The government has offered much needed clarity this morning about their guiding philosophy.
”Break first and repair later,” Irritated Duncan Table MP told a fawning and entirely imaginary Andrew Marr on his soon to be discontinued morning chat show. Discontinued because what really is the point Andrew? These days?
When Mr Marr responded,
”Oh you are just the epitome of the noble English ideal of a wise and well governing gentleman. I remember, when I was misunderstanding Churchill…”
This happened for a while and then,
”But why break what isn’t really broken? Why not just look to improve and repair where needed?”
Irritated Table Smith reached forward and touched Mr Marr reassuring on the knee and replied.
”It’s the very essence of disaster capitalism,” he replied, “you need to break systems that are well proven to function in order to cause their price to plummet.”
Mr Marr enquired, with a doff of the cap, “why?”
”So you can make an absolute killing without producing anything. Once you’ve purchased the undervalued asset due to the preparatory work to trash its cost, you stabilise it, returning it to profitability and funnel all the profits to Panama, or the tax haven of your choice. That’s if you haven’t just broken it to it’s component parts and sold them on of course.”
Mr Marr nodded approvingly and sang a short song of love to show how comfortably feathered and lazy he, Robinson, Humphrys, Neil (with aberrant, occasional bursts of enquiry when he recalls what his job is) are these days. In fact the other old chaps of what was once British journalism came out for the encore.
”Ah, so that’s the Brexit strategy too? Break entire country for the profit of a few? And luckily parliament is full of just enough useful idiots to squeeze things through. Well, for the time being.”