Downing Street to replace Sterling with TrumpCoin to win over Trump

BOTH KNEES BENDING : Great news today for the Global Britain project with the revelation that 10 Downing Street will “stop at nothing to avoid having to take a principled stand” against the second coming of Trump.

While the wokerati of Blighty had vague hopes that new Prime Minister, and human rights lawyer, Keir Starmer would not stand for the casserole of nonsense cascading out of the White House, we have it on good authority that he will stand for it. Or, to be more precise, kneel for it.

No more so then because taking a stand would mean uniting with the 500m people across The English Channel that make up a bloc of major world democracies. And we can’t do that.

“To cement the special relationship in the modern era is no mean feat, especially given the complexities of doing that cementing when the USA has gone completely batshit insane, and increasingly lawless.”

“But we’re up to the job,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views. “Did you see our video yesterday of migrant removals? You can imagine that really thrilled Trump for validating his own cruelty. Our commander in chief has studied criminals his entire working life so he knows how Donald Trump ticks. He will make sure Blighty builds a wall to hide behind that will have no room for anyone else.”

How this metaphorical wall is to be built has been the focus of fevered speculation, but today we know exactly what its bricks and mortar will be made of.

“We’re throwing pound sterling into the dustbin of history,” the source reveals, “and replacing it with TrumpCoin. And for any traditionalists out there, there is nothing to worry about, the coin will still feature the head of our king. Our new one that is. D Trump.”

It is hoped such a pathetic act of fawning will encourage the roaming eye of Sauron to move on and punish the EU instead.

“Not only will replacing our currency with TrumpCoin secure our relationship with Mr Trump into his third term, it will mean a boost to our economy, as it won’t stay worthless forever. You just wait and see and while waiting, why not try bartering?”

“Labour will campaign to rejoin the EU when the next Tory leader does” – Starmer

FOLLOW THE LEADER : You can’t be too careful when weighing up how much avoidable harm to do to your country in the hope of small electoral advantages, and no one knows that better than the current UK Government.

”The UK is the greatest country on earth,” the current UK PM will tell a rapt audience in Brussels later today, and then pause for applause.

”We are also incredibly modest and don’t like to browbeat our neighbours, and I will say it, friends, with the long established truth that we’re simply better than they are. We understand this makes it hard for them to give in to all of our demands. It’s simply embarrassing to be so close to such an exceptional country, but yet so far away. Today, we shall find a way to make it look like you are giving us what we demand. At least, that’s how it will look when we agree to a form of words that signifies better for the focus groups.”

The rigorous adherence to the Brexit policy of the preceding five Conservative prime ministers is anticipated to reassure the EU officials that it’s “steady as she goes” in Blighty.

“We do not negotiate with a hidden trick up our sleeves,” he will add, “even if we do have a Trump card.”

There will be another pause for applause from the captivated audience, before Mr Starmer will get to the central message.

”The easy thing to do would be to extol the obvious benefits of immigration from highly educated countries just a few miles away. To explain that the problems you maybe facing getting a GP appointment, or renting an affordable flat, were caused by incompetence at the highest levels of British leadership, but that would risk alienating one potential Reform voter in Tamworth. And like David Cameron before me, that is a risk I will not take with my party’s fortunes.”

We did ask a Brussels insider for comment, and received it.

”The ninth year of Brexit now?” he said. “You’re still too shy to admit it was a mistake as visible as Dover’s white cliffs? Not so much perfidious Albion these days, as stupidious! [snigger]. We will be here when you grow up. Now, if you don’t mind there’s a war on, and everyone is invited.”

“Sun Tzunak” – PM to rebrand as military strategist in latest Reset! Reboot! Relaunch!

YOU AND WHOSE ARMY : The UK’s current inheritor of Churchill’s eternal power animal, Rishi Sunak, is set to reposition himself domestically to prove he’s the war leader Britain needs to be great in future conflicts.

It’s the best kept secret in the Westminster bubble that Mr Sunak is only respected to his face by people who hope to either fill or empty his bank accounts, but the umpteenth image refab will definitely provide the resurrection in polling the PM needs.

”We can’t have an election until Rishi is certain to win, so if you want an election you know what to do,” a spokesman for the little retrograde ruler told LCD Views, “you would have thought showing a bit of ankle, literally, to the public was enough, but the peasants are truly revolting.”

