Leave voter suddenly recalls ref only advisory after learning Brexit will increase non-white immigration

LCD Views has seen a tweet tonight from a previously staunch Brexit supporter, Brexitius Brexitus, who wants everyone to remember the EU referendum was only advisory.

“eU REF not legal bind,” Brexitus thought to remind the United Kingdom, “hope democratically elected EU parsleymint doesn’t forget it.”

It seems the sudden total recall of a vital facet of the referendum held in 2016 and taken by Britain’s ruling coalition as word of God to decide the country’s fate forever, regardless of mild indications that it’s a bad idea, has been brought about by accidentally reading a newspaper not owned by a tax avoiding offshore billionaire.

“They want too swamp hour roads with there extra people,” Brexitius followed his first reminder, “they want to send postcards from OUR NHS. In…,,,extra change for Dr Fox’s radio shows!!!!?!”

The tweet was not greeted warmly by the account holder’s followers at first, but after a crayon meme was posted that explained how former COLONIES may expect easier visa entry requirements for Britain taking their money, the initial tweet was soon one of the highest trending posts by Brexitius of all time.

“UKIP have convened an emergency meeting,” LCD’s Nationalism ends in murder correspondent commented, “it’s believed this surprise potential of Brexit had not occurred to any of the largely ageing members. So too a majority of Leave supporters in the Conservatives. Nigel Farage is believed to be cutting short a date with a much younger European woman right now to attend.”

It’s believed fear of an extra non-white person gaining access to their town by virtue of a future non-EU free trade deal is potentially an unsolvable problem.

“If the traitor in Downing Street can’t guarantee we will only be kicking people out after 2019 and building British robots to pay for our pensions and wipe our butts in our long sunsets of old age, well, she’s liable to lose a lot of support to remain MPs.”

It’s not certain how much damage this revelation will do to the already waning support for Brexit, but for those that voted out for racist reasons it sure is a pretty pickle, one which their political opponents are liable to enjoy watching them stew in.

EU unfair over 2023 claim people threatening to turn UK into country of EU deportation before 2023

The EU is facing stiff and valid criticism from people across the political spectrum with unbiased opinions after its decision to disallow UK cities to compete to be the EU capital of culture in 2023.

“It just shows how vicious and spiteful the EU really is,” claimed a blowhard knuckle dragger who is allowed a radio talk show because it’s good for ratings and let’s everyone hear the national barometer of hate each day.

“Just because our wise and generous government in Westminster is refusing to say what class of second class citizens EU nationals will be from March 2019, there’s absolutely no reason to disallow good patriotic British cities to compete to be the European capital of culture in 2023.”

A fair rebuke to the unelected technocrats in undemocratic Brussels who will be beholden to every single national parliament in twenty seven different countries and their regions before agreeing whatever trade deal Downing Street plucks out of a hat to satisfy offshore tax haven lovers, while trying its damndest to avoid a meaningful vote in the U.K. parliament.

LCD Views agrees with the angst of the cities that were bidding to gain the crown, but sees them as hostages to a fortune decreed from Downing Street and ill intentioned foreign actors.

“And let me make this absolutely clear, even, even if the UK is pursuing an agenda symbolised by a man full of hate standing in front of a billboard that mirrored Nazi propaganda on the day Jo Cox was butchered in the street by a far right terrorist, it’s completely unreasonable to not let a U.K. city compete.”

The little matter that our own prime minister is using EU nationals as bargaining chips and is routinely hinting at their deportation wouldn’t have anything to do with the decision either…

Professional player reveals he’s already donated his brain to science

Exciting news this afternoon for lovers of medical science with the revelation that a professional player has already donated his brain to science.

“I want to be an example for other people,” Mr David stated, standing before a gathering of startled reporters.

“So many people seem to believe that you need a functioning brain and awareness of longer term consequence to achieve personal success in life. I am here to tell you today that is incorrect.”

It seems Mr David donated his brain to science decades ago.

“I was upset because so many people told me I was brainless,” He explained, “So I thought I’d prove to them that you don’t need a head full of facts and research just to have an impact.”

It seems he is correct.

It also seems the only blowback that has occurred from his open hearted gesture has been a result of the x-ray that was taken on the day he had the lot scooped out and put in a jar for study.

