Galileo got it all wrong, May confirms, the world revolves around Global Britain

” Let me make one thing clear, in case I never make anything else clear,” Theresa May told a waiting country today, “Global Britain doesn’t need to be in the European Union’s surplus Galileo navigation programme, as the world revolves around us already.”

The announcement was timely, as some in the country, who perhaps don’t festoon their kitchens with Saint George flags, had begun to fret a little over the United Kingdom missing out on inclusion in the EU’s new navigation project.

“Futhermore,” May futhermored, “Galileo the heretic was patently wrong. The galaxy is clearly not heliocentric, as my government is proving right now with the air miles Liam Fox is generating, the world revolves around Global Britain. Further study even suggests it actually revolves only around the Tory party’s interests.”

This furthermoring was a further welcome relief to everyone in light of Donald Trump’s playful attitude to world trade.

“Once the United Kingdom has successfully Brexit’ed the European Union and Global Britain is free to assume its natural gravity I’ll personally be surprised if the moon doesn’t crash right into us.”

And she wasn’t finished there.

“We know exactly where we are everyday with Brexit, it has made GPS a technology of yesterday,” May added, “All you really need is a compass and a map where everything is pink again. As all roads will lead to London, you’ll simply need to know where London is to navigate. This will make navigation at sea much simpler.”

Not only that, but it will mean Global Britain’s loyal citizens won’t have to worry about falling out of the digital communications agreement and the return of roaming charges.

“No one from Global Britain will be roaming anywhere,” May added, “my government’s economic agenda will see to that. You’re all going to save so much money, you’ll be rich.”

To help everyone understand what is correct now text books on geography and physics are to be rewritten and reissued shortly.

“Each book will also include a special note by my boss Arlene Foster about dinosaurs,” May finished, “so that will be nice.”

Man thanking God everyday for Brexit

LCD Views’ Common Folk correspondent has been speaking with a man who is thanking God everyday for Brexit.

The interview took place in the man’s local gym, located in the crypt of Saint T-Bone’s church, as he worked out.

Although ageing, the man likes to keep in fighting shape.

“You never know when you may have to leg it with your money. In case you’re running late for church confession, or something.”

Just an everyday guy.

”You know when they told me,” the man said next, huffing as he bench pressed one hundred pre-reformation bibles, “that Brexit had narrowly won the advisory referendum I was thrilled.”

He paused a moment, inhaling God’s air, counting mentally with the bibles over his head, his arms trembling but not quaking.

“I thought [puff], that chubby, pork fancying simulacrum of me the Tories had elected leader had stuffed his party for a generation.

I never dreamed parliament would be so dense as to take a narrow win in an advisory referendum as a command from god written in the sky in fire to destroy the entire country.

But then, I was forgetting in that moment that Jeremy Corbyn is a diehard Brexiter and the Tory party owned lock stock these days by tax haven exiles and offshore media moguls with bad tendencies. Of course they were going to work hand in hand to deliver Brexit, before squabbling over the ashes.”

But Corbyn campaigned for Remain. The Tories own Brexit. Labour is playing the long game and will ride to triumph once the Tories destroy themselves. Labour are very clever.

“Corbyn predominately campaigned for remain in little town halls where no one would bother reporting what he said much, because Boris was tearing up the country in a big, red bus.”

Do you think Corbyn would have campaigned harder if Seamus had let him off the leash more?

“In a word. No.

Everyone forgets that in my day Corbyn and McDonnell were parliamentary rebels who disobeyed the whip every turn they could, while plotting with David Davis and the other rebels on the Tory back benches.

I suspect if anyone bothered to dig about, they may find there’s a lot more coordination between May’s cabinet and the current Labour front bench than people realise, even though it’s blindingly obvious if you look at what is happening in the Commons on Brexit.

In the end it’ll only be people who shout ‘you’re just trying to undermine the leader’ who’ll still be ignoring the possible collusion to undermine our democracy and turn it into something rather different.”

So you’re saying the hard right Tories and the old revolutionaries on the other side are engaged in a winner take all battle over the future of our country, right now? And working together until the final play?

“That’s the long game.

Both sides would be happy to have you eating out of a bin as it works for both hard right and hard left agendas.

The hard right get to slash and burn regulations and pay, that’s how Global Britain will attempt to compete with China, and the hard left wants to burn the established model to the ground, but they can only get the conditions for that if the middle classes are also reduced to penury, enough to revolt.”

But Corbyn’s supporters love to talk about how he rebelled against Blair’s government over the Iraq War and ignore the fact that the Liberal Democrats under Charles Kennedy voted against the war as a party?