No one can say Mr Sunak isn’t a trier, so why not try the latest rebrand his team of well heeled freethinkers have hit on.

”Sun Tzunak has an appeal which we’re sure will resonaste with the voters,” the spokesman explained, “and see them returning to Rishi in droves.”

The catchy new handle was the result of a free association brainstorm session of the kind which has seen the PM make life as hard as possible for people less well off than the average voter.

”To be frank, punishing the vulnerable for a poll boost is getting a little tired, because we’ve created so many vulnerable people. So this is a reset to our reboot approach and a rebrand which will put a rocket under Rishi.”

Mr Sunak will record a hip and groovy series of short clips for social media to help spread the world that he’s now Sun Tzunak, a type of military superhero.

”Only Sun Tzunak can lead you to victory,” the spokesman adds, his life force draining away in real time, “and if you don’t believe us you’re a traitor who is undermining the country.”

Look out for the taxpayer funded videos on digital billboards in your area from tomorrow and see a giant sized Sun Tzunak pointing to the dangers of the future he’s helping to create, so he can be the one to save you.

And if this latest reset doesn’t shift the dial, what next?

”We’ll do something else,” the spokesman shrugged, “it’s not like we’ve anything pressing to do.”

The EU needs to fall into line with us

TRANSIT INTRANSIGENCE: All out problems could be over, if only the EU would fall into line with England and the English Empire, claims Jacob Rees-Mogg. Their pettifogging insistence on imposing their silly little foreign rules is causing hold-ups to Great British Commerce. It is also costing huge amounts of money that could be more usefully diverted into the war chests of England’s feudal overlords.

The English Empire is vast and all-powerful. It consists of the Square Mile in London, selected smart London districts such as Park Lane and Mayfair. It incorporates the many pockets of English Acreage held by the Landed Gentry, whose ancestors stole it from the native Britons in 1066. Just over the Border, the Empire includes the Vassal States of Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. Logic dictates that the remainder of Ireland is de facto part of the Empire. Beyond these fine green swathes lie the Sceptic Isles of Gibraltar, Malta, Atlantis, and the Falklands, all of which had the good sense to split from mainland Europe long ago.

It makes perfect sense that the EU should bow down and pay homage in the face of such might.

“The continued intransigence of the EU is costing them dear,” said Rees-Mogg in his familiar 19th century accent. “Their refusal to accept the superiority of England, our England, prevents them from basking in English Sovereignty. They cannot share our fish, our sparkling clean waters, our cheap food, or our low-price energy. Do they not know that Britannia rules the waves? Do they not speak in strange dialects, derived from the Mother Tongue, which they use to denigrate their superiors?”

Ultimately, there is only one solution: the Final Solution.

“We must make them bow down,” said Rees-Mogg. “There can be no dissent. We will fight them on the beaches, lay down our towels, and make sure every European town sells weak fizzy lager and fish & chips. There is no alternative!”

When Britain was Great we were powered by battery hens

CLUCKING MAD : It’s not hard to trace the downfall of a once great empire, and no, we are not talking about our mad prodigal son The (so called) United States of America.

Sadly we are talking about a peoples whose mighty ancestors turned the map a joyous pink for centuries, and taught savage foreigners everything worth knowing. From the value of the well educated clerk in good governance, and the railway. Today foreginers still continue with these vital facets of rule but fail to give credit where it’s due. Just look at the European attitude to Barry and Barb from Southgate attempting to bring a little cheer to the dreariness of the Costa del Sol!

To pinpoint where it all started going wrong for Mighty Britannia one simply has to look at the first battle won by the Woke mob. If you think they started screeching their naive concept of “Just stop treating people you don’t know like pricks” in the last decade is to ignore how long the damp rot has been rising in our foundations.

The chicken. That great British bird the Romans once invaded our noble shores to secure, this was the first place the enemies of the people on the inside struck.

It’s a simple and logical assessment. When hens were kept in tiny cages and given total licence to do what they do naturally, produce pale yokes and thin shells by the masses, Britain was a powerhouse. But once our nation’s once sensible poulterers were tricked into letting them run wild in the pasture doing sod all but wait for handouts the downfall was certain. Soon childbirth rates were plummeting and coal, that great fuel that powered our homes, was scorned in favour of foreign renewables.

Suez. Leyland. The virtual extinction of the bowler hat. And so much else besides followed.

