Boris Johnson to wear military uniform to parliament

TIN AND POT : Newly elected President Boris Johnson has announced to the country that as part of ongoing government preparations for turning the UK into a banana republic, he is going to wear military uniform to parliament.

”He hasn’t decided on what rank to give himself,” Mr Cavalier, fruit shape policy aide at 10 Downing Street told us, “but clearly it’s got to be senior. Once he settles on what kind of general he is then we’ll have a parade.”

Will everyone be invited?

”They already are, whether they like it or not. But he has the overwhelming support of a majority of the British people for this change in style, both dress and management. He’s really just following the instructions of the people. This the people’s government, even if 53% of people who voted didn’t vote for it.”

I guess he’ll be needing medals too?

”Yes. He’s now many famous victories defending the motherland. He’s won the war on immigrants, with his senior aide Priti Patel. He triumphed over the poor, with the help of a bus driver’s son. He’s just destroyed a sense of financial security for millions, that was do or die. Imagine the chaos now if Ed Milliband hadn’t fallen into the bacon sandwich trap? And May’s predecessor Corporal Cameron had lost? It doesn’t bear thinking about. Oh, and parliament will now be in permanent recess, as a mark of respect for General Johnson’s father’s wisdom.”

The people had a vote, once, they don’t need another. Long live the republic!

People bored of Brexit who voted for Johnson about to enjoy the most boring years of their lives

FIVE TEN FIFTY SAY IT AGAIN : EARLY ANALYSIS of the Boris Johnson victory in the general election suggests that once again a three word slogan, pretending to be a policy, did a lot of heavy lifting.

“Get Brexit Done?” our in house pollster asks, “I didn’t vote for it as it’s nonsense. But enough did. It is a neat trick. Champion a monumental, multi-year project to reshape the country as something as easy as changing your socks,

“Get that over the line,

“Claim the democratic mandate by ignoring the crime involved,

“Then, when it turns out to be a monumental, multi-year project that is almost impossible to implement, and when a big tranche of voters are getting bored of talking about it, just tell them you’ll get it done. Very helpful if your major opposition is championing a policy of dragging it out for much longer. Essentially pull the same con on just enough voters that you did the first time. Simplicity itself.”

And while anyone paying attention to the details of Brexit scoffed indignantly at the slogan, just enough people who can’t be bothered with the details of what they’re voting for, thought, yep, I’ll have some of that. Just get it done.

“May you live in interesting times? That old chestnut. Well, we do, whether we like it or not. But if you voted for Brexit because you’re bored of Brexit, you might want to take a moment to consider you’ve just voted to be bored to death, for years.”

Cons promise no child will be more than 15mins away from a Boris Johnson lie

ARE WE STILL DOING THIS : The Conservatives have thrown another lure in the electoral waters this weekend by making another promise they intend to keep.

“I can promise you we are going to keep lying,” Mr Soul Less, MP for Confusion, told LCD Views, “in fact if we win the GE this week, we’ll have so many promises to keep, that we have no interest in keeping, that we’re going to have to get properly industrial with the lying. Just to meet demand.”

It’s believed the industrialisation of political deception will be a boon for the economy, and will easily replace the automotive sector in share of national output.

“We’ll export the lies too. We’ll bloody have to, there’s going to be so many of them stacked up across the country.”

And good British children are expected to share in the bounty.

“No British child will be more than 15mins away from a Boris Johnson lie,” Mr Less continued, “once we get our majority and pass the executive power grab on page 48, then we’ll ban protest and any message contrary to the Downing Street ‘sources’. But this won’t lead to a loss of income for the country’s billboard owners. We will plaster them all with lies. This way patriotic British children skipping to school, or for a day in the workhouse, they’ll see them all.”

To show the intent behind the child focused policy Mr Less unveiled another policy.

“You may have heard Ms Morgan waffling on about football pitches this weekend? As if that’s what we need to spend hundreds of millions on? Well, we do, having forced state schools to sell off all their playing fields to buy basic educational supplies. But to make the football pitch policy come true we will convert every food bank into a football pitch. And then we’ll force the little blighters to play for food.”

