British Overseas Aid to be replaced with just Union Jack flags sent to needy countries

WRAP UP GOOD AND WARM IN IT : The UK’s prime minister is a famous humanitarian and with the latest budget from his government comes heartwarming measures for the world’s neediest.

While some commentators have been distracted by trifling concerns such as a halving of the aid budget to Yemen, while arms sales to Saudi Arabia go from strength to strength, so they can drop them on Yemen, sharp eyed reporters have noticed a benevolent step forwards.

“We can confirm that funding for Union Jack flag purchases has been increased to £350m per week,” a treasury source told LCD Views. “We’re a little miffed it didn’t get more coverage. People get bogged down in poverty wages for nurses and miss the important stuff.”

The funding is especially directed, as with the flag purchases, to benefit some of the world’s poorest and most troubled.

“It was actually a brainwave of Priti Patel’s. Which is not something that is often said. Ha!”

It seems the thinking is that one way to stop all these desperate people risking their lives to escape danger and make it to the sanctuary of a disused army barracks in Kent is to send them something British.

“If they have a British flag at home then they can wrap up nice and warm in it and they won’t need to come here and upset Nigel Farage. He’s busy enough as it is trying to save the fishing industry, which apparently he helped wreck. It’s really a stroke of genius by the Home Secretary. We should be thanked for it.”

US and EU to impose economic sanctions on rogue state targeting “economic interests of regime leader”

NORTH SEA NORTH KOREA : BREAKING NEWS today that is certain to invoke outrage and condemnation from the UK’s English nationalist government with the announcement of joint US-EU economic sanctions on the United Kingdom.

The decision to impose sanctions comes after a turbulent year in which the UK’s so called government continued to wage war against international laws and rules, as if failing to notice that their fellow traveller Donald Trump lost (currently on bail awaiting trial).

“Biden has had enough,” a spokesman for the EU said via an interpreter. “He used his most recent round table with the EU27 heads to suggest the sanctions so he can finally have a day that is not interrupted by having to phone 10 Downing Street to remind them of their obligations to the GFA. The EU was happy to go along with it, for exactly the same reasons.”

It’s not clear if the imposition of sanctions usually reserved for the likes of Iran, North Korea and Russia will shift behaviour in 10 Downing Street though.

“Boris Johnson’s regime is like an unloved child on the world stage. One with a retarded development that hasn’t realised if it wants to be accepted by the other kids it’s needs to stop acting horribly, just to get attention, and think about how to get along, so people actually want to spend time with it. We are certain the sanctions will be used for domestic politics. Britain alone against the world and all that, but we’re just fed up.”

There are concerns the sanctions will just hurt ordinary Britons though, who have enough trouble dealing with a Home Secretary busily trying to incarcerate the lot.

“The sanctions will be targeted just to the regime leader and his allies. There maybe some disruption to day to day life from the restriction of exports of hi-vis vests and scientist costumes into the UK, but I’m afraid the people have a responsibility too to stop supporting this corrupt and out of control autocracy.”

More on this as it develops…

Fury after White House joins EU in laughing at Boris Johnson

WHAT’S GOT INTO EU : 10 Downing Street is in lockdown mode today and not because serial screw-up Boris Johnson has been caught screwing around.

The reason for the tense and barricaded state is rumoured to be the receipt of an audio file of Joe Biden talking in private about Boris Johnson and Brexit, with Von Der Leyen and others.

“Someone says U.K. trade deal, we’re not sure who, they sounded French. Biden says pork products and chuckles. Then another voice, American we think, or perhaps a European who learnt English at an American school, says Global Britain and cheese. More laughter, louder this time. Next someone throws in ‘We’re gonna build a wall and Brussels is gonna pay for it’ and they’re off. The rest of the file is just people laughing and the file is an hour long. The only time they stop laughing is when Boris Johnson actually attempts to phone up. Biden says it’s the tenth time that day and they all sit in silence and listen to the phone, until it stops ringing.”