Only when we get those little feathered servants back in the chicken wire cages and build the modern factories Britain needs to be once again be a world leading exporter of whatever, only then will we be able to hold our heads high and cry “Who rules the waves?”.

A purely rhetorical question.

Oxford Cambridge boat race to take place over Zoom because The Thames is too full of shit

RACE TO THE BOTTOM : Exciting news for fans of iconic Great British sporting contests today with the announcement that the 2024 Oxford Cambridge boat race, aka The Boat Race, will still go ahead, in spite of The Thames now being a heaving pit of sewage swill that would make a Victorian blush.

There had been concerns that the race would be postponed until sometime after the Tories leave office, mostly because of the guarantee of numerous future Prime Ministers catching E. coli poisoning if any of the Oxbridge competitors actually came into physical contact with The Thames. But sanity has prevailed.

“The UK is a world leader in communication technology,” a spokesman claiming to talk for the organisers told LCD Views, “ever since the invention of the first punt we’ve shown the world how to accelerate the transfer of vital information. Post-Brexit Britain is continuing in that vein.”

It seems Zoom will take part in The Boat Race for the first time, at the insistence of 10 Downing Street.

“No one wants to give the wokerati remoaning contingent the pleasure of cancelling such a famous British tradition just because the post-Brexit freedom to choose how much raw shit we fill our waterways with has led to it being an epic and life threatening amount of shit,” the spokesman continued. “So we’ve decided to have both teams take their canoes home and row in their living rooms. The competitors will be able to see each other over a Zoom call link. That way the healthy spirit of competition will be alive and swimming. A judging panel will decide whether Oxford or Cambridge mimes rowing the hardest and the winner chosen accordingly.”

For the first time too the event will have corporate sponsorship with Thames Water understood to be providing the funding for the Zoom call.

“It’s our way of giving something back to the community in exchange for all the billions we’ve siphoned off in dividends,” Thames Water said, “well, apart from gastrointestinal complaints and dead fish.”

Boris Johnson challenges Greek PM to a game of Elgin Marbles

LOSING YOUR MARBLES: Former Prone Monster Boris Johnsons has given his view on the row over the Elgin Marbles. In his usual diplomatic way, he has offered them in a game of winner takes all.

“If the Greek PM wants the Marbles, he’s going to have to bally well win the buggers back!” blustered Johnson in his usual measured manner. “He can come over here and we will have a jolly good game of Elgin Marbles! I was World Champion Chief Marbles Wrangler in my lower fourth days, I’ll have you know, yes indeed, erm, well, they called me Quod Effat Demon-Stacker, when I wasn’t winning at wiff-waff!”

The office of the Greek PM has issued a statement in response. “Mr Mitsotakis will not be taking up Mr Johnson’s challenge,” it reads. “We Greeks prefer to negotiate like adults, not indulge in playground competitions. However, we feel duty bound to point out that Mr Mitsotakis is an expert in the ancient art of playing marbles, so Mr Johnson can stick his infantile challenge up his great fat…”

The remainder of the statement was redacted.

The current incumbent at Number Ten was, allegedly, sanguine. “Nobody in the current administration thinks that Mr Johnson has any part to play in the current state of affairs,” said a spokeswonk. “Mr Sunak is desperate to hold on to his tenure for as long as possible, so he doesn’t want to risk being involved with Mr Johnson any more. Mr Sunak believes that Mr Johnson is being childish for the attention, and wishes to remind him that we won, you lost, so suck it up, loser-boy, get over it, and yar boo sucks!”

We can learn a lot about history from old statues. The Marbles were hacked away from their original location, subjected to rough transit, Victorian pollution, and clumsy attempts to launder them. It’s how Britain became Great.

BREAKING : Sunak offers Greek PM meeting if he makes “sizeable” donation to Tory Party

YOU’VE LOST YOUR MARBLES MATE : GLOBAL BRITAIN’S world beating Prime Minister, Rishi “The Hammer” Sunak has reportedly denied claims he is unwilling to meet Greek Prime Minister Mitsotakis and said “there are always conditions to be met before meetings between heads of state.”

Quite how the Greek PM failed to understand this routine fact of international relations is anyone’s guess, but 10 Downing Street has allegedly stressed it has communicated with the Greeks and it’s likely that a meeting will now take place “after Mr Sunak’s afternoon nap and nappy change. But not to bring anything with too much sugar in it if they want Mr Sunak to sit still and concentrate”.

