Tommy Robinson to join migrant Caravan after US visa refusal

Fearless warrior for free speech and the rights of downtrodden white men, Tommy Robinson has announced that he will not be daunted by the refusal of US authorities to grant him a visa.

Having been refused a visa to visit the US on the spurious grounds that he holds a criminal record and that last time he entered the US it was using false documents Robinson has confirmed that instead he plans to join the convoy of migrants heading across Mexico to the Texas border.

“President Trump has repeatedly warned that unless he is given billions to build a wall, there is nothing that will keep them out – so that’s me sorted,” he said, adding that he wasn’t anticipating any problem slipping across the border among thousands of dark skinned Spanish speakers.

“A bit of fake tan, a dash of hasta la vista and there will probably be truckloads of democrat snowflakes waiting to carry me across manyana,” he smirked.

“A spokesman for the caravan of thousands of impoverished central  Americans walking across Mexico pointed out that as the caravan isn’t in any organised but is just an ad hoc collection of people running for their lives from poverty, conflict and famine they don’t actually have any spokespeople, but that anyway he didn’t think anyone would object to a pasty faced English speaking “gringo” joining them.

“Maybe he’ll then realise that we aren’t the evil murdering scum we have been made out to be and will spread the word once we have risked our lives smuggling him across the border,” he said.

“Then again, maybe he’s just another self publicising racist scam artist in a stupid checked suit,” he shrugged.

UKIP calls off game of five-a-side

UKIP MEP Patrick O’Flynn had to abandon a proposed game of five-a-side after only FOUR people turned up to play.

The match was only announced shortly early in the morning, for an 11 o’clock start, which may have some bearing. It all kicked off, or rather failed to, in drizzle at the Downing Street gates. The opposition was ready to join in the fun, with 700,000 volunteers ready to play, but wouldn’t play ball and refused to lend UKIP a ringer.

“In a way, it all went totally according to plan,” said team member Maisie Dribble. “UKIP are all for pulling out of things, which is one reason why there are so few of us.”

Dribble was hopeful that a rematch could be arranged, and called off again, before too long. “We would rather play on our own,” she explained. “Instead of engaging in a union with others, we prefer to play with ourselves.”

The opposition put out a reasoned argument. “Unlike the Kippers, we have a detailed strategy,” claimed team spokesman Onmi Edson. “We attract a broad range of disciplines, but they are very unbalanced in their team selection. The Kippers are all right wingers.”

The game was to celebrate the brand new garment that the Prime Minister for the time being, Theresa May, threw over the rotting carcass of Brexit. With a theatrical flourish, she declared “It’s the Prime Minister’s new clothes, a naked Brexit, or abandon the whole sorry mess.” Amid the cheering, the scowling Kippers decided to celebrate the possibility of a dead beast to pick over with a kickabout. Except with only 80% of a team, and no backstop, the game was as dead as the Brexit dodo.

Frustrated and soggy, the vultures departed to nurse their injured pride, and to do their research by reading Roy of the Rovers.

Meanwhile, the smell of decomposing flesh could no longer be disguised as ‘Boris after a heavy night on the lash and a dodgy kebab’. The whole affair is, at long last, producing quite a stink.

Sam Allardyce appointed as interim PM

In times of trouble, and in national emergencies, the country traditionally looks to a tried and tested leader of men. Therefore, Sam Allardyce is due to be appointed as interim PM.

Big Sam is expected to bang heads together. His strategy will be no nonsense Northern straight talking, no quarter given, and the return of Wayne Rooney as permanent Captain.

There is an unfriendly match coming up with the United States of Europe. Big Sam must organise his troops quickly. But he has been hampered by the loss of a number of first teamers. Star striker Dominic Raab and midfielder Esther McVey have announced their retirement from international action today. So too permanent subs Suella Braverman and some minister for NI.

There is still an immense amount of preparation before the match. Allardyce will be looking to the front, back and opposition bench for reinforcements and braving out most of the team legging it to a tax haven.

Already Sterling has taken a dive (not for reasons above). The resulting yellow card has ruled him out of action.

Defeat looks inevitable, with no defence to speak of. Allardyce is no longer able to rely on shoehorning Irish players into the team.