How Downing Street will respond isn’t yet clear, although ERG douche Andrew Bridgen has suggested he will hold his breath until he faints, as they’ll be so sorry then.

“Johnson is said to have set up a special unit to work up jokes about Biden and Barnier, but the problem appears to be that the jokes are all on Britain these days.”

We’re sure it will soon blow over, like Johnson’s combover. After all, just like the EU, the USA needs us more than we need them.

Priti Patel to strip British citizenship from everyone and decide who she wants to let back in

FORTRESS DOMINATRIX : The United Kingdom’s Home Secretary doesn’t like people having homes very much, especially not people who have fled war zones and other calamities.

“The only way we’re going to make Britain Great Again, now we have left the failing, protectionist, corporate interest club of the EU is to ensure we have the right people on our green and pleasant land,” an aide to the Home Secretary told LCD Views. “And as few of them as possible. This is why we had to take back control of our borders, except in pandemics, clearly.”

And the only way we will make sure we have as few people as possible in our country is if someone decides who gets to stay and who goes.

“Root and branch,” the aide clarifies. “Throw everyone out and then have someone judge who gets back in and who, after a suitable probation, gets their citizenship back. The hallowed Blue Passport!”

Priti Patel is the one for this job, clearly.

“It’s actually going to be a boom for our car industry. Just imagine how many security vans we will need to round up 68m people, minus one. That one being Priti Patel. The darling of the Tories. And well deserved too. Not many can come back from being fired for running your own foreign policy agenda! Thanks Boris! Gosh. In earlier times she would have been thrown out of politics for that.”

Clearly to gain re-admittance you’re going to need a crystal clear social media history.

The next time you see a BoRiS bot festival on social media I advise you to jump right in at the deep end. But don’t forget to praise Priti too, as she’ll be watching you…”

Bank of England to be renamed “Bank of Ingerland”

LITTLE INGERLAND : The new Guvnor of the Bank of England isn’t going to take bullying by the EU laying down, he’s going to take it on like the full blooded John Bull that he is.

“The EU need to get it through their thick ‘eads that they can’t just come over to our borough and treat us like c” an aide working for the financial tough guy told LCD Views. Unfortunately the line dropped out.

It seems the EU is bullying the UK, after forcing us to leave the bloc and all it’s mutually beneficial arrangements, and we’re not going to take it. No one gets to treat the UK like a third country! Even if we demanded it.

We managed to re-establish the line and continue the call.

“I mean, have we got ‘screw me’ written across our foreheads? Yes? NO? I’m not sure. I haven’t looked in the mirror since England overwhelmingly voted to take the UK out of the EU. Can you have a look and tell me?”

It seems the decision to establish the UK as a direct competitor to the failing EU is having some consequences no one on Earth could possibly have foreseen.

“What have half a billion of the richest people on Earth got to bring to the party? Nuffink. Pricks. We’ve been insulting them for years from our highest offices of state. They should KNOW THERE PLAICE BY NOW! BUT NO. NO! NOW BAILEY IS GONNA HAV’ TO GO ROUND THERES AND GIVE THEM A TASTE OF THEY’RE OWN MEDICINE.”

From there the interview contained something about sovirrentee, whatever that is, and a red faced scream at reality.

All well and good. We’ll show them.

“Andy is gonna change the name of the Bank of England to the Bank of Ingerland, then those clever dicks in Brussels will know exactly what their dealing with. Where gonna stick Union Flags on oar bank notes to. And im going too personanally tear up any filthy Euros I can get my hands on. Sea how they like that.”

That’ll do it. Global Britain. No one can stop us now. Especially not the people we’ve told to shove it.

“Little England sunshine. Get it right. Show some respect.”

Fish who can’t answer who was Archbishop of Canterbury in 1456 no longer allowed in British fishing nets

TOUGH ON FISHING AND THE CAUSES OF FISHING : George Eustice is in the news a lot lately, mostly lying his arse off, as he tries to stave off the disaster his boss Boris Johnson has caused in the UK’s fishing industry. But he is not alone anymore.