“Omission is important when you are trying to motivate people emotionally. If anyone should know that, it’s me!”

So what’s next?

“Get me that towel, will you? I’ve worked up a godly sweat.”

Here you go.

“Thank you,” he said, “What’s next for me?”

I was thinking about the country, but talk about you if you like.

“I’m going to get my legacy back by the time this is all over, with a smudge inbetween sorting out Sierra Leone and Brexit.”

How are you going to do that?

“Because all the people in positions of power are going to totally screw themselves pursuing their blind ideological agendas and at the end of the day, it’ll just be me talking any sense.”

There’s others.

“Whatever. Brexit will be a great eraser over the parts of my record I’d rather you forgot. I may have screwed it up bad with one vital decision and sowed the winds of death and destruction in other parts of the world with that horrible mistake, but I’m inconveniently right on Brexit.”

This is not easy. I don’t like this.

“Suck it up buttercup.

Old Corbs is going to look pretty bloody silly still shouting ‘jobs first Brexit’ when Nissan and Airbus announce they’re pulling out in the summer.

I’m going to enjoy that day almost as much as I did watching David Cameron announce he was chicken shitting away from the mess he created by being too gutless to stand against the racists in his own party.”

I’m not going to enjoy thousands of people losing their jobs, although that’s probably what it will take to stop Brexit.

“You don’t see the completeness of God’s design like me.”

So what’s next today?

“I’m going to pray, as I do everyday, and thank God for Brexit.”

Home Office bans french kissing for Brexit

The Home Office was in chaste mood today as it released a list of activities that are now banned on patriotic grounds to help make a success of Brexit.

“Number one, french kissing is over,” Amber Rudd, Home Office Secretary, told LCD Views’ Dating Advice columnist, “french breadsticks are going too, as  one often leads to the other.  Sourdough will do well enough for honest British snoggers hereafter.”

But the addition of french letters to the list of proscribed activities and items caused criticism that the Home Office had not thought things through.

“Of course we have,” Ms Rudd replied primly, “we going to need a baby boom to replace all those foreign workers that are going home and taking their newly illegal activities with them.

French letters are almost certainly a French plot to undermine the great British birth rate. It’s much simpler just to ban them instead of having inspectors going around the country piercing each one individually with a pin. Even though that adds an element of surprise to unexpecting parents.”

But how does the Home Office expect to police the banning of french kissing?

“Easy. We’re going to surveil you. After Brexit you will have to apply for an “intimacy permit”. If you are successful you will be supervised during the times supervised for close contact. Some have called this a needless job creation scheme, but I refute that. We’ve already made enough civil service jobs just trying to find something sensible for David Davis to say.”

LCD Views welcomes all measures taken to encourage a greater sense of national identity for proper Brits, but we think banning french kissing is perhaps a step too far. It would have been more sensible to just retitle it as British kissing and be done with it.

“You know someone once suggested to me if we just asked the EU27 to rename the ECJ as the BCJ we could have saved ourselves a hell of a lot of expense and effort. But it’s too late now. The people had a vote.”

A new slogan is expected to accompany the campaign to raise public awareness of the ban on french kissing and letters.

“No tongues please, we’re British,” Ms Rudd nodded soberly, “that ought to do it. And if it doesn’t we’re going to have G4S detain you.”

First shipment of blue passports turned away at Dover for being metric

The new blue passports, which have been treacherously produced in the EU, will not be reaching these shores any time soon. Dover customs jobsworths have refused the first consignments because they are the wrong size.

It transpires that the new blue passports measure precisely 8cm by 12 cm. The specification stipulates that they should measure roughly 3 inches by 4 inches. Predictably, the tabloid press have seized upon this gaffe with great delight.

“Who wants a blEU passport?” squeals the Daily Mail. “We MUST take control of our passports NOW!” proclaims the Daily Express. Many items of calamitous bad news have been cheerfully buried in small print on page 73 as a result.

Cursory digging reveals that many of the now-useless decimal passports lack pages entirely. This is not a problem, as they are unlikely ever to be used, but they fail to communicate the vital illusion of global travel.

The ‘executive’ version of the passport does indeed contain pages. These pages are not made of the usual vellum, as this is too expensive. Instead, a parchment made from the skins of grateful unicorns has been used.

Including pages does increase costs, though. So corners have been cut to save costs. The passports will come without corners to get all dog-eared.