“My brain looks like minced meat,” he sighed, “Well, doesn’t yours? It’s not nice. A clown at the laboratory where my brain went leaked the x-ray image to the press and ever since then people have said ‘he’s as thick as mince’. It hurts my feelings. It wounds me almost as much as what we intend to do to animals after Brexit is going to hurt them.”

It has been suggested that it maybe better if he got a brain, again?

“There you go, thinking you know best just because you read a book once.”

Mr David had to leave shortly after because he needed to prepare for his next big match, which is coming up shortly.

“The preparation is intense,” he added as he made to leave the stage of the press briefing, “you know some public officials can be very picky about you spending other people’s money. Most of my time is actually spent arguing with bean counters. I tell them, they need to get out more and get some fresh air. Fill their head with creative and imaginative thoughts.”

He then fell off the stage, but without a brain, it didn’t hurt anything but his pride, and he’s got enough of that to shield him against even the worst blows.

“You lot should donate your brains too!” he urged, “It would make my job a damn sight easier. It does make it hard to change your mind though, if you haven’t any brains.”

Budget 2017 slashed growth forecasts reveal Britons will be getting shorter

The economic undertaker produced a sobering prediction for the citizens of the thoroughly United Kingdom today with the budget forecast that everyone in Britain will be getting smaller in the coming years.

LCD Views spoke to a leading nutritionist to find out the root cause.

“Vegetables,” Professor Pot Ato declared, “we are turning into a nation of vegetables. Have you seen any root vegetable as tall as a giraffe? Too much time in the dark. Not enough foliage.”

This stark forecast reverses a trend of Britons gaining in stature year on year for many years.

“We’ll be too small to sit on any international tribunals before too long. And forget going for items on the high shelves, the prestige stuff, without a ladder. Best look in your grandparent’s shed and see if they’ve one stashed. Or your parents may have one hidden under the bed.”

But how to turn it around?

“Stop watching reality TV and go for a run would be a good start. Eat more vegetables. Try and vary your diet, if you haven’t already. Not so much of that rubbish they advertise in the tabloids. Get some fibre in. Food with research behind it.”

Is there anything the Chancellor could do with his calculator to have an immediate impact?

“He could scrap the billions he’s setting aside for that national identity scheme for one. Put it into nutrition and schools. But I doubt he’ll do it. Most of his colleagues survive on junk food. There would be a revolt.”

Scrapping the new national identity scheme does seem controversial. The current government has staked its entire survival on turning everyone into a Saint George flag, in spite of the protests of some minor voices outside England.

“We could just accept it. Bury ourselves in the dark like seed potatoes and see what we grow into?” the professor mused, surprisingly, “but for that to work we’re going to have to absorb an outrageous amount of shit. And personally I can’t stomach it.”

Samaritans on 24 hour alert as the UK is still dead set on committing economic suicide

Branches of The Samaritans across the country have been placed on red alert. The UK has shown itself to be determined to commit economic suicide, and is refusing to back down.  

The Samaritans will not intervene without a direct request. However it is believed that the cry for help may come at any time. All leave has been cancelled for the brave volunteers who man the phones.

The state of mind of the UK has been in question for some time. Mostly, the bad voices have been kept under control. However, a serious lapse of judgement in 2016 has allowed the suicide advocates to take control.

The Autumn Budget is likely to be a critical point. It could prompt the UK to make the call. Alternatively, it could force the UK even closer to the precipice.

Skilled negotiators are already trying to talk the UK down off the cliff edge. It appears that the UK is refusing to listen to reason. Instead, all advice not corresponding with the bad voices in the head is dismissed as coming from saboteurs, mutineers, or, most damningly, experts.

LCD Views spoke to mental health guru Dr Ed Case. “Many mental issues can be resolved with cognitive behaviour therapy, or CBT,” stated Dr Case. “This involves educating the subject to recognise the signs that the bad voices are becoming louder, and teaching strategies to counter them.”

Dr Case gave examples and case histories, before concluding: “In the most severe instances, a patient must be sectioned for their own protection. This is what Brexit will achieve. The UK will be isolated from the rest of the world and sedated until the worst is over. Then a cautious period of re-education and rehabilitation will be undertaken. When sufficient progress has been made, CBT will allow the UK to avoid future trauma.”