Global Britain. Unleashing its potential in a way those who voted for Brexit back in 2016 never imagined.

UK set to decide if representative parliament is still a good defence against thick voters

REMEMBER REMEMBER THE 12th OF DECEMBER : Get Brexit Done is the slogan outgoing Prime Minister Boris “f*ck democracy” Johnson’s aides repeat ad nauseously on his social media accounts. He’s told us himself that he doesn’t really do the Twittersphere, but someone does in his name then?

It’s an interesting pitch. The one aim over half of the country does not want achieved. That is his electoral pitch.

No longer is the aim to govern for all, but to govern for only those that support your agenda and the rest can go whistle.

It’s been this way since May’s “citizens of nowhere” speech heralded the new age in British democracy. The age in which political leaders of the right, and the left, decided proven electoral lawbreaking didn’t undermine democracy.

And now the very nature of our governance is up for grabs.

Many say, with no little justification, that FPTP has had its day. If they eventually prevail in changing the system, with no help from the old duopoly who quite like it, FPTP will he replaced by something more representative.

And representative democracy is the way we’ve usually done it. And if we allowed the question to be direct, it was heavily safeguarded.

Not so with Brexit. An advisory referendum, corrupted by the unscrupulous, has been transformed magically into a mandate from the heavens, regardless of the crime and snake oil and risk.

And once more direct democracy’s advisory Brexit goes to the representative ballot box. December 12th.

A representative parliament. The people choose who represents them. It’s been a good system. So many are too overworked to decide on matters of daily governance. Or too ill. Or too young. Or too dumb, that too. Those who refuse to inform themselves and allow the spin doctors and media to hold sway. So we guard against all by employing people to make it their job to protect us and progress the country.

But the system is at breaking point. The thick are in the ascendancy within and without the hallowed halls.

December 12th, the make or break of representative democracy? Either way it will be a day to remember.

The Tories can’t govern, that’s why I’m blaming Labour, admits Priti Patel

Priti “SuperSmirk” Patel has blamed Labour for the London Bridge terrorist attack. Essentially her argument is that Labour passed a law in 2008 and her government has spent the last 9 years failing to amend it.

The emperor is proudly wearing his brand-new outfit, and pointing out that Jeremy Corbyn has an incriminating stain on his y-fronts.

It’s the Tory modus operandi this season. No policies (beyond Get It Over And Done With For Goodness Sake). No attempt to justify their comedy manifesto. Just slag off Labour and hope that nobody notices.

But terrorist legislation is part of Patel’s remit as Home Secretary. Does she seriously want us to believe that Labour left such a mountain of problems that she and her predecessors are still sorting through it, nine years later? What on earth can they have been thinking of? Theresa May had plenty of time to create a hostile environment and demonise British citizens of Caribbean descent, but clearly no time to update policy on detaining terrorists.

It’s not even Patel’s first attempt to demonstrate her own incompetence. The government is not to blame for poverty, she said, it’s local authorities. Nine years of austerity, including massive and repeated spending cuts for local authorities, have obviously had no effect on poverty. Neither has the introduction of the completely useless and totally mismanaged Universal Credit.

“You are taking my words out of context,” said Patel, smirking broadly, when we tracked her down on an unofficial mission to Israel, rumour has it, to bring home some antisemitism to plant on Jeremy Corbyn. “My job is to make sure the public know that whatever the issue, Labour is to blame. We have spent the last nine years on ideological onanism, and can’t let reality prevent the climax yet again, or we will never Get It Done!”

So if the government won’t govern, who will? “Putin,” replied Patel. “Don’t quote me on that, but if some nice man offers you massive sums of money so he can do your job for you, you would be stupid to refuse. It’s win-win. Cheque please!”

SERF ‘N TURF – Government publishes economic assessment of new Brexit deal

BROKE BACK SERFING : Downing Street has relented to pressure and belatedly published an economic assessment of the new Brexit deal struck between Boris Johnson grabbing his ankles and the EU.

The deal shows that like all Brexit’s Boris Johnson’s ‘oven ready’ Brexit will lead to a boom in the agricultural sector of a kind not seen since the Middle Ages.

