Brexit Dad helps British fisheries by taking his son angling by the canal

Brexit Dad Figel Narage is very upset about the future of fishing in UK waters. Feeling a responsibility to do something, he has taken a one-man stand. Narage is taking his son fishing by the local canal.

Narage’s protest stems from the concession of fisheries policy. The UK has gloriously taken back control by permitting the EU to dictate fisheries policy during the Brexit transition phase.

Narage’s near namesake, Nigel Farage, the face, voice and empty bank account of UKIP, has done his bit by attending as many as one out of 42 fisheries committee meetings.

Clearly, Farage’s valiant efforts have been in vain, so Brexit Dad is taking up his mantle. Armed with only a big stick with a string tied to it, and a butterfly net, Narage and son are Fishing For Britain.

“It’s my way of making a difference,” claimed Narage, from under a dripping umbrella. “The EU cannot impose quotas on British waterways! And there is no way I am chucking any back in, so there.”

Brexit Dad impaled another maggot on his home-made fish-hook and cast off hopefully. A partly-submerged shopping trolley and a solitary duck gazed back.

How much have you caught? we asked Figel junior, sitting sullenly in the drizzle.

He lifted the net. “Nothing,” he moaned. “We’ve been here hours. I’m dripping wet and freezing cold. I want to go home and play GTA 5, but Dad says I’ve got to stay.”

“Isn’t this great?” said Figel senior, ignoring his son. “I think we’re really bonding here. We will go home as soon as we have caught enough fish for tea.”

“I don’t even like fish!” wailed Figel junior.

The gifted British amateur is beating the so-called experts at their own game. We left Figel senior and junior to dissolve in the rain on principle.

Meanwhile, we heard a rumour that Mrs Narage, Krystyna, and her daughter Figella, were stuffing their faces at a friendly, European-owned Italian restaurant. But steering clear of the fish.

Fishy Thames stunt to be trumped by all of Commons micturating on the rights of 65M people on Westminster Green

The Houses of Commons has moved to get back on the front foot today after Nigel and Jacob’s fishy Thames stunt.

“We can trump that,” Iain Duncan Thick told LCD Views, “we’re currently arranging to micturate on the rights of 65M people plus.”

In what has been called “the great micturation bill”, more commonly known as the EU Withdrawal Stitch Up, Parliament will collectively tear up the right of everyone in the United Kingdom to travel, live, love, study and retire on the continent of Europe.

“We’ll make a serial chancer like Nigel throwing some dead fish into the Thames look like a cheap, unintentionally honest publicity stunt,” Iain Duncen Smith continued, “imagine the look on the face of a family when they borrow the money at ever rising interest rates to have a much needed break on the Costa del Sol, only to discover there are irregularities with their visa and they have to turn about and fly back home on the overpriced charter flight?”

This sounds like Global Britain will be a place people will notice.

”They will certainly point at us!” Irritable Duncen Shite agreed, “especially when a lorry bringing food relief from France breaks down leaving Dover and we all start eating our neighbour’s pets. Best to practice now looking honest when you say you haven’t seen Felix or Rex.”

But do you think all the MPs elected to use their best judgement can piss on the rights of 65M people at once?

”We may have to form an orderly queue and go one by one. Trench coats will be on hand for modest men and she-wee’s for the ladies. It’ll be a hoot, just like the ceremony after to start scrapping all that EU red tape.”

You mean legislation protecting people’s human rights, workplace rights, gender equality rights, safety standards, environmental protections and so forth?

”Yes. That’s what Brexit means. Make sure you wear a zippered fly for the ceremony. It’s going to be a celebration of the traditional values of disenfranchisement of lower orders for the enrichment of a few.”

Global Britain.

Will moves to distance himself from the people after Cambridge Analytica revelations

LCD Views has an exclusive interview to print, broadcast and give away from the back of lorries today like some rag called The Metro.

”Will, of the people, has moved to distance himself from the people after the Cambridge Analytica revelations,” Rosie Searchlight explains,

“it’s highly probable the people will have something bad to say about Will, so we thought we’d let him get in first before he hears what they say.”

So it’s not a rebuttal?

”Of course it’s a rebuttal, Will has been spying, data mining, going through the trash of and eavesdropping on the people for years now, it’s not like he needs to hear what they’re going to say to rebut what they’ll say.”