“This is a national scandal!” hooted passport expert Bergen Dee. “The incompetent EU cannot even get basic units of measurement correct. It is vital that we leave the EU as soon as possible, if not before that!”

Bergen Dee riffed about the use of Imperial measures being the first step towards reclaiming the Empire, before turning his ire on the EU again. “If you can’t even use a ruler properly, how on earth can you be taken seriously?” he shouted. “Britannia rules the waves!”

Don’t mention the fact that it would be much cheaper and simpler to retain EU passports. But that’s not Brexit. Britannia waives the rules.

First shipment of blue passports stuck in 10 mile truck tail back at Dover

Calls for increased tariffs on French Brie and Dutch clogs today as reports state the first shipment of potatriotic, British blue passports are stuck in a ten mile truck tail back at Dover.

The hold up occurred after the firm responsible, Franco-Dutch printers, Gelato, refused to pay the 500% tariff imposed on imported paper products by Brexminster.

”The driver of the lorry carrying the passports said he was under orders not to use the ‘express’ customs lane and its smart tariff payment system, as the processing fee added to smart payments by the British based sub-contractor responsible for processing was more than the tariff imposed,” passport specialist Paper Mashe told LCD Views, “which is a shame as the tail back in the express lane is usually only nine miles and not ten.”

It appears the driver turned off his engine and said he would have to wait for clearance from head office.

”But this only increases the cost as G4S, since winning the contract to manage the seamless border, have been actively clamping any vehicle moving slowly enough for their parking enforcement sub-contractors, Balls-Up, to get a clamp on.

It’s understood the clamp won’t be removed until the fine has been paid to Balls-Up’s sub-contractor for collections, Big Harry.

But as Big Harry was last seen drinking with his old flame Krystal late last night at the Fudge n Duck, no one expects him to surface until tomorrow, when they’ve run out of gear and he surfaces to score.

Unfortunately that’s nornally when Krystal slinks away and Harry returns to find the hotel room empty, damaged. This will trigger a five day bender ending in arrest after violent disorder in an off license in Enfield, where he first met Krystal all those years ago.”

So not much hope of getting those passports through Dover in time for the patriotic Brits who have booked for a holiday abroad this month?

”Not unless Scotland relaxes the hard border it recently imposed with England after Boris Johnson wouldn’t shut up about Culloden. They also cancelled all visas issued to English citizens, excepting the Cornish who are in open revolt.”

Will Boris apologise? Will Cornwall lay down their arms?

“Boris never has yet. He’s unsackable, even as the petition calling for his firing now has the signatures of over two billion people world wide. And the Cornish situation has only worsened recently as Jacob Rees-mogg, since seceding with Somerset, has arranged his militia on the border, it’s said with the tacit support of Westminster.”

So you’d advise people to plan on a staycation this year?

”Yes. Just like every year since we regained our independence from what, no one is quite sure anymore.”

The last known Brexit promise has died in captivity

The United Kingdom was in mourning today as the last known Brexit promise was reported to have died in captivity.

Brexit poacher turned gamekeeper while still poaching, Jacob Rees-mogg, is to bury the dead promise in a tearful ceremony in the Thames.

”We’ve had to hire professional mourners,” the MP for Emerging Markets told LCD Views, “as it was difficult to find anyone still credulous enough to get onto a boat with myself and Nigel now.”

Still, the ceremony is to mimic the one in which Nigel Fartage (never has been and never will be an MP) and everyone’s favourite fairy tale stepmother, Kate Goey (needs sacking Vauxhall, wake up now) paraded the promise on its capture in 2016.

”I wouldn’t say mimic, so much as mock,” Rees-mogg clarifies, “I hope it doesn’t take too long as I’m itching for another vote in the Commons to push Britain closer to Dickensian England.”

The death of ‘take back control of fishing’ is the last, following in a sad parade of extinction that began the moment the ink had dried on the EUref ballot papers in June 2016.

”We’ve killed them off one by one in as humane a manner as possible,” Jacob said, adjusting his specs and smirking, “the lower orders are so touchingly gullible, I’m amazed this farce is still going on.”

But what will you and other leading Brexiters do now the Brexit safari park is empty?

”Oh, we will start blaming the EU and the remoaners. Talk about fifth columnists and attempts to subvert the will of the British people, while attempting to avoid public inquiries resulting from the revelations of just how rigged things have become now that the Cambridge Analytica story has broken.”