Former players griping from the sidelines add to Big Sam’s problems. “Put up or shut up,” he allegedly said, so JRM did, which is why Sam finds himself unexpectedly facing into the abyss once more.

Although Jeremy Hunt has pledged to stay by Sam’s side, which has given about as much comfort as discovering the team’s dentist is Michael Gove.

The match has drawn unprecedented interest from obsessive fans. The game is anticipated to involve the entire team being offside, and many own goals being scored, definitely more than any scored in the opposition net (they’ll take care of that themselves too).

In related news, Wembley has already sold out of popcorn as fans settle in for the long game. More on this story as it illegally tackles the big game of British politics.

Load of dummies head for Westminster to pacify MPs

News is breaking all over the place, and perhaps irreparably today, that a mass order of dummies is heading for Westminster to help pacify MPs.

”The House of Commons is in a right state,” HoC crèche supervisor, Mrs Mollify told LCD Views exclusively, “I do hope the dummies are red, white and blue. The ToryKip and RedKip members will spit them immediately if they aren’t.”

The reason for the emergency bulk order is the release of the fudge Withdrawal Deal stitched up between Ms May and the EU.

”The EU have put up with the tantrums, bullying and lying for a long time. They just want our load of full diaper screeching big toddlers out the door now,” Mrs Mollify said, “and I can hardly blame them. A more entitled bunch of little shits I’ve not had to care for in all my days at the mother of parliaments. It really does make you wonder about the indulgent nature of modern parenting. Bit of strap would see a lot of them right. Although, considering the Tory ones, that’s probably just what they like! It would only encourage them!”

Whether or not the mass of dummies will pacify the MPs is anyone’s guess though.

”It might shut them up for a few minutes at least,” Mrs Mollify observes, “well, at least until they realise getting what you’ve been kicking off for isn’t guaranteed to make you happy when you see what the 27 other kids without a Withdrawal agreement, but with certainty over current and future trading circumstances, and rights for citizens, have. That’s when the foot stamping will really get going.”

Do you have any advice for the Brexit kids on the day they’re getting what they want?

”Be careful what you wish for,” Mrs Mollify advises, “you may just get it and it may not be what you really wanted after all.”

It sounds like the pacifiers aren’t the only load of dummies at Westminster.

Jeremy Corbyn vows to return to frontline politics

The once influential firebrand is the latest irrelevance to try and resurrect a flagging career. Jeremy Corbyn feels that his experience of pre-EC Britain will be vital in the post-Brexit waste.

“This is in no way like a rock star past retirement age undertaking a reunion tour,” said Corbyn’s publicist, Selby Date. “There will be past glories, yes, but a completely fresh and modern set of rehashed facsimiles masquerading as innovation.”

The Invisible Man Tour will see Corbyn phone up any of his old buddies from Socialist Worker days who still have a pulse. “He will visit all the old haunts,” explained Date. “Old mining communities will be told how the ghastly prosperity of the last 40 years is down to the EU’s so-called caring capitalism. Jeremy knows these people. He knows that they much prefer to be miserable and downtrodden.”

Former coal miner Davie Lamp agreed. “The pit was my entire life,” he says. “It was dismal, dangerous work, and even worse when we stopped arguing about pay and conditions to dig for coal.”

Lamp is excited about the Corbyn renaissance. “At last we can get back to being an insular, isolated community with an impenetrable accent,” he declared proudly. “Shops will close early on Wednesday, women will scrub the front step, the nippers will all have rickets by the age of six. We will go on strike and spend our dole money on beer and fags. It’s what made Britain great!”

Corbyn’s return from self-imposed hibernation will mean a triumphant return to the chaos and poverty of the seventies. “That’s the dream,” confirms Date. “And the democratic, elected EU, or EC, or ERG, or whatever the hell it’s called this week, can stuff its reasonable benevolence in its pipe and smoke it, if they haven’t completely banned smoking yet.”

So, former workers rise up and fight for your right to die young and in agony. As Corbyn didn’t sing, you don’t get me, I’m part of the European Union.

Johnson resigns from the government to spend less time with his family

No, not that Johnson. The other one. The one who isn’t Boris.

BoJo’s baby brother blatantly bashed Brexit by blasting Theresa May’s latest pathetic “plan”. “I can’t support that load of old bollocks,” he said frankly. “I could quite honestly have belched a better strategy. And no, you may not call me ‘JoJo’!”