Meanwhile, the state of emergency at The Samaritans look unlikely to be lifted any time soon.

Blair accepts cabinet position of Brexit tsar so Corbyn will finally start to oppose

The Westminster bubble is at bursting point with excitement this afternoon with the stunning news that Tony “T-Bone” Blair has accepted the new and unelected position of Brexit Tsar in Theresa May’s cabinet.

“It shows just how desperate May is for someone who can stop Brexit in its tracks, before her legacy is ashes and ruin,” a Westminster insider told LCD Views.”Johnson, Davis and Fox were supposed to have screwed it all up and killed it off by now, but somehow they keep clinging on.”

To protect his anonymity we’ll only say our source served as Chancellor for some years, before going into the news business and is famous for singlehandedly solving the unemployment issue in the U.K. by personally filling any vacancy.

“But it’s the only way to get Jeremy Corbyn to actually oppose Brexit.”

The Brexit Tsar’s responsibilities will include being the new face of Brexit, leading the negotiations with the EU alongside that packet of mince and constantly appearing in the media to thank Jeremy Corbyn for supporting the government at each key moment of pressure in the Commons.

“It’s classic reverse psychology,” an aide to T-Bone told LCD, “he’s finally accepted that having taken the UK into a disastrous war in the Middle East on fabricated evidence, just because some thick as Davis cowboy threw him a bomber jacket, no one is going to see him as the King Arthur figure he is, at least not yet. But he really wants to help stop Brexit to try and redress the balance.”

Sources close to Jeremy Corbyn relate that he is the most incendiary anyone has seen him since he became Holy Father.

“He was supposed to be deifying a new abacus for John McDonnell this afternoon, so it could be sold as a relic to fund renationalisation of common sense, but I hear he’s so angry he’s postponed the ceremony until after tea.”

Will the psychological move do the trick? Time will tell, but I’d trust in T-Bone, if he can’t drive Jeremy Corbyn into opposing something than nothing will.

£350M per week bus goes back into service as mobile food bank

Philip Hammond is rumoured to be setting aside £5.34 in Wednesday’s budget to buy and re-purpose the big red bus used in the EU ref campaign to spray the United Kingdom with a financial truth bomb and turn it into a mobile food bank.

LCD Views spoke to lead campaigner for this latest example of caring Conservatism to learn more about this initiative, even though it seems rather extravagant in a country with full employment.

“We aim to find the only hungry person in England and feed him,” Mr Johnson enthused, “once we’ve done that we will drive to Wales and repeat the miracle.”

It’s believed an entire new government ministry is to be established to administer the bus on its journey around the country at a minor cost of whatever it is we spend on Liam Fox’s vanity project currently.

It’s thought Mr Gove and Mr Davis are also competing to lead the automotive charge to fill the last hungry belly in the nation.

“After seven years of sound fiscal management everyone is filthy rich,” Mr Gove phoned our editor to assert, “the last hungry person is the fault of the last Labour government. They really did destroy life as we know it.Thank God we’re here.”

People will be encouraged to donate to the bus as a symbol of how united the country now is.

All donations can be made via increasing food costs and routed to high worth individuals via decreasing rates of corporation tax and other measures too boring to mention, then funnelled away to tax havens, where the food grows.

“We will be encouraging ordinary, hardworking, patriotic Britons to come out on the streets and wave the flag as the bus passes.”

It’s believed to get the full effect of being in the presence of the bus it is advised to stand really close to the exhaust and inhale.

“If you’re lucky, a little bit of the hot air and gas you inhale will once have belonged to Boris Johnson.”

Flags to wave can be purchased via an operation run out of Crimea. Get yours today!

Packet of mince challenges man to IQ test

David Davis, MP for Wreckxit, finds himself in hot water intellectually today after being challenged to an IQ test by a packet of mince.

“I’m fed up with comparisons between myself and that plonker,” the mince told LCD’s Political Genius correspondent.

“I know for a fact the taxpayer is shelling out millions for Davis to take shoelace tying lessons and there’s people saying he’s as thick as mince? I’m flexible. You can do a lot of different things with me, just try making Davis into a Swedish meatball and see how far you get?”

It seems the mince became so fed up with the repeated analogy only now as it’s become popular to use it while describing Davis’ handling of the negotiations with the EU.