Actually that makes sense.

So when are we printing the interview?

“He said he’d drop it over after he finishes shredding every bit of paper in his office and home, car and second cousins house. And burning all his computer servers.”

But don’t you need to look like you’ve interviewed him?

”Of course not. I agreed to allow an app called ‘Kittens! Kittens! More kittens!’ access to my Facebook profile back in 2010. Will knows everything I fear. He’ll know what I want to hear.”

It sounds like you’ll be leaving us for a job on Newsnight or one of the BBC Radio 4 flagship political spots soon.

“Oo! Do you think so? I’ll ask Will what the producers at the Beeb are thinking about me when he drops by.”

But doesn’t the data mining scandal put another set of concrete shoes on the feet of Brexit? We all know Will of the people is overwhelmingly in support of getting our sovereignty back.

”Not if Will can burn all the evidence first. And besides, thanks to Will’s legitimate work analysing the personal preferences, likes and dreads of the people supporting Brexit, he’s got them in emotionally. They will cling on stubbornly to stop other emotions taking over.”

Other emotions like what?

”The sense of being completely and utter conned, lied to by elected representatives and generally made a total ass.”

It sounds like the people need to distance themselves from Will too.

What emotion will this realisation of a con and stitch up presented as democracy cause?

”Embarrassment. Shame. Self loathing. Anger and probably self-pity. I can’t be certain how the duped people will react. Some will just tune out in response. Others may switch and work to take down the lying bastards who’ve tried to strip away their democracy though. Hopefully enough to make a change. Welcome those people.”

I know who will can ask, to find out who will do what.

”Yes. Will, he knows already.”

What about the gutless politicians who have gone with the “will of the people”?

”You mean like Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn and others?”


”If they’ve half a brain they’ll see this as a get out of jail card.”

May to make a success of solitaire now she’s lost the shirt off everyone’s back at poker with EU

Theresa May was in fighting form today after the last breakthrough round of poker against the EU in the Brexit negotiations.

”I and my party maybe gambling the shirts off everyone’s backs and losing them in poker with the EU, due to only havig a pair of twos versus their full house, she began, chest pumped like her heels outside Downing Street,

“But we promise you we will make a success of Brexit solitaire, just as soon as it is certain no one from Europe wants to play with us anymore.”

But critics have leapt at the Prime Minister for the telling qualification.

”Forget the European Union, they’re a failing superstate, they’ll be gone in ten years. I’m damn sure the USA will want to play defence budget snap or farm animals or dangerous chemicals with us after Brexit,” A Disaster-capitalist MP said,

“and with the amount of dosh I’ve ‘invested’ in tax havens I’m going to hold the PM’s feet to the fire to make sure they get the chance. Especially if it’s NHS Baker’s Dozen GP surgeries in the offing.”

But not all MPs were so forward looking, some still believe that one more round of poker with the EU will see the U.K. triumph.

”Theresa May hasn’t laid a single of our cards out on the table yet,” E Jit MP said, “she’s holding all back in reserve and luring the EU deeper and deeper in before she makes her power play.

She’s got a perfect poker face. She’s only conceding everything each round and rubbing out all her red lines so they get over confident.

We’re all in this game whether we like it or not now. And so what if we lose the shirts off our backs? As parliamentarians the taxpayer will foot the bill for new ones! It’s a hoot!”

The ante keeps rising. It’s a good thing the leaders of both parties have the requisite devil may care, let’s gamble the lot on a bluff attitude to the game.

Leading Brexiters confess it was always the intention to catch and release the fishing folk’s vote

Leading Brexiters have given interviews to quell concerns over the breaking of promises made to fishing communities during and after the EUref campaign.

”I have to confess it was always the intention to catch and release the fishing folk’s vote,” Jacob Rees-mogg admitted from the deck of the luxury yacht he keeps moored in his moat, “I hope the explanation that you’ve all been duped based on not knowing the basic facts helps?”

”It was blindingly clever,” Nigel Farage said, while waiting to meet a Russian woman on a park bench, “if you know people won’t bother fact-checking emotive assurances you can pretty much get enough to back you in anything.

I mean, all I have to do is phone up a BBC producer and promise the taxpayer funded broadcaster a spike in ratings and revenue and I’m booked. Their little hearts always beat faster. Their mind fogs. It’s like taking candy from a baby.”