“And no one will be left out,” a spokesman said on publication of the report, “not the middle aged, not the reception aged child and not the OAP who wanted a way to payback all they’ve taken from society.”

The key benefits of the deal appear to be full employment within the UK, at least until its inevitable breakdown into its constituent parts.

“There will still be full employment within England’s strong borders after the formation of the Celtic Republic of Nations sees England free to realise its potential,” the spokesman added, “not a field left without turning. And to ensure people are happy in their work, they will be assigned to newly collectivised farms under the stewardship of Tory MPs. This way both Brexit and Lexit will be fulfilled. We expect to call it Blexit.”

But not everyone is impressed.

Speaking on behalf of historical re-creationists a red faced man in a set of tights gave the general view.

“The report is succinct, I’ll give them that,” Hobin Rood commented, “being just an A4 print out of a free to use image off google showing medieval fieldworkers. But the appearance of Jacob Rees-mogg in a non-prone posture takes dramatic licence too far for our liking.”

But then there’s always critics of a great leap forward, isn’t there.

Get ready to serf and serf some more Global Britons, and we don’t mean somewhere in the Mediterranean or Adriatic, your freedom of movement in the future will be much more domestic.

Love’s labours lost – Rest of Boris Johnson’s GE campaign to be just old HIGNFY footage

AFFECTION ABUSED FIRST CURDLES TO DISDAIN AND THEN INTO HATE : The alleged criminal conspiracy behind outgoing Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s re-election campaign has changed tack today after the flood of despair up north.

“No more contemporary Boris, that’s certain,” a source inside the mob told LCD Views, on condition of a threatened kneecapping, “just old footage from his golden era. Have I Got News For You. Early years. Prime time. The launch of his career as celebrity politician. The BBC have offered to assist in the strategy by accidentally using the footage day in and day out until December 11th.”

The move is clever, clearly, simple, simplistically simple, so simple Boris Johnson can’t fail to land the lines, because he’s already delivered them and they were largely written by others.

“We’ll be doubling down on it too by casting an unknown actor to play Boris as he was back in the noughties. So if there are any accidental public appearances ‘Boris’ won’t try and include any off colour jokes dressed up as classical references. That’s right out.”

But while the thinking behind the new play is clearly sound, members of the public will still be asked to help out.

“Cheer mostly. Whenever you see the archive footage pop up, start clapping. And interact with the social media bots who are the meat and gristle of our online campaign. Let us data harvest you too. Stop signing petitions calling for the publication of the Russian interference report. That’s a given. And pressure the Beeb to do its part.”

Surely that’s not necessary if they’ve already agreed to help out with errors made by overworked editorial staff?

“But we need your help. When you see ancient HIGNFY footage broadcast in place of the actor playing Boris Johnson climbing down into the sewers to replica a fatberg, getting stuck, and having to be rescued by emergency services, believe the old footage. No more skepticism posted online. Just laugh along and help Boris get over the line.”

If you don’t, and he’s ousted from government, there’s apparently a risk of him and even Gove eventually doing time? Depending on where all those repressed inquiries go once the laughter of the live studio audience of years ago has faded out in real time.

Have I Got Get The Tories Out For You.

Boris Johnson to scream and scream and scream until he’s sick

If there’s one thing that has become abundantly clear since Boris Johnson took over as unelected prime minister of this country, it’s that he doesn’t like not getting his own way.

Already he has shown he’ll go to any lengths to show his displeasure when things don’t turn out like he wants. However, now it seems that he’s even willing to throw a childish tantrum at the latest extension to the Brexit negotiating time.

He has vowed to scream and scream and scream until he’s sick. Not a pretty sight.

Professor William Brown of the Crompton Research Institute for Kidlike Extreme Yelling (or CRIKEY for short), had this to say:

“We have observed Mr Johnson during his premiership and for some years before, and we have no doubt about it, he suffers from Bott’s Syndrome.”

Well it’s common knowledge that he uses bots to artificially boost his approval ratings online, but this is apparently something else.

“No, not bots, Bott’s – named after Violet Elizabeth Bott, the first known case of the syndrome. She would always threaten to scream if she didn’t get her own way. And it wasn’t a bluff, she could, would and often did let that scream out. Even when she was just six years old, she already had the lungs for it. But even she’s got nothing on Johnson.”

