Boris Johnson cuts short holiday to take a vacation

LIFE’S A BEACH: Under pressure PM Boris Johnson has been forced by circumstances to cut short his holiday. This is due to pressure from a Tory donor richer and more powerful than the one funding his current jolly. 

Johnson, as we all know so well, is a man of principle. His principal principle is to chase the largest benefit available to himself. So he is cutting short his £40,000 holiday to take up the offer of an £80,000 vacation. 

The Nolan Principles and the Ministerial Code have been officially consigned to history. They are so out of date and frankly socialist. Instead Parliament is now obliged to adhere to the Rule of Boris. This states that the primary and overriding obligation of an MP is to to push their snout into more and deeper troughs. 

The mystique of Mustique are so old hat. This is a golden opportunity for wealthy vultures seeking favours. While there is a Prime Minister so self serving and bribeable as Johnson, rich men will fall over themselves to do him favours, in the expectation that bigger favours will flow their way. This is a world in which an investment in an £80,000 holiday will result in enormous opportunities. For example, the sole right to sell health insurance to the public so they may access the soon-to-be privatised NHS. 

Here, at last, is one of the promised Brexit Opportunities! The only criteria to access these Opportunities are being wealthy, being well connected, and possessing absolutely no morals whatsoever. 

Ultimately, the PM and indeed the entire cabinet will be being paid handsomely to be on holiday 52 weeks of the year. And who will step into the void? Who cares, things will sort themselves out in time. We Are British. We will muddle through. What does it matter if the plague-ridden plebs slowly starve to death? 

Follow the money. Boris Johnson always does. 

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