’ll sacrifice a child,” Rupert adds, “because by the time we get there the Blitz spirit will have been replaced by the Aztec. Hopefully we’ll be televising that too.”

Boris Johnson launches ALT-BREXIT plan with Thames swimming stunt

Boris Johnson Friday launched his self styled “ALT-BREXIT” plan for taking the UK out of the European Union, with a typically grandiose stunt.

Clad in nothing but red white and blue striped Speedos and flashing V for victory signs Johnson launched himself from Lambeth pier in an attempt to swim the Thames and deliver his cling film wrapped plan, to a bemused Theresa May sipping chai latté on the House of Commons terrace.

A copy of the plan published on the Facebook page “Boris Johnson for Prime Minister” consisted of five bullet points:

  1. Make Boris Johnson Prime Minister
  2. Ask nice President Trump to make Brussels give us a good Brexit deal
  3. Unicorns!
  4. F*ck Ireland
  5. Build my shrubbery bridge as a tribute to my enormous success in freeing Britain from the shackles of Europe, and strap David Cameron naked to the southern end where he can be pelted with rotting fruit. 

However the stunt backfired as the outgoing tide swept him downstream, still clutching his self penned plan between his teeth.

The Thames estuary coastguard, Friday afternoon issued a warning to shipping regarding what they described as a “large gas-filled blubber like mass “ seen floating past Gravesend in the direction of Canvey Island.

“The mass in question is believed to be highly corrosive and liable to explode with rage if it any point it ceases to the centre of attention, and should thus be avoided at all costs,” the statement read.

The white Beluga whale which was this week reported to have taken up residence in the Thames estuary issued a strenuous denial of any involvement in the stunt and denied reports that it had been involved in any attempts to rescue Johnson.

Long time Canvey Island resident and former Dr Feelgood guitarist Wilko Johnson (No relation) confirmed to LCD Views that he has seen his namesake floating past “Down By the Jetty”, but given Johnson B’s “Stupidity”, he too had made no attempt to rescue him.

“Let’s face it, he’s never ‘done anything right’,” he laughed, twitching and staring maniacally into the middle distance.