Famous billboard will be “moral backbone” of UK response to Afghan refugee crisis – Home Office

BROKEN BRITAIN : Welcome confirmation from 10 Downing Street today that Prime Minister Boris Johnson will focus on self-promotion and let the Home Secretary “have at” the Afghan refugee crisis however she likes.

There was concern that Global Britain, famously now free of the shackles of Brussels, may choose to act in a humanitarian way befitting the urgency of events in Afghanistan. However reports from inside the Home Office have put those fears to rest.

“We’re going to ask one very important question each time we are faced with making a decision over this crisis, and indeed any humanitarian crisis,” a Home Office insider told LCD Views. “That question is what would Nigel Farage do?”

The guiding principle has a fail safe too.

“There is some worry that if the public pressure to assist Afghan refugees, who themselves assisted the British army over the last twenty years, grows too strong Mr Farage may switch position and call for us to help. So we’ll be taking our guidance from his 2016 EU ref ‘Breaking Point’ billboard. You recall the one? He unveiled it on the day Jo Cox was murdered by a far right terrorist and the U.K. political class just kinda got over its shock fast and barrelled along into Brexit. Zero lessons were learned and that’s the way Brexiters like it.”

While the UK’s descent, at government level, into a stinking cesspit of moral depravity and corruption is no surprise, and the bleed through into policy a natural consequence, the entire shitshow does show the importance of progressive politicians robustly challenging the racist dog whistles of degenerates.

“If they don’t then what is acceptable drifts further along the path to a living hell. We’re now at the point of not wanting to help women, men and children at serious risk of death because others may think we will help in similar situations. And let’s all take a moment to think about that and what it says about the United Kingdom today. We beat fascism, don’t you know.”

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