Professor Brown – who was very informal and insisted I call him just William – went on to explain the syndrome has adapted itself in the modern era.

There’s already an evolved strain, called Trump syndrome, where the subject tweets and tweets and tweets until he’s thick. This version can be easier on the ears on the public, but harder on the credibility. The public read the tweets and have to factor in that the subject made a conscious decision to send them all.

In the case of Boris Johnson, it is feared that he may suffer from both forms of the illness. This is rare, and very dangerous both to the sufferer and to those around him.

There is still no known cure for this syndrome, which has been known of since 1928. Scientists are working on it round the clock, and hoping they hit on something soon before Brexit happens and the EU funding runs out.

We wish them every success.

Brexit : Gov says plans to “reclassify workers as serfs will not lead to lower employment standards, for serfs”

TILLING FOR ENGLAND : Downing Street has hit back at claims they intend to lower employment standards, post Brexit, even though the claims are based on their own documents.

“We simply will not lower them for workers as they’re categorised now,” a Home Office spokesgargoyle gargoyled, “we will reclassify everyone who doesn’t work the Fx markets as a serf. From that point traditional working standards for serfs will he maintained.”

The revelation of what the Brexit government will do, once it has delivered on the will of the tax havens, is timely and has been well received by medieval re-enactment fans.

“Just think, if you like pretending you’re a brawny field hand who has been drafted into the infantry for the Battle of Bosworth, well, based on what can reasonably be expected to happen in new feudal England, post Brexit, then you can be for real! For the second Battle of Bosworth which will be fought between remainers and leavers over the last toilet roll of the north.”

So too buxom wench revivalists.

“Even now Boris Johnson is drawing up plans to father more bastards than his idol of governance Henry VIII. He’s already got most of it nailed down. He just needs the unchecked sovereign powers. A daft Parliament passing the WAB will give that to him. Then wahey tavern wenches! Here’s your World King come to sire you a child he has no intention of recognising.”

But exactly what will be the tangible benefits for serfs? Post Brexit, as England is redrawn to fit the vivid imaginings of libertarian economists and their misunderstanding of Darwinism and how it applies to a globalised world, and governance?

“Well, you’ll have your own field to till for pottage one afternoon a week. Of course any crops you produce will need to be given to your lord in rent. But you’ll get the satisfaction of the hard work. Working weeks will be seven days, thus ensuring full employment. But you’ll get one day a year off for feast day.”

What will the feast day be?

“The Festival of Brexit.”

Strong and stable experiment to run UK on basis of “No one knows what’s happening” goes on another day

DOES DAVID CAMERON HAVE ANY REGRETS YET : Currency speculators are presumed to be feeling very happy with the work of Boris Johnson today as news of a Brexit Deal broke all over twitter.

“Of course immediately after it broke it started to break that maybe it was broken,” our steady hand of governance reports. “which is exactly what is required fo continue the experiment.”

The experiment in question is of course the one in which the UK is run on the basis of no one having any idea what’s going on. Day after day. Week after week. Month after…you get the picture. Or do you?

“The experiment has been producing masses of data day in and day out,” our analyst continues, “most of it false. Most of the accurate information dismissed out of hand by a majority of politicians and commentators. Mostly because that sort of guff, accuracy, directly contravenes the purpose of them running the experiment in the first place.”

And today is expected to produce similar results for the experiment.

“No sooner will Boris Johnson attempt to convince everyone he has agreed a deal with the EU, and breathless MSM reporters begin to parrot the Downing Street line, then we’ll start to see direct contradictions appearing online. By the end of the day no one will be any clearer as to what’s going on. They may not even have a credible idea of what happened hours before.”

And this is the experiment working as hoped by its undertakers.

“He doesn’t have a deal. He has the outline of a deal that has to be agreed at home. It has to hold together on contact with the EU27. It has to be please Trump. No one is allowed to tell the Japanese about it. And so on. So really, regardless of what may or may not establish itself as the day’s narrative. Only one thing remains certain.”

The UK today will be an experiment in no one knowing what’s going on. Especially not the people whose job it is to run it.