This seems sensible. Sovereignty died with the Brexit White Paper, as we never lost it. The NHS funding promise died the moment the bus was parked. Control our borders was shot and butchered by the reality of physical space required, and the necessity of JIT manufacturing methods and how trade works in general in the 21st Century. Global Britain has been shown to be the imperial clothing set we knew it was. Strike new trade deals by losing all the ones we have? Who the hell ever believed that?

”Many did dear fellow,” Jacob smirked again, “It’s nice to have an electorate with so many pockets of desperation to take advantage of. And the irony, when you consider you helped create the sorry conditions to begin with. I do laugh with my chums at the club.”

I bet it’s rauccous with disdain. Strange how the last known Brexit promise was unable to keep its species alive. Lies normally beget more lies.

”Yes, quite, now do you mind, Ive got to go and waste fish in the Thames to better honour the uplifting presence of food banks.”

UKIP on brink of collapse as all the racists are happy to vote Conservative again

UKIP are reportedly on the brink of party collapse as all the racists are happy to vote Conservative again.

”It’s appalling. The British people have betrayed us,” temporary leader, Mr Someone Disgusting, told LCD Views.

”We expected to collapse in line with the United Kingdom as a whole, not in a great steaming bankrupt heap first.”

How does Mr Disgusting explain the loss of support for his party?

”It’s sabotage by the main parties. Most notably those grasping bastards the Tories, but Labour playing the race card on immigration and wages, is a stab in the back also.

They’re nicking our scripts out of convenience. We would sue for IP theft, if we could afford to. Which we can’t.”

What about Nigel Farage? Can’t he be persuaded to help out the fetid steed that has carried him so far?

”He won’t return our calls! Or if we phone him from a phone box and he picks up expecting someone from, well, overseas, calling on a burner or whatever, he pretends to be going into a tunnel and shouts “Woo! Woo!” like a steam train, then hangs up.”

What about increasing membership fees? Call it a patriotic levy?

”Most of our remaining members are potless. It’s how we convinced them to back us in the first place. That and positioning ourselves as more racist outwardly than the Tories, but not quite as bad as the BNP. You know, the respectable middle ground for British racists.”

Is there anyway we can help?

”Can you get Nigel back?”

We wouldn’t piss on Nigel if he was on fire.

”Well, claim the Tories are betraying Brexit!”

But that is Brexit. Brexit means betrayal.

”You’re trying to wind me up. I’m not biting. I left my teeth in the glass beside my bed. What do you suggest we do?”

”Maybe just ape the BNP now?”

”Show our true colours? Not just yellow and purple.”

”That’s right. Show people what you’re really like. No one is coming to help you. You’ve served your purpose mate.”

EU agrees to allow British based businesses till end of 2020 to relocate to EU

David Davis strode to the centre of the big tent in Brussels today in big floppy shoes and oversized trousers to announce a breakthrough for British and international business.

”We have fudge, fudge, fudge to give away!” he exalted the assembled crowd, twirling and holding up a tray just loaded with fudge.

He then tripped, back flipped and landed with his face in the fudge.

As he staggered and stumbled, playing the part of someone with fudge in their eyes, ringmaster Barnier circled energetically with a tiger on a leash.

The tiger was wearing a two tone tiger jacket with single market written on one flank and customs union on the other.

”I can see! Don’t worry about me!” Davis pretended to be calm, “It’s making me rather thirsty though. All this pretending I know where I am going!”

He stumbled about with his hands outstretched, as if feeling for a wall or feeling for a door.

”What are you looking for sir? Maybe I can help?” Ringmaster Barnier asked slowly and loudly.

”I’m looking for a deep and enduring, special and meaningful relationship,” Davis replied, but Barnier cut him off.

”I can be your guide.”

”You didn’t let me finish,” Davis barked, “I’m looking for a deep and enduring, special and meaningful relationship with an all expenses paid bar!”

Ha! Ha!

”Well I can help you with that too.”

Calmly Barnier lifted the tiger’s tail and placed it across one of Mr Davis’ open hands.

”Ah! A guide dog! I am saved!” David cried.

”This animal will lead you down the path, but don’t hold on for too long, or it will turn around and eat you.”

”I am not afraid! Even without the use of my eyes I can deal with a dog!”

The ringmaster doffed his top hat to the audience, who ooooed as Davis cheered his rescue.

”Take me to the nearest pub guide dog for am I parched! All this talking has me rather dizzy!”

Children in the audience, just little small and medium sized things, shouted warnings that Davis refused to hear as he followed the tiger from the rear.

Barnier circled by their side and kicked a can labelled “Irish Border” ahead of the path of Davis and the tiger.

The can spun from the kicking, beginning to fizz and smoke.