Kate Hoey MP, somehow, was also approached for comment, but she was too busy threatening Snow White for comment.

As to how the communities affected by one of the last promises of Brexiters to be broken are feeling?

”Don’t ask a leading Brexiter,” Dan Hannan said, while putting the finishing touches to a mixed media statue of Satan, utilising various pasta forms and hate glue, “we really couldn’t give a flying fish.”

Mr Hannan later phoned back to correct his statement.

”I meant to say we couldn’t give a flying shit,” he added, “anyone who votes for us is a willing pawn in our plan to asset strip the U.K. to its bones while we tear up the red tape.

By red tape I mean legislation protecting worker’s rights, gender equality, access to health and education, racial equality, voting, basically anything that makes a society more fair and prosperous but means a smidgen less cash in an offshore bank account.

Can I take this opportunity to thank Jeremy Corbyn for getting populist on immigration and wages too? It really does help us.”

Sadly it looks like many have bought into the Brexit agenda hook, line and sinker.

But it’s not too late to stop drag netting the bottom of our politic and resurface, although the sun is already over the yardarm, it’s no time to stand easy if we value our democracy.

Brexit dictionary withdrawn after it is discovered only to contain the words strong, stable and gullible

The new Brexit dictionary has been removed from the shelves as it was sadly lacking in detail. In fact it only defined three words, and poorly at that.

Linguistic expert Ettie Mology slammed the Dictionary. “This is the most pathetic, feeble attempt at a book that I have seen in a long time!” she fumed. “I know the government is running out of ideas, but really! None of the definitions makes sense.”

Brexit supremo David Davis begged to differ. “I wrote and approved it myself!” be bragged. “I have devoted many long seconds to its preparation!”

Mology suggested that the many blank pages were intended for Davis to do crayoning during Brexit negotiations. It is entirely coincidental that the Dictionary, which retails at £350m a week, comes with a free packet of Crayolas.

The Dictionary defines ‘gullible’ as ‘prepared to have faith in the government’s Brexit strategy’. ‘Strong’ is defined as ‘see stable’, and ‘stable’ as ‘the ability to prop up a minority by buying votes’, with a note to the effect that it has nothing to do with horses.

Far from being underprepared and lacking in substance, that is not the real reason for the withdrawal, Davis reveals. “There was a significant oversight, alas,” he confessed. “We accidentally omitted the word ‘Brexit’!”

The reprint – which will have traditional blue covers – will contain the word Brexit in all its glory. Davis revealed that the definition of Brexit will be ‘Brexit’.

“Unfortunately, this means that the cost of the Brexit Dictionary will increase,” said Davis breezily. “But it will all work out for the best. Every household will be obliged to own a copy of the Little Blue Book.”

Lovers of languages will doubtless be apoplectic with the diminution of the rich tapestry that is the English tongue. “It’s a debasement, a sacrilege,” commented Mology. “The government is attempting to drag us down to its level.”

Boris Johnson is said to be distressed that the Dictionary omits some of his favourite words, like ‘fibblefabble’.

Putting the lotion on our skin so we don’t get the hose again is the new take back control

David Davis put on his half finished Brexit suit today to announce he was “Putting the lotion on our skin so we don’t get the hose again”.

This “is the new take back control” he added.

The reassuring statement was made from the bottom of a well that Mr Davis has been digging in the basement of 10 Downing Street, with the help of other Conservative party MPs, that have also taken themselves, and us, hostage.

”I now feed myself with a bucket on a string,” Davis looked surprisingly okay with that, as he peered over the rim of the deep hole to see what he was doing with the lotion.

”Some idiots think that the EU is bullying us, but given we have kidnapped ourselves with the ruse of a sovereignty sofa that needed lifting into the back of a control van, I think it’s fair to say we’re doing this to ourselves.”

So how often do we have to apply the lotion to our skin, so we don’t apply the hose to ourselves again?

”Anytime there is a negotiating chokepoint in the Brexit negotiations. It’s amazing how fast the lotion can rub out a red line on our skin.”

Is there anyway we can rescue ourselves from this hole we’ve thrown ourselves into? Before we finish the Brexit suit?

