Downing Street to make it law for every U.K. resident to say “Brexit is going great”, daily

SING WHEN YOU’RE WINNING : 10 DOWNING STREET is to act today over a recent NoGov poll which reveals that even a lot of Brexiters do not think Brexit is going very well. This is a serious concern because it suggests that Brexit maybe finally rubbing shoulders with reality. It’s well known that is something Brexit can not survive.

While support for the idea of punching ourselves repeatedly in the face, at national and international level, remains reasonably high, the actual implementation of the great dream of Empire 2.0 is viewed less and less favourably.

“It’s important for government to act swiftly to address such concerns. Everyone knows that the narrative in the public’s mind is what matters, not reality,” a 10 Downing Street source told LCD Views.

“We’ll be using our sovereign powers to address this one,” the source continues. “We love all the unfettered power parliament has gifted the executive. It makes governing much, much easier. Democracy is normally such a messy business. Not under Boris!”

Happily correcting the public’s perception of how Brexit is working out will be straightforward. School children are already doing their part by having a national sing a long about how fantastic life in the UK is, without or without access to food.

“We’ll also pass a law ordering everyone to say Brexit is going great. It will be a daily exercise. Just post it on any of your social media accounts. It used to be enough to have an army of paid trolls and bots saying it, but now we need you to play your part. Get into practice today or your access to food rations maybe affected tomorrow.”

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