”What’s that smell?” Davis demanded of the crowd, “did someone throw a stink bomb at a blind man? You’re so very very cruel!”

A plant in the audience, not a cactus, but a middle aged woman with leather trousers and a big neck chain  (put where she sits to better orchestrate the show), shouted out,

”Just kick that can man! Kick it as far as you can!”

Davis with his big shoes flailed around.

”What can? I can’t find it?”

He carried on.

The tiger looked tenser and tenser, as one by one the audience began to give up on the show and drift for the door.

Nissan. Airbus. Fisheries. Soft fruit producers. Regulatory agencies for all manner of things. Service sector jobs. The list was rather long.

And as they exited they walked passed an old man on a tricycle pedalling slowly around the perimeter of the big tent, holding a sign saying Jobs First Brexit, and looking for a way to get in.

”Don’t leave yet!” he pleaded, “me and my crew are up next.”

“I’m sorry old chap,” they all told him the same, “this Global Britain circus has already gone on for far too long.”

Williamson slams Putin “Give me a bag to carry the 30K in or shut up and go away”

Gavin Williamson MP, Defence Secretary for an unidentified country, has launched a scathing attack on some Russian guy who likes sending Russian woman to dine and play sports with important British men.

The men maybe weak through lust and avarice, or they may just be idiots.

“Who allegedly sends a bag man without a bag?” Gav fumed, struggling with an armful of silver pieces, “I can’t hide all this if I can’t keep hold of it. Allegedly.”


It’s not entirely, allegedly, clear what the thirty pieces of alleged silver were for, although reports suggest it was delivered as a result of a hot lunch date with one of the aforementioned Russian women with close links to the Kremlin.

But a minister of state, a parliamentarian would never be so dumb as to get caught out with his pants down.

“It’s tacky,” Williamson said, “just because I had a little fling with a junior female employee some years back, that doesn’t mean I’m susceptible to female charms oodling my ferocious mind now I’m in control of a nuclear arsenal borrowed from America, along with the planes we need for leaky Elizabeth.”

While the full story of the £30,000 (30 pieces adjusted for inflation) pounds donated to Williamson is yet to come out, it does fit into a curious pattern for MPs of the unidentified country.

Boris Johnson and David Cameron were paid £180,000 to play tennis FFS.

A Ms Patel resigned in disgrace after being caught attempting to funnel British taxpayers money to the defence force of a foreign power. Seriously, how is she still an MP? How are any of them?

It’s makes you wonder how many more little payments for entirely innocent causes there are waiting to be revealed, as the rotten ulcer which threatens to infect the entire body politic of the U.K. with septicaemia is day by day revealed.

“I’ve got a spider on my desk,” Williamson snarled, “I’m bloody tough. I’m a mean machine. I frighten toast racks for a living.”

Good luck Gavin. You’re going to need it now you’ve lost your bottle in public.

Bombing London like Tetris, jokes Putin

Emboldened by Brexit like a steroidal chihuahua going at a bemused Rottweiler, Theresa May has decided to come all British Empire with Russia.

The attack on a former Russian double agent and his daughter with Novichok has drawn a red line for May. With thoughts of Thatcher and Falklands in mind, and the spirit of a WWWF wrestler called Brexit Basher, the challenge to the Russian federation must seem a welcome distraction from EU negotiations.

Something exciting like a brush with nuclear war, Cold War tensions and a good old-fashioned stand off.

And with a possible GE looming following a stalemate with Brussels, there’s nothing like a tough stand against a foreign foe to put a firework up the poll ratings.

Unfortunately this has just drawn sarcasm and derision from Moscow and not a little amusement behind the scenes.

Putin has joked bombing London would be like playing Tetris.

“We have many different shaped bombs in our arsenal. We have our blocks of empty luxury high rise flats my friends have investments in.

If we can drop them into the gaps we can leave our investments intact. This shouldn’t be a problem with our laser guidance systems.”

Theresa, however, has decided the UK won’t be playing along. The British long game will be a poker face and a bluffed hand.

* Looks down to see she holds three dog eared Uno cards *

Now, to mix things up a little, the U.K. government has called for all its pals to join in for a game of Twister, with Putin not allowed to play.

But Putin doesn’t care, he knows the future lies in video games. He puts another Bitcoin in the slot and furiously fiddles and stabs at the buttons as those coloured squares, crosses, rods and funny z-shape drop neatly into the sky line of London.

Meanwhile Donald Trump is preparing for nuclear Armageddon by challenging Kim Jong-Un to a game of Space Invaders.