“The PM isn’t bothered about currency,” a 10 Downing Street spokesman is said to have said, “we’ve an election to fight. What’s important is to fill the coffers of the Tory Party.”

When pressed what they meant by that the spokesman shuffled some papers before shrugging and elaborating.

“Okay, Mitsotakis isn’t a US private health provider, he isn’t a dodgy developer, he isn’t a roaming international kleptocrat looking to establish a charter city within the UK, but that doesn’t mean he can’t stump up some money for a meeting. He just needs to make a sizeable donation to the Conservative Party’s war chest and then he’s in the door by morning tea.”

It’s not clear whether or not the Greek PM will be prepared to donate in order to meet Mr Sunak.

“Then it just shows what novices they are,” the spokesman added, “pay to play, that’s how we play in Global UK.”

It is understood though, that even if the Greek PM does donate in order to meet with Mr Sunak, there is one topic that will not be up for discussion.

“Don’t even bother bringing up the Marbles. Stop the Boats is starting to get a little thin, so we need something else to get the raging xenophobes in our base red faced over or they won’t come out to vote.”

UK relegated from Eurovision and will compete in CPTPPvision next year

IT’S A GAME OF TWO HALVES, BRIAN: The UK’s relegation was confirmed after a weak display in the final match of the season. Even VAR couldn’t save the day for the hapless UK.

What went wrong for the team that almost pulled off a shock win last time out? Was it injuries, a change of manager mid-season, or players not pulling their weight? Analyst Peter Principal looks at the evidence. 

“There are so many ways that it went wrong,” explained Principal. ‘A lot of it is to do with unrealistic expectations. If you come from nowhere and have one single great season, you expect more of the same. But if you don’t invest in key areas you go right back where you came from!”

And investment has been cut, and more cuts threatened. So in a way, the UK is paying the price for being cheap? 

“Exactly,” confirmed Principal. “In this business you speculate to accumulate. But team selection was an issue too. The team was always packed with right wingers. Nobody would play on the left, or even the centre. We got pulled out of position too easily, and left our opponents an open goal.”

Management was also an issue. 

“Yeah, Johnson always sets his teams up the same way, and almost forced victory through charisma and bullshit alone. But he got found out in the end,” said Principal. “Then Truss had that disastrous spell in charge, running the show like a six year old playing FIFA. Finally, boring, more competent Sunak took over, but the damage was done. We just weren’t good enough at the end of the day, Brian.”

So next year, the UK will compete in the far less prestigious CPTPPvision Song Contest instead. Hopes are not high, but there was one note of optimism. 

“At least we finished higher than Germany.”

Great British food banks told to celebrate Coronation banquet

UPLIFTING : The UK Government has acted today to ensure all subjects of Charles III can view the Coronation as it happens, and the extravagant banquet which follows.

“There’s disturbing reports that some people may miss the Coronation action while queuing to fill their reusable plastic bags with free tins of no-brand crushed tomatoes,” a 10 Downing Street spokesman told LCD Views. “Your government is committed to ensuring this does not happen.”

The action by Downing Street is described as “coordinated”, “front footed” and “patriotic”. It will see thousands of giant LCD screens forcibly installed inside the UK’s vast network of “food pantries”. The screens themselves have been leased by a recently incorporated, government linked private company and are definitely not “fire hazards”.

“Food banks will have to repay the cost of renting the screens,” the spokesman advises, “but they can easily do that by increasing the price they charge on donated wholemeal spaghetti. Or perhaps by organising street parties and leasing bunting to participants.”

But it’s not all love and handshakes.

“Anyone attempting to avert their eyes as hundreds of inheritance millionaires get stuck into the best French champagne and Continental delicacies will be punished,” the spokesman warns. “A national celebration of unearned wealth and privilege is what makes Great Britain stand out from its neighbours. If you’re not waving a little Union Flag as Charles gets a tonne of gold and jewels lowered onto his head you’re working to undermine Britain.”

Make sure to raise a toast to your King today. After all, he’s worked all his life to earn his privilege. And what else could lift the spirits of striking workers who can’t afford food? But knowing that their King is at a banquet.

“Anyone looking to undermine the monarchy on this day of days needs to have a hard look at themselves,” the spokesman added. “Why has Charles become King? He didn’t do it by complaining about irregular bin collections. Just think about it.”