This leaves Jo Johnson in a tricky position. He is at odds with his media whore brother, his rent-a-gob sister and celebrity wannabe father. “They are no longer speaking to me,” he comments. “By displaying principles, I have betrayed the family motto ‘Nunquam Vere Dicam’. It’s quite a relief, let me tell you!”

Johnson junior joins the slow but steady trickle of MPs now opposing Brexit. Some, like Johnson, because it is clearly rubbish. Others, because their vision of modern feudalism is evaporating before their eyes.

“His Lordship is appalled at the state of affairs!” grovels Bowen Scrape, spokesflunkey of Jacob Rees-Mogg. “His Brexit Dividend of thousands of tied villeins tithing him fifty percent of everything they produce is collapsing faster than you can say Carillon.”

Conspiracy theories abound connecting lunatic politics in the UK and the USA with Russia. Dirty trickster Oskar Sczeremony claims to know the truth. “I can disclose that Vladimir Putin is not a happy bunny,” he reports. “British pragmatism is destroying his plan much too soon. If things don’t change soon, you will suddenly discover that Jeremy Corbyn makes sexist remarks, and there will be a steady flow of Russians eager to visit Salisbury Cathedral.”

Meanwhile Brexit can continue to limp towards the finish line. It’s classic misdirection. “Four months of looking elsewhere, is that too much to ask?” moans Sczeremony. “After 29 March, who gives a shit? But the Johnson brothers have ruined everything. We’d have gotten away with it if it weren’t for those meddling kids!”

That’s what they are. A pair of Johnsons.

Downing Street plan to place British fish in protective custody on land wins backing from Russian ambassador

Comrade Nigel Farage, Russian ambassador to Little England, gave much needed support today to the Downing Street plan to place all British fish in protective custody, on land, to ensure they aren’t stolen by Brussels during the closing stages of Brexit negotiations.

”I wasn’t awarded the award of the Hero of the Russian Federation because I wasn’t deeply concerned about British fish,” Farage told listeners to his breakfast programme, ‘A little dose of fash and cash’ on seriously confused broadcaster LBC today, “and my in-depth knowledge tells me that the traitor Ms May is finally seeing sense about how to protect British fishing and not have the entire industry stolen by the thugs in Brussels when it more properly should be bundled off and sold to the highest overseas bidder under the noses of indepdent operators at home.”

Under plan, said to be the brainchild of Environment Secretary Michael Gove and a hell of a lot of wishful thinking, all British fish will be written to by the Home Office and ordered to immediately present themselves for safekeeping at a British port.

The fish will then be transported to specially built dry land holiday camps, where they will wait out the reminder of Brexit negotiations and the construction of the deep water wall to be built around the British isles once we have successfully reclaimed our waters from the tyrants across the Channel.

”Lock them up!” Nigel “the rouble” Farage exalted his rapt listener, “and then throw away the key! See what Juncker makes of that!”

British political earthquake Brexit blamed on UK politics being fracked

Fresh denials today from government that the total and complete fracking of Westminster politics by secretly funded “thinktanks” has anything to do with the earthquakes currently fracking the UK’s political landscape.

”The fact that politics is the United Kingdom are now so fracked a government drone like Secretary for Health Apps, little Matty Handoncock (MP – UKIP), can say with a straight face the government is stockpiling fridges to stockpile life saving, short shelf life medicines they won’t be able to import anyway,

”because they’re insisting private industry pays the cost and takes the risk, after spending years telling private industry to frack itself,

“and then gagging private industry so it can’t say how fracked we are, and we’ve no time to build production capacity in country before calamity, none of this has anything to do with the fracking of British politics by obscurely funded thinktanks, given democratic names to help their insidious creep across our political landscape, ideological fracking rigs in hand, like a mash up of the red weed from ‘War of the Worlds’ and a stealthy fascist takeover,” said a government spokesman appointed to speak for Downing Street by the Taxpayers Alliance, which conversely is against all taxpaying, because it’s much better to have a feudal political landscape.

But while that clarification clears way for the secretly funded thinktanks to continue their work of being the creeping damp and dry rot and fungal infections of our politics, it doesn’t explain how we arrived at a political earthquake on the scale of Brexit. Absolutely nothing at all to do with the links of serving MPs and rightwing thinktanks. Nothing at all.