No less a heavyweight than Home Secretary Priti “lock ’em up” Patel has weighed in to assist with the struggle to save the fishing fleets from the rocks of global trade.

“This is a welcome helping hand,” an aide to George “Useless” Eustice told LCD Views. “The Home Office is extending the British citizenship criteria to European fish stocks. This will help ensure only British fish are caught in British waters by British fishermen using British fishing nets cast from British fishing boats. It will mean there’s even more British fish for Britons to eat. And with that much British involved there is no reason why this isn’t an exceptional and world beating move.”

The joining forces of the Environmental Secretary and the Head of Incarcerating Desperate People Fleeing War Zones Using British Munitions Secretary will mean it is guaranteed now that the future of British fishing is secure.

“Any European fish that can’t answer basic questions about British life and culture such as ‘Who was the Archbishop of Cantebury in 1456?’ will no longer be allowed to be caught. They will be told to aboutface and swim back to France. Clearly British fish won’t be asked the same questions because bugger all will know the answer. But that’s not the point.”

Liz Truss to sell surplus British Pork to UK government

MAKING A PIG’S EAR OF THINGS: We are opening up new pork markets in Global Britain, announced Trade Supremo Liz Truss today. British Farmers are producing British Pork, so therefore British People are bloody well going to eat it.

British Pork is going to waste, she reports, after normal shipments to the EU have been stymied by a plethora of paperwork. The solution is simple, declared Mastermind Liz. The UK shall go the whole hog and buy the lot.

“We happy Brits are going to pig out!” exclaimed Truss, wagging her curly tail happily. “We are bringing home the bacon! It is the patriotic duty of every loyal British Citizen to buy and eat British Pork! Get your snouts in the trough, and eat for Britain!”

The news was particularly well received by vegetarians, and other people who do not eat pork.

“This. Is. A. Dis. Grace!” spluttered vegetarian Meetal Ternative. “I’m not changing my ways just because that ridiculous old ham says so!”

Unfortunately, the porky Prime Ministerial pork sword pusher, Boris Johnson, thinks that compulsory pork consumption is an excellent idea.

“This is one in the eye for those pigheaded EU swine!” he quipped. “We are bringing home the bacon! – what what? Oh, you’ve already done that one? Ah. Erm. Splendid, splendid, good work, wiff waff, erm, yes, well, erm, excellent!”

The government will, grudgingly, pay almost market rate for the pork. Except if the farmer is a Tory donor, in which case it will spaff untold millions on a single joint of mass-produced gammon.

It will be made obligatory for every Brit to eat pork at every meal. They will gladly pay through the snout for the privilege. Bacon for breakfast, chops for lunch, gammon for dinner, pork scratchings with your evening pint once the pubs have reopened.

Have we been sold a pig in a poke? Or is this just another load of porkies?

Dominic Raab in favour of establishing “new garden city in Antarctica” and exporting to it

THE FAR SIDE OF CREDIBILITY AND BEYOND : NO LESS A SUPERPOWER OF VISIONARY POSSIBILITIES than Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary Dominic “pulsating vein” Raab is rumoured to be pushing to establish a new British colony on Antarctica.

The completely fabricated rumours suggest that Raab is believed to see the possibilities of the United Kingdom becoming self-sufficient in “tropical produce like bananas, passionfruits and teas” just like “all the other countries of the Southern Hemisphere”.

It’s believed Raab got the idea for the project when looking at a FCO map of Antarctica from 1914 and finding the massive southern continent was entirely white.

“It’s a blank canvas,” Raab is rumoured to have declared. “It’s all white. There’s nothing there. We can build whatever we like. We can farm. Fish. Make skyscrapers. We need to get there before the French.”

Clearly also we can “draw whatever lines we like on that map. It will be like the 19th century, the 1920’s all over again. I’m just amazed no one has got there first. Sometimes it takes an Englishman.”