“Him and me. Man on mince. Let’s settle this. He can choose the IQ test. If he’s too thick for that then let’s try having a time trial over who can fight their way out of a paper bag fastest.”

The mince asserts it is ready to go right now and is only waiting on Davis to agree.

“If he won’t take me on that settles it too.”

It’s believed the best place to take the IQ test is somewhere outdoors.

“Let’s do it where he feels comfortable. Standing on a crumbling footing of bollocks on a cliff edge overlooking jagged rocks. He’ll feel right at home.”

It was suggested they could settle it by both being measured for thickness and then discovering who was the exact same thickness as two short planks, but the planks weren’t having it.

Brexit Dad to get his family a puppy for Christmas but says it’s not for life

“The kids have been banging on about a puppy forever,” Figel Narage told LCD Views’ Happy Families columnist. “I think it’s too much responsibility, for me.”

But it seems the kids have won out?

“So I said, fine, okay, you can have one, but it can’t be from a shelter because those dogs all have mange.

And most are foreign anyway brought into the country by bleeding heart libtards and then just dumped on the street for the hard working, honest British taxpayer to look after.”

Our correspondent asked how he knew this, for a fact?

“It was in the Daily Fail. Front page. Every other Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Monday and Friday.”

“It’s going to be a surprise. A Christmas surprise,” Mrs Narage quietly interjected, from her chair in the corner.

Her input forced a tired sigh from Figel.

“She’s put them up to it.”

“I didn’t darling. Every child should have a puppy. It teaches them to care for others.”

The interview paused for a little while so Mr and Mrs could discuss the pros and cons of a puppy, we suspected it was not for the first time.

“It’s going back as soon as it grows up,” Mr Narage finished the debate. “I’m only prepared to transfer so much of my hard earned money out of my account in Jersey to pay for poop bags and food.”

But won’t the children be devastated? They’ll have fallen in love with it only to have it taken away, seemingly arbitrarily?

“Listen snowflake, when I was a boy my dad used to keep a dog to set on the neighbours when they came about pestering for cups of flour. That was a good laugh.”

But what does that have to do with today?

“The children will be fine when the puppy goes to a shelter. They’ll just have to pull together and make the best of it. It’ll harden them up and set them up to make a success of life.”

And what will you call the puppy?

“Sovereign, or Half Sovereign. I haven’t decided yet.”

“Christmas Day is going to be beautiful.” Mrs Narage nods.

“Yes. And the random date I pluck out of a hat to get rid of the dog is going to be even better.”

But what if the shelter will not take Sovereign back?

There was silence a moment, until Mrs Narage commented quietly,

“We’ll just have to tell the kids we lost Sovereign and dump it.”

And for the first time in the interview, Mr Narage smiled.

“My Little Brexit” impact assessments coming soon

Alarming news this afternoon that the government’s announcement it will be soon be releasing the Brexit impact reports has been met by the threat of legal action by the publisher of the ‘My Little Pony’ children’s books.

“We just wanted to present them on a level that steadfast supporters of Brexit, within and without government, could understand easily,” Ms Total Ly, junior minister at DExEU, advised LCD Views.

“It never occurred to us that a matter of national importance would require us to actually work from scratch and figure out a new narrative when there are so many classic British stories to borrow from.”

It’s believed the mistake may also be a result of the time pressure the department is under to produce the reports alongside unpatriotic collaborators working with reality to undermine Brexit.

“We really could have done with a longer extension on our assignment,” Ms Ly advised, “well, not me, but the senior ministers involved. Apparently they’ve only been campaigning for Brexit for forty something years. Hardly enough time to have worked up any idea of how to actually implement it.”

It’s believed the pony book publisher is most incensed over the borrowing of their very original works because there is,

“Absolutely no way we would ever subject Applejack to the excessive fantasy and guaranteed bad end with few lessons learned that Davis and Fox and rest will meet,” a spokesman claiming to speak for the publisher advised.

“I mean we deal in make believe here, but Brexit? That’s a crazed delusion I fear our young readers will never escape from if they’re sucked into that realm.”

It’s believed DExEU will offer to settle out of court, should proceedings commence, as will presumably many of the main character actors involved in Brexit itself.