So the search will go on to explain how Westminster came to experience unceasing earthquakes and if we don’t find the cause we’re all going to get fracked, really deep and really hard.

”It’s got nothing to do with the fracking thinktanks,” the TPA appointed government spokesman reiterated. Indeed.

Theresa May to play the witch in The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe remake

The Chronicles Of Narnia have been on many a child’s reading list for over half a century, and there have been many adaptions of them in film, TV and radio, but the latest version has put a decidedly contemporary twist on the tales.

A new modern version of The Lion, The Witch And The Wardrobe has commenced production, made by a Swedish production company.

Instead of four British children being evacuated during World War II, the action occurs on a family day out to IKEA, where the four Lindstrom children, on the run from a security guard they have angered, happen across a self-assembly wardrobe that has is ready-made on display in the store.

Jumping into the wardrobe, the four children, renamed Bjorn, Benny, Agnetha and Frida, find themselves magically transported to the frozen wastelands of a strange country called Britannia, where it is always Brexit Winter but never Brexit Dividend Christmas.

It then proceeds pretty much as it does in the book, they meet all the familiar characters, including the White Witch, played in this adaption by Theresa May.

“Theresa was just perfect for the part,” film producer Lars Chance explained at the press conference. “There really was nobody else we were even looking at to play this role.”

There is however one stumbling block. The role of Aslan, the noble lion who defeats the witch in battle, has still not been cast.

“We just can’t find anybody with the right gravitas to play the role,” Mr Chance explained. “Actually Jeremy Corbyn auditioned for the part at first, but while he does has a lot of good qualities, he just rolled over in front of the witch, so instead we gave him the role of Mr Tumnus the faun, who has a good heart and knows that what the witch is doing is wrong, but lacks the conviction to truly stand up and actively oppose her.”

The script of this film looks very promising, and could be the best adaption of C.S. Lewis yet, if that crucial part can be cast. We sincerely hope they find their Aslan soon.

Theresa May to replace Posh Spice for Spice Girl’s tour

UK prime minister Theresa May has confirmed that she has accepted an invitation to replace Victoria “Posh Spice” Beckham as the fifth Spice Girl for next year’s Spice Girl’s UK tour.

A spokesman for 10 Downing street explained that having successfully masterminded the UK’s liberation from the world’s largest free trade zone, and the complete and utter destruction of the UK economy,  on April 1st, Mrs May feels that she is entitled to a little down time from politics.

“The Prime Minister would like to have time to spend on her other interests such as wearing outrageously over the top outfits and perfecting her embarrassing “granny dancing” moves,” he said, denying that her private office had been in touch with Lady Gaga for sartorial advice.
“I think we can say that she’s well “gaga” enough already,” smirked the spokesman.

A spokesman for the newly reformed Spice Girls also confirmed that Mrs May would be joining the four aging singers on their newly announced UK tour next year.

“The girls have been very impressed by Theresa’s dress sense and her dancing ability and her complete disregard for what the people “really really want”, and feel that her cultured accent more than qualifies her to be the new “Posh,” he said denying that Mrs May’s complete lack of singing ability was likely to present a problem.

“They’re going to be miming to a backing track just like all their other live appearances so no one will notice if she sounds like a bag of nails in a smoothie maker,” he added.

Commenting on the news legendary music writer Trailer Parts suggested that Mrs May’s decision in many ways represents the ideal career move and could even  spark a trend.

“The transition from dishonest vacuous, self serving politician peddling hollow slogans like “Red White and Blue Brexit” to vacuous, money grabbing “singer” peddling hollow slogans like “girl power” is quite a natural one requiring little refocusing,” he explained.

According to Parts other leading politicians are expected to follow her lead, with rumours circulating that former Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg has been invited to cement his epoch defining blandness by dueting with Coldplay, with Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s insistence on supporting Brexit apparently having impressed the two remaining members of Nirvana, to the extent that they are about to offer him the chance to front a reunion tour in place of the late Kurt Cobain.

“If dragging the entire Labour movement over the Brexit precipice isn’t the metaphorical equivalent of blowing your own head off with a shotgun I don’t know what is,” he explained.