”Yes. But only if enough people ditch their political party loyalties and show the sociopaths to the far left and the far right that we aren’t prepared to skin ourselves to make their ideological wet dreams come true. Oh, and Hannibal Lectre.”

What’s he got to do with it?

”There is no way in hell he’s a Brexiter. He’s too smart. Even if he is a mass killer.”

So we need to get big money working for us?

”It’s about time they did.”

Brexit select committee Cons say not ruining U.K. by timetable would be a betrayal of Rupert Murdoch’s values

Brexit clarity at last today as the Conservatives on the Brexit select committee confirm that not ruining the United Kingdom by the arbitrary timetable agreed between Rupert Murdoch and Theresa May would be “a betrayal of Rupert’s values.”

”You recall how rapidly Theresa May flew to New York to meet with the offshore media mogul when she became prime minister?” Downing Street insider S Tinks asked.

How could we not. It shows you who is the boss. Who goes to see who.

”Not always, sometimes CEO’s of companies like Westminster drop in on branches to keep everyone on their toes.”

Rupert doesn’t need to do that, he just sends around Michael Gove.

”Yes. 10 Downing Street is a little too low on the league table with Brexit to waste the time of the endless boss of England. He’s got to ruminate on how much Jerry gets when he pops his clogs.”

So what did the Brexit select committee stooges have to say in detail?

”Put a smile on an old man’s face,” S Tinks said, “Rupert didn’t invest heavily in disinformation and smear for so many years regarding the UK’s relationship to the EU not to see the entire country go up in flames before he regenerates into his next form. It’s a colonial grudge in some ways. Wait until we get to WTO rules! Ha!”

So the less prepared the country is for any Brexit the better?

”If you’re an ‘emerging market’ specialist like Jacob Rees-mogg the less prepared the more the potential profit.”

Next you’ll be saying Brexit is just a front for asset stripping the U.K.

”Oh, some of the assets will stay in the U.K., just the ownership of them and where the profits end up will change. But your GP surgery is still going to be at the end of your street.”

If it stays open.

”Quite. Brexit may just worsen the NHS recruitment issue, a little. It maybe Lexit or the NHS, in the end.”

So what should ordinary voters do to ensure the clock runs out on time?

”Vote for either Labour or Conservative, clearly, in the May 3rd elections, and when the general election happens later this year.”


”Not much need to do that, they’ve taken over the country already by getting May and Corbyn to commit to Brexit. And we all know UKIP’s values!”

If you can call what they have values.

“Yes well, just be secure in the knowledge parliament is more of a team then they want you to believe. Look at the whipping for Article 50?”

How could I forget it. It was a serious dereliction of duty. It was the day I tore up my Labour Party membership card.

”That makes you a class traitor who is responsible for homeless people on the streets.”

That what I keep getting told.

“Good. So remember, it’s a choice between a jobs go first Brexit and then we Brexit, or a jobs go first Brexit, but with added viciousness regarding welfare policy in the interim.”

Both Brexits lead to the same grisly end.

”Yes. Both keep Rupert Murdoch happy. And if that’s not a reason to support Brexit, I don’t know what is.”

Take back control now means throw away all control

Brexit High Command has released a new device into the debate over the United Kingdom’s possible departure from the European Union called the  ‘absolute confusion cluster bomb’.

“We had to step up our game of pigeon chess to a level not seen before,” Brexit weapons specialist, Doctor A Narchy, told LCD Views.

Why? Throwing scat about like a monkey with gastro has served you so well on social media, MSM and in parliament so far?

”Yes, but too many of our opponents have worked out that all our arguments are total bollocks that can be countered by a brief google on the subject to hand.

Our bot farms are getting closed, now that the gods who run Facebook and Twitter have finally had their attention dragged back to the earthly realm.

Our “thinktanks” are under investigation for breaches of electoral spending rules, and we’re having to set fire to them and run to new ones.

Our swagger over making trades deals after Brexit has been torpedoed by Trump and his tariff war.

Our projection of global might and power has been shown as a delusion. The first security issue that comes up as we shout ‘go whistle’ at the EU has seen us frantically phoning up the EU.

We can’t solve the Irish Border issue. Everyone can see that now. Keep the DUP happy so the Tories can stay in power (the only thing of importance in governing the U.K.) and you risk a return to violence. Don’t keep the DUP happy and we can’t bully parliament.