Liz Truss is also believed to support the project, with the suggestion being she sees the possibility of a fully taxpayer funded trade mission to Antarctica and a smashing series of photographs with Union Jacks and “Penguins. Polar Bears. Eskimos. Igloos. The lot!”

It’s further thought that once the garden city is up and running it will attract massive investment and create great demand for British products.

“Mr Johnson will announce a feasibility study shortly,” the source adds. “Just as soon as another corruption and lawbreaking scandal hits the cabinet.”

U.K. Gov threatens to halt MAGA hat imports from US after U.K. snubbed at US-EU talks

THERE’S SOMETHING IN THE WATER : The U.K. government is adopting a tough stance against the fledgling US administration of Biden and Harris today after a world beating diplomatic snub.

A cross party foreign affairs committee has been tasked by 10 Downing Street with coming up with a suitable response after the U.K. was not allowed in to the bilateral US and EU talks conducted today.

“Dominic Raab was kept waiting on the Zoom link for hours. He even postponed his mid-morning mindfulness session for it. But he was never admitted. There’s a whiff of a set up about it all. That he was sent the link for just that purpose,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “He’s fuming. He had to have his personal physician tap some pressure out of his pulsating temple vein. There was serious risk of brain damage. And he’s suffering from more than enough of that as it is, just by virtue of being who he is.”

And while the EU maybe easy enough for Downing Street to punish, by way of the threat of a ban on mineral water, the US is a little harder to tackle.

“The cross party committee, or Atlantic Bridge as they’re known, are going to come up with several suggestions. But top of the list is a ban on MAGA hats from the US.”

Critics have been quick to point out that such a ban could quickly backfire, as the hats are only popular in the U.K. with fans of Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

That’s a risk we are prepared to accept. I’m sure once the PM explains his thinking to them in 80’s environmental cliches and pigeon Ancient Greek they’ll get behind him,” the source was confident. “After all, people in America can’t get rid of the hats fast enough now. This will really hurt Biden.”

Liz Truss formally invites all Commonwealth countries to rejoin the British Empire

FORM AN ORDERLY QUEUE : The current British government is notoriously interested in the welfare of lesser nations, so known for it there are occasional murmurs of dissent from the backbenchers.

“Boris Johnson pays them no need. He was born to be world king. A benevolent autocratic ruling over a far flung and peaceful empire. And he will fulfil his destiny.”

And he has help. No less a brain of Great Britain than Liz Truss is by his side, and she is moving forward with the fulfilment of the promise of Brexit.

“Tomorrow morning Liz Truss will formally invite all Commonwealth countries to rejoin the British Empire. India is expected to be first in line with Canada and Australia jostling for second spot. All the other places no one can ever name will be in a wild scrum behind them.”

The plan to reform the Empire, based on the lines drawn on maps in the earlier part of the 20th century, is certain to be a boon for British industry.

“For far too long our colonial subjects have been denied British pork products and British cheese,” Ms Truss will say in an upbeat, but serious tone. “This is wrong. This injustice will end.”

In return for demanding our superior produce the colonies will once again be at liberty to do what they do best.

“They still offer up their sons for our imperial conflicts and give us all the minerals they possess. In return they will become civilised again. It is symbiotic in nature.”

The High Priests of Brexit will of course all be ready to help the countries come home from the wilderness.

“Hannan will be on hand to direct the children of empire where they stand in the colonial structure. Rees-mogg will supply missionaries just in case any have forgotten the wonders of transmutation and servitude to a higher tax avoidance structure. It will all be glorious.”

A spitfire fly passed is planned for midday tomorrow and a mass zoom sing-a-long of God Save the Queen at midday, which will be led by Dylin the prop dog. Get your bunting out and be ready to raise a mug of English tea.

And if you are from a distant land, just know that soon the redcoats will once again be in your towns and streets to offer you a reassuring sight of order, and the correct way to address your superiors.