Corbyn is no bloody help.

He keeps spouting jobs first Brexit.

But we’re already doing his jobs first Brexit.

The jobs are going right now. Brexit will follow thereafter.

Although it’s good of him to tow the populist alt-truth line on Brexit. But he can only do that until Nissan pulls out of England. And that day is fast approaching…the Japanese keep warning us and no one is listening.

We don’t have the physical space for customs infrastructure at Dover, or anywhere else, so we can take back control of our borders.

It’s a bloody mess. Which is weird as, given all the care and planning that went into Brexit.

There is no way the leaders of both Labour and the Conservatives would have whipped their MPs to vote through the article 50 legislation unless the country was ready to do it.

The only other explanation is that they are either incompetent or pursuing an ideological agenda that ignores reality in its fervour. And that can’t be right.

So we’re a bit stumped if I’m honest. Radio 4 Today programme is run by a mate of Murdoch and Banks and little Liam, so that’s useful. It’s basically a hard right propaganda mouthpiece now with a bunch of aged, empire nostalgia freak men doing their best, but…”

So you’ve gone for a total cognitive dissonance device?

”Yes. So long as everyone ignores that trade is governed by rules and laws agreed internationally, we will succeed.

We’ve abandoned all our other promises and assurances and claims, why not take back control? Fiendishly clever.

Take back control is now throw away all control. It’s perfect.

And remember if someone mentions the Irish Border blame the EU for wanting to impose one. Ignore that May agreed a backstop nothing changes last December.”

Thats all a little confusing.

”We want confusion and anarchy. That’s where we will make the most money.

Remember, Brexit is a hard right tax dodging disaster capitalist’s agenda utilising nationalism and racism as motivators and deadly smokescreens.

And remember you’re the bad guys now.

You want control of our borders and only a lunatic wants that. You must all be xenophobes!”

No, I want nothing to change. Reform where needed. Consultation and evolution. But I want to stay in the single market and the customs union as that is the only answer to seamless, free flowing trade.

”Thats exactly what I want. So we agree.”

This is just confusing.

”It’s supposed to be.”

U.K. to install border collies at Dover as post Brexit border as they’re smarter than anything a f*cking Brexiter will dream up

SMART BORDER : Great relief today at the announcement from the Home Office that border collies are to be used at Dover as the post Brexit border, as they’re smarter than anything a f*cking Brexiter will dream up.

”We’re very pleased to have finally nailed it,” Said Javid told LCD Views during a lunch date by the Thames.

We had chosen a pop up bistro called the Full Metal Balls-up, which serves traditional English war vegan cuisine, for the interview, as we wanted him to suffer as much as we knew we would.

”Would you mind passing the gluten free red gherkin sauce?” he asked, “these freedom turnip fries are a little over cooked. Here, share some of my meat free gammon substitute? I don’t think I can finish the whole serving. The slate is almost overflowing.”

That’s very kind of you. How did you hit on the idea of border collie sheep dogs for a border?

”Because they already have border as part of their name,” Mr Javid shrugged, “so it seemed a natural fit.”

They’re certainly highly intelligent and they’re good at organising chaotic herds.

”Exactly. It’ll be like watching re-runs of One Man and His Dog, as trucks are seamlessly selected and herded through the chokepoint. One by one by one. Or the whole ten mile tailback if necessary.”

They will also present a very welcoming face to visitors to the U.K.

Sajid paused, half pint of organic wheatgrass miracle mind soothing eraser tonic to his lips.

”Well, don’t print that, if Boris or Jeremy reads that it’ll be another magic fix on the trash heap.”

Okay. Noted. So when does training of the dogs begin?

”Training? I thought they’d know what to do on instinct? That’s how we govern now. What do you feel most strongly appeals to what you perceive to be your base. Do that.”

That explains a lot. Well, good luck with it. Make sure you ensure no one takes a tennis ball down to Dover once you’ve installed the border collies?

”Why not?”

Because you risk the border becoming distracted if anyone throws one.

”Why is that?”

You haven’t given this much thought, have you?

”You weren’t listening. They have border in their name. It’s perfect.”

Sajid Javid, thanks for lunch.

“No one will be able to say that after October 